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Chapter Rules of

Kappa Theta Chapter of Texas State Organization of

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

The name of this chapter as assigned by the State Executive Committee shall be Kappa Theta Chapter of Texas State
Organization of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.


The objective (or purpose) of Kappa Theta Chapter shall be to promote the vision, mission and seven purposes of
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International as found in the Constitution, Article II.


Section A. Membership
Membership in The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International shall be by invitation. When she pays dues,
she becomes a member of the International Society, a state organization, and a chapter.
Section B. Classification
The membership of Kappa Theta Chapter of the Texas State Organization shall be composed of active, reserve,
collegiate, and honorary members in accordance with the Constitution, Article III and International
Standing Rules, Membership 3.0.

Chapter Authority - The chapter has authority to act in matters of membership.

Recommendations for new members shall be submitted to the Membership Committee by at least one week
before the November meeting each calendar year.
1. An active member is a woman who is or has been employed as a professional educator at the time of
her election. An active member shall participate in the activities of the society.
2. Reserve membership shall be granted only to a member who is unable to participate fully in the
activities of the chapter because of medical disability, geographic location, and/or no technological
connection/skill. A reserve member may be restored to active membership, if requested.
3. A chapter honorary member shall be a woman not eligible for active membership who has rendered
notable service to education or to women and is elected to honorary membership in recognition of such
service. She shall be privileged to participate in all activities except that of holding office. In
accordance with the Constitution, Honorary Membership 3.3, 3.34: An honorary member may serve as
parliamentarian since the position of parliamentarian is not an office.
4. Collegiate members shall be undergraduate or graduate students who meet the following criteria as
given in the DKG Constitution Article III.B.4:
Collegiate members shall be undergraduate or graduate students who meet the following criteria:
a. Bachelor student collegiate members shall
1. be enrolled in an institution offering coursework leading to a career in education; and
have the intent to continue academically and professionally in the field of education; and
2. be enrolled within the last two years of their bachelor’s education degree.
b. Graduate/Masters/Doctoral student collegiate members shall have Graduate/Masters/Doctoral
standing in an institution offering coursework in the field of education; and have the intent to continue
academically and professionally in the field of education. When a collegiate member starts her career as a
paid educator, she will pay active member dues and become an active member. If a collegiate member does
not pursue a career as an educator, her membership will expire upon graduation or withdrawal from the
education degree program.
ii. A collegiate member may participate in the activities of the Society except holding office.
iii. A collegiate member may serve as parliamentarian since the position of parliamentarian is not an
elected office.
Section B. New Members
1. Chapter Authority A candidate for active membership shall be selected by the method established by the
chapter’s rules.
a. Voting for new members shall be at a chapter meeting prior to their paying dues.
b. Voting shall be by ballot or by a voice vote prior to potential members’ paying dues.
2. The Membership Chair and Chapter President will invite potential inductees to attend a formal/informal
orientation meeting where membership information will be provided by the membership committee,
executive committee, and other members who wish to attend.
a. The orientation of new members will be conducted by the membership committee with the
understanding that it must take place between voting and payment of dues.
b. The President and the Membership Chair shall see that a formal invitation to membership is
extended to the newly named inductees once orientation is completed.

Section C. Termination of Membership

1. Membership in the Society is terminated for non-payment of dues and fees, resignation, or death.
2. No member may be terminated for non-payment of dues and fees without multiple contacts from chapter
members, including a collaboration of the president, treasurer and membership chair.
Section D. Membership Records
1. A continuous, current record of chapter membership shall be kept by the Membership Chairman and
2. The chapter shall record in the chapter minutes the names of members terminated, including the reason and
date of termination.
Section E. Reinstatement
A former member shall be reinstated to membership by the chapter receiving the request.
Section F. Transfer
A member in good standing may be transferred from one chapter to another by notifying the receiving chapter


Section A. Governance of Finances

Where applicable, the Constitution, Article IV and International Standing Rules, Section 4.0 shall govern
Kappa Theta Chapter finances.
Section B. Annual Dues
1. Chapter dues shall be established no later than the first meeting of the fiscal year by a majority vote of
those at the meeting.
2. The amount of dues is recommended by the finance committee, and shall include international and state
dues as established by these organizations.
3. New members shall become members when dues are paid. New members who join between July 1 and
December 31 shall pay full international dues for the current fiscal year. New members who join between
January 1 and March 31 shall pay half dues. New members joining between April 1 and June 30 shall pay
full international dues for the ensuing year. Reinstated members shall pay full annual dues whenever
reinstated. Chapter and state organization dues may be pro-rated as the chapter/state organization
4. Immediately thereafter, the state organization portion of the dues shall be sent to the state organization
treasurer and the international portion to the International Headquarters.
Section C. Financial Control
1. The Kappa Theta Chapter Finance Committee shall submit annually a proposed budget no later than the
first meeting of the year for adoption by a majority vote of members present at the meeting.
2. All expenses shall be approved by the president prior to payment.
3. Two signatures shall be required on all checks. The president and treasurer shall be authorized to sign
checks on the chapter's account.
4. An annual financial review shall be conducted by the Finance Committee and submitted to the executive
board no later than the first meeting of the year.
Section D. Special Funds
1. Special funds and/or awards may be established by majority vote of the chapter.
2. Special budget designations may include the following: state and International convention/conference
expenses, state and International donations, yearbook, scrapbook, membership, ceremonies, Stilwell,
program, social committee expenses, grant-in-aid fund, scholarship fund, and special event committee
3. Grant-in-aid recipient(s) shall be awarded according to the criteria established by the Grant-in-aid
a. The Grant-in-aid Committee will be responsible for supervising the awarding of a recruitment grant(s)
to be given to a female graduating senior(s) in the LISD or a graduating senior daughter of a Kappa
Theta member who plans to attend college to prepare to enter the education field.
b. The amount of each grant shall be determined by the committee; the amount shall be based on the
monies in the grant-in-aid fund.
c. Applications should be sent to high school campuses by October 1.
d. The applications should be received by the Grant-in-aid Chair by February 1.
e. The Grant-in-aid Committee should announce the recipient(s) at the March meeting so the recipient(s)
can be recognized at the April chapter meeting.
f. The announcement of the grant recipient(s) can be made at the Awards Assembly at the respective high
school(s). The Grant-in-aid will become effective upon receipt by the treasurer of proof of registration.
g. The only source of income for this fund shall be member contributions, such as jubilee moments, silent
auctions, craft sales, and/or memorial contributions
h. The Grant-in-Aid committee, or treasurer if requested, will attempt to contact any recipient(s) who has
submitted her registration documentation by August 1 of the award year.
i. Any grant recipient who has not submitted her registration documentation by September 1 following the
award will forfeit the grant.

4. Scholarships shall be awarded according to the criteria established by the Scholarship

a. Local scholarship money may be used for professional workshop as well as for college credit courses.
b. The maximum allotment shall be $500.
c. The application may be obtained online and/or from a scholarship committee member.
d. The deadline for applying for scholarship funds will be April 1.
e. The scholarship money shall be in the form of reimbursement for professional workshops and/or college
courses already taken during the current school year.
f. Application may be made once per biennium.
g. Recipients must have been members in good standing for at least two years.
h. Proof of attendance/registration must be submitted to the chapter treasurer before reimbursement is


Section A. Chapter Rules

1. Kappa Theta Chapter Rules shall be consistent with the Constitution, International Standing Rules, State
Bylaws, and State Rules.
2. Updated chapter rules shall be submitted to the state bylaws and rules committee as required by state
governing documents every two years) by the chair of the Chapter Rules Committee.

Section B. Area
The chapter shall participate in the activities of Area 16.

Section C. Coordinating Council

1. Kappa Theta Chapter shall participate in the activities of the Denton County Coordinating Council
consisting of Kappa Theta and Iota Chapters. Other chapters may be included as guests.
2. The Kappa Theta First Vice-President shall represent the chapter as necessary on the Denton County
Coordinating Council.


Section A. Officers
The officers of Kappa Theta Chapter shall be a president, a first vice president, a second vice-president, a
recording secretary, and a corresponding secretary, all elected by the chapter in accordance with the
Constitution, Article VI and International Standing Rules 6.03.
Section B. Related Personnel
The incoming president shall appoint a parliamentarian and the executive board shall appoint the treasurer.
Section C. Duties
1. Chapter officers shall perform the duties enumerated in the Constitution, Article VI.
2. The chapter president shall attend the State Executive Board meetings and shall represent the chapter as a
voting member. If the president is unable to attend, she shall appoint a representative from the
Section D. Nominations and Elections
1. Elections for chapter officers are held in even-numbered years; all chapter officers, both elected and
appointed, should be named by March 15th of the even-numbered years.
2. Nominations for chapter officers and the new nominations committee shall be made in even-numbered
years by a nominations committee of three to seven members elected by a majority vote of members
present at the January meeting. One member of the nominations committee shall have served on the
previous committee. The chairman of the nominations committee shall be named by the chapter president
from those elected to the committee.
3. The nominations committee shall submit the name of at least one nominee for each elective office position
and at least three names for the new nominations committee. Consent of each nominee must be obtained.
The slate with candidate qualifications shall be presented to the chapter members at the January meeting.
Nominations may be made from the floor with the consent of the nominee.
4. If there is only one nominee for an office, election may be by voice vote and a majority of the votes cast,
5. If there are two or more nominees for an office, election may be by ballot vote and a majority of the votes
cast, elects. The nominations committee shall prepare the ballot and conduct the election.
Section E. Term of office (see Constitution, Article VI.D.,3)
1. The term of office for chapter officers shall be two years or until a successor is named. No officer except
the treasurer may serve in the same office longer than two terms in succession. Officers shall take office on
July 1 following their election.
2. The treasurer shall be selected by the executive board each biennium.
Section F. Vacancies
1. If a vacancy occurs in the office of president, the (first) vice president shall become president.
2. If a vacancy occurs in other elective or appointed positions, the president shall name a successor.


Section A. Members
1. The members of the executive board shall be the elected officers of the chapter and the immediate past
president as ex-officio (or other voting members as determined by the chapter).
2. Members ex officio of the executive board shall be the treasurer, with vote, and the parliamentarian,
without vote.
Section B. Duties
The duties of the executive board shall be those specified in the Constitution Article VII, Section C.
Section C. Meetings
1. The executive board shall meet at least twice annually.
2. All board members being notified, matters requiring immediate board action may be voted upon by postal
or electronic mail, or in an electronic meeting wherein all members may simultaneously hear one another
and participate during the meeting. A majority vote of board members shall be required for action.
Section D. Quorum
A quorum shall be a majority of the voting members of the board.


Section A. Standing Committees of Kappa Theta Chapter shall be the following:

1. Society Business: Archives, Chapter Rules, Ceremonies, Communications, Finance,
Membership/Necrology Nominations, Yearbook.
2. Society Mission and Purposes: Achievement Award, Scholarship, Educational Excellence - which includes
Global Awareness, Legislation, Music, Personal and Professional Enrichment, Programs and Service
Projects, and Research
3. Special Committees may include: Rosebuds, Scrapbook, Social, Writing Project, Publicity, Contact and
Special Events.
Section B. Selection of Committee Members
1. All committees shall be appointed by the chapter president except the nominations committee.
2. The nominations committee is elected by the membership.
3. The president serves as member ex officio on all appointed committees.
Section C. Committee Responsibilities
1. Chapter committees shall be responsible for any work represented by the international committee
descriptions in Constitution, Article VIII, Sections B and C.
2. Chapter committees shall refer to State Rules, Section 9.0, for additional responsibilities.
3. Reports, if any, of the work of chapter committees shall be prepared on forms supplied by Society
headquarters and submitted to the person(s) designated on the forms by the stated deadline.
Section D. Voting
All members being notified, matters requiring immediate committee action may be voted upon by postal or
electronic mail that provides a valid receipt of each member’s vote, or in an electronic meeting wherein all
members may simultaneously hear one another and participate during the meeting. A majority vote of
committee members shall be required for action.


Section A. Meetings
1. Kappa Theta Chapter will have a minimum of 5 meetings each year; meetings may be virtual.
2. Meetings will be held on the first Monday of each month beginning at 6:00 P.M., unless the meeting date
falls on a holiday or a time/place change is published in a timely manner. Meeting dates and times will be
published in the yearbook which will be electronic. Additional meetings/excursions may be scheduled as
3. All members being notified, chapter may use an electronic meeting wherein all members may
simultaneously hear one another and participate during the meeting. If voting takes place, the electronic
venue must provide a valid receipt of each member’s vote. A majority of the membership shall be required
for action.
4. Ratification of all voting by mail (postal or electronic) must be made at the next face-to-face meeting of the
5. There shall be no proxy voting.

Section B. Quorum
A quorum for conducting chapter business shall consist of 1/3 of the chapter's active members.

Section A. Chapter Newsletter
Kappa Theta Chapter shall publish a newsletter, Kappa Theta Keynotes, at least five times a year before chapter
meetings. It is distributed by postal mail when requested, by email to all others, and hard copies are sent to
designated state personnel.
Section B. Chapter Website
Kappa Theta Chapter shall maintain a website that is certified by the Society. The Webmaster has the
responsibility to notify the treasurer when time to pay International certification fee.
Section C. Special Publications
Any special publications (chapter brochures, for example) must be approved by the chapter (or executive board
or president) before printing.
Section D. Picture Release
A picture release form should be obtained from or by any member allowing her picture to be printed in digital
or paper format.
Section E. Approval of content
The chapter president should approve the content of any publication (newsletter, yearbook, brochure, article
submitted to a news organization) prior to its release.
Section F. Copyright
Any member creating a newsletter, brochure, website, article, yearbook, etc., shall secure written permission
before including ANY copyrighted material.


1. The first vice president is the chairman of the program committee (educational excellence committee).
2. The second vice president is the chairman of the membership/necrology committee.
3. The immediate past president is the consultant to the president and to the executive committee and may be
a non-voting member of the executive board.
4. The communications committee will publish a newsletter each month before the monthly meetings.
5. The communications committee shall submit at least two articles per year highlighting chapter activities to
local news publications and/or L.I.S.D. school board members.
6. Past presidents and charter members will be honored at the chapter birthday celebration in May.
7. The Founder's Day celebration shall include the following awards: 25 year members (or 10, 20, 30, etc.),
perfect attendance awards, recognition of members serving at the international, state or coordinating
council level, chapter achievement award, grant-in-aid recipient, scholarship recipient.
8. Guidelines and procedure for the Chapter Achievement Award:
a. A consistent attendance record is important. This should include attendance at chapter meetings, area
meetings, state, regional, and international meetings, when possible.
b. The nominee should demonstrate loyalty, leadership, and creativity in carrying out the purposes of the
c. The award represents outstanding service to the Chapter, not to other service organizations.
d. Members of the Achievement Award Committee shall be selected by the President from past recipients
of the award. The President shall name one of the committee members as the chairman.
e. The Achievement Award will be presented at the final yearly meeting. The name of the recipient shall
not be revealed until the time of presentation.
1.This award shall be for outstanding achievement. It is not essential to have an annual
presentation, or to limit the selection to a single recipient.
The committee may solicit nominations from the membership at a chapter meeting after reviewing the
a. Committee members may make the selection for the award, or they may choose to use ballot or
nomination forms.
b. Eligibility for the honor is one time only; the chapter shall furnish the rose guard for the recipient(s).
3. A red rose and key pin shall be presented to each initiate at the time of her induction.
4. The Chapter shall recognize the administrators, school board members, and retired teachers of the
Lewisville Independent School district with a special event each year.
5. The hostesses shall be listed in the yearbook for each meeting and the member responsible for the
meditation. These assignments must be completed and submitted to the Yearbook Committee chairman in
a timely manner after the summer planning session.
6. The outgoing president should be responsible for authorizing the treasurer to order the incoming president's
pin to be presented at installation.
7. The Chapter shall pay for the president or her representative to attend Texas State Organization convention
each year. On even-numbered years, the Chapter shall pay, up to the amount budgeted, expense of both
incoming and outgoing presidents. Any monies remaining after president's expenses have been paid shall
be distributed equally among the other attendees.
8. The money budgeted for a Regional Conference/International Convention shall be divided among the
9. A red rose shall be delivered to a member upon the death of an immediate family member (spouse, child,
member's parent) by the president or her designee or a chapter donation shall be made to the Grant-in-Aid
fund in memory of a member or immediate family member. The corresponding secretary will send an
acknowledgment to the family in the case of a donation.
10. Members who plan to resign shall notify the treasurer and/or president in writing prior to the May meeting
or order to facilitate the treasurer’s collections of dues by June 30.
11. Members shall participate in a project supporting the Stilwell Retirement Community in a manner to be
determined by a committee whose purpose will include designing the method of support.
12. A quorum for conducting chapter business shall consist of 1/3 of the chapter's active membership.
13. A joint meeting will be held each year with Iota chapter with the time and place to be designated by the
hostess chapter. Hostess responsibilities shall rotate between Kappa Theta and Iota chapters. Other
chapters may be included.
14. Local dues shall be waived for reserve members.
15. Any member wishing to submit chapter/state/International information for publication should obtain
permission from the appropriate entity.


Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (current edition) shall govern the proceedings of Kappa Theta Chapter in all
cases not provided for in the Constitution, International Standing Rules, State Bylaws, State Rules, and these chapter


Section A. Provisions for Amendments

The Kappa Theta Chapter Rules may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present and voting at a
meeting following a thirty-day previous notice of the proposed amendment(s).
Section B. Method of Amending
When an amendment(s) is to be considered, a written amendment shall be presented at the previous meeting and
also included in the newsletter (or sent to all by email) prior to the meeting at which voting will take place.


In the event that it becomes necessary for Kappa Theta Chapter to dissolve, there must be strict adherence to the
provisions of the Constitution, Article XIX, 3, and the State Rules, Section 16.2.

Note: Dates at the end of chapter rules should designate when chapter rules were last amended and when
they were last revised.
Last Amended: 2000 Last Revised: 2000
Last Amended: 2004 Last Revised: 2004
Last Amended: September 2013 Last Revised: September 2013
Last Revised: February 2015 Last Revised: September 2017
Last Revised: March 2019 Last Revised: April 2019
Last Revised: November 2020
Last Revised March 2023

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