Reviewer in Gen Soc

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Sex usually categorized as female or male but there is variation in the biological attributes that comprise sex and

those attributes are expressed.

refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender
diverse people.

Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the complex interaction of gender with other identity markers
such as race, ethnicity, sexuality, nation, and religion

Gender as Social Construction” refers how gender is socially constructed and this term represents that the society and
culture create the roles,
Cultures provide widely different categories, schema, and labels for framing sexual and affective experiences

Gender history is a terser way of saying "gender-conscious"

-human beings do not appear as neuter individuals, that they exist as male or female,
-Gender history not only recognizes women as historical agents but also revokes the assumption that men are neuter
beings whose masculinity and sexuality require no notice
-Far from minimizing women's history, gender history includes and amplifies it
-Gender is directly referential in an important sense, describing how sexual division is understood in the social order
-masculine and the feminine are always differentiated, yet "masculine" and "feminine" have no predefined or necessary
-gender references, metaphors, and rhetoric go far beyond descriptions of, or relations between, men and women.
-gender becomes, in Joan Scott's words, "a primary way of signifying relationships of power..
-Gender allusions handily condemn or praise, easily magnify or dismiss.

Gender Equity
Means giving more opportunities to those who have less and those who are historically and socially disadvantaged
based on their needs for them to operate on a level playing field.
Equity leads to equality.
Gender and Development (GAD) -- A development approach that seeks to equalize the status and condition of and
relations between women and men
Gender Equality
Means that women and men enjoy the same status
It means that there is no sex discrimination in the allocation of resources and benefits or access to services,
Women Empowerment
An essential process for women's advancement. It is the process and condition by which women are mobilize to
understand, identify and overcome gender

Gender Mainstreaming
Means raising people's GAD awareness and building GAD- related capabilities
A strategy for making agencies work for women's empowerment and gender equality

GAD Planning and Budgeting

GAD Plan and Budget is a systematically designed set of programs, projects and activities with corresponding budget

Annual GAD budget -- the cost of implementing the annual may include agency P/A/Ps designed to women's GAD plan,
which address gender issues and promote empowerment and gender equality.

GAD Focal Point -- is the group of people within the agency tasked to catalyze and facilitate the institutionalization of
gender mainstreaming and women's empowerment within the agency.

Why have GAD?

International Mandate (UN Instruments)
National Mandate (Constitution, RAS, EOs, Circulars)
NAPOLCOM and PNP Memo Circulars
Obligation to agencies involved in international aid and cooperation- the UN attached agencies among them-.
When did GAD came into being?
GAD was developed in the 1980s as an alternative to the Women in Development (WID) approach that was in common
use until then.
It is said that GAD was established in the pursuit of Gender Equality which has its roots in the 1948 UN Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.

school should uphold the rights of each and everyone by being gender responsive.
school should be a vessel to minimize if not totally eradicate discrimination based on gender.

Development aims at the fulfillment of three basic human needs:
-the ability to provide for basic necessities;
-the ability to become persons with identity, dignity and -self-esteem; and
-the exercise of freedom and responsibility.

Four premises of GAD Orientation:

-GAD is not war of sexes
-GAD is not anti-male
-Both women and men are victims of gender inequality,
-Both women and men have a stake in the struggle

-Not a war of the sexes
-Not anti-male
-Recognition that in practically all cultures women have a lower status than men.

Gender in PH education
Strategic gender issues to be addressed
1. Boys are underperforming in key education indicators compared to girls
2. Indigenous people (IP) also fall behind in enrolment data and experience discrimination
3. Higher education degrees manifest marked gender- segregation
4. Gender biases and stereotypes remain, and are still embedded in the curricula, instructional methods, materials and
learning media
5. Women and girls continue to be vulnerable to sexual harassment and violence inside schools because of the lack of
safe and gender responsive teaching-learning environment

Magna Carta of Women

SEC. 13. Equal Access and Elimination of Discrimination in Education, Scholarships, and Training. -
(a) The State shall ensure that gender stereotypes and images in educational materials and curricula are adequately and
appropriately revised. Gender- sensitive language shall be used at all times.

Key GAD Concepts:

1. Shared parenting
2. Shared home management
3. Shared decision making
4. Equalized opportunities
5. Equalized Representation in Public Affairs and Enhanced Participation
6. Make Women's Roles and Contributions Visible, Valued and Recognized
7. Ensure Non-sexist Socialization
8. Anti-Violence against women and Children

1948- The Universal Declaration of Human

"... everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of
1951- Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in
Persons of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others
1975- the General Assembly of the United 1975 National Commission on the Role of Filipino
Women (NCRFW) was established through
Presidential Decree No. 633
1976- International Covenant Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights on
1977-Fourth Geneva Convent
1981- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) 1987- Integration of Gender Equality in the
Philippine Constitution.

1988 Proc 224: March 8 as Women's rights and Intl

peace day
1988 Proc 227: Women's month; women's role in
socio-econ-pol devt

1989 - Philippine Development Plan for Women

(1989-1992) was adopted through EO 348
1990- RA 6949: March 8 as National women's day
1991- RA 6975 An act establishing the Philippine
National Police under a reorganized Department of
the Interior and Local Government

1992- RA 7192 "Women in Nation-Building 1992- ΝΑΡOLCOM issued memorandum

circular 92-010 establishing the Child and
Youth Relations Section
1993- Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against 1993- Pres. Ramos issued Presidential Memorandum 1993- PNP forged a partnership with
Women (UN G creating the Women's Desk in all police stations. NCRFW
1995- UN 4th World Conference on Women adopted the 1995- Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
1997- The PNP issued Memorandum
Circular No. 97-001 re: Activation of the
Women and Children Concerns Division
(WCCD) under the DPCR
1998- RA 8551 creation of the Women and
Children's Desk
2000- UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 2000- Sec 27 of RA 8760 otherwise known as the 2000- CPNP signed and issued Memo
General Appropriation Act of 2000 Circular 2000-003 re Implementing
2001- The PNP Women's Crisis and Child
Protection Center
2002- Reconstitution of FJGAD as a division
of the DPCR by virtue of DPL Circular Nr
2003- RA 9208 "The Anti-Trafficking in Persons 2003-NAPOLCOM Memo Circular No.
Act of 2003" penalizes the act of "trafficking in 2003-04 entitled "Guidelines in Establishing
person." PNP GAD Mechanisms
2004- Joint Circular 2004-1 issued by NEDA, DBM 2004- PNP Memorandum Circular 2004- 02
and NCRFW provides for the "Guidelines for the re-PNP Guidelines in the Implementation of
Preparation of Annual Gender and Development GAD Program
(GAD) Plan and Budget

2004- RA 9262 "Anti Violence against Women and

their Children Act of 2004"
2009- RA 9710. "An Act Providing for the Magna 2009 PNP-ADB partnership came into being
Carta of Women
2011- Joint Circular 2011-01 issued by NEDA and
DBM which provides for the "Guidelines to
Institutionalize Reporting of Budget Allocations and
Expenditures Including Physical targets and
accomplishments for Development Goals (MDGs)
the Millennium

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