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have a blast doing to have a very fun or exciting The kids are having a blast

something time doing something running around the beach all


to be on cloud nine to be extremely happy and Was Helen pleased about

excited: getting that job?
- Pleased? She was on
cloud nine!

stubborn as a donkey persistent and dogged. Ah, she's as stubborn as

a donkey
consolation something that I didn't know what to
makes someone who say - I just offered a few
is sad or words of consolation.
disappointed feel
To study(work) your butt/ass EN: To study really really To convince his mum to buy
off hard him a brand new IPad, he
VN: Học lòi c** had to study his butt off last
semester to get an A+

Make sb blush like a tomato EN: An awkward way of P1: You look so gorgeous!
(Sb blush as red as a saying you’re blushing P2: Thank you so much, you
tomato) VN: Đỏ mặt just make me blush like a
/blʌʃ/ tomato =)))

Sneak out EN: To get out of a place She had to wait until
/sniːk/ /aʊt/ secretly everyone was asleep before
VN: Lẻn ra ngoài she could sneak out to meet
her boyfriend

Be obsessed with sth/sb EN: unable to stop thinking; Why are people so
/əbˈsest/ too interested or worried obsessed with money?
about sth
VN: ám ảnh

look down on sb EN: to think that you are She thinks they look down
better than someone on her because she doesn't
VN: coi thường have a job

take sb by surprise EN: The storm took the

+ happen fishermen completely by
unexpectedly surprise.
+ to attack or capture
sb/st unexpectedly The police took the burglars
VN: by surprise.
+ điều gì đó xảy ra
ngoài dự đoán
+ bất ngờ tấn công
hoặc bắt giữ ai đó
Out of touch EN: to no longer I and my ex girlfriend had
communicate with been out of touch for 3
somebody years.
VN: mất liên lạc với sb

Do st on purpose EN: do sth intentionally He talked about me behind

VN: cố ý làm gì my back on purpose,
>< by chance knowing it would hurt me.
>< tình cờ, vô ý

St fishy EN: seeming dishonest or There's something fishy

false going on here
VN: khả nghi, mờ ám Your story sounds fishy to

Know plenty about st EN: know a lot about Hùng knows plenty about
something chicken nugget and dieting
VN: biết lằm biết lốn

Run away with sth EN:

● to steal something, ● A stranger broke into
or to borrow my house and ran
something without away with my laptop
● to win a competition ● Brazil were running
or prize very easily away with the game
in the first half.
Run away with someone: EN: to secretly leave a
place with someone so that ● She ran away with
you can live together her boyfriend when
she was only

Burst into EN: to suddenly begin to She keeps bursting into

song/tears/laughter sing/cry/laugh tears.
VN: bỗng dưng muốn hát/
khóc/ cười.

Passion for st EN: a very powerful feeling, She left her job to pursue
/ˈpæʃ.ən/ for example of sexual her lifelong passion for
attraction, love, hate, anger, painting.
or other emotion
VN: đam mê

Nosy EN: too interested in what Nosy neighbors

/ˈnəʊ.zi/ other people are doing and
wanting to discover too
much about them
VN: tọc mạch, lắm chuyện

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