July Mock Exams - Intermediate Correccion

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July mock exams

Mock exam 1
"Mummy! Mummy!" shouted little Murna racing from the front door through to the kitchen. "There's a parcel. The postman's
brought a parcel!"
Her mother, Savni, looked at her in surprise. She had no idea who could have sent them a parcel. Maybe it was a mistake.
She hurried to the door to find out. Sure enough, the postman was there, holding a parcel about the size of a small brick.
"From America, madam," he said. "See! American stamps."
It was true. In the top right-hand corner of the brown paper parcel were three strange-looking stamps, showing a man's
head. The package was addressed to Savni, in big, clear black letters.
"Well, I suppose it must be from Great-Aunt Pasni," said Savni to herself, as the postman went on his way down the street,
whistling. "Although it must be twenty years since we heard anything from her. I thought she would have been dead by now."
Savni's husband Jornas and her son Arinas were just coming in from the garden, where Murna had run to tell them about
the parcel. "Well, open it then!" said Arinas impatiently. "Let's see what's inside!"
Setting the parcel down in the middle of the table, Savni carefully began to tear open the paper. Inside, there was a large
silver container with a hinged lid, which was taped shut. There was also a letter.
"What is it? What is it?" demanded Murna impatiently. "Is it a present?"
"I have no idea," said Savni in confusion. "I think it must be from Great-Aunt Pasni. She went to America almost thirty years
ago now. But we haven't heard from her in twenty years. Perhaps the letter will tell us." She opened the folded page
cautiously, then looked up in dismay. "Well, this is no help!" she said in annoyance. "It's written in English! How does she
expect us to read English? We're poor people, we have no education. Maybe Pasni has forgotten her native language, after
thirty years in America."
"Well, open the pot, anyway," said Jornas. "Let's see what's inside."
Cautiously, Savni pulled the tape from the neck of the silver pot, and opened the lid. Four heads touched over the top of
the container, as their owners stared down inside.
"Strange," said Arinas. "All I see is powder." The pot was about one-third full of a kind of light-grey powder.
"What is it?" asked Murna, mystified.
"We don't know, darling," said Savni, stroking her daughter's hair. "What do you think?" Murna stared again into the pot.
"I think it's coffee," she announced, finally. "American coffee."
"It's the wrong colour for coffee, darling," said Jornas thoughtfully. "But maybe she's on the right track. It must be some
kind of food." Murna, by now, had her nose right down into the pot. Suddenly, she lifted her head and sneezed loudly.
"Id god ub by doze," she explained.
"That's it!" said Arinas. "It must be pepper! Let me try some." Dipping a finger into the powder, he licked it. "Yes," he said,
"it's pepper all right. Mild, but quite tasty. It's American pepper."
"All right," said Savni, "we'll try it on the stew tonight. We'll have American-style stew!"
That evening, the whole family agreed that the American pepper had added a special extra taste to their usual evening
stew. They were delighted with it. By the end of the week, there was only a teaspoonful of the grey powder left in the silver
container. Then Savni called a halt.
"We're saving the last bit for Sunday. Dr. Haret is coming to dinner, and we'll let him have some as a special treat. Then it
will be finished."
The following Sunday, the whole family put on their best clothes, ready for dinner with Dr. Haret. He was the local doctor,
and he had become a friend of the family many years before, when he had saved Arinas's life after an accident. Once every
couple of months, Savni invited the doctor for dinner, and they all looked forward to his entertaining stories of his youth at the
university in the
During dinner, Savni explained to the doctor about the mysterious American pepper, the last of which she had put in the
stew they were eating, and the letter they could not read.
"Well, give it to me, give it to me!" said the doctor briskly. "I speak English! I can translate it for you."
Savni brought the letter, and the family waited, fascinated, as the doctor began to translate.
"Dear Savni: you don't know me, but I am the son of your old Great-Aunt Pasni. She never talked much to us about the old
country, but in her final illness earlier this year, she told us that after her death, she wanted her ashes to be sent back home to
you, so that you could scatter them on the hills of the country where she was born. My mother died two weeks ago, and her
funeral and cremation took place last week. I am sending her ashes to you in a silver casket. Please do as she asked, and spread
them over the ground near where she was born. Your cousin, George Leary."
Choose the correct option 6. Why does Arinas think that the
1. Where does this story take place? powder is pepper?
America It tastes very hot
Arinas It makes murna sneeze
India It is written on the pot
The text doesn’t say The letter says so
2. How was the parcel wrapped? 7. What does the family do with the
In brown paper powder?
In silver paper They keep it to give to the doctor
In grey paper They send it back to America
In tape They make drinks with it
3. Who was Savni? They put it on their food
A little girl 8. Why does Savni save the last bit of the
The great aunt powder?
The mother of the family As a souvenir
The son of the family For Dr. Haret
4. Why don’t the family read the letter? To analyze it
They are too impatient to look in the To spread it on the hills
container 9. How does Dr Haret solve the mystery?
It is addressed to the doctor He analyses the powder
It is in English He recognizes the powder
It is missing He is friend of Pasni
5. What does Murna think is in the pot? He translates the letter
Dust 10. What was really in the pot?
Ashes Coffee
Coffee Great aunt pasni
Pepper Dust
Special American pepper
Complete with the correct for of the verbs in brackets
told got
1. My mom ………………………... (tell) me that my best friend …………………. (get) married last
weekend. I ………………………... didn't invite (not/invite) me
(be) angry because they ………………………...
to their wedding
2. will fall
Look at the cat on the roof! It ………………………... (fall) down in any minute
3. 've never visited(never/visit) France yet but my parents ………………………...
I ………………………... flew (fly) there
ten years ago
4. did you buy
When ………………………... (you/buy) the car? – I don't remember (not/remember) now
but I ………………………... was
(think) it ………………………... (be) two years ago
5. can cook
Oh, I’m starving. - I ………………………... (cook) something quick for you if you want
6. is revising
Be quiet, please. She ………………………... (revise) vocabulary for her English test
7. happened
Imagine the situation that ………………………... (happen) yesterday. My friend
was mopping (mop) floors in
was working (work) in the garden while his wife ………………………...
their house and suddenly they both ………………………... (hear) noise from their
neighbour’s house. They ………………………... didn't knew
(be) shocked and ………………………...
(not/know) what to do. After some minutes, they ………………………... (call) the police
8. is singing
Look! My favourite singer ………………………... dancing
(sing) and ………………………... (dance)
have you watched
9. How many times ………………………... (you/watch) Friends ?
have written
10. We ………………………... (write) five essays this term so far

Complete with the correct comparative or superlative form.

Use more/less or the most/ the least
1. the worst
The person who does ………………………... (bad) in the interview won’t get the job
2. more difficult
The physics test was much ………………………... (difficult) than the maths test. I
couldn’t do it!
3. the least generous(generous) man I know. He always avoids spending money!
He’s ………………………...
the best
4. I know he’s ………………………... (good) player, but I don’t think he’ll win the
5. She was chosen for the job because she didthe most successful(successful)
Listen and choose the correct option
1. What kinds of music does his radio station play?
Rhythm and blues
Heavy metal
2. What is the disk jockey’s first name?
3. Listeners can win … by saying the name of the song
Concert tickets
Digital music downloads
4. The man’s phone number is …
693 - 3019
693 - 1319
693 - 1390
5. In order to win, listeners must know the name of the song and … it was
How many times


Write a story about a man who wins the lottery. In your story you must
include: present simple, past simple and present perfect. 75 – 100 words
Mock exam 2
Read the following text and choose the correct option

Lily Carter had no idea what present she wanted for her 14th birthday. But she’d always been
keen on challenging sports, especially to do with water, like surfing and sailing. So when her
parents heard about an activity called coasteering – exploring rocks along the coast by
climbing and swimming – they thought Lily would love it. They found a course offered at an
activity centre called Porthdean, just along the coast from the family home, which was
perfect. So after checking it was led by experienced instructors, they signed her up.
Lily had seen a TV show about coasteering, and was interested in doing it, although she’d
thought only adults could take part. But then she discovered that on courses at Porthdean,
there’s also be people her age jumping from rocks into the sea, and also exploring caves –
which she was never normally allowed to do, so she really wanted to go. But she still asked
her dad to go along too and, although he wondered whether he’d like coasteering himself,
he knew how much Lily wanted someone to accompany her, so he agreed.
Lily and her dad drove to Porthdean, where they attended a session with their instructors to
learn basic safety techniques and be given helmets and special wetsuits to keep the cold out.
The group they joined was quite small, which meant they got lots of individual attention.
Says Lily, “The entire trip was awesome – although the water was freezing! But our
instructors encouraged the whole group so much, we were ready to try absolutely all the
challenges, even stuff we hadn’t expected at all, like umping off high cliffs! I must admit, the
one I jumped off wasn’t that high, but Dad went much higher!”
“Anyway, Dad and I hadn’t realized how hard it would be physically, so we were glad we were
fit,” explains Lily. “Even so, afterwards, we actually felt like we’d done loads of hard exercise
in the gym! But I’ll keep the memories of that trip forever, I reckon. And the instructors are
going to put a video of it onto the website, so my friends will see it. They’d never believe me

Choose the correct option

1. Why did Lily’s parents choose Porthdean for her coasteering present?
a. It offered various courses in her favourite water sport
b. The instructors there were highly recommended.
c. It wasn’t too far away from where they lived.
d. She had already tried some activities there.

2. How did Lily feel about the coasteering course?

a. Pleased that it included something she’d always wanted to try
b. Excited about doing the experience all on her own
c. Keen to fin out more about what it involved
d. Interested to see whether she was the only teenager
3. Lily particularly liked her instructors because they made sure everyone
a. Was comfortable with the kit they were given.
b. Felt confident about the new things they would attempt.
c. Got the same amount of attention.
d. Knew all he activities they would take part in.

4. Lily says that after the course, she was

a. Happy she’d shared something so exciting with her dad.
b. Sorry she hadn’t worked at getting fitter before she went.
c. Proud that her friends all thought she’d done well.
d. Surprised at how exhausted she was by the activities.

5. What would Lily text to a friend while she was away on the course?
a. I don’t think dad was sure before he came that he’d enjoy it – but
actually, he’s been braver than me!
b. I wanted to do the coasteering course, and mentioned it to my parents
before my birthday. But I never expected they’d let me go!
c. Our session before the activities was great, although I really didn’t think
I’d need a wetsuit for the cold – and I was right!
d. Going into caves was amazing. I’d love to explore them by myself when
we’re next at the beach – I’m sure my parents will let me!

Use the correct comparative or superlative form of the words in brackets.

Use more/less or the most/the least
the most passionate
1. I voted for Alberto Fernandez because he was ………………………... (passionate) of all
the candidates
2. louder
Do I need to speak ………………………... (loud), or is my voice loud enough?
less generous
3. He’s ………………………... (generous) than all the other students in my class
4. more respectfully (respectful) to the other
She’s a bit rude. She should speak ………………………...
students than she does
the least honest
5. She always tells lies. She’s ………………………... (honest) person I know
Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets

When I __________ (be) a little girl, I _____________ (live) with my mother Miriam,
my grandmother and grandfather in a small city in Poland. My family _____________
(own) a clothing store and my grandfather was one of the first people in the whole
country to sell jeans.

We also _____________ (sell) jewelry that my father _____________ (bring) from

places very far away. Every time he __________________ (come back) from one of his
long trips, he would always bring me chocolates and a lot of candy which I
_____________ (love) so much!

I liked _____________ (go) to school because I enjoyed _____________ (learn) new

things, and also because all of my closest friends _____________ (go) there too.

Sometimes I _____________ (make up) stories for all of us at school to laugh. We

_____________ (use) to have so much fun!

I believe I _____________ (begin) to love stories when I was very small. My mother
_____________ (take) me with her to the movies or the theatre, and my grandfather
_____________(tell) me lots of stories about women and men who _____________
(be) great heroes. In my imagination, I _____________ (wonder) what kind of brave
things I might do.

Choose the correct option – ed/ing adjectives

1. She’s a big dog but you don’t need to be scared/scaring
2. The instructions for my new coffee machine are really confused/confusing
3. I loved my maths teacher! Lessons with her were never bored/boring
4. That shop never has any customers. I’m surprised/surprising it’s still there
5. The battery on my phone only lasts about two hours. It’s really annoyed/annoying
6. I was disappointed/disappointing that I didn’t get the job
7. I’m reading a really interested/interesting book
8. The children were so excited/exciting they couldn’t sleep
9. Did you watch that new horror film? I think it was really frightened/frightening
10. Miranda’s new job is very tired/tiring. She starts at 6 a.m. and finishes at 6 p.m.
Listen and choose the correct option
1. The man wakes up at …
12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2. Where does the man need to go today?
He has a job interview
He needs to attend class
He is going to work
3. The man’s sister feels that he should get up at …
6:15 a.m.
6:45 a.m.
6:30 a.m.
4. The woman tells her brother to go to bed at … every night.
9:30 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
10:00 p.m.
5. The woman has seen her brother fall asleep while he was …
Watching TV
Eating dinner

Your alarm clock didn’t ring, you skipped work and now your boss is furious.
Write an email explaining why you were absent. 75 – 100 words
Mock exam 3
Read the text and choose the correct option

Play to win
16-year-old Harry Moore writes about his hobby, tennis

My parents have always loved tennis and they’re member of a tennis club. My older
brother was really good at it and they supported him – taking him to lessons all the time.
So I guess when I announced that I wanted to be a tennis champion when I grew up I just
intended for them to notice me. My mother laughed. She knew I couldn’t possibly be
serious, I was just a 4-year-old kid!
Later, I joined the club’s junior coaching group and eventually took part in my first proper
contest, confident that my team would do well. We won, which was fantastic but I wasn’t
so successful. I didn’t even want to be in the team photo because I didn’t feel I deserved
to be. When my coach asked what happened in my final match, I didn’t know what to
say. I couldn’t believe I’d lost – I knew I was the better player. But every time I attacked,
the other played defended brilliantly. I couldn’t explain the result.
After that, I decided to listen more carefully to my coach because he had lots of tips. I
realized that you need the right attitude to be a winner. On court I have a plan but
sometimes the other guy will do something unexpected so ‘ll change it. If I lose a point, I
do my best to forget it and find a way to win the next one.
At tournaments, it’s impossible to avoid players who explode in anger. Lots of players can
be negative – including myself sometimes. Once I got so angry that I nearly broke my
racket! But my coach has helped me develop ways to control those feelings. After all, the
judges have a hard job and you just have to accept their decisions.
My coach demands that I train in the gym to make sure im strong right to the end of a
tournament. I’m getting good results: my shots are more accurate and I’m beginning to
realize that with hard work there’s a chance that I could be a champion one day.

Choose the correct option

1. Harry thinks he said that he was going to be a tennis champion in order to

a. Please his parents
b. Get some attention
c. Annoy his older brother
d. Persuade people that he was serious

2. How did Harry feel after his first important competition?

a. Confused about his defeat
b. Proud to be a member of the winning team
c. Ashamed on the way he treated another player
d. Amazed that he had got so far in the tournament
3. What does Harry try to remember what he’s on the court?
a. Don’t let the other player surprise you
b. Follow your game plan
c. Respect the other player
d. Don’t keep thinking about your mistakes

4. What does Harry say about his behaviour in tournaments?

a. He broke his racket once he was angry
b. He stays away from player who behave badly
c. He tried to keep calm during the game
d. He found it difficult to deal with one judge’s decisions

5. What might a sports journalist write about Harry now?

a. Harry needs to believe in his own abilities and stop depending on food
luck when he plays.
b. Harry has really grown up since his first tournament and discovered that
tennis is a battle of minds not just rackets.
c. Harry looked exhausted when he finished his last match so maybe e
should think about working out.
d. Harry could be a great player but he needs to find a coach to take him all
the way to the big competitions.

Complete with the correct modal verb

1. shouldn't
You ………………………… Have shouted at Thomas yesterday. He is very sorry
2. can
Look! It has stopped raining. We ………………………… go for a walk to the park
3. must
Sheila didn’t go to work yesterday. She ………………………… have been ill in bed
4. should
Last Christmas party was fabulous, you ………………………… have come with me
5. might/must
I’ve lost my keys. I ………………………… Have dropped them when I went shopping
6. It’s prohibited to go into that building. You …………………………
mustn't go in
7. Patricia was driving a new car. She …………………………
must/may have bought it
8. might
I’m not sure where I left my dictionary. I ………………………… have left it at home
9. has to
The boy ………………………… help his parents in the farm during the summer
10. I’m not sure but perhaps Roberto ………………………… leave for Australia soon
Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1. works
Andy is tired because he ………………………... (work) seven days a week
had already become
2. By 1960 most of the Britain’s old colonies ………………………... (already/become)
3. was skiing
David broke his leg when he ………………………... (ski) last week
4. did
………………… have
you ………………………... (have) a nice time in Rome during your last
5. ……………….
have finished
you ………………………... (finish) your homework yet?
6. 's been working (work) on his computer for the last six hours
He ………………………...
7. has
How long ……………… had
she ………………………... (have) her car?
8. don't know
I ………………………... (not/know) much about art, but I like some artists
are playing/are going to play
9. Tom and Sam ………………………... (play) soccer next Sunday
is riding
10. She ………………………... (ride) her bike in the park at the moment
was raining
11. It ………………………... (rain) when I got up
is coming back (come back) from the cruise in a week
12. She ………………………...
will be
13. My friends ………………………... (be) free for most of the evening
had been swiming (swim) all afternoon
14. They children were tired because they ………………………...

Choose the best answer

1. I (can/could/have been able to) swim since I was 11
2. I’m an interpreter. I (can/could/have been able to) speak 7 different languages
3. I (can’t/couldn’t/was able to) drive very well. I failed my test again today
4. One day I (can/could/will be able to) run a marathon, but I need to practise first
5. I would love to (can/be able to/being able to) see the future
6. I live in Florida. I love (can/be able to/being able to) go to the beach every day
7. The ambulance arrived quickly and they (could/were able to/can’t) save everyone
8. It was really noisy last night, so I (couldn’t/cannot/am not able to) sleep
9. I crashed my car, but the mechanic (could/was able to/can) fix it
10. Some dinosaurs (could/was able to/will not be able to) walk on two legs
Listen and choose the correct option
1. A … is not included in the special price at the beauty salon.
A manicure
A hair wash
A massage
2. What does the customer do for a living?
He works in the healthcare industry.
He’s an attorney
He’s employed as a town planner
3. The beautician accidentally …
Cuts the man’s ear
Dyes the man’s hair green
Gets shampoo in the man’s eyes
4. The customer can’t complain to the manager because he is …
Taking time off from work
Finding marriage partners for their children
Dealing with another customer
5. The customer went to this beauty salon to improve his appearance for …
A job interview
A social event
A business convention


Imagine you are a fortune teller. Describe the future for your customer. Use future
forms: going to, will, present continuous. 75 – 100 words
Mock exam 4
Read the text and choose the correct option

Whale-watching trip
By Jack Madison, 15

A while ago, my friend Olivia was telling me about a whale-watching trip she’d
been on, in Canada. I wanted to tell her I was about to do the same thing, off the
north coast of the UK, where my grandparents live. Whales had recently
appeared there again, and my grandparents were convinced we’d see some – so I
was sure my trip would be as food as Olivia’s! But then I saw some reviews of the
trip my dad had booked for us, when no one had seen any whales at all. So, in the
end, I decided not to tell Olivia anything about my trip, in case it wasn’t
Anyway, dad and I set off on out trip – which was dad’s idea – and it was fantastic!
Travelling out to the sea on the tour boat with our guide, we soon reached the
spot where whales often appeared. Then we waited – and nothing happened. I
was sure this wouldn’t last, though. People kept calling out they’d seen one,
which was exciting- but then it turned out they were wrong. Then, finally I saw
something move under the water – a minke whale! So I felt like a hero for the rest
of the trip!
The whale was a wonderful sight, with its huge back not far from the boat. Our
guide said it was around five tons in weight and around 10 metres long. Yet,
despite its size, it swam alongside us at speed, and with little effort. We waited to
see if more appeared, and some time later, we saw three more some distance
away, that kept diving under the water and coming up again. Then just after I’d
filmed them, they disappeared.
Although the water’s less deep around the coast, larger whale species appear in
the area with winke whales, feeding on fish. But minkes are curious creatures, so
they’re more likely to approach tourists boats – which was why we were
successful! Then later, up on the cliffs, we looked out to sea, searching for signs of
whales. Sometimes seabirds diving into the water means whales are around, as
they’re stealing the whales’ meal. We were unlucky, sadly – but we’ll be back!

Choose the correct option

1. Jack wasn’t keen to mention his whale-watching trip to Olivia because

a. He thought her trip sounded a lot more exciting.
b. He’d read some negative reports about where he was going.
c. He wasn’t sure if his dad had definitely arranged it.
d. He didn’t know whether he was very interested in whales.
2. On board the whale-watching boat, Jack
a. Was proud to be the first person to see a whale.
b. Began to worry that they might all be disappointed.
c. Tried not to get excited when anyone saw something.
d. Was glad he’d persuaded his dad to come with him.

3. When Jack saw the minke whale, he was

a. Surprised at how close it came to the boat.
b. Amazed that it was so much bigger than he’d imagined.
c. Impressed that it moved through the water so easily.
d. Delighted to see it had arrived with several others.

4. Jack suggests minke whales appeared in the same area as the boat because
a. They knew there were plenty of fish there.
b. They were attracted by the arrival of the visitors.
c. They didn’t have to compete for food with seabirds.

5. What would Jack text to his grandparents about the whales?

a. I’ll send you my video of the group of whales – they only appeared briefly, so
they weren’t as interesting as the first one we saw.
b. Dad said he’d really wanted to go to Canada to watch whales, like my friend
Olivia – but now we’re really happy we came here.
c. I must take you up to the cliffs to look for whales – we’ve seen them every time
we’ve been there, so far.
d. You were so sure our whale-watching trip would be a success, while I still had
doubts – but you were right.

Complete with for or since

_____ an hour _____midnight _____a week _____ a few months

_____we arrived _____a while _____many days _____over a year

_____ yesterday evening _____last year _____2002 _____1st may

_____30 years _____several weeks _____this morning _____he was 12

Complete with just, already, yet

1. Don’t come in now, I have ……………… mopped the floor
2. Have you finished the homework ……………… ?
3. I don’t want to see that film again. I’ve ……………… seen it four times
4. I’m sorry but you have ……………… missed the bus. It left the station less than a
minute ago
5. Haven’t you taken a shower ……………… ? – you are going to be late and you have
……………… been late twice this week!
Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets

My computer ____________________ (not work) very good lately. However, I

_______________ (decide) to take it to the technician, but unfortunately I _____________
(not have) enough money. That’s why I _______________ (write) this e-mail from a cyber,
dad, because I ____________ (want) to know if you _________________ (can) borrow me
some money so I can take my computer to be repaired. It would __________ (be) the best
help ever, and I will thank it back by making a big great lemon pie, which I know is your
favourite cake.

By the way, ________________ (can) you buy the dog’s kennel? Because last Wednesday I
______________ (see) some which were on sale on the pet shop around the corner, and I
__________ (think) that maybe you’d ______________ (like) them, because you
_______________ (want) to buy a kennel for the last two months. Maybe you can go for a
stroll around the block and check if they still have them.

Anyway, I have to go now. Let me know if you need anything. I ____________ (call) you this
night. Have a nice day dad, I love you!

Open cloze - Complete with one word

-Have you watched the new Tarantino film?

- No, I haven’t watched it ___________.

-It’s the best film ever, you _______________ watch it.

- Yes, I know, but I just ____________ had enough time to watch TV because I´ve been
really busy studying for the exams which I _____________ having next week.

- So you are telling me that you haven’t watched the film because you _________ to study?

- Yes!! Trust me, if I ____________ watch it, I would.

- Well let me tell you one thing Marco, you’re just wasting your life.

- Come on Simon! Don´t be ridiculous! It´s just a movie!

Listen and choose the correct option
1. The man smokes … packs of cigarettes a day
2. The man and woman are …
Husband and wife
3. Where does the man probably smoke at home?
In his bedroom
In the bathroom
On the porch
4. The woman knows the man’s son, Jacob, is smoking because …
She discovered his habit at her house
She caught him smoking at school
He confessed to her about his problem
5. Based on the tone of the conversation, the man is … the woman’s ideas
Confused with
Resistant to
Open to

Imagine you are on holidays. Write an email to your friends telling him/her about it.
Use present simple, present continuous, comparatives / superlatives. 75-100 words.
Mock exam 5
Read the text and choose the correct sentence

Cross-country skiing in Sweden

By Jenna Walton, aged 15

Last year, mum and I wanted to try a winter sport called cross-country skiing –
travelling on skis across the countryside. And pictures of one area in Sweden, with
people skiing along through forests on wonderful white snow, persuaded us that
destination was a good choice. We hadn`t done much skiing, though, so weren’t
sure how difficult cross-country skiing was, compared with skiing fast down steep
mountains. But we signed up to join a group of people, of all aged, plus a guide.
We’d read about the place we went to before we left, so we new it was close to
where Sweden ends and Norway starts. And our family knew we couldn’t text
home, as there was no internet connection – and actually, it was relaxing to be far
from anywhere, or anyone. What we hadn’t realized was that from there, we’d be
able to see amazing coloured lights in the sky, which appeared at certain times of
year, called the Northern Lights – what a sight!
On our first day there, I hated getting up in the dark, but it meant I would see the
sun rising over the forest, so I was glad I did. And sunshine was forecasted for the
week, I was delighted to hear that! But the real problem was my 15kg rucksack, full
of food and clothes – I had no idea it would weigh that much. Anyway, we skied for
hours across mainly flat snow. Having special light skis was supposed to help us
climb the few hills there were – although I still couldn’t do it!
Finally we stopped for the night. It wasn’t until we’d reached the hut that our tour
guide mentioned we’d just crossed a frozen lake to get there – but nothing
surprised us by that point! Anyway, he gave us all jobs to do – cutting fire wood and
cooking food – and soon we were having dinner, made from whatever food we’d
brought – a strange mix, but it tasted delicious. And everywhere was so peaceful
outside that none of us stayed awake long.
Mum and I want to try another winter sports trip, maybe snowboarding. But we’ll
probably end up just as exhausted as we were after this trip!

Choose the correct option

1. Jenna and her mum decided to go cross-country skiing in Sweden because

a. They wanted a change from mountain skiing holidays.
b. They’d heard the sport would be easier than skiing down hills.
c. They’d met a group of people who wanted to go, too.
d. They found a place there that they were keen to visit.
2. After their arrival, what did they discover about where they were staying?
a. It wasn’t far from the border with another country.
b. They could get great views of a spectacular natural event.
c. It was at a point where they couldn’t use technology.
d. They weren’t near local people or their homes.

3. How did Jenna feel about the long trips through the snow on skis?
a. Surprised she had to carry such a heavy bag.
b. Pleased about the weight of the skis she was given.
c. Glad that going uphill wasn’t as hard as she’d thought.
d. Worried the good weather they were having wouldn’t last.

4. Regarding their accommodation, Jenna says everyone

a. Had difficulties getting to sleep there
b. Was unhappy at the quality of the food.
c. Had to help out with all the housework.
d. Was shocked to hear details of their journey there.

5. What would Jenna text to a friend about her trip?

a. One reason we chose this trip was that we thought we’d be among
loads of trees, which we love – but that hasn’t happened so far.
b. The people in our group were really friendly – but they were all mum’s
age and older, really.
c. I’m not used to getting out of bed so early to do things! But it was
worth it, as the sunrise was wonderful.
d. Mum and I have agreed that although the trip was great, we might
attempt something less tiring on our next winter holiday.
Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
Spaceships _______________ (always be) of my interest. I _______________ (like) them
since I _______________ (watch) a movie about aliens when I was six years old. Now I
am sixteen and I am fascinated about science and outer space. In fact, I want to be an
Astrologist when I’m older.
My friend Mike also likes outer space. He ________________________ (insist on) going
to the Planetarium for some weeks, but we _______________ (not go) yet. We might
_____________ (go) at the end of the month if we have enough money. I would like to
buy a new book about the cosmos which _______________ (be) released next week and
it’s amazing. It has a lot of interesting facts about the universe, galaxies, stars, meteors,
asteroids, black holes, dark matter, planets and other space phenomena.
If you are interested in the universe you should totally watch the documentary Cosmos,
which is on Netflix, and where you can learn a lot. I _______________ (watch) it for the
last ten days and I _______________ (not finish) it yet because it’s too long, but I enjoy
_______________ (watch) it.
On the other hand, ___________ you ____________ (know) that we have a neighbor
planet which is entirely made of diamonds?Its name is 55 Cancri e, and it is located in the
constellation of Cancer, 4 thousand light years from our planet. It would __________ (be)
so cool to be able to take some diamonds from it, I would be so rich!

Put the adjectives in the correct column

fantastic – difficult – bad – interesting – awful – small – starving –

impossible – minute – fascinating – good - hungry
Normal adjective Strong adjective
Listen and choose the correct option

1. What’s the man’s name?

2. From the conversation, how did the man probably find out about Dr. Carter?
He found the number in the phone book
A friend referred him to the office
He saw the office on his way home
3. When does the man have his appointment?
4. The man injured his ankle when …
A car hit him
Stepped in a hole
Fell from a ladder
5. The receptionist suggests that the man…
Put some ice on it
Come into the office
Take a few days off work


Invent a story about a woman whose house burned down. How did it happen?
What did she do? How is her life after the accident? Use past simple, present
perfect and comparatives. 75-100 words

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