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BY gwendolyn clark

lAyout and core writing

gwendolyn clark

Additional writing
adelaide song

special thanks
the ir discord
kickstarter backers
SCREAMING through the void along relativityʼs
bleeding edge, clad in starlight and fire, painting
glistered fractal burntrails in your wake—
piercing the Veil, bright and defiant, a meteor
through dark water, a white-hot knife carving
away the tide of boiling unlight—
a turbine in your heart, forever spinning, a bone-
deep thrum like fission up your spine, forever
Your cannons ROAR
Your missiles HISS
Your blades SING
You are REVOLVER, Humanityʼs last and greatest
You breathe stardust.
You eat darkness.
You guard dreams.
You bleed light.
Now rev your Drive, and letʼs find out what that
means to you.

In Infinite Revolution, you play as a Revolver— The Kickstart edition of INFINITE REVOLUTION
a human with a hypersonic turbine for a heart— has everything your group (2-4 players and a
and their Revolver Drive, an infantry-scale GM) needs to get started with the game: four
exosuit made of and fueled by the concentrated premade Revolvers, an outline of the game rules,
light of their hopes, fears, and dreams. Together, lots of helpful pointers, and a fully-plotted
you are sworn to defend your solar system introductory mission. Itʼs designed to get you off
against the entropic scourge of the Veil. the ground for your first session or three with no
stress and minimal prep—prior experience with
The interplay between a Revolver, their Drive, and other tabletop RPGs helps, but isnʼt required!
the Veil—the living, feeling human, the invincible
cosmic protector, and looming existential threat This PDF is divided into three main sections:
they both face—forms the thematic core of PLAYING REVOLVERS, which contains all the
Infinite Revolution, and is central to the types of player-facing rules and dossiers for four
stories this game is designed to tell. For better or pregenerated characters, RUNNING THE GAME,
worse, your Drive sets you starkly apart from the which contains all the GM-facing rules and some
rest of humanity—to most, youʼre a living myth, a example NPCs, and OPERATION: SWALLOW
symbol that thereʼs something left to fight for. THE SPEAR, a full-length mission!

The rules in the player and GM sections are

organized to give you everything you need to
THE STAKES play your role. Itʼs all there! No need to flip and
forth. Reading the entire document isnʼt a bad
The galaxy has gone dark. The Veil—a legion of idea if you want to familiarize yourself with the
bizarre paracausal anti-life, ruthless predators game as a whole, but isnʼt necessary for play.
made of animate entropy—have swept across the
Milky Way, shrouding the stars themselves in a All youʼll need to get started is a group, some 6-
curtain of hungry shadow. Their presence has sided dice, a way to track your characterʼs stats,
disrupted both entanglement comms and V-Gate and (optionally) something to sketch on.
travel, leaving the fate of the systems beyond
Prima Sol to grim speculation. Not that you have Good luck out there, Revolver.
time to speculate.

In the decades since their first appearance, the

Veil have covered vast swathes of stellar space in
their shroud of shimmering darkness, growing
stronger with every planet they consume. Now,
they mass their forces in the Jovian Belt,
preparing to launch a full-scale assault on the
remains of humanity. If the Veil take Jupiter, Prima
Sol is as good as lost. The gas giantʼs mass will
fuel an all-consuming tide of entropy, strong
enough to wipe away any hope of resistance.

Humanity has drawn their line. Itʼs up to you to

hold it.

INFINITE REVOLUTION uses 3 phases of play: SAVES
Combat, Ops, and Downtime. Each phase
represents a different facet of life as a Revolver: When youʼre trying to react to or endure danger,
breakneck battles with the Veil, racing the clock the GM can call for a Save. Roll 1d6—on a 4+,
to save innocents or infrastructure, and trying as you succeed, otherwise, you fail.
best you can to catch some R&R between
missions. This quickstart focuses on the Combat
and Ops phases. This section includes all the COMBAT PLAY
rules you need to know as a player, along with
4 premade Revolvers and some helpful reference In Combat scenes, you use your weapons and
sheets for quick and easy table play. Drive powers to destroy all the Veil and seal their
Veil Breaches as quickly as possible. If a Combat
scene has an alternate objective (such as
THE FUNDAMENTALS protecting a VIP), your GM will inform you
before the scene starts.
First things first. These are the three basic rules at
the heart of INFINITE REVOLUTION. Speed
CHECKS Revolver combat usually occurs at a significant
fraction of the speed of light. At those velocities,
If the stakes of a scene would make one of your your specific position doesnʼt matter—but your
actions interesting, cool, or dramatic, you make Speed does.
a check. Hereʼs how.
INFINITE REVOLUTION doesnʼt require a map or
▶ Describe your approach. battle grid for Combat. Instead, characters track
▶ Build a pool of d6s based on context or their Speed as a number from 0 to 8, which
character ratings (for example, a Spark). represents how fast theyʼre moving relative to
▶ Apply situational costs or bonuses (the GM others in the scene. You begin each Combat at a
handles these). Speed between 1 and 4 (your choice, higher is
▶ Roll the dice. If the highest die is… usually better).
▷ 1-3: Null. There are complications. Most of your Revolverʼs Drive powers and
▷ 4-5: Weak Hit. Success, with weapons can only target characters at certain
complications. Speeds (see Speed Bands), and you can increase
▷ 6: Strong Hit. Success. No strings. or decrease your Speed by taking the Boost
and/or Turbo actions.
▷ 6+6: Crit. Success, and then some.
Taking damage from the Veil reduces your
PUSH YOUR LIMITS Speed. Your Drive insulates you from all physical
harm, but they donʼt need you dead—they just
When you want to do something incredible and need you out of the way. If your Speed ever
defy all odds (or when an effect says so), you drops below 1, youʼll Zero Out, drifting aimlessly
can Push Your Limits. Roll 1d6 (to start with), in the starless void, where youʼll remain until
and if the lowest die is… Combat ends unless you risk your Driveʼs
▶ 6-6: You get what you want. integrity to Rally (see Rounds, Turns, and
Actions) and rocket back into the fight.
▶ 4-5: You get what you want, but roll +1d6
whenever you Push Your Limits for the rest
of the mission. This can stack.
▶ 1-3: You get what you want, but you take a
point of Drive Burn.

▶ Rally. If youʼre Zeroed Out, you can Push
Most weapons and powers have a valid targeting Your Limits to return to the fight in a blaze of
range of one or more Speed Bands: superluminary defiance. Reset your Speed to
1-4 (your choice) and take the rest of your
▶ Leading (X). The targetʼs Speed is up to X turn as normal. You can Rally any number of
higher than yours (but isnʼt the same). times per Combat.
▶ Trailing (X). The targetʼs Speed is up to X ▶ Once per mission, Push Your Limits to
lower than yours (but isnʼt the same).. activate your coreʼs OVERDRIVE, an incredibly
strong power that can turn the tide of a fight.
▶ Matched. You and the target share the same
For example: youʼre at Speed 3, and your DRIVE STRESS AND DRIVE BURN
weapon has a band of Leading (2). Foes at
Speeds 4 or 5 would both be valid targets, but Drive Stress accumulates when you use a power
foes at Speeds 2, 3, or 6 would not.
or other combat action that strains your Coreʼs
stability. Some enemy actions can also inflict it. If
ROUNDS, TURNS, AND ACTIONS your Drive Stress ever exceeds your Coreʼs Burn
Gate, youʼll need to immediately Push Your
Combat moves in rounds, which are divided into Limits to keep your turbine together. At the start
turns—one for each Revolver, and one or more and end of every Combat scene, or whenever you
for the Veil. Revolvers take turns in any order the take Drive Burn, reset your Drive Stress to 0.
brace agrees on, but only one Revolver can act at
a time. Hereʼs a breakdown of what you can do Drive Burn is permanent damage to the turbine
on your Combat turn. housing that keeps your atoms at a stable
frequency. When you take Drive Burn, choose
ONE OF: one of your Coreʼs Burn Scars—permanent
▶ Attack. Put those weapons to use. Choose changes that alter your character—and mark it
targets in the Speed band of one of your off. You bear the chosen scar for the rest of the
weapons, then roll d6 equal to your Sights game.
(default is 3). You hit and deal your weaponʼs
Harm on a Weak Hit or better, and deal your
weaponʼs Statuses on a Strong Hit or better. The last scar on each Coreʼs list is BURNUP, an
Crits deal double damage. irreversible positive feedback loop that grants a
▶ Boost. Gain or lose Speed up to your Driveʼs massive short-term boost in power—but when
Accel rating, or up to a specified amount (for the sceneʼs over, you sublimate into R-STATE,
some powers and effects). and your Revolverʼs story ends.
▶ Use a Drive power. Powers donʼt require
rolling dice—they just happen. After you You only get one BURNUP. Make it count.
resolve a power, you take its Drive Stress cost
listed in [brackets]. Take too much Drive RATINGS
Stress, and youʼll risk permanent damage
to your Core! Every Revolver has a few important ratings to
▶ Clear. Reset your Drive Stress to 0 and clear keep track of during Combat. Theyʼre listed here
all statuses. You can only Clear a certain for reference:
number of times each mission, determined by
your Driveʼs Pattern. ▶ Burn Gate: How much Drive Stress you can
AND ANY NUMBER OF: take before you need to Push Your Limits.
▶ Turbo. Boost 1, then take 2 Drive Stress. You ▶ Weight: Reduce all Impact you take by this
can Turbo up to 2 times each turn. value. Negative Weight increases incoming
▶ Seal up to 2 active Veil Breaches Matched to
you, then clear 2 Drive Stress. You can only ▶ Accel: How much Speed your Drive can gain
Seal once per turn. or lose in a basic Boost action.
▶ →

In Ops scenes, youʼll be racing against the clock The Downtime rules are in the process of revision
to solve a crisis, using your Revolverʼs ingenuity, and are not included in this Kickstart version.
guts, and unique skills to (hopefully) win the day.

Sparks and heat

Your Revolverʼs Sparks represent defining facets
of their character, something iconic and powerful
they do better than anyone else. Every Spark has:

▶ A name and short description.

▶ A rating—how many dice you roll when you
check the Spark (the default is 2).
▶ Two limiters, restrictions or caveats on what
the Spark can do. If youʼre trying to do
something against a limiter, itʼll cost
additional dice (GM discretion).
To use a Spark during Ops play, make a check
using the Sparkʼs base rating of 2. Before you roll,
you can give yourself up to 3 bonus dice and
take the same amount of Heat (you start at 0).

If rolling a Spark check ever puts your Heat above

9, youʼve strained yourself to a breaking point.
Choose, then reset your Heat to 0:

▶ Push Your Limits to turn the check into an

automatic Crit with explosive, unintended
▶ EXTINGUISH one of your Sparks. You canʼt
use it for the rest of the mission.

If you want to attempt something your Sparks
donʼt apply to (or just donʼt want to use one for
whatever reason), you can always Wing It: roll
2d6 and take the lowest. You canʼt use Heat
when you Wing It, but the check can still Crit.

The following section includes a fully-statted
brace of Revolvers for you and your group to
play. Each character has two spreads: one
outlining their personal details, and one that
serves as a combined character sheet and rules

These are some of Prima Solʼs best and brightest,

as fiery and unique as any star.

Together, they are…


Drive Core
Suvi Solak she/her
Aries (Ultralight)

Presentation Drive
Small-framed, trimmed nails; compact but An ace pilotʼs riotous dream, all angular
visibly muscular. Clearly puts in work to fuselage and sloped booster intakes and
keep it that way. Shock of white hair in a needle-sharp spinals—like the joyful,
rough chin-length bob, sliced through by physically-implausible marriage of a pre-
a glittering streak of red. Swears it isnʼt Blackout fusion driver, a fleet corefighter,
dyed, that itʼs just a side effect of her Roil. and a terrestrial racing exosuit. Even has
Likes loud jewelry and bold, bright colors the decals.
and patterns.
Anywhere not covered by a decal is
gunmetal black or aggressively cherry red
BACKGROUND (mostly red). Glows brighter the faster it
Fleet academy kid, top marks, long
disciplinary record. When the Blackout
came, she switched tracks from transport PLAYING KESTREL
to escort/interceptor.
Play Kestrel if you…
Her Roil ignited in the last 31 milliseconds Want to be the best and brightest, do all
of an unsanctioned fighter race between your own stunts, love being the center of
her and her mentor. Maintains she won, attention, are incorrigible, enjoy playing
even if there wasnʼt a ship left to cross the hotheads, speedsters, or ace pilots, and
finish beacon. Drifted in the black for donʼt mind glass cannons and big risks.
several hours afterwards, venting miles-
long spiral jets of protostar miasma, Combat
before an RS-intervention ship was Your Aries Drive is by far the fastest in the
scrambled and retrieved her. brace and hits like a superpowered truck
on the first round of Combat. Youʼre
Her dad was a Revolver, too. Went dark nimble, close-range, and extremely
near Saturn around a decade back. Thatʼs fragile if you get hit, but can bounce back
all sheʼll say. from almost anything and deal large
amounts of damage at high Speeds.

Aces high! No stunt is too wild to pull off,
Confident, fearless, intensely competitive. no plan too risky to try, no heart too hard
Intense, period. Her peer-assigned to swoon for her. Kestrelʼs narrative sparks
callsign at the academy was “Aggro”. Very focus on her amazing piloting abilities, her
popular on her home station despite fiery, magnetic personality, and her
(because of?) her hotheadedness. massive projected lance weapon.

Loves being a Revolver—nothing else

compares to the lucent joy of flight, the
brilliant choral howl of sorties against the

Would rather risk everything than feel


♈ 11
When you want to do something interesting, Suviʼs a natural-born pilot, and the Roilʼs only
cool, or dramatic… sharpened her skills and her ego. Use
▶ Describe your approach. this spark to be first on the scene, nail wild
▶ Build a pool of d6s. acrobatics, dodge and weave, and do anything
▶ Apply any costs or bonuses. fast and flashy.
▶ Roll the dice. If the highest die is… ▷Limiter: Flying the way she does can put
1-3: Null. Complications. reckless amounts of strain on her Drive.
4-5: Weak Hit. Success, with complications. ▷Limiter: She canʼt outrace the speed of
6: Strong Hit. Success. No strings. light.
6+6: Crit. Success, and then some.
PUSH YOUR LIMITS Sheʼs a hotshot and she knows it: bold, beautiful,
When you want to do something incredible and and destined to win. If they canʼt see that, thatʼs
defy all odds (or when an effect says so), you their problem. Use this spark to play a crowd,
can Push Your Limits. Roll 1d6 (to start with), snap someone out of it, make a big speech, argue,
and if the lowest die is… flirt, and do anything fiery and charismatic.
1-6: You get what you want. ▷Limiter: Passion is easy—vulnerability, not
4-5: You get what you want, but roll +1d6 so much.
whenever you Push Your Limits for the ▷Limiter: Emotes with her face, her arms, her
rest of the mission. This can stack. whole body. Visual contact is best.
1-3: You get what you want, but you take
a point of Drive Burn. GIGADRIVER LANCE
Suviʼs signature weapon: a gigantic projected
SAVES boarding lance she can extend, retract, and
When youʼre trying to react to or endure danger, deploy heavy-duty hilt stabilizers for at will.
the GM can call for a Save. Roll 1d6—on a 4+, Use this spark to get through whateverʼs in
you succeed, otherwise, you fail. your way, punch holes, skewer your problems,
and do anything with your forty-meter-long
BURN SCARS Drivelight killbore.
▶Your skin is ravaged by glowing fissures, like ▷Limiter: Max length of forty meters.
youʼre burning from within. ▷Limiter: The actual impact surface is only
▶Your touch conducts enormous force. Even about the size of a car tire. Punching bigger
light contact can crush things and send people holes takes repeated strikes or ingenuity.
▶Retreating or refusing a challenge becomes OPS PLAY
physically painful, like your organs are being To use a Spark during Ops play, make a check
crushed by a fist. using the Sparkʼs base rating of 2. Before you roll,
▶When youʼre angry, the world goes red. You you can give yourself up to 3 bonus dice and
have to fight to stay in control. take the same amount of Heat.
▶BURNUP. Enter RED GIANT STANCE for the If rolling a Spark check ever puts your Heat
rest of the scene, and gain the following power: above 9, choose, then reset your Heat to 0:
▷CANIS METEOR [9999]: Boost, then destroy ▶Push Your Limits to turn the check into a Crit
all Matched foes. If you Boosted more than 4, with explosive, unintended collateral.
destroy all foes within Speed 1instead. ▶EXTINGUISH one of your Sparks. You canʼt
use it for the rest of the mission.
At the end of the scene, your Drive grows to the To try something your Sparks donʼt apply to, you
size of a small stellar body, and explodes into can Wing It: roll 2d6 and take the lowest (you
roiling crimson plasma. canʼt use Heat, but can still Crit).

▶ROLE: Vanguard Assault ▶WEIGHT: -1 ATTACK. Choose weapon, roll Sights
▶PATTERN: Ultralight ▶ACCEL: 5 check (yours is 3), deal Harm on Weak
▶BURN GATE: 8 ▶CLEAR: 1 Hit or better and statuses on Strong
Hit or better. Crits are double damage.
GIGADRIVER LANCE: Hits 1 Matched target for BOOST. Gain or lose Speed equal to
4 Harm. Massive1, Force2 4. While at Speed 5 or your Accel (yours is 5).
higher, gain +1 target, +2 Harm, and +1 Force.
POWER. Use a Drive Power (donʼt
PASSIVES roll), then gain the Drive Stress listed
On your first turn of Combat, enter RED GIANT in [brackets].
STANCE until the start of your next turn. While in
RGS, you gain +2 Accel, and your weapons gain 1/Mission CLEAR. Reset Drive Stress to 0 and
+1 Harm, Massive, and Force +1. Once you exit clear all statuses.
RGS, you canʼt enter it again until a full round has Pick Any:
When you Boost X, or Boost a specific amount 2/Turn TURBO. Boost 1, then take 2 Drive
(e.g. Boost 3), Boost that much +1 instead. Stress.
1/scene, you can take 1d6 Drive Stress to add
that much Speed+1 to a single Boost. 1/Turn SEAL. Close up to 2 Matched Veil
1/mission, you can Rally without needing to Breaches, then clear 2 Drive Stress.
Push Your Limits.
RALLY. Push Your Limits and return
POWERS to Speed 1-4 if youʼre Zeroed Out.
▶ PERSEI CHARGE [1]: Boost, then deal Harm 1/Mission OVERDRIVE. Push Your Limits and
to a Matched foe equal to that Boost. If youʼre in activate your Coreʼs Overdrive.
RGS, this targets all Matched foes instead.

▶ ANTARES LANCE [2]: Deal 3 Harm to Leading SPEED REF.

(2) or Trailing (2) foes. If youʼre in RGS, this
targets all Leading or Trailing foes instead.
Max Speed
▶ CYGNI FUSOR [3]: Enter RGS until the end of
your next turn. If youʼre in it, deal 5 Harm to Speed goes
Matched foes instead. from 0-8.
Gain Speed
▶ HYPERGIANT [OVERDRIVE]: For the rest of with Boost.
the scene, whenever you end your turn in RGS,
Matched foes take 3 Harm. Whenever you Lose Speed
destroy a foe, you may extend the duration of on taking
RGS by 1 round. Enter it now, until the end of Impact, or
your next turn. w/ Boost.
1: Deals half Harm, even on a Null.

2: Forces target to gain or lose up to X Speed on hit (you pick).

STRESS + BURN If your Starting Speed

When your Drive Stress exceeds your Burn Gate Speed is… (Your choice).
(yours is 8), immediately Push Your Limits. Your
Drive Stress resets to 0 when you Clear, when > : LEADING
Combat ends, and when you take Drive Burn. < : TRAILING

When you take Drive Burn, choose a permanent = : MATCHED

Zero Out! Push
Burn Scar and mark it off. When you mark the ! Your Limits to
BURNUP scar, your core is supercharged for this Rally back.
scene only, and then your Revolverʼs story ends.

AKA Eddy Ramble he/him
STARRY Drive Core Sagittarius (Tactical)

Presentation Drive
Lanky, lean and tan. Black hair trimmed A single burning brushstroke of righteous,
back to a perfect #2 cut at all times; if scintillating iridescence, bequeathed with
anyoneʼs seen it any longer, theyʼve never bladed glittering wings befitting a god of
lived to tell. Jagged scar that just peeks light. A thousand Drivelight handguns
out of the top of his singlet, from the shimmer in the vacuum around it—when
wound that first woke up his Roil. Likes to Eddy drops the hammer, it sounds like the
joke it was a bad first try at top surgery. first spark of a forest catching fire.
More comfortable in fatigues or a flight
suit than anything else. The rifleʼs name is Apollo, and itʼs his pride
and joy. Itʼs got integrated sights accurate
to the picometer and fires doped osmium
BACKGROUND rounds heavy enough to crater a moon.

The only Revolver in the brace whose Roil

awakened pre-Blackout. Worked as a
pathfinder for years, helping the first few PLAYING STARRY
waves of “icebreaker” ships find new V-
transit routes through deep space. Play Starry if you…
Want the biggest gun, like sad cowboys,
Has a big, diffuse family of nomad belt- donʼt mind playing a straightforward
hoppers. Claims to have relatives on every damage-dealer in Combat, have a chip on
station from here to Solʼs core, and heʼs your shoulder, and are interested in more
probably not even lying. Makes a point of emotion-driven character roleplay.
calling his Ma, his cousins, and his two big
sisters at least each solar month if not Combat
more. Your Sagittarius Drive is laser-focused on
inflicting enormous amounts of ranged
damage. Youʼre a little fragile and need to
PERSONA carefully manage your Drive Stress, but if
you do youʼll be able to take out priority
Serial worrier, and perpetually a little targets quickly and cleanly.
weary (probably from all the worrying). He
cares a lot, maybe too much. Sometimes Ops
wishes he cared less. Has a strong sense of Youʼre the ever-vigilant not-so-lone
justice, with no sense of tact or propriety. gunman, ready to take an impossible shot
at a momentʼs notice—especially if itʼs to
Stickler for detail and procedure. Would save a friend. Starryʼs sparks are focused
always rather do it right the first time. This around his arsenal of weapons, his spatial
has earned him a bit of a reputation as and navigational skills, and his
Hammerʼs pet, which heʼs actually very supernatural protective reflexes.
proud of.

♐ 15
When you want to do something interesting, “Crack shot” understates it. Eddyʼs sense of
cool, or dramatic… space, distance, and kinematics is supernaturally
▶ Describe your approach. rich and precise, and he can leverage it for plenty
▶ Build a pool of d6s. of things besides fancy shooting. Use this spark
▶ Apply any costs or bonuses. to find a safe route, predict a path, hit a long,
▶ Roll the dice. If the highest die is… long shot, use physics to your advantage, and do
1-3: Null. Complications. anything careful and precise.
4-5: Weak Hit. Success, with complications. ▷Limiter: Needs quiet, calm, focus. The less
6: Strong Hit. Success. No strings. emotions in the way, the better.
6+6: Crit. Success, and then some. ▷Limiter: Can only visualize the line with a
clear look at the target. A momentʼs enough.
When you want to do something incredible and YOUʼLL NEVER WALK ALONE
defy all odds (or when an effect says so), you Eddyʼs always been a worrier. When your Core
can Push Your Limits. Roll 1d6 (to start with), feeds you a constant stream of telemetry and
and if the lowest die is… threat heuristics, you learn to keep one star-
1-6: You get what you want. bright eye open—especially for your friends. Use
4-5: You get what you want, but roll +1d6 this spark to see danger before it sees you, act
whenever you Push Your Limits for the first in a bad situation, run overwatch, protect
rest of the mission. This can stack. with force, and do anything loyal and vigilant.
1-3: You get what you want, but you take ▷Limiter: Try as he might, he canʼt watch over
a point of Drive Burn. everywhere at once. Has to pick.
▷Limiter: A snap shot isnʼt always a kill shot.
When youʼre trying to react to or endure danger, MY ONLY SUNSHINE
the GM can call for a Save. Roll 1d6—on a 4+, An ultraheavy Antimateri[a/e]l Rifle, Apollo is
you succeed, otherwise, you fail. Eddyʼs darling, and his field instrument of choice.
Use this Spark to fire one massive killshot, sight
BURN SCARS something from kilos away, strike at somethingʼs
▶ One of your eyes burns with starlight. Close core, or do anything with your high-precision
the other, and you can see infinity. long-range death machine.
▶You have minor telekinesis. You canʼt always ▷Limiter: Needs a while to reload between
control it, even when you try. shots.
▶Your Core feeds you a constant, dizzying ▷Limiter: The recoilʼs strong enough to knock
stream of perfect spatial telemetry—arcs, Eddy off course if he doesnʼt hunker down.
vectors, paths, and more.
▶Regardless of proximity, everything always OPS PLAY
feels impossibly close. To use a Spark during Ops play, make a check
▶BURNUP. You donʼt gain the normal bonuses using the Sparkʼs base rating of 2. Before you roll,
for BURNUP. Gain the following power: you can give yourself up to 3 bonus dice and
▷GODSLAYER COREBOLT [9999]: Choose a take the same amount of Heat.
foe. Theyʼre completely annihilated—no trace If rolling a Spark check ever puts your Heat
of them remains in the past, present, or future. above 9, choose, then reset your Heat to 0:
▶Push Your Limits to turn the check into a Crit
You remain in BURNUP until the mission ends with explosive, unintended collateral.
or you use GODLSAYER COREBOLT, whichever ▶EXTINGUISH one of your Sparks. You canʼt
comes first. You can otherwise act normally. use it for the rest of the mission.
When you exit BURNUP, your Drive jettisons its To try something your Sparks donʼt apply to, you
own Core, and forms the heart of a new can Wing It: roll 2d6 and take the lowest (you
constellation. canʼt use Heat, but can still Crit).
▶ROLE: Artillerist ▶WEIGHT: 0 ATTACK. Choose weapon, roll Sights
▶PATTERN: Tactical ▶ACCEL: 3 check (yours is 3), deal Harm on Weak
▶BURN GATE: 6 ▶CLEAR: 2 Hit or better and statuses on Strong
Hit or better. Crits are triple damage.
▶ APOLLO: Hits 1 Leading (6) target for 5 Harm. BOOST. Gain or lose Speed equal to
Cooldown1, Precise2, Pierce3, Taxing4. Ignores your Accel (yours is 3).
Cooldown if it Crits.
▶ FULLMETAL CHOIR: Hits [VOLLEY DIE5*2] POWER. Use a Drive Power (donʼt
Leading (6) targets for 1 Harm. Precise2. roll), then gain the Drive Stress listed
▶ AV-99 27MM REVOLVER: Hits 1 Leading (3) in [brackets].
or Trailing (1) target for 3 Harm. Agile6. Can take 2/Mission
2 Drive Stress on firing to attack all targets CLEAR. Reset Drive Stress to 0 and
within Speed 1 instead. clear all statuses.
Pick Any:
You have +1 Sights and deal triple Harm on Crits. 2/Turn TURBO. Boost 1, then take 2 Drive
1/turn after you check Sights to attack, you can Stress.
take any amount of Drive Stress to reroll that
many dice. 1/Turn SEAL. Close up to 2 Matched Veil
Breaches, then clear 2 Drive Stress.
RALLY. Push Your Limits and return
▶ ORIONʼS GLARE [1]: Choose a Leading (6) to Speed 1-4 if youʼre Zeroed Out.
foe at least 3 Speed away from you, then deal
Harm equal to your difference in Speed. 1/Mission OVERDRIVE. Push Your Limits and
activate your Coreʼs Overdrive.
▶ CALLED SHOT [1]: Choose a Leading (6) foe,
then attack them with a Ranged weapon. If the
attack destroys them, clear 4 Drive Stress.
▶ ARTEMIS RUSH [2]: Boost, then attack with a
Ranged weapon. Whenever you Crit, you can Max Speed
trigger this power (you still take Drive Stress). Speed goes
from 0-8.
▶ STARPIERCER [OVERDRIVE]: Your next attack
with a Ranged weapon rolls double your Sights, Gain Speed
is an automatic Crit, and ignores all reductions with Boost.
and immunity. For each 6 you roll, the attack
deals +1 bonus Harm (before multipliers). Lose Speed
1: Canʼt fire 2 turns in a row. 5: Start fight with a d6 on taking
VOLLEY DIE at 1. Add 1 to Impact, or
2: +1 d6 on attacks. VD at end of turn (up to 6). w/ Boost.
Reset VD to 1 on attack.
3: Ignores armor/reduction.
6: Can attack with this
4: +2 Drive Stress when firing before or after making a
if youʼve Boosted this turn. normal Boost action.

STRESS + BURN If your Starting Speed

Whenever your Drive Stress exceeds your Burn Speed is… (Your choice).
Gate (yours is 6), immediately Push Your Limits.
Your Drive Stress resets to 0 when you Clear, > : LEADING
when Combat ends, and when you take Drive

When you take Drive Burn, choose a permanent

Zero Out! Push
Burn Scar and mark it off. When you mark the
! Your Limits to
BURNUP scar, your core is supercharged for this Rally back.
scene only, and then your Revolverʼs story ends.

AKA “Cutter” Slade she/her
THRONE Drive Core Taurus (Heavy)

Presentation Drive
Big, stocky, sturdy, built from years of Four-armed and imposing, clad nearly
hauling cargo in high-g environments. head to toe in bulky, overlapping ‘scalesʼ
Enormous mop of curly brown hair barely- of neutronium plate. Towers over most
restrained by her trademark bandanas. other Revolvers sheʼs met. Mounts a
Always wears a (mostly unnecessary) nose massive shield of hypercompressed
bandage, stuck atop a dense constellation topology—an infinitesimal slice of space
of freckles. Full arm sleeve of tattoos: itself, hammered to shape by the gravitic
tributes to fallen friends, emblems from forge of her Drive—and a harpoon gun
successful missions, and plenty of pinups. welded together from scraps of her old
starward tug.

Before the Blackout, before the Roil, she
got things from A to B. Helped raise a Play Throne if you…
generation between shipments, built a Love being the “tank”, arenʼt too serious,
community on her home station. want to be the heart of the group, donʼt
mind going slow and steady, and would
When the stars went out, it fell apart slow. rather sacrifice yourself than an ally.
She doesnʼt blame anyone on the station
for that. Missed meals, stranded Combat
shipments, and the terror of uncertainty— Your Taurus Drive is all about bunkering
recipe for a pressure cooker, no ways down and holding the line. Youʼre
about it. When the stress boiled over, extremely durable, and fantastic at
though, they took it out on her crew. shielding your allies and locking down
Threats got made. Lines got drawn. Blood foes, but arenʼt especially fast or agile.
got spilled. And in the end, no one else
was there for them—it had to be her. Ops
You can take more raw punishment than
And the Roil agreed. anyone in the system, and you can
leverage that to make sure everyone else
gets out alive. Throneʼs Sparks focus on
PERSONA her warm, steadfast nature, her Driveʼs
ability to hunker down and be a literal
Blunt, jovial, incredibly stubborn, very immovable object, and being a physical
physically affectionate. Doesnʼt wear her wall between danger and the people she
heart on her sleeve so much as her entire cares about.
body—sheʼs seen what bottled-up feelings
can do and has resolved to be an open
book. Loves hugs, back-slaps, and fist-
bumps. Has a handshake that could rip a
shoulder off.

Always down to shoot the shit and spin

tall tales, especially around freshly-spun

♉ 19
When you want to do something interesting, Cutterʼs Drive is several thousand tons of
cool, or dramatic… hyperdense plate wrapped around a localized
▶ Describe your approach. gravitional singularity—if she decides to plant
▶ Build a pool of d6s. her feet, thatʼs that. Use this spark to stop
▶ Apply any costs or bonuses. danger in its tracks, hold the line, part the tide,
▶ Roll the dice. If the highest die is… brace yourself, be the immovable object, and do
1-3: Null. Complications. anything unflinchingly stubborn and defiant.
4-5: Weak Hit. Success, with complications. ▷Limiter: Needs physical contact to exert her
6: Strong Hit. Success. No strings. Driveʼs incredible anchor-force.
6+6: Crit. Success, and then some. ▷Limiter: Sheʼs only so big— you probably canʼt
move her, but you can go around her instead.
When you want to do something incredible and GET BEHIND ME, HONEY
defy all odds (or when an effect says so), you That giant Drivelight-banded shield is the shape
can Push Your Limits. Roll 1d6 (to start with), of her soul. Cutterʼs a protector to the bone, and
and if the lowest die is… would rather burn herself to stardust than
1-6: You get what you want. abandon those in need. Use this spark to defend
4-5: You get what you want, but roll +1d6 the vulnerable, take the hit instead, buy some
whenever you Push Your Limits for the time with your sweat, draw enemy fire, be a safe
rest of the mission. This can stack. harbor, and do anything noble and protective.
1-3: You get what you want, but you take ▷Limiter: Sheʼll always take the hit, whether she
a point of Drive Burn. can endure it or not.
▷Limiter: You canʼt always save everyone. But
SAVES she always has to try.
When youʼre trying to react to or endure danger,
the GM can call for a Save. Roll 3d6—on a 4+ WE ALL LIFT TOGETHER
(keep highest), you succeed, otherwise, you fail. Sometimes, people need a reminder they arenʼt
Throneʼs Heavy Pattern gives her extra dice on Saves. alone—not on her watch. Use this spark to inspire
hope, be someoneʼs rock, quiet down a room,
BURN SCARS remind people why theyʼre here, put on a brave
▶ Once youʼve made up your mind, thatʼs it. face, and do anything steadfast and reassuring.
They might as well ask Sol to spin the other way. ▷Limiter: No patience for smartasses.
▶Small objects are inexorably drawn into an ▷Limiter: Not the best at fancy speeches.
orbit around you.
▶Your heart has an escape velocity. Most OPS PLAY
emotions donʼt make it out. To use a Spark during Ops play, make a check
▶When you think of someone, they feel a pull. using the Sparkʼs base rating of 2. Before you roll,
The closer you are, the stronger it gets. you can give yourself up to 3 bonus dice and
▶BURNUP. For the rest of the scene, your take the same amount of Heat.
GRAVITY WELL is always on, and its effects If rolling a Spark check ever puts your Heat
change: your Speed canʼt change for any reason, above 9, choose, then reset your Heat to 0:
allies within Speed 5 gain +3 Weight, and at the ▶Push Your Limits to turn the check into a Crit
start of your turn, pull all foes 3 Speed closer to with explosive, unintended collateral.
you, then destroy all Matched foes. ▶EXTINGUISH one of your Sparks. You canʼt
use it for the rest of the mission.
At the end of the scene, your Drive pulls in all To try something your Sparks donʼt apply to, you
nearby matter and light, and collapses into a can Wing It: roll 2d6 and take the lowest (you
luminous singularity. canʼt use Heat, but can still Crit).

▶ROLE: Battlefield Anchor ▶WEIGHT: 2 ATTACK. Choose weapon, roll Sights
▶PATTERN: Heavy ▶ACCEL: 2 check (yours is 3), deal Harm on Weak
▶BURN GATE: 10 ▶CLEAR: 1 Hit or better and statuses on Strong
Hit or better. Crits are double damage.
▶ TOPOLOGIC PHALANX: Hits 1 Matched BOOST. Gain or lose Speed equal to
target for 3 Harm and shields you from 3 Impact your Accel (yours is 2).
until your next turn. You can use your action to
charge the shield, shielding allies within Speed 1 POWER. Use a Drive Power (donʼt
from up to 3 Impact until your next turn. roll), then gain the Drive Stress listed
SHK-II HARPOON GUN: Hits 1 Matched or in [brackets].
Leading (3) target for 3 Harm. Force1 3.
1/Mission CLEAR. Reset Drive Stress to 0 and
PASSIVES clear all statuses.
You begin each mission with 2 Armor Charges. Pick Any:
Spend a charge at any time to either negate a
hostile attack on you and lose 1 Speed, OR pull
an ally to Match you when their Speed would 2/Turn TURBO. Boost 1, then take 2 Drive
drop below yours (you take 1 Drive Stress for Stress.
each additional Speed they would have lost). 1/Turn SEAL. Close up to 2 Matched Veil
At the start of each of your turns, you can take 2 Breaches, then clear 2 Drive Stress.
Drive Stress to activate your GRAVITY WELL this
round. While active, you gain +2 Weight and are RALLY. Push Your Limits and return
Slowed2, Matched allies gain +1 Weight, and to Speed 1-4 if youʼre Zeroed Out.
Matched foes are Locked3.
1/Mission OVERDRIVE. Push Your Limits and
POWERS activate your Coreʼs Overdrive.
▶ GREAT ATTRACTOR [2]: Pull all targets within
Speed 2 to Match you. Foes pulled take 1 Harm. SPEED REF.
▶ GRAVITON CRUSH [2]: Deal 2 Harm to all
Matched foes, then Lock them. If theyʼre already
Locked, deal 4 Harm instead.
▶ MASS BUNKER [5]: You and Matched allies of Max Speed
your choice gain +4 Weight and Locked until the Speed goes
start of your next turn. from 0-8.
2 rounds (including this one), your GRAVITY Gain Speed
WELLʼs effects change: your Speed canʼt change with Boost.
for any reason, allies within Speed 3 gain +1
Weight, and at the end of your turn, pull all foes Lose Speed
within Speed 3 to Match you and Lock them. You on taking
may activate your GRAVITY WELL now. Impact, or
w/ Boost.
1: Forces target to gain or lose up to X Speed on hit (you pick).
2: Speed/Reach becomes 1. 3: Canʼt Boost/Fold.

STRESS + BURN Starting Speed

Whenever your Drive Stress exceeds your Burn If your (Your choice).
Gate (yours is 10), immediately Push Your Speed is…
Limits. Your Drive Stress resets to 0 when you
Clear, when Combat ends, and when you take > : LEADING
Drive Burn. < : TRAILING
When you take Drive Burn, choose a permanent
Burn Scar and mark it off. When you mark the
Zero Out! Push
Your Limits to
BURNUP scar, your core is supercharged for this Rally back.
scene only, and then your Revolverʼs story ends.

Hellion “Helly”
Drive Core
Correia they/them

Presentation Drive
Short, pale, worryingly thin. Unkempt A simple, low-profile survey exosuit
black hair pulled back into a long, greasy- wreathed in a Drivelight “shawl”,
looking ponytail. Dark eyes with darker surrounded by concentric rings of phased
circles beneath. Prefers big coats and soft debris and measuring equipment. The
textures—quiet, warm, enveloping things. rings rotate around them along impossible
When theyʼre tired or agitated, chunks of axes, like a fourth-dimensional orrery.
their body sometimes rotate out of Optimized for esoteric CQC—when they
conventional 3-space: their fingers or ribs strike, flickering threads of exotic matter
or heart will intersect with reality a few tangle through their fingers as their
feet from where theyʼre supposed to, targets unravel.
opening sightlines to their internal organs.
It doesnʼt hurt, but is fairly disconcerting Their Core itself is surrounded by an
(for both them and witnesses). experimental projection housing, designed
to reroute unpredictable “spike”
discharges (that would otherwise shunt
BACKGROUND them back in time) externally.

A former Hammer V-topology specialist.

They looked too long and too hard for PLAYING MONAD
patterns in Breach occurrence and ended
up finding more than anyone anticipated. Play Monad if you…
When their Roil hit, they woke up hovering Want to support your allies and execute
an inch above the floor, in suspended clever plans, like spinning a lot of plates,
animation along with everyone in the enjoy being “the weirdo”, donʼt have
room. The Aquarius core was a special strong feelings about the spotlight, and
medical intervention, even by Revolver donʼt mind a slightly more complex
standards—a way to keep both their Combat core.
perception and interactions grounded
(mostly) in our timeline. Combat
Your Aquarius Drive can enhance your
allies and manipulate dice probability,
PERSONA letting you turn missed attacks into hits,
hits into crits, and even manipulate Veil
Listless, flighty, knife-edge clever when breaches. Youʼll need to be on the ball to
they put their mind to it. Prone to get the most out of it, but the potential
frustration—partly with others, mostly at payoff is massive.
their own inability to live in the literal
moment. Has occasional lapses into Ops
silence mid-conversation or responds to As Skylight Burningʼs resident technical
unsaid conversations when their esoterist, youʼre well-suited to coming up
perception slips into an adjacent timeline. with off-the-wall plans that wouldnʼt work
for anyone else. Your narrative Sparks are
Haunted by premonitions of the dark half, focused on your technical knowledge,
the bad timeline, their brace poisoned by multitasking and planning expertise, and
the Veil, surrounding them with blades. your limited time-travel abilities.
Will do anything to make sure that never,
ever happens.


When you want to do something interesting, Hellyʼs time immersed in V-topology lets them
cool, or dramatic… see the world as a tapestry, an infinitely-dense
▶ Describe your approach. network of superstrings—and at their junctures,
▶ Build a pool of d6s. meaning. Answers. Use this spark to see the
▶ Apply any costs or bonuses. unseen, make sense of something strange, learn
▶ Roll the dice. If the highest die is… from the Veil, orient yourself, and do anything
1-3: Null. Complications. perceptive and esoteric.
4-5: Weak Hit. Success, with complications. ▷Limiter: Sometimes, they see patterns they
6: Strong Hit. Success. No strings. wish they hadnʼt.
6+6: Crit. Success, and then some. ▷Limiter: Itʼs very difficult to explain high-
dimensional perception to people without it.
When you want to do something incredible and MULTITHREADING
defy all odds (or when an effect says so), you If thereʼs one thing having your subjectivity
can Push Your Limits. Roll 1d6 (to start with), splintered across divergent timelines does, it
and if the lowest die is… makes you good at multitasking. Use this spark
1-6: You get what you want. to see the bigger plan, execute contingencies,
4-5: You get what you want, but roll +1d6 master a system, predict outcomes, learn on the
whenever you Push Your Limits for the fly, and do anything technical and complex.
rest of the mission. This can stack. ▷Limiter: Little patience for explaining their
1-3: You get what you want, but you take thoughts—thereʼs just too much going on.
a point of Drive Burn. ▷Limiter: Works best uninterrupted and alone.

When youʼre trying to react to or endure danger, Sometimes, even the best-laid plans arenʼt
the GM can call for a Save. Roll 3d6—on a 4+ enough. Sometimes, you need to give causality
(keep highest), you succeed, otherwise, you fail. itself a little nudge. Use this spark to try again, be
at the right place at the right time, gain
BURN SCARS foreknowledge, make your own luck, or do
▶ Your eyes are bright and empty, like windows anything that strains the fabric of time.
to a sea of glass. ▷Limiter: They can only shunt a few seconds in
▶ You can hear othersʼ surface thoughts. If either direction. Anything more risks permanent
youʼre close, they can hear yours, too. temporal displacement.
▶ You have visions of the future. Some are ▷Limiter: Unforeseen consequences.
hopeful, some are dire, most are unsettling. All of
them are your fault. OPS PLAY
▶ Time feels fluid, mutable. If you arenʼt To use a Spark during Ops play, make a check
careful, youʼll lose hours, minutes, days. using the Sparkʼs base rating of 2. Before you roll,
▶BURNUP. Time unfolds like a lotus. For the rest you can give yourself up to 3 bonus dice and
of the scene, you choose the results of all dice take the same amount of Heat.
rolls. If rolling a Spark check ever puts your Heat
above 9, choose, then reset your Heat to 0:
At the end of the scene, your Drive entwines with ▶Push Your Limits to turn the check into a Crit
every possible past, present, and future, and with explosive, unintended collateral.
unravels into threads of brilliant light. ▶EXTINGUISH one of your Sparks. You canʼt
use it for the rest of the mission.
To try something your Sparks donʼt apply to, you
can Wing It: roll 2d6 and take the lowest (you
canʼt use Heat, but can still Crit).

▶ROLE: Force Multiplier ▶WEIGHT: 0 ATTACK. Choose weapon, roll Sights
▶PATTERN: Exotic ▶ACCEL: 3 check (yours is 3), deal Harm on Weak
▶BURN GATE: 9 ▶CLEAR: 4 Hit or better and statuses on Strong
Hit or better. Crits are double damage.
▶ DEDEKIND KATA: Strikes up to 3 times at BOOST. Gain or lose Speed equal to
different Matched targets in order, dealing 1/2/2 your Accel (yours is 3).
Harm. You can Boost 1 before each strike. Agile1,
Parry2. Last strike has Leech3. Only roll one attack. POWER. Use a Drive Power (donʼt
▶ ARC PROJECTOR: Hits 4 Leading (2) or roll), then gain the Drive Stress listed
Trailing (2) targets for 2 Harm. Disrupts.4 in [brackets].
Clearing doesnʼt use your action, but you can
only Clear 1/turn, and canʼt Clear and use a Drive 4/Mission CLEAR. Reset Drive Stress to 0 and
power on the same turn. 1/scene, you can use clear all statuses.
your action to deal Harm equal to your current
Drive Stress to a foe within Speed 1. 2/Turn TURBO. Boost 1, then take 2 Drive
At the start of each Combat, roll 3d6—your Stress.
ORACLE DICE—and note their values. At any 1/Turn SEAL. Close up to 2 Matched Veil
time, you can take 2 Drive Stress to swap an Breaches, then clear 2 Drive Stress.
ORACLE DIE with any d6, after the roll but before
the outcome. At the start of your turn, you can RALLY. Push Your Limits and return
take 3 Drive Stress to reroll your ORACLE DICE. to Speed 1-4 if youʼre Zeroed Out.
POWERS 1/Mission OVERDRIVE. Push Your Limits and
▶ OVERCLOCK [0]: For every 1-3 in your activate your Coreʼs Overdrive.
ORACLE DICE pool, clear 2 Drive Stress. For
every 4-6, Boost 2.
▶ CAUSAL SHUNT [0]: One Trailing (6) ally clears
1d6 Drive Stress, then you take the same amount.
▶ TERMINUS [2]: Choose a Trailing (6) character. Max Speed
Their next attack deals 1d6 Impact/Harm instead Speed goes
of its normal value. You can use this power at any from 0-8.
time, even when itʼs not your turn.
▶ RELATIVITY DECAY [3]: Roll 1d6. Prime5 that Gain Speed
many foes within the same amount of Speed. with Boost.


ORACLE DICE. You choose their values. on taking
1: Can attack with this 3: On destroying a non-Chaff Impact, or
before or after making a foe, clear 2 Drive Stress. w/ Boost.
normal Boost action.
4: Targets canʼt use powers.
2: Roll 1d6 when enemy 5: Next time target takes
attacks you on your turn. Harm, add +2, then clear this
On 4-6, reflect the attack. status.
Speed is…
Starting Speed
(Your choice).
Whenever your Drive Stress exceeds your Burn
Gate (yours is 9), immediately Push Your Limits.
Your Drive Stress resets to 0 when you Clear, > : LEADING
when Combat ends, and when you take Drive

When you take Drive Burn, choose a permanent

Zero Out! Push
Burn Scar and mark it off. When you mark the
! Your Limits to
BURNUP scar, your core is supercharged for this Rally back.
scene only, and then your Revolverʼs story ends.

This section lists some important GM-facing rules ▶ Recharge: Replenish all powers that require
for running Combat and Ops scenes, as well as a Recharging, enabling them to be used again
selection of NPCs from the Hammer-9 Jovian next round.
defense station for use in Operation: “SWALLOW AND OPTIONALLY:
THE SPEAR” (or your games at home!)
▶ Fold: Gain or lose Speed up to the Veilʼs
Reach rating.
During Combat scenes, youʼll control the forces
of the Veil, track their Incursion on local Boss-rank foes work similarly to their lower-rank
spacetime, and introduce strategic complications counterparts, but use some special rules to
as necessary in response to Revolversʼ actions. represent their increased threat. Each Boss has a
number of phases, noted by the number in
THE VEIL (parentheses) after their Presence total. Bosses
begin Combat in phase 1, and each time theyʼd
The Veil are divided into pattern-groups called be destroyed, they clear all negative statuses,
strains. Each strain only has a few important regain all Presence, and advance to the next
ratings to track in Combat scenes. phase instead. (Excess Harm doesnʼt carry over).

▶ Reach: How much Speed the Veil can “move” When a Boss loses all Presence in their final
in a single Fold action. The number in phase, theyʼre destroyed for good.
(parentheses) is the max Speed the Veil can
begin a Combat scene at. A Veilʼs speed can
never drop below 1. You can always use an Incursion Move (see
Incursion) to activate a Boss, but you canʼt
▶ Armor: Reduce all Harm from Revolver
attacks by this value. activate them normally on Weak Hits or Nulls.
Instead, each Boss has several unique counters
▶ Presence: The Veil strainʼs ability to fight. they can respond to those rolls with, which
Revolvers deal Harm, which reduces
Presence. Lose it all, and theyʼre destroyed. doesnʼt count as activating an enemy and can be
triggered any number of times per round.
The Veil donʼt take turns by default—instead,
whenever a Revolver rolls a 1-5 on an attack, Each counter requires the Boss be in a certain
you can activate a foe of your choice after the phase before it can be used, noted by the
attack resolves. You can also activate foes as part number in [brackets] next to the counterʼs name.
of an Incursion Turn. No matter what, every foe Whenever a Boss enters a new phase, they can
only gets a single activation per round. immediately use that phaseʼs counter. You can
always use a previous phaseʼs counter instead of
Veil aCTIONS the current one.

The Veil have a similar set of actions to Revolvers, VEIL BREACHES

but use them slightly differently. Hereʼs what they
can do on a given turn. When the Veil are destroyed, they sometimes
ONE OF: leave behind a temporary, volatile portal to V-
▶ Attack: Choose an attack and note its targets. Space: a Veil Breach. Veil Breaches have a Speed
If theyʼre in range, they take the attackʼs (set when theyʼre created and unchangeable
Impact and associated effects, no roll afterwards), but arenʼt characters and canʼt be
required. targeted by most abilities. Once a Breach is open,
▶ Use a power. The Veil donʼt take Drive Stress it remains active until the end of the scene, or
for using powers. Powers marked with [P] are until a Revolver closes it with the Seal action.
passive and always on, and powers marked
with [R] require a Recharge to use again. Left unchecked, Veil Breaches pose a significant
▶ → threat: the more active Breaches remain, the
more vulnerable the battlefield becomes to
26 Incursion from V-Space.
Once all Revolvers have taken their turn in a Some effects (from both Revolvers and their foes)
given round, you get to take an Incursion Turn: a inflict statuses, temporary conditions that restrict
chance to activate foes, introduce complications, a characterʼs abilities. Unless a rule specifies
and up the stakes. Incursion turns work like this: otherwise, statuses never stack and always clear
at the end of a characterʼs turn after theyʼre
▶ First, advance the Incursion clock (an 8- applied.
segment clock that starts every Combat
empty) by 1 for each active Veil Breach, to a
max of +3 in a single round. If it ever reaches STATUS REFERENCE
8, the Veil overrun local space and Combat
immediately ends. ▶Disrupted Canʼt use powers.
▶ Then, roll a d6 for each foe destroyed this
round. For each roll of 1-3, open a new Veil Canʼt reduce incoming
Breach within Speed 1 of a foe (your choice). ▶Fractured Impact/Harm in any way.
If there arenʼt any Veil remaining, you canʼt
open new Breaches.
▶Locked Canʼt Boost or Fold.
▶ Finally, use one of the Incursion Moves
below, as long the Incursion clock is equal to
or less than the listed value: Next time target takes
Impact/Harm, it takes +2.
▷ 0-1: ▶Primed Lasts until the target takes
▷ Activate 2 Chaff-rank-rank foes or 1 any Impact/Harm.
Soldier-rank-rank foe.
Accel/Reach becomes 1, canʼt
▷ Activate a Boss-rank foe. ▶Slowed increase above 1.
▷ Deploy 2 Chaff-rank-rank foes or 1
Soldier-rank-rank foe at an active Veil ▶Stunned Canʼt act.
▷ Introduce a minor complication.
▶Strained +1 to all Drive Stress gains.
▷ 2-3:
▷ Activate 3 Chaff-rank foes, 2 Soldier-
rank foes, or 1 Elite-rank foe. ▶Weakened -1 to all Impact/Harm dealt.
▷ Deploy 2 Soldier-rank or 4 Chaff-rank
foes at an active Veil Breach.
▷ Introduce a moderate complication.
▷ 4-5:
▷ Activate 2 foes of any type.
▷ Deploy 3 Standard foes or 1 Elite-rank
foe at an active Veil Breach.
▷ Introduce a major complication.
▷ 6-7:
▷ Deploy 1 Boss-rank foe at an active Veil
Breach and immediately activate them.
▷ Introduce a dire complication.

You canʼt use the same Incursion Move two

rounds in a row.

RUNNING OPS Beats are tracked on the Beat clock, an 8-
segment clock that begins every Ops scene
Ops play is all about desperate stakes, tight empty. Once all players have decided how they
timelines, and creative thinking. As the GM, youʼll want to spend the beat, have them roll checks as
set each scene and describe important necessary, describe the outcomes, and then
objectives, work with the brace to resolve the advance the Beat clock by 1. When running Ops
outcomes of their plans, and manage the Beat play, make sure every member of the brace
clock and other essential mechanics. has had a chance to act before advancing the
Beat clock!
When tracking both combat and Ops scenes in
When Revolvers use their Sparks to make checks the same sitrep, a good rule of thumb is to treat
during Ops play, you can impose costs (negative every 2 rounds of Combat as 1 beat.
dice) and grant bonuses (additional dice) on
their rolls if you think the situation calls for it. CRISES
Some good reasons to impose costs are:
▶ If a Revolverʼs plan works directly against one The stakes of an Ops scene are represented by
of their Limiters. Crises: the problems the brace is racing against
▶ If a Revolverʼs plan is extremely risky or the Beat clock to avert. Before an Ops scene
difficult. starts, each Crisis is placed on a specific segment
on the Beat clock. At the end of any beat with a
▶ If the situation or environment would make
things more challenging. Crisis, that Crisis triggers, with drastic
complications and consequences for the mission
Good reasons to grant bonuses are: as a whole. If the brace successfully averts a
▶ If a Revolver gets help from someone or Crisis via their actions in the narrative, remove it
something else, especially a bracemate. from the Beat clock.
▶ If a Revolverʼs plan is especially clever.
▶ If the situation or environment would turn
things to the braceʼs advantage.
You should always clearly inform players of costs The Downtime rules are in the process of revision
and bonuses (and the reasons for them) before and are not included in this Kickstart version.
they roll a check. In general, both costs and
bonuses should cap out at +/-3 dice—beyond
that, there isnʼt much point in rolling.

Ops play moves in moments called beats. Beats
donʼt measure any specific length of time—
theyʼre the flashes of action, risk, and resolve that
define the outcomes of a mission. As a general
rule, every narratively-significant action a
Revolver takes during Ops play (usually, this will
be actions that require a check) will take 1 beat
to resolve. More involved actions might take
additional beats, and some actions with follow-
up consequences might require multiple checks
but only take a single Beat. Follow your intuition.

The GMʼs primary role during a mission, in Ariane Mercer
addition to playing foes and describing scenes, is R-engineering bay, stellar corona metalwork,
giving voice to Hammer: Revolver slang for their leading nicotine consumer station-wide.
deploying stationʼs network of scientists,
engineers, and strategists. Every stationʼs “The next time you pull eight hundred gees in
Hammer is different, with its own hierarchy (or that rig Iʼll have to hose you out of it.”
lack thereof), values, and tactical specialties.
“Could we just go one whole day without the
This section lists a sampling of the people you flyboy shit, Revolver? For the sake of my blood
might find aboard a Hammer station. Theyʼre pressure? Oh, who am I kidding. Youʼre not
presented to help lend some texture to listening anyway.”
Hammerʼs dispatches in both the included
quickstart mission and your own games. Use as “You trying to impress me? Donʼt answer that, I
many of them as you like, including none. donʼt want to encourage you.”
REYNA HEED “Weʼre getting you home, Revolver. You donʼt
Microgravity ballistics, superluminal fire control, escape an ass-kicking from yours truly that
outside context armaments. easily.”

“You will treat my toys with respect, or you will

learn to fear me above the Veil.” Leonid I
Sole survivor.
“Each day you people melt genius into slag at a
frightening rate. I suppose itʼs always worth “Of course itʼs personal. It should be personal.
watching how you do it this time.” The Roil chose us, remade us; our Drives are a
deeper bond than blood. Listen to the song of
“Slower, this time. My cameras wonʼt be able to your turbine, and youʼll hear every Revolver
keep up otherwise.” across the system sing too.”

“Acceptable. Very much so.” “I still hear them in the vacuum. They come to me
in fluctuations: words, phrases, voices, begging
me to return home. But camaraderie canʼt come
Grigori Verso before duty.”
Head quartermaster, colony logistics, inter-
system diplomat. “I didnʼt lose a brace that day. I lost three stars in
my sky; three songs Iʼll never be able to sing
“Six days; eight freighters; ten asteroids of ice again.”
weʼve gotta haul straight through Veil waters.
Think you can make the math work out,

“Comms clear, folks, weʼre on a deadline. You

want to gossip, I got a magazine needs writers.
You want to save our colony, you keep your
mouths shut and thrusters open.”

“Watch yourself out there. Weʼve only got so

many of you left.”

“Keep this between you and me, but my sonʼs a

huge fan.”

In Operation: SWALLOW THE SPEAR, the brace from the Blue Marigold, divert its course from the
will move to retake a beleaguered freighter under Jovian threshold, and recover any survivors from
attack from the Veil—only to discover the stakes Last Days of Winter. If the Blue Marigold is stolen
surrounding it are higher than anyone could have by the Veil, nearby colonies and Revolver
imagined. This mission will give a comprehensive installations will be without basic supplies for
introduction to INFINITE REVOLUTIONʼs systems, weeks to months.
setting, and tone, and is designed for a brace of 2
to 4 Revolvers to complete in 1-3 sessions. T-4 minutes: The brace is breathlessly hailed by
Darshana Beck, acting captain of the Last Days of
Some of the enemy rosters and clock options in Winter. She paints a grim picture: their life
this mission have three numbers separated by support and primary power are both ravaged,
/slashes/ (eg, 1/2/3). Each number (in order) and the rest of the ship hasnʼt fared much better.
corresponds to an option balanced for 2, 3, or 4- The Veil have refocused their attention on the
player groups, respectively. Use the one that fits Blue Marigold now that the frigate is no longer a
your group size, or tune them up or down to threat, but not before lashing out and destroying
adjust the challenge on-the-fly. any attempts to launch escape pods. Survivors
from the pods have been left floating stranded in
the black, at the mercy of dwindling integrated
BRIEFING air. They—and the rest of the Last Daysʼ crew—
will need evac, and soon.
T-5 days: Veil attacks have been increasing in
frequency and intensity along the 7th distal arc of T-11 seconds: Hammer gives the alert: Breaches
the Jovian Belt. These movements are too active. Multiple Veil signatures on hard intercept
focused to be random, but HAMMERʼs attempts trajectory. They know youʼre coming, and theyʼre
to discern a broader strategy have so far been trying to cut you down before you get there.
inconclusive. Donʼt let them.

T-1 hour: The Veil launch an en-route assault on

the PRS Blue Marigold, a pre-Blackout-era
autofreighter—a borderline derelict by modern SITREP 1: BREAKTHROUGH
shiptech standards, itʼs one of the many hulks
that have undergone hasty repairs to transport Combat: Veil Ambush
materials to the front. After disabling the
Marigoldʼs defenses, reports indicate the Veil Begin the Combat with the following foe roster:
have “cocooned” the entire ship and have begun
physically transporting it away, towards the ▶Yarrow-Strain x4/5/6
Saturnian rim. A nearby patrol frigate, Last Days ▶Ivy-Strain x2/3/4
of Winter, responds to the Blue Marigoldʼs ▶Rose-Strain x1/2/2
automated distress beacon and is severely
damaged in the ensuing battle with the Veil. Combat ends when all Veil have been destroyed
and all breaches have been sealed.
T-17 minutes: The 9th Saturnian brace “Skylight
Burning” is briefed and deployed as a support- This shouldnʼt be an especially difficult encounter,
intercept team. Their objective is to repel the Veil and should help let your players learn the ropes
before the stakes start ratcheting up.

SITREP 2: MEASURE tear itself apart. Any crew who havenʼt been
evacuated or otherwise shielded will be flung
ONCE/CUT TWICE into the black by explosive decompression—if
the debris or igniting coolant donʼt get them
With the ambush dealt with, Skylight Burning first. The brace can avert this Crisis by stabilizing
closes in. Proximity scans reveal spirals of the Last Days of Winter, or by fully completing
corroded wreckage, multiple active breaches, and the “SAVE THE CREW” Objective clock (see Ops:
scattered biosignatures, pinpoints in the dark. Save the Frigate).
The Blue Marigold is a fast-fading silhouette,
barely recognizable beneath filaments of searing Sitrep OBJECTIVE 1:
unlight, and the Veil swarm its hull. BLUE MARIGOLD
Two ships, two conflicting objectives, and not Combat: Veil Escort
nearly enough time. The Blue Marigold is To recover the Blue Marigold, the brace will need
wrapped in Veil cryofilaments and is being to deal with its escort first: a mass of crystalline
rapidly pulled away from the Last Days of Winter, Veil-spores that swarm around it like seething
which means the brace will need to choose how turbulence.
and where to divide their efforts, or get very
creative. Emphasize to your players that while Begin Combat with the following foe roster:
they might be able to save both ships, they canʼt ▶Yarrow-Strain x6/8/10
be in two places at once. ▶Lantana-Strain x2/4/4
▶Orchid-Strain x2/2/3
Once the brace is briefed, add three Crises to the
Beat Clock: “OXYGEN DWINDLES” at segment 3, The Blue Marigold itself is an immovable object
“FREIGHTER LOST” at segment 6, and “FRIGATE at Speed 6 and is immune to all damage and
COLLAPSE” at segment 8. effects. Both Revolvers and Veil can use its bulk
as cover—whenever a character attacks a target
When the “OXYGEN DWINDLES” Crisis triggers, Matched to the freighter, roll 1d6. On a 1-3, the
the escape-pod castaways around the Last Days attack deals half Impact or Harm, rounded down.
of Winter have run out of reserve air. Panicked This effect doesnʼt apply if both the attacker and
cries over wideband comms slowly fade to eerie, target are Matched at Speed 6.
frozen silence. The brace can avert this Crisis by
rescuing the castaways or providing alternative End the Combat when any of the following
means of life support. conditions are met:

When the “FREIGHTER LOST” Crisis triggers, the ▶ When all Veil have been destroyed and all
Blue Marigold has been pulled beyond the Breaches are contained.
unlight curtain into Veil-corrupted space. Any
attempts to follow it would be charging headfirst ▶ When the “FREIGHTER LOST” Crisis triggers.
into enemy territory. The brace can avert this
Crisis by successfully driving off the Veil escort
party and diverting the ship (see Combat: Veil
Escort and Ops: Divert the Freighter).

When the “LIFE SUPPORT FAILS” Crisis triggers,

the Last Days of Winterʼs reserve power gives
out, and the ship will begin to depressurize and

Ops: Divert the Freighter Physically recovering crew members (whether
If the escort is successfully driven off, the brace from the bowels of the Last Days or the floating
will still need to divert the Blue Marigoldʼs course wreckage of their escape pods) isnʼt enough—to
to prevent it from crossing the unlight curtain. progress the SAVE THE CREW clock, the brace
Start a 4/5/7-segment Objective clock labeled will also need a safe place to evacuate them to.
“STOP THE SHIP”. Hammerʼs scans reveal there are no other ships
or stations within range for anyone but a
Complicating the braceʼs efforts is the Blue Revolver. Encourage creativity with what is
Marigoldʼs cocoon of writhing Veil cryomass, there—if the players seem stumped, remind
which grants its already-immense mass a them they can always query Hammer.
physics-defying amount of additional inertia.
Attempts to progress the STOP THE SHIP clock If the brace decides to fix the Last Days before itʼs
cost 3 dice until the cryomass is removed. This too late, start a second 4/5/7-segment Objective
can be done using direct force—energy weapons clock labeled “REPAIRS". Resources are very
are effective [+1 bonus]—but other, less obvious limited, and the brace will have to scrounge and
methods may be even more efficient. scrape to get what they need— rolls to progress
this clock cost [2]. When the REPAIRS clock is
When the STOP THE SHIP clock is filled, the Blue filled, the Last Daysʼ power and oxygen routing
Marigold is saved—the brace can spend are stabilized, and she is no longer in imminent
remaining beats recovering the survivors from danger of destruction. Remove the “FRIGATE
the Last Days of Winter, but rejoining the frigate COLLAPSE” Crisis from the Beat clock.
after chasing down the Blue Marigold requires 1
full beatʼs worth of travel before theyʼre in range If the REPAIRS clock is filled and the OXYGEN
to help. DWINDLES Crisis has been resolved (successfully
or not), immediately fill the SAVE THE CREW
clock—the situation on board is stable, at least
Sitrep OBJECTIVE 2: for now. After thanking the Brace profusely,
LAST DAYS OF WINTER Captain Beck will offer use of the Last Days of
Winterʼs ship-to-ship weapons in attempts to
Ops: Save the Frigate reclaim the Blue Marigold. For the rest of Sitrep 2,
The Last Days of Winter is rapidly deteriorating. any member of the brace can signal a frigate
Her hull is heavily damaged—eaten through by strike at the end of a Combat round (see below).
Veil corrosion—and several of her key arterials
are leaking oxygen, coolant, and fuel. Her main ▶Terajoule Arc Lance: Choose a Speed. Destroy up to
weapons battery is mostly intact, but lacks 1d6+1 Veil at that Speed. Canʼt be used two rounds in a row.
power—every spare joule of reserve is being
funneled into sustaining what life support
systems remain. Word from Engineering (whatʼs SITREP AFTERMATH
left of them) is that the ship isnʼt a lost cause yet,
but will be soon barring immediate and drastic Once the Beat clock fills or all objectives have
repairs—repairs they donʼt have the resources or been resolved, play out events as follows.
manpower to make. Captain Beck will assist from
her post however she can, but has no interest in The Last Days of Winter
leaving the ship until all survivors are accounted
for. If the SAVE THE CREW clock is…
▶Empty: No survivors. Captain Beck is the last
Once the brace is briefed, start a 6/8/10-segment to go, cursing the brace and the Veil before the
Objective clock labeled “SAVE THE CREW”. If the frigate collapses into a pile of depressurizing
“OXYGEN DWINDLES” Crisis triggers or has wreckage.
already triggered, black out two segments on ▶Under half: Only a scattered few remain.
this clock—you canʼt save everyone, anymore. ▶Over half: Most of the crew is safe. The losses
could have been so much worse.
▶Full: You saved everyone you could. It wasnʼt
everyone, but it was more than anyone could
hope for.

If any survivors of the LDOW remain, Hammer vwill likely be attracted to the V-Drive even in
will coordinate a rendezvous and extraction. its decaying state, and the extreme gravity will
make Revolver combat difficult.
The Blue Marigold
▶ A nearby shipyard and research station,
If the Blue Marigold is… Hammer Auxiliary SY-2, also reports they
▶Secured: Cursory examination of the freighter have facilities to repair and disarm the V-core.
reveals paraspatial anomalies along her length, This will take time, and will likely put their
concentrated in the aft section. Hammer requests station under threat of Veil attack—they ask
the brace investigate. Doing so reveals the Veilʼs the brace to defend them as they work.
interest in the ship: the Marigold is old enough to
have a dormant but mostly-intact V-drive, which ▶ As a path of last resort, Hammer-9 also
was never properly decommissioned in the projects a Revolver could synchronize their
scramble to get the old hauler functional again. Drive with the V-Core, overloading it and
Begin Sitrep 3A. canceling any antipolarity with their own
▶Lost: The freighter is gone, swallowed by the radiative energy. This would decompose both
sheening weft of the Unlight Curtain. Baryon parties at the atomic level—instant, mutual
oscillations fuzz and flicker. For a moment, you annihilation.
feel a deep, abiding sense of dread. Begin Sitrep
3B. Once the brace has made their decision and is
preparing to depart, another dispatch hits their
entanglement comms, priority code

THE FALLING KNIFE The Veil are massing for a spearhead attack on
Methusula-4, one of the 9 key Jovian bunker
The Blue Marigoldʼs V-Drive housing is already colonies. Theyʼre detecting Breach traces
heavily corroded: a stadium-diameter sphere of materializing en masse, with ambush forces
tungsten girdering, shot through with fissures already dispatched to occupy their embedded
and rimed over with frost. Inside, nestled in Revolvers. The colony is in the midst of extensive
concentric rings of warped and broken resonance construction and is in no shape to repel a full-
trusses, is the V-Drive itself, two halves of a scale Veil assault. They need help.
sphere fused around a surreal hard-edged glow
of a perfect emitter. The light around it doesnʼt Weapons systems, fortifications, flash-repairs,
scatter, isnʼt absorbed or refracted—it settles on scouting—anything you can provide, in whatever
the air in arresting whitebody shards, winking out time they have before the atack. If Methusula-4
and back in an unsteady heartbeat. falls, the ring of protection around the Jovian belt
shatters, leaving a glaring weak spot the Veil will
Hammerʼs consensus is swift and unanimous: the exploit to the fullest—a weakness Humanity
Drive is damaged beyond repair and at risk of cannot afford.
criticality. If the core isnʼt disposed of or
otherwise handled, it will rupture and self- The attack on the freighter was a clever
annihilate, sending antipolar echoes across Prima misdirection. Now, the Veil prepare to make
Sol for millions of miles—a blazing beacon for their move in earnest.
the Veil.
After a short span of tense silence, a third
Skylight Burning needs to stop it. Fast. dispatch: Hammer SY-2 has a proposal. Their
scientists could, in theory, rig the V-core for
There are a myriad of ways to dispose of the V- inverse rupture, creating a short-lived paracausal
Core. Few are guaranteed. Even fewer are safe. "membrane" that would, in theory, attract and
swallow most of Veil spearpoint like an enormous
▶ Hammer-9ʼs heuristics recommend disposal in net before collapsing back to antireality.
Jupiterʼs gravity well—the immense forces
involved will destroy the perfect emitter and
contain the resulting antipolar eruption. Veil

If your players think of another, unlisted starts Combat deployed Matched to any
solution to the V-Core, lean into their Revolver, and moves with them when they Boost
creativity! Donʼt be afraid to introduce (but not when they take Impact).
complications, but as long as itʼs reasonably likely
within the fiction, reward their planning and At the end of each round, if a core is Matched to
moxie. a Revolver and isnʼt isnʼt Matched to any Veil,
advance the “CORE DISPOSAL” clock by 1. If the
Once the Brace is briefed, add two Crises to the core is Matched to a Veil and isnʼt Matched to
Beat clock: “V-CORE DETONATES” at segment 4, any Revolvers, advance the “CORE RUPTURE”
and “COLONY ATTACK” at segment 8. clock by 1. If the core is Matched to both, itʼs
contested; donʼt advance either clock.
When the “V-CORE DETONATES” Crisis triggers,
the Veil will flood the local sector, drawn by the End the Combat when either of the “CORE
antipolar rupture. Any nearby ships and RUPTURE” or “CORE DISPOSAL” clocks fill.
settlements will be subsumed in a blink, and
any Revolvers involved in escorting the Drive will If the brace is manually disposing of the V-Core
need to fight their way out. If the V-Core in the Jovian well, all Boosts are at -1 (minimum
detonates while itʼs in Jupiterʼs orbit for disposal, 1) due to the planetʼs immense gravity. Revolvers
mark 1 point of reinforcements for Sitrep 4 as can take 2 Drive Stress to ignore this restriction
even more Veil are drawn to the spearhead. The for a turn. The Veil can freely translate through
Brace can avert this crisis by successfully exotic topology and have no such issue.
disposing of or disarming the V-Core.
If the brace decide to bring the V-Core to
When the “COLONY ATTACK” Crisis triggers, Hammer-SY2:
immediately end the Sitrep and begin Sitrep 4. Theyʼll need to hold out while the technicians
There is no way to avert this Crisis—youʼll have to disarm or retool the V-Core. Start a 4-segment
face it head on. clock labeled “STATION DAMAGE”. The station
itself is an object at Speed 3—If a Veil hits it with
Sitrep OBJECTIVE 1: any attack, advance the “STATION DAMAGE”
unstable v-core clock by 1. If a Revolver is Matched to the station,
the Veil will always prioritize them.
If the Brace decides to dispose of or otherwise
handle the V-Core, here are some considerations At the start of rounds 2 and 4, deploy Ivy-Strain
to keep in mind: x4 and Iris-Strain x1 as reinforcements (in
addition to any reinforcements via Incursion).
▶ The Veil will be attracted to the Core wherever
it goes, and will attempt to subsume it and End the Combat when the “STATION DAMAGE”
cause a rupture. (See Combat: Bait and clock fills (failure), or when 4 rounds have elapsed
Switch) (success).

▶ Traveling into the Jovian well consumes 1 full If the brace ignore the V-Core and leave it as-
beatʼs worth of time each way. is:
The Veilʼs jaws snap shut on the local sector. The
Combat: Bait and Switch Coreʼs detonation wonʼt just signal a weakpoint
Begin Combat with the following foe roster, in humanityʼs defenses, itʼll contain enough
regardless of where the brace takes the V-Core: energy for the Veil to tear a fresh combat force
▶Lantana-Strain x6/8/10 into the region, ready and waiting to flank the
▶Iris-Strain x2/4/4 brace. If any survivors remain on the Last Days,
▶Foxglove-Strain x2/2/3 they—and their ships, their weapons, the
Hammer medics tending to their wounded and
If the brace decides to dispose of the V-Core dead—will be caught in the antipolar
manually: entanglement and repurposed. [This will cause
Start two 3-segment clocks labeled “CORE additional complications in Sitrep 4.]

Sitrep OBJECTIVE 2: The attack on the freighter was a clever
METHUSULA-4 misdirection. Now, the Veil prepare to make
their move in earnest.
The atmosphere in the colonyʼs hab-dome is one
of barely-restrained panic. Thereʼs too much to Hammer-9 relays the situation in full: the good
do and not enough time for any human to pull it news, such as it is, is that a breach of this size and
off. Good thing youʼre Revolvers. power doesnʼt come from nowhere. It needs fuel,
a source— either an absurd amount of mass-
If the brace decides to help bolster Methusula-4ʼs energy or a high-intensity entropy emitter.
defenses, start a 6/8/10-segment Objective clock Somethingʼs in there, beyond the oily sheen of
labeled “PREPARE THE COLONY”, then roll or pick fractured spacetime. Something is causing this.
3 items from Table: Methusula-4 Resources (pg
44)—these are points of interest on the colony By Hammerʼs heuristics, this affords the brace a
that might be useful in the assault. Itʼs up to the brief window of opportunity: dive the breach
brace how they leverage them (if at all! Thereʼs before it opens, destroy its heart, and get
plenty to do beyond whatʼs listed here), but as back out before it collapses in full. Itʼs as
always, reward creativity. simple as it is absurdly, desperately dangerous—
but leaving it unchecked will likely be worse.
Filling the “PREPARE THE COLONY” clock will
determine the intensity of the final Veil assault. If The bad news is the megabreach is far from the
the brace manages to fully fill the clock Skylight Burningʼs only problem. In addition to
(impressive), Methusula-4 is as ready as it can the looming threat it poses on its own, the slow-
get. Take a deep breath, say your prayers, and growing maw is surrounded by a small legion of
begin Sitrep 4. “conventional” Veil forces. Methusula-4 is in the
midst of extensive construction and is in no
shape to repel a full-scale assault. They need
SITREP 3B: BREAK THE help. Weapons systems, fortifications, flash-
repairs, scouting—anything you can provide, in
BLADE IN YOUR TEETH whatever time they have before the Veil fully
mobilize. If the colony falls, the ring of protection
As the brace picks up the pieces of the previous around the Jovian belt will shatter, leaving a
sitrep, a new dispatch hits their entanglement glaring weak spot the Veil will exploit to the
comms, priority ONYX_ALPHA. Live feed from fullest—a weakness Humanity cannot afford.
Methusula-4, one of the key Jovian bunker
colonies: Youʼll need to do everything you can to prepare
before the Veil launch their assault. Make those
At first glance, it looks like a brand-new star in seconds count.
the sky. The black above the colony is pierced by
a shimmering fleck of blue-yellow and red-green, Once the brace is briefed, add two Crises to the
swirling like an oil slick on water. It looks almost Beat clock: “THE MAW OPENS” at segment 4,
beautiful, serene. But the longer you look, even and “COLONY ATTACK” at segment 6.
through the grainy video, the more your Drive
feels like itʼs spinning off its axis—itʼs an error in When “THE MAW OPENS” Crisis triggers, the
your center of gravity, a twist in your gut that megabreach has fully stabilized and can no
pulls tighter with each passing moment. longer be closed. It hangs like an inverted sun,
pulsing with the strength of a vast heartbeat. Its
A massive, metastable Veil breach, orders and surface is glassy-still—but how long will that last?
orders of magnitude larger than the usual [This will cause additional complications in
pinholes—nascent, still emerging, but expanding Sitrep 4.] The brace can avert this Crisis by
rapidly. Surrounding it, thousands of glistered diving the breach and destroying its heart,
fragments bloom and bloom like fresh buds; the preventing it from manifesting.
Veil are massing, pouring from the microbreaches
surrounding the anomaly. This is the gathering of When the “COLONY ATTACK” Crisis triggers,
an army, a spearhead strike at one of the anchors immediately end this Sitrep and begin Sitrep 4.
of the Jovian belt. There is no way to avert this Crisis—youʼll have
to face it head on.
Sitrep OBJECTIVE 1: ▶ Walls and floors have their materials swapped
THE MAW at random. Occasionally youʼll find yourself
walking on a carpet of airlock doors,
If the brace decides to dive the megabreach, its sporadically opening and shutting beneath
glassy surface shudders, then crackles—then you.
swallows them hungrily with an ear-popping
static hiss. ▶ As the brace delves deeper(?) into the
Marigold, their surroundings grow more
V-Space is a fractalline Impressionist nightmare, a overtly hostile: rooms are filled with Veil
swirl of impossible non-colors and gale-force filaments, half-broken machines erupt from
static winds, shot through by a massive webbed the walls, passageways constrict like
superstructure that stretches out in all directions intestines.
(3-dimensional and otherwise). It is cold. It is so,
so horribly cold. When the “FIND THE HEART” clock fills, the brace
has found the Blue Marigoldʼs V-Drive, which has
The web is made of the same oily something as been totally colonized by the Veil web that
Veil-strains themselves. Touching it fills you with permeates its outside. The V-Core itself hovers in
exhaustion and numbing fire as your Drive works the center, a broken-mirror amalgam of
furiously to counter the hungry anti-light. The machinery and unlight flowers, wrapped around
strands arenʼt distributed evenly—they thicken as an unblinking dark eye of defiled spacetime. It
they flow towards a central stalk, a spiraling can be destroyed with massive amounts of
cocoon-growth enveloping a hulk of flickering conventional force (slow), a focused burst of
wreckage: the remains of the Blue Marigold. Drive energy (dangerous; all brace members
Push Their Limits) or other, creative means.
After its capture and assimilation, the Blue
Marigold is a warped shell of its former self, but If the brace successfully destroys the V-Core, the
the shuddering black light at its inverted core is breach begins to collapse. The web around the
still recognizable. A V-drive. The Veil are using Blue Marigold shudders and unravels, and for the
the freighterʼs ancient jump core to fuel the first time, the brace can feel a hint of warmth
megabreach. Youʼll need to close the distance again. Following the feeling will lead them back
and destroy it. to Jovian space—but not before the Veil unleash
one last horror.
Ops: The Blue Marigold, Reprise
As the brace races to the breachʼs terminus, a
Once the brace is briefed, start a 3/4/5-segment shadow falls across them from every axis at once.
Objective clock labeled “FIND THE HEART”. The web-structure has begun to weave itself
Theyʼll need to navigate the Blue Marigoldʼs together again, motion birthing form: a flailing
depths to find its V-Drive housing before itʼs too mass of seething unlight tendrils coiled around a
late, but V-Space makes pathfinding anything but vantablack maw, with rows of endless jagged
straightforward: spikes spiraling down into infinity. You feel the
soundless roar of its presence in your blood, in
▶ Distances have been turned all inside-out and your bones—if the Veil can feel rage, this is it.
non-Riemannian. From the outside, the
Marigold is a confusing patchwork of what Combat: THE COCOON
are clearly fuel tanks, cavernous hangars, and
maintenance arteries. Get close enough, and Begin Combat with the following foe roster:
youʼll suddenly find yourself in the bowels of ▶THE COCOON x1/x1/x1
the ship, secluded from open space.
If the brace destroy THE COCOON within 3
▶ Rooms occasionally open into themselves. rounds or are at Speed 4 or higher when round 3
Move fast enough, and you might be able to ends, they successfully escape. If any Revolver
see yourself—or at least something that looks ends round 3 lower than Speed 4 and THE
like you—leaving. COCOON hasnʼt been destroyed, they are
dragged into the depths of V-Space and
swallowed forever by the breach.

THE COCOON plenty to do beyond whatʼs listed here), but as
BASIC INFO always, reward creativity.
▶ROLE: Malignant Growth ▶ARMOR: 0
▶RANK: Boss ▶REACH: 1(1) Filling the “PREPARE THE COLONY” clock will
▶PRESENCE: 25 (1) determine the intensity of the final Veil assault. If
the brace manages to fully fill the clock
ATTACKS (impressive), Methusula-4 is as ready as it can
▶ LASH: Hits 1 Leading (4) target for 3 Harm. get.
Ignores Weight.
▶ STRANGLE: Hits ∞ Leading (6) targets for 1 Take a deep breath, say your prayers, and begin
Harm. Targets must Save or be Slowed.
▶ DEVOUR: Hits 1 Matched target for 1 Drive Sitrep 4.
▶ VOID FILAMENTS [P]: The Cocoonʼs attacks
leave VOID FILAMENTS at any Speed they hit a
Revolver. The filaments are destroyed on taking THE SPEAR
any Harm or if a Revolver Boosts through them
(if the latter, they interrupt the Boost and deal 1 Methusula-4 has run out of time. All at once, the
Impact each). spear surges into motion.
▶ DEVOURER PULSE: Choose up to 3 VOID On the sat feeds, the Veil first resolve as a
FILAMENTS in order—they pulse with hungry
energy in that order. Each pulse deals 2 Impact to smudge, a scattering of dead pixels on the
all Revolvers Matched to that filament. background of the black. Only gravimetric
analysis even gets close to the real picture:
▶ SOUNDLESS SCREAM: Detonate all VOID somewhere in that tiny blob is a moonʼs worth of
FILAMENTS. Each filament deals 1 Impact to all mass, a colossal central body with hundreds of
Revolvers within Speed 1 of itself, ignoring
Weight. smaller strains swarming its surface. As the brace
approaches, they donʼt seem to get any closer,
COUNTERS and yet the Veil-amalgam grows, and grows, and
▶ ENDLESS WEB [1]: Create 3 VOID grows, til it swallows the horizon.
FILAMENTS at any Speed without a Revolver.
A Lotus-Strain. Hammerʼs records are scant but
TACTICS terrifying. This is the closest thing the Veil have
Saturates the battlefield with VOID FILAMENTS,
then uses them to funnel targets into its gaping demonstrated as a battlefield commander, an
maw. existential threat unto itself—and itʼs brought an
army with it.
If the brace successfully escapes the megabreach,
they can use their remaining beats to help Up close, itʼs clear this Lotus-Strain isnʼt one of
reinforce Methusula-4 before the Veil attack. the abstract geometric forms typical of the Veil.
The spires that protrude from its core are clearly
recognizable as manmade structures, facsimile
Sitrep OBJECTIVE 2: skyscrapers and houses hewn from pearlescent
METHUSULA-4 osteomaterial. Damaging the exostructures
reveals a yawning non-Euclidean interior, where
The atmosphere in the colonyʼs hab-dome is one smaller Veil circulate like blood cells through an
of barely-restrained panic. Thereʼs too much to artery.
do and not enough time for any human to pull it
off. Good thing youʼre Revolvers. This is it. Hold the line, or the colony falls.

If the brace decides to help bolster Methusula-4ʼs

defenses, start a 6/8/10-segment Objective clock
labeled “PREPARE THE COLONY”, then roll or pick
3 items from Table: Methusula-4 Resources (pg
44)—these are points of interest on the colony
that might be useful in the assault. Itʼs up to the
brace how they leverage them (if at all! Thereʼs
FINAL COMBAT: ▶ If the brace let the Blue Marigoldʼs V-Core
SAVE THE COLONY detonate in Sitrep 3A, the following foes
arrive to pincer them at the end of the second
The initial foe roster for this Combat depends on round of Combat:
the progress of the “PREPARE THE COLONY” ▶ Lantana-Strain x4/6/8
clock from Sitrep 3. ▶ Orchid-Strain x2/2/2
▶ Foxglove-Strain x1/2/2
If the PREPARE THE COLONY clock is…
▶Empty: Massive casualties. The Veil pour in like ▶ If the brace failed to close the megabreach
a tide. Use the following Combat roster: in Sitrep 3B, it inverts on itself, collapsing
▶ Yarrow-Strain x10/12/14 under its own energy but expelling a torrent
▶ Iris-Strain x1/2/2 of horrors as it does. Add the following to the
▶ Rose-Strain x1/2/2 initial foe roster:
▶ Foxglove-Strain x1/3/3 ▶ THE COCOON (pg 37) x1/1/1
▶ Lotus-Strain x1/1/1 ▶ Rose-Strain x2/3/4

▶Under half: All of the outlying colony habs ▶ If the brace has brought the rigged V-Core
and defenses are lost, but theyʼve managed to from Sitrep 3A as a counterweapon, start a
buy you some time. Use the following Combat 3-segment clock labeled “CORE BACKFIRE”.
roster: Treat the core as an ally that starts Matched
▶ Yarrow-Strain x8/10/12 to a Revolver and can move with them as they
▶ Iris-Strain x1/1/1 Boost (but not when they take Impact). If the
▶ Rose-Strain x1/2/2 V-Core takes any Impact from attacks,
▶ Foxglove-Strain x1/2/2 advance the “CORE BACKFIRE” clock by 1. If
▶ Lotus-Strain x1/1/1 the clock fills, the core is destroyed and
advances the Incursion clock by 4 unless a
▶Over half: The colonists meet the Veil at Revolver takes 3 Drive Burn to absorb the
Methusula-4ʼs edge—thereʼs casualties, but they antipolar eruption. If allowed to fully arm, the
hold the line. Use the following Combat roster: core detonates at the end of round 4,
▶ Yarrow-Strain x8/10/12 destroying all non-boss Veil and sealing all
▶ Rose-Strain x1/2/2 Veil Breaches.
▶ Foxglove-Strain x1/1/1
▶ Lotus-Strain x1/1/1 End the Combat when any of the following
conditions are met:
▶Full: Your planning pays off. The Veil are
shredded by the colonyʼs improvised defenses ▶ All Veil have been destroyed and all Veil
with minimal losses. They enter the fight Breaches have been sealed (VICTORY)
significantly weakened. Use the following
Combat roster: ▶ The Incursion Clock reaches 8, or no
▶ Yarrow-Strain x6/8/10 Revolvers remain to fight (DEFEAT)
▶ Rose-Strain x1/1/1
▶ Foxglove-Strain x1/1/1
▶ Lotus-Strain x1/1/1

Skylight Burningʼs actions in previous Sitreps also

influence this Combat:

▶ If the brace fully repaired the Last Days of

Winter in Sitrep 2 and recovered all her crew,
Captain Beck returns to lend long-spool fire
support. The brace gains a single use of
Terajoule Arc Lance at the end of any
Combat round:
▶Terajoule Arc Lance: Choose a Speed. Destroy up to
1d6+1 Veil at that Speed. Canʼt be used two rounds in a row.

signals, the yawning void of the incalculable
EPILOGUE: while the dead…

SUN still SHINES And then, like the crack of an ignition, scattered
blades of light erupt against the black. Pod after
If the brace successfully repels the spearhead pod flash-sublimates to R-STATE like a
assault: constellation of fresh-born stars, shining with
familiar prismatic radiance. Hammer comms is
Your Drives howl. Your weapons sing. The void of flooded with equal-balanced urgency and awe:
the sky is thick with smoke and fission-trails and RS-Intervention squads en route, stations
splining unlight death. Microseconds dilate to prepped, contingencies ready. This isnʼt the end.
seconds dilate to minutes to hours, the
hellrhythm of combat thundering in your ears— Until the galaxy dies—
Until the sun goes out—
And as you forge a path of light through the Until the last human gasps their last breath—
wave of death, the Veil break against you. The
spearhead shatters, the breaches flicker out, and The Roil will still burn.
the Unlight Tide is routed. Youʼve done the
impossible, and untold millions will keep their
lives because of it.

The colony, of course, canʼt spare much to

celebrate. Thereʼs repairs to make, rebuilds to
plan, and plenty dead to mourn. But even so—
Even so, the atmosphere in Methusla-4 is
brighter than when you arrived. Youʼve shown
them hope. Reassurance that life will go on, even
in the face of all this. They arenʼt dead yet.

The Veil will come again, and when they do,

Revolvers like you will stand to face the darkness,
spinning fast and bright and brilliant forever,
towards the future Humanity deserves.

If the brace fails to repel the assault:

Methusula-4 falls.

As the Veil strike the reactor at its central truss,

the colony splits in two, then four, then twelve,
collapsing into uncountable fragments. Silent
explosions bloom as power arterials are torn to
pieces by the swell of Jupiterʼs gravity, and
fractured hab-spools and reinforcement anchors
drift through the darkness, rimed with Veilfrost.

Escape pods flicker out across the Jovian belt in

spider-trails of high-G launches. Hammer
entanglement comms buzz with grim chatter,
coordinating extractions. They try as best they
can to focus on the living—not the choked I-
love-yous and shattered habs and desperate SOS

Presented by rank and order of appearance.
▶RANK: Chaff ▶REACH: 3(3)
▶ROLE: Massed Attack ▶ARMOR: 0 ▶ PURSUE: Hits 1 target within Speed 1 for 2
▶RANK: Chaff ▶REACH: 2(2) Impact. Can immediately blink to targetʼs ending
▶PRESENCE: 1 Speed after use.
▶ OVERGROW: Hits ∞ Matched targets for 0 ▶ ANTIMATTER BLOOM [P]: When a Lantana-
Impact. +1 Impact for each Matched Yarrow- Strain is destroyed, Matched Revolvers take 3
strain. Impact.
POWERS ▶ CATALYZE [R]: All Revolvers within Speed 2
must Save or be Primed.
▶ MULTIPLICITY [P]: When the GM would
create or activate a Chaff-rank foe, they may TACTICS
create or activate two Yarrow-Strains instead Pursues for maximum disruption with Catalyze
(does not apply to initial rosters). and Antimatter Bloom—does not retreat or self-
▶ SUBSPACE RIPPLE: Fold 1. All other Yarrow- preserve.
Strains may also Fold 1.
Coordinates to sync Speeds with other Yarrow- BASIC INFO
Strains, then attacks in an overwhelming swarm.
Multiplicity allows for rapid resupply through ▶ROLE: Brawler ▶ARMOR: 1
Veil Breaches. ▶RANK: Soldier ▶REACH: 4(4)

▶ CLEAVE: Deals 3 Impact to ∞ Matched targets.
BASIC INFO ▶ SHEAR: Deals 2 Impact to 1 Leading(3) target,
▶ROLE: Distraction/Disruption ▶ARMOR: 0 and all targets Matched to them.
▶RANK: Chaff ▶REACH: 3(8)
▶ THORNS [P]: Whenever the Rose-Strain takes
ATTACKS Harm, all Matched Revolvers take 1 Impact.
▶ CONSTRICT: Deals 3 Impact to 1 Matched ▶ PIROUETTE: Fold. All Revolvers the Rose-
target. Ignores Weight. Can only be used if Strain passes take 1 Impact, then one Matched
target is EMBRACED. Revolver at the Rose-Strainʼs ending Speed takes
3 Impact.
POWERS ▶VOID PETALS: Choose Leading (3) or Trailing
▶ DISTORTION HELIX [P]: Attacks against the (3). All Revolvers in that band take 1 Impact,
Ivy-Strain from non-Matched sources cost 2. ignoring Weight.
▶ EMBRACE: Choose a Matched Revolver and
EMBRACE them. While EMBRACED, the target is TACTICS
permanently Weakened and Slowed, and the Gets in close with Pirouette, then wreaks havoc
Ivy-Strain gains and loses Speed as they do, with Cleave. Uses Shear and Void Petals for
moving with them. The Ivy-Strain can only evasive targets.
EMBRACE one target at a time.
Seeks target and uses Embrace to lock them
down, then Constricts them until destroyed.

▶ROLE: Drive Saboteur ▶ARMOR: 0 ▶ROLE: Assassin ▶ARMOR: 0
▶RANK: Soldier ▶REACH: 3(8) ▶RANK: Elite ▶REACH: 4(8)
▶ SWELTER: Deals 2 Drive Stress to 3 Trailing ▶NULLIFY: Deals 5 Impact to 1 Trailing (6) target
(5) targets. and Fractures them. Must Recharge between
attacks; starts Combat uncharged.
▶VETO: Deals 2 Impact to 1 Matched target and
▶ COREWORM [P]: Before combat begins, Disrupts them.
choose a Revolver. The target is Strained until
the Orchid-Strain is destroyed. The Orchid-Strain POWERS
can shift the target of this ability at the end of its ▶CIPHER CLOAK [R]: The Foxglove-strain
turn each round. becomes untargetable and immune to all
▶ STIGMA BOMB: Choose a Revolver within statuses and Harm until the end of this round. It
Speed 5. At the end of their next turn, they take can immediately activate this power in response
Impact equal to their current Drive Stress (max to a Weak Hit against it, nullifying the attack.
6). The bomb expires if the Orchid-Strain is ▶NULL STEP [R]: The Foxglove-strain blinks to
destroyed. any active Veil Breach, then attacks if able.
▶ STIGMA SNARE: Choose a Revolver within ▶ZERO POINT: The Foxglove-Strainʼs next
Speed 5. If they use a power before the end of Nullify attack ignores Weight and deals 10
their next turn, they take 3 additional Drive Impact. If it takes any Harm, this effect is
Stress and are Disrupted. canceled.
Opens with Coreworm, then attacks with Keeps to high Speeds, using Nullify and Zero
Swelter build large amounts of Drive Stress on Point for massive Impact against vulnerable
multiple targets. Uses Stigma Bomb and Stigma targets. If threatened at close range, uses Veto,
Snare to punish frequent power usage or high- Cipher Cloak, or Null Step to disengage.
value powers.
▶ROLE: Focus Fire ▶ARMOR: 0
▶RANK: Soldier ▶REACH: 2(6)
▶GAZE: Deals 2 Impact to 1 Leading (6) or
Trailing (6) target. FOCUSES the
target until the Iris-Strain attacks a
different one. Against FOCUSED targets, this
gains +1 Impact and Slows.
Trailing (8) Revolver and Slow them, or Lock and
Fracture them if theyʼre FOCUSED.
▶CORNEAL SHIELD [R]: Until the end of this
round, the Iris-Strain gains 2 Armor vs. Revolvers
that arenʼt FOCUSED.
Chooses a priority target for Gaze and ignores all
others. Uses Glimpse The Threshold to lock
down its chosen target (if necessary) and
Corneal Shield if significantly threatened.
Roll 1d6 to determine A column (even) o
▶ROLE: Legion ▶ARMOR: 2
▶RANK: Boss ▶REACH: 2(4)
▶PRESENCE: 9 (3) 1d6 ResourceS
None. 1 Grav Turbines: First-stage attempts
abandoned in favor of more refined
disposed of. Uses a crude warping m
Jovian grav-envelope and project it

is immune to Disrupt and Force. Other foes Icebreaker Charges: With water mi
within Speed 3 have +1 Armor and deal +1
the time being, an asteroid hauler h
▶ UNFURL: Roll a d6. Open that many Veil Methusela-4 until the brace takes c
Breaches+1, distributed across any number of Thanks to the lack of work, thereʼs s
Speed bands. cracking explosives stuck in its haul
▶VOID TORRENT [R]: Choose Leading or

Trailing. At the start of the next Incursion Turn, all Fresnel-Rosen Lens: Colony engine
Revolvers in the chosen band are Primed, then
take 1 Impact for every active Veil Breach. boost the output of Methusula-4ʼs s
with growing energy needs. The Fre
COUNTERS the most extreme solution to this p
▶ VOID MAW [1]: Open a Veil Breach Matched mirror-sized wormhole with its othe
to the Lotus-Strain, then deal 2 Impact to the from Sol itself. Itʼs sitting decommis
triggering Revolver (ignores Weight). of the nodes and then its own reson
▶ NEW GROWTH [2]: Create 2 Chaff or 1
Soldier foe at any active Veil Breach, and
immediately activate them.
▶ABUNDANCE [3]: Choose two: Recharge Void
Torrent, restore 5 Presence to any foe, activate
two other foes.
4 VIA-Suits: The hangar contains a fu
servo-assisted mid-duty loader exo
and drill rigs. Theyʼre technically aw
company, and no one on the colony
Constantly summons reinforcements via Unfurl
and New Growth. Uses Void Torrent once there
is significant breach presence, and Abundance as
needed to heal itself and others. 5 LOCKOUT: The LOCKOUT rig is a H
prototype built to enforce consensu
area, sealing Veil breaches at the lev
Unfortunately, itʼs only partially able
about managed to get it to simulat
theyʼre still working on the forward

6 Ignition!: Someoneʼs Roil has ignite

oncoming invasion, and colony med
with a volatile makeshift Core. They
full field operations yet, but there m
teach them a few tricks.


or B column (odd), then another d6 to determine the actual result.

SA 1d6 ResourceS B
s at artificial gravity,
d options but never properly
mechanism to amplify the
t to the surrounding area.
1 JoviBloom: A colony biologistʼs pet project. Twelve sealed viv-
canisters of an ultra-sturdy, ultra-fast-growing creeper vine
engineered for structural reinforcement and flash-building. Scientists
say it reacts unpredictably to antipolar radiation exposure, but
records on the actual effects have been lost.

ining operations on hold for

has been grounded at
care of things or they all die.
still a full supply of rock-
2 HRV Endurance: The Hammer Recon Vehicle Endurance is an old
emergency response hauler built to bash through even the densest
debris fields; its ridiculous-looking hull earned it the affectionate
nickname of “Forehead.” Itʼs currently docked at Methusela, awaiting
l, waiting to be put to use. a shipbreaking crew it may yet outlive.

eers have been trying to

solar arrays for years to deal
esnel-Rosen lens is, perhaps,
problem: a man-portable,
3 Satellite Artillery Grid: Nearby orbital defense systems are
struggling to function in the extreme anti-polar radiation from the
growing breach. With their targeting systems on the fritz, theyʼve
been taken offline for fear theyʼll put a kinetic kill rod through a
er end placed just inches friendly Revolver
ssioned after it vaporized one

ull shipment of collapsible,

osuits with attached flares
waiting pickup from a mining
y has the auths to start them
4 V-Wave Mimesis Module: Methusela-4ʼs embedded Hammer team
were working on a way to camouflage their water transports as Veil,
stopping the slow attrition of their supply chain. It isnʼt finished yet,
but they only need a little more data to tune it up.

Hammer resonance-projector
us reality in the surrounding
vel of the laws of physics.
e to do its job—theyʼve just
5 Volatile Debris Field: Exposure to exotic matter has transmuted
nearby asteroids into giant, unstable masses of contact explosive,
creating a literal minefield around the colony that prevents
te the third dimension, but
d movement of time.

ed under the stress of the

d support has provided them
y probably arenʼt ready for
might be just enough time to
6 Supersymmetric Majorana Ring Rifle: The SMRR is a pre-Blackout
relic emplacement, transported here so its onboard reactor could be
repurposed for the colony instead. If the Brace could find some other
way to reignite this beast, theyʼd wield destructive power humanity
hasnʼt seen in centuries upon centuries.

KICKSTART VERSION 0.15, last updated 10/6/2023

Hey! Thanks for trying INFINITE REVOLUTION. I hope you

enjoyed it.

This quickstart is a living document that I plan to update and

refine as I build out more of the OVERDRIVE EDITION. This
version will always remain 100% free, and Iʼm very happy I got to
release it alongside the campaign.

f you have questions about the game, want to learn more, or

want to find a group to play with, feel free to check out our
official discord:

Till next time—spin fast, spin free, spin true.

-Gwen <3

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