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Compliance Quiz #1

For each of the following situations and statements , choose the ethical theory (Moral
Subjectivism, Cultural Relativism, Ethical Egoism, Divine Command Theory, or
Contractarianism) that you believe best represents the ethical perspective that aligns with the

ITEM # 1: __________________
A person always acts in their own self-interest and believes that individuals should prioritize
their own well-being above all else. Which ethical theory is most in line with this perspective?
ITEM #2: _________________
A religious group follows the teachings of their sacred texts and believes that what is morally
right or wrong is determined by divine authority. Which ethical theory corresponds to this
ITEM # 3: __________________
What is right or wrong is simply based on a person’s personal assessment and judgment?
ITEM # 4: ___________________
People in a community come together and agree on a set of rules and principles that they all must
follow for the greater good and to maintain social order.
ITEM #5: ____________________
In a society, a widely accepted practice is to show respect to elders by kneeling before them as a
sign of reverence. People believe that this demonstrates moral virtue. Which ethical theory best
explains this cultural practice?

ITEM # 6: ____________________
In a society, the practice of arranged marriages is considered a tradition, and families believe that
it would promote social harmony and values. Which ethical theory best describes this

ITEM # 7: ___________________
In a democratic society, citizens come together to create laws and policies through a fair and
transparent process, aiming to promote the well-being of all members of the community. Which
ethical theory aligns with this scenario?
ITEM # 8 : _______________________
A person is presented with a job opportunity that would require relocating and leaving their
family behind. The person decided to take the job because it offers a substantial increase in
salary, benefiting their personal financial interests. Which ethical theory best describes this
ITEM # 9:______________________
In a debate about the death penalty, some Carlos argues that it's morally wrong under all
circumstances, while Jerry believes that it can be morally justified in cases of heinous crimes.
Which ethical theory best describes this argument?
ITEM # 10:________________________
Paul decides to betray a close friend to gain a promotion at work, prioritizing his own career
advancement over loyalty and friendship. Which ethical theory best describes this situation?
ITEM # 11:______________________
In a group of friends, some argue that it's morally okay to exaggerate their accomplishments on
social media to impress others, while others maintain that honesty is the best policy and feel
uncomfortable with such actions. Which ethical theory best describes this situation?
ITEM # 12:________________________
When traveling to Iran, Curry observed that women are required to wear the hijab, which
includes covering their hair and dressing modestly. Failure to adhere to these dress code
requirements can lead to fines or legal consequences. On the other hand, during the same trip,
Curry visited a beach town in Spain where there are no such restrictions, and women wear
swimsuits and beach attire that align with Western norms of modesty.
ITEM # 13:_____________________
Practitioners adhere to the Five Precepts, which include principles like refraining from harming
living beings and practicing truthfulness as taught by Siddhartha Gautama. They view these
precepts as moral actions and believe that following them is essential for growth and moral
ITEM # 14: ________________________
A lawyer have been charging excessive fees for his services, taking advantage of clients' legal
needs to maximize their personal wealth.

ITEM # 15: _______________________

In a classroom discussion, one student believes that copying homework from a classmate is
acceptable because "everyone does it," while another student insists that it's morally wrong
because it's a form of cheating.

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