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Detailed Lesson Plan in English VII

Using the COT-RSP Rubrics

I. Objectives

A. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary Philippine literature as a means of
responding to the demands of the global village; various extended text types; lexical and contextual
cues; appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and behavior; and use of imperatives, prepositions,
verbs, and wh -questions.

B. Performance Standard:
The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative and responsible in
today’s global village; using appropriate strategies to comprehend extended text types; using lexical and
contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words and expressions; using imperatives, prepositions, and
appropriate and polite oral language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing formats.

C. Learning Competencies:
1. EN7G-IV-a-4: Use imperatives and prepositions when giving instructions
2. EsP8PBIa-1.1: Natutukoy ang mga gawain o karanasan sa sariling pamilya na kapupulutan ng
aral o may positibong impluwensya sa sarili

Topic: Use imperatives and prepositions when giving instructions

A. References: K-12 CG p. 162

1. Teacher’s Guide pages: ____
2. Learner’s Materials pages: ____
3. Textbook pages ____
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal _____

B. Other Learning Resource: Powerpoint presentation, video clip, pictures, activity cards, tarpapel,
anticipation guide


Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Energizer
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Checking of Assignment
5. Recalling of the Classroom Rules

Classroom Rules: The 5 P’s

1. Be prepared
2. Be positive
3. Be productive
4. Be resPectful
5. Be participative

B. Developing Activities
1. Drill
I have here several sentences.
Let us read all of them and identify if they state
A command or a request.

1. Kindly give me my book. Request

2. Clean the house right away. Command

3. Get me a pair of scissors. Command

4. Please take the dog for a walk. Request

5. Take a bath later. Command

2. Review
Last meeting, we learned
When to use simple past tense and past perfect

What is the difference between the

Two tenses? We use simple tense to recall
Recall an action that had taken
Place in the past.

We use past perfect tense

when we look back from a
Certain time in the past to tell
what happened before.

Great! Now, I have here another set

Of sentences. Identify if the verb is in the simple
Past tense or past perfect tense.

1. I can’t believe she ate my sandwich. Simple past

2. He had done his homework so he was allowed

To eat with us. Past perfect

3. She watched television throughout the afternoon. Simple past

4. I hadn’t thought of going to Italy before she

Suggested it. Past perfect

5. My dog ripped my dress. I was so upset, I had

bought it this morning! Past perfect
C. Motivation

(Show a movie poster)

Has anyone watched this movie? (Students will answer.)

What is the title of this movie? The movie is called “Four Sisters
And a Wedding”.

Correct! The movie tells a story about five

Siblings and how do they deal about family matters.

Before we proceed, choose a partner for our activity.

(Show sample of anticipated guide.)

This is called an anticipated guide. Let us check if

You know something about the movie, “Four Sisters and
A Wedding”.

I will give each pair of students a copy of the

Anticipated guide. Please answer the left side of it. (The students will
answer the anticipated
Guide before watching
The video clip.)

Now, let us watch the video. You can answer now

the right side of the anticipated guide while watching the
video clip.

(The teacher will play the video.) (Students will answer

the anticipated guide.)
Please pass the guides to the front.
Values Integration:
Students, what happened when Teodora
Told the truth to her family? (Students will answer.)

Did the mother get angry? No, sir.

Why is that so?

The mother didn’t get
mad because she love Teodora.

Exactly. What we saw was a perfect

Example of a family resolving a problem.

Teodora told what happened to her

As an OFW. She was afraid to reveal it because
She thought everyone will see her as a failure.

Did the family see her that way? No, sir.

That’s right! What Teodora did made her

Free from what she’s afraid to tell.

Remember, it is important to seek your

Family’s help in solving problems and improving

D. Presentation of the Lesson:

Now, let us examine a few sentences from the

Video clip.

1. “ Teddy, say the truth. It’s about time.”

2. “Please tell me, Roberta!”

3. “Roberta, let Teddy choose what bag she wants.”

What type of sentence are these?

Sir, these are
imperative sentences.

Correct! What does an imperative sentence

express? An imperative sentence
expresses a command
or request.

Exactly. Let us examine the first sentence.

“Teddy, say the truth. It’s about time.”

As you’ve mentioned earlier, this is an

Imperative sentence. It expresses a command or
A request.

What word in this sentence expressed the

Command or request? Sir, the word “say”
Very good! What part of speech does
”say” belong to? Sir, “say” is a verb.

Nice! Let us examine the second sentence:

“Please tell me, Roberta.”

What word was used in the sentence to

Express a command or request? “Tell” was used.

What part of speech does “tell” belong to? “Tell” is a verb.

Now, let us study the third sentence:

“Roberta, let Teddy choose what bag she wants.”

What word in the sentence expressed a command

Or request? “Let” was used.

What part of speech does “let” belong to? “Let” is a verb.


After studying the sentences, what part of

Speech expressed a command or request? Sir, the verbs expressed
Command or request.

That is right!

E. Discussion

In every imperative sentences, there is a verb

That expresses a command or request.

They are called imperatives.

We use imperatives in sentences in which you

Tell someone what to do.

It is also important to use the correct preposition

For every imperative sentence.

Let us examine this picture.

What imperative sentence can we make using this

Picture? “Pick the trash.”
(The teacher will write the sentence.)

What is the imperative used in the sentence? “Pick” is the imperative.

Why did we use the word “pick” as an imperative

Instead of other words? We use “pick” because we have
get the trash in the picture.

That is correct! Though the sentence is correct, it

Lacks something.

Let us put down the picture.

(The teacher will put down the picture.)

Using the sentence given, do we still know

Where to pick the trash? No, sir.

Why is that? We don’t know where to pick

The trash because we don’t
Know its location.

Correct! In every command or request, we should

Be specific.

We have to use prepositions that tells a location

To do the command correctly.

(Put back the picture.)

Now, how can we improve the sentence using a

Preposition? “Pick up the trash beside the


Let us examine another picture.

Construct an imperative sentence out

Of this picture if you want somebody to buy
Milk. Please buy milk beside our

Well done!

What is the imperative in the sentence? “Buy” is the imperative.

Correct! Did we use the correct preposition

For the sentence? Yes, sir.
Why? Beside is used to show that
Something is in the left or right
Side of another object.

If you can choose another preposition to use,

What would it be? We can also use “by”, “near” or
“next to”.

Why can we use them? As we can see in the picture,

The house is just beside or near
the house. So we can use “by”,
“near” or “next to”.

That is true.

F. Application

Let us have a group activity. Group

Yourselves into four.

Two members from each group will do a short skit

And use an imperative and a preposition.

You will show a scene about an experience

From your family that made you learn a lesson.

I will give you a scenario to help you make a


The remaining members from the group will

Have to identify the imperatives and prepositions used
In the sentences.

I will also give everyone a sad and happy face card.

As soon as the group explains their answers, raise the happy
Face if they are correct. Raise the sad face if not.

1. Situation 1 (Telling a Personal Problem)

You found out that your son failed a test in Math.
What will you say to know the reason behind it?

(Tip: Use an imperative sentence.)

(Choose from the following imperatives and prepositions.) Possible answers:

Tell about 1. Son, tell me the truth about

Explain on this.
Say in
From 2. Son, explain to me what
To happened in this test.
3. Say something from this
2. Situation 2 (Getting Help in Decision-Making)
Your daughter needs an advise about choosing
What course to pick in college.

(Tip: Use an imperative sentence.)

(Choose from the following imperatives and prepositions.) Possible answers:

Choose about 1. Choose a course worth

Pick on studying.
Think in
Analyze with 2. Follow the course you
Study upon want inside your heart.
Follow worth
Inside 3. Analyze between the
By courses you like the most.

G. Generalization

What should we remember in creating

An imperative sentence? We have to use an imperative.

Right! What else? We should also use

Prepositions to make the
sentence specific.


IV. Evaluation
Create an imperative sentence out of these pictures.

1. 2.

3. 4.

After writing the sentences,
Exchange answers with your seatmate and
Examine their answers.

Check if your seatmate used the

Correct imperative and preposition
For every sentence.

V. Assignment
Construct an imperative sentence using these sets of pictures. Take note of using the correct
imperatives, prepositions, proper punctuation and capitalization.

1. 2.

3. 4.


VI. Reflection
After copying your assignments, I want you
To write what you’ve learned today. I will give you
A post-it paper.
Once you are finished, you can post your
Answers in our freedom wall

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