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Task: Taking into consideration. Lessons 1 and 2 of Study Guide No. 2,

compose an essay on how do you think you and the government could
improve on contributing meaningfully and participating fully to ensure
livability of communities.

In order for us to have a strong community with a high quality of life,

community members and leaders/government should work together to
improve and enhance our community.
As for the part of government officials, they need be open with members of
the community. They should hear the concern and recommendations of every
members so that leaders or the government will know where they can provide
or what action should they take to address the issues of the community. This
needs cooperation and collaboration with both parties to deal with different
problems and issues they may have encounter inside the community. The
government should also look on the bigger picture and for them to know what
area's of the community need to enhance or develop.
As part of us citizens, we can help to improve and enhance our community by
volunteering and engaging in different activities such as cleaning, conserving
and protecting our environment, helping people who are in needs, etc. We
could also help the government to improve our community by giving them
assistance or support on the projects or program they may implement to
ensure the safety and stability of our community.

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