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1 Which of these time clauses can be reduced (R)? Which ones cannot be reduced (N)?
Write the correct letter.

____ 1. Ever since I can remember, I've been a night owl.

____ 2. Once I fall asleep, I almost never wake up until morning.
____ 3. My mother races off to work right after I leave for school.
____ 4. Every time Jerry comes to visit, he keeps me up past my bedtime.
____ 5. As soon as I get up in the morning, I drink a large glass of water.
____ 6. I always listen to music while I run.
____ 7. I often doze off as I'm watching TV at night.
____ 8. Whenever I drink coffee after 3:00, I have trouble falling asleep.
____ 9. I always have breakfast at local café before I start classes for the day.

____ 10. The last time I stayed at a hotel, the bed was really uncomfortable.

Rewrite the sentences using reduced time clauses.

1. I usually watch the news while I have breakfast.

2. My sister won't drink orange juice after she brushes her teeth.
3. She does a lot of housework before she leaves for work in the morning.
4. Power nappers work better after they sleep for a short time during the day.
5. You probably shouldn't eat anything heavy before you exercise.
6. If I listen to soft music while I study, I can concentrate better.
7. After I'm in an argument, I need to be by myself for an hour or two.
8. Before I chill out at night, I make sure everything is ready for the morning.

Passages Student's Book Grammar Plus; Page 112.


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