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 Put the words in the correct order.
1 There’s / on the table. / a TV
There’s a TV on the table.

2. There are some books next to the computer.

3. There are some clothes under the bed.
4. There’s a computer game near the chair.
5. There’s a mobile phone in front of the cupboard.

 Answer the questions.

11 IsIsthere
therea aposter?
poster? Yes,there
Yes, thereisis. .
2 Is there a clock? No, there isn’t
3 Is there a bed? Yes, there is.
4 Are there any books? No, there aren’t
5. Are there any shelves? Yes, there are

 Choose the correct words.

1 There’s/There are a poster on the wall.
2 There aren’t any comics under the bed.
3 There isn’t a TV in Adam’s room.
4 Is there a any music player in your room?

 Complete the sentences with about, of or from.
1 This postcard is from my friend.
2 That book is about _ animals.
3 Look at this photo of_ my friend and his cat.
4 That website is about learning English
 Write the parts of the house.
1 omobtrah bathroom
2 itkhcne kitchen
3 moorbde bedroom
4 tassir stairs__________
5 ingnidoomr diningroom
6 vilngiomor livingroom
7 Read the clues and complete the words.
1 This is above my head and next to my bed. light
2 The shower is in here. bathroom
3 These are next to your music player. shelf__________
4 Your clothes are in this. cupboard__________
5 This is behind your house or in front of your house. garden__________
6 These are on the windows. cushion__________
7 This is on the wall. poster
8 This is outside your apartment. balcony__________
9 This is under your feet. rug__________
10 This shows the time. clock__________

 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
1. Her first name is
A. Alisaa
B. Alisa
C. Alissa

2. She is
A. 21
B. 21
C. 22

3. Her address is
A. 44 Ramsay Stree
B. 14 Ramsay Stree
C. 40 Ramsay Stree

4. Her cell phone number is

A. 877 – 555-8545
B. 718- 555- 4585
C. 718-555-8545.

IV. Speaking
 Put the conversation in the correct order (1–6).
_5___ Your English homework? I’m not sure … Oh yes. It’s in my bag!
_4___ Have you got my English homework, Susie?
_2___ Hi, Susie! How are you?
1 Hello?
_3___ Fine, thanks!
_6___ Oh good. Thanks, Susie.
 Which words do you use with family, friends and children? Which words do you
with other people? Write these words in the correct group.
bye goodbye hello hi thank you thanks

Family, friends, children: bye, hi, thanks

Other people: _Hello, goodbye, thank you

 Recording yourself with topic “Meeting New People” and submit it through Zalo.

V. Reading
Read the text. Whose room is it? Write J for Jack or R for Rocio. Write J+R for
Jack and Rocio.
My room
Jack, England
My bedroom is small but it’s nice. It’s got yellow walls and a big window. There are a lot of posters on
the walls. My favourite is the big sports poster. My desk is under the window. There’s a computer on
the desk and my chair is next to the computer. There’s a big black shelf but there aren’t any books on
the shelf. There are a lot of clothes on the bed. There’s an electric guitar next to the bed. It isn’t on the
floor – it’s on the wall. My room is fantastic! I love it!
Rocio, Mexico
My bedroom is very big. It’s my room and my sister’s room. There are two beds, two desks and two
chairs. Above my bed there are lots of music posters. Above my sister’s bed there’s a noticeboard and a
shelf. There’s a clock on the shelf. There are a lot of cushions on the floor. My cushions are pink and
white. My sister’s cushions are green and blue. Our music player is on the table next to the cushions,
and our football is under the table. There are some clothes on the bed, and our shoes are under our bed.
1 There’s a big window. J
2 This room is for one person. ____
3 This room isn’t small. ____
4 There’s a shelf. ____
5 There are some cushions. ____
6 There are some posters above the bed. ____
7 There’s a computer. ____
8 There’s one chair. ____
9 There’s a shelf above the bed. ____
10 There’s a table. ____
11 There are clothes on the bed. ____

Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Jack’s room is big. F

2 The walls in Jack’s room are white. ____

3 Jack’s got one poster on his wall. ____

4 Jack’s window is above the desk. ____

5 There are some shoes under Jack’s bed. ____

6 Jack’s shelf is black. ____

7 Jack’s guitar is on the floor. ____

8 Rocio’s room is for one person. ____

9 There’s a noticeboard above Rocio’s bed. ____

10 Rocio’s cushions are green and blue. ____

11 Rocio’s clothes are under her bed.

Whose room is it?
1.There’s a big window. - J
2.This room is for one person. - J
3.This room isn’t small. - J+R
4. There’s a shelf. - J
5.There are some cushions. - J+R
6There are some posters above the bed. - J+R
7.There’s a computer. - J
8.There’s one chair. - J
9There’s a shelf above the bed. - J
10.There’s a table. - J+R
11.There are clothes on the bed. - J+R
Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1.Jack’s room is big. - T
2.The walls in Jack’s room are white. - F
3.Jack’s got one poster on his wall. - F
4.Jack’s window is above the desk. - F
5.There are some shoes under Jack’s bed. - F
6.Jack’s shelf is black. - T
7.Jack’s guitar is on the floor. - F
8.Rocio’s room is for one person. - F
9.There’s a noticeboard above Rocio’s bed. - T
10.Rocio’s cushions are green and blue. - T
11.Rocio’s clothes are under her bed. - F

VI. Writing

 Match the questions (1–6) with the answers (A–F).

1 Who’s that postcard from? D A It’s of my dog.
2 Where is this menu from? B____ B It’s from my favourite café.
3 Who’s in that photo? E____ C No, I haven’t.
4 What’s that book about? __F__ D It’s from my mum.
5 Have you got any concert tickets? _C___ E My dad is.
6 What’s this photo of? _A___ F It’s about tennis.

 Write sentences with have/has got (+) or haven’t/hasn’t got (–).

1 Eva’s house / a red door (+)
Eva’s house has got a red door.
2 my apartment / white walls (+)
3 your school / a football team? (+)
4 we / a big apartment (–)
5 you / my English homework? (+)
6 Jim / a computer in his room (–)

Complete Simon’s notes. Use these words. You do not need two of the words.
blue colour cool favourite football from of photo
Here’s a photo from my aunt Sarah. She’s my 1) favourite aunt! She’s 2) __________ America.
The 3) __________ is of me with my brother Jim. He’s 4) __________ ! We are in our football kit.
Red’s a great 5) __________ . We are at the 6) __________ match.

 Read a paragraph above and use following information to write about the photo.
 the photo / from / uncle Jim
 he / favourite uncle
 he / from England
 the photo / of / me / my sister Jayne
 she / great!
 we / at / the zoo

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