Senior 1 U3-5vocabulary Revision

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I am not a brave girl 58. I’ve been crazy about bungee jumping(蹦极).One day,I found a good place
for this exciting sport in Thailand by 59. (surf) the Internet. I packed my bag and 60. (fly) there.
However,I had no idea how to get to the address listed on the website. I called them and took a taxi,but the taxi
driver didn’t know the way,either. He dropped me halfway.
Having bought some bread,I had to wait for the car 61. was supposed to pick me up. At last a young
man drove me to the bungee jumping place. I was amazed by the 62. (sight) along the road. There I signed
63. agreement and put on a harness(安全带).The guide led me through a gate,asked me to sit in a special
seat and tied my legs and ankles(踝) well. As soon as I stood up and felt my ankles 64. (tie) together,I got
scared , I walked 65. (slow) to the edge of the bridge and looked back. The workers looked at me and
couldn’t help 66. (laugh). At last it was time to go. My memory seemed to stop. I felt myself going up,like
riding a fast lift,and then another drop...Finally,I stopped in the air. I spread my arms wide,laughing loudly and
67. (proud).The workers pulled me up,smiling at me.

U3 II.单句语法填空
1. You rather than I ____________ (be) going to go camping.
2. If you pretend (know) what you don’t know,you’ll only make a fool of yourself.
3.The two girls stopped ____________ (talk) when they saw me.
4. Hannah is one of many examples of young people who are making a _____________ (different) in the world.
5.As the youngest competitor,I had to compete _______ the writing contest against 20 other top
students for the annual writing award.
6. _____________ (compare) to our small apartment,our uncle’s house seemed like a palace.
7. This is ___________ my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best.
8. It is my greatest comfort to be able _____________ at least one generation through education.
9. At the age of 29, Shi Qiqing does not mind_____________ older than her years if she can help mothers stuck at
home join the workforce.
10. People who have just risen out of poverty can fall ___________ poverty again due to natural disasters,
illnesses or other problems.
1.are know 3.talking 4.difference
6.Compared 7.what change 9. looking 10.into

Several days before July 28,1976,many strange things happened in Tangshan. They were signs for an
earthquake. But people 1. lived there didn’t think much of that. At 3∶42 am that day,the earth began 2.
________(shake),3. destroyed almost all the city in fifteen terrible seconds. People were 4. ____
shock. Later that afternoon,5. big earthquake shook the city again. Even 6. (many) buildings fell
down. Very soon the army sent a lot of soldiers to help,and teams were organized to dig out the 7. (trap)
and to bury the dead.
Many people, 8. (include) nurses and doctors,came to rescue those who were trapped under the
ruins. Slowly,things 9. (improve) and the city began to breathe again. With the government’s support and
the local people’s tireless 10. (effort),a new Tangshan was built upon the earthquake ruins. It proves that in
times of disaster,people must unify.
1.who/that, shake, 3.which,, 5.another, 6.more, 7.trapped, 8.including,
9.improved,10. Efforts
Last year when Tom graduated from school,he came to Sydney. He didn’t like to work on his father’s
farm and hoped 1. (find) a job in the big city. He went from one company to 2. but no one wanted him.
With little money 3. (leave),he got to the station,sad and 4. (tire). All he wanted to do was to go back to
his small town. It was very late at night and the station was full of people. They were waiting to buy tickets of
5. last train. He bought the last ticket,and he was very happy.
At that time,a woman with a 6. (cry) baby walked to him and asked him to sell her the ticket. He gave her the
ticket because he thought they needed it more than he 7. (do).After the train left,he sat on the bench and
didn’t know where to go.8. (sudden),an old man came and said,“Young man,I have seen 9. you did
to the woman. I am the 10. (own) of a big company. I need a good young man like you. Would you like to
work for me?
to find/another/left/tired/the/crying/did/Suddenly/what/owner

1.The ___________ (injure) were sent to the nearest hospital right away after the accident.
2.We were rescued ______ the sinking ship by a passing boat.
3.The big fire caused great damage ___________ the building built last year.
4.What he told us was a ___________ story,which made us all___________.(shock)
5.When the comet ( 彗 星 ) gets closer to the sun, the energy of the sun heats the comet, and gas and dust
___________ (eruption)from the surface of the comet, forming a huge dust tail, usually in yellow.
6.He was trying to save the girl _______ (trap) in the burning house.
7. I was so weak that even standing up was _______effort.
8. _________ (bury) himself in the newspaper,he didn’t notice what was happening.
9. He used to ___________(suffer) from the noise caused by garbage trucks as well as bad smells.
10. China highly appreciates the ___________ (tire) efforts by the WHO.
1.injured 2. from 4. shocking, shocked 5. erupt
6.trapped 8. Burying 9.suffer 10.tireless
1.She shows little ____________(appreciate) of good music.
2. He,as a famous _______________(calligraphy) in our country,has an influence on the later generations.
3. Rural children are more energetic and they enjoy ________(run)and jumping.
4. The discovery provides an important material __________(refer)for studying the development of local culture
and education in southern Hebei
5._________(base) an important decision more on emotion than on reason,you will regret it sooner or later.
6. I believe that China's success is a global success-a great _____________(civilize)that has escaped from
poverty (and) developed advanced technologies is a great benefit for the world.
7.Xu Zhen's work __________ the fast pace and dynamic (活跃的)nature of Shanghai and urban(都市的) life.
8.The quality of life has improved and watching films is regarded as a good _________(mean)of entertainment.
9.Missing the train means ________(wait) for another hour.
10.The young man ___________(major) in Chinese while he was at college.
1.appreciation 2.calligraphist 3. running
4.reference 5.Basing 6.civilization
7.symbolizes 8.means 9.waiting
10. majored
The main reason 1. ________ China's ancient civilization has continued all the way through into modern
times has been the Chinese writing system. At the beginning, written Chinese was a picture-based language, which
2. ________ (date)back several thousand years to longgu.
Symbols 3. ____________ (carve)on animals bones and shells by ancient Chinese people. Over the years,
there was 4. ____ time when the Chinese people were divided geographically, 5. ________ (lead) to many
varieties of dialects and characters. Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country,
making the Chinese writing system begin to develop 6. ____ one direction. It was of great 7. ________
(important)in uniting the Chinese people and culture. People in modern times can read the classic 8. ________
(work) written by Chinese in ancient 9. ________. Nowadays, Chinese calligraphy has become an important part
of Chinese culture. As China plays a greater role in 10. ________ (globe) affairs, a large number of international
students are beginning to appreciate China's culture and history through this amazing language.
1.Why 2. dates 3.were covered 4.a 5.leading 7.importance 9.times

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