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10/03/24 792


Sociological theories are the theories which explain and
analysis the way our societies were formed through out
the historical period and there are some theorists who
have composed these theories to make us understand 2.2

the way the function of societies and how it impacts an

individual’s life which is explained below with examples.
Classical sociological theory: Classical sociological 2.3

theory emerged in 17th -19th in Europe during industrial

revolution . there a lot of changes were seen there was
devolution of church rules, appearance of democratic
political parties . there was an increase of population
and a shift of people from rural to urban areas for
attaining a better life . Now, theorists Karl Marx gave us
a theory of historical materialism according to which
every historical epoch is a mode of economy production
and a history of class struggles which leads to change
and creation of series of evaluation which is termed as
social change and according to Marx change is
necessary. For the concept of agency and structure
Marx believed that agency can effect the structure but
not independently as it lives under the structures made
by economic production so he believes in focusing on
structure .
I believe that changes are necessary for the evolution of
something new in the society and this also have
impacted my life as I try to change my life for attaining
something to make my life productive . Speaking from
my experience , shifting from my country to Australia
had a big impact on my life as I am now living in a totally
different social structure and different type of rules as
compared to India and this theory have helped me to
analyse the economic functioning that shapes the
society and the prevailing things and their effect on
people .

Modern sociological theory : Modern sociological theory

have a large range of prospectives to understand
society and its formation and behaviour .One of the key
features of this theory is structural functionalism. It
defines society as a quite complex structure which are
interconnected to ,make it function and to keep it in a
stabilized order according to different theorists , each
segment of the society have a specific purpose and any
problem in one of them can cause the disfunction of the
whole system or structure. So it defines the importance
of social structures such as school. Family, friends ,
religion in maintaining a balance of social cohesion . The
second vital aspects is conflict theory which takes 3.1

society as a coemption for the limited resources .

According to them social structures are ruled by
powerful institutions with powerful; groups using their
power to balance control and dominatr the other weaker
groups of the society .This identifies the role of
inequality and conflict , its effect on the people in
structuring the society . One of the other prospective is
symbolic interactionism , it focuses on how people
create conversation and meaning through interactions
with their fellows and it believes that society is balanced
and formed through regular interactions and its meaning
can be redefined by the time according to the situation
of the society . It defines the importance of gestures and
language in shaping the social structure. As for me it
have helped me to understand society and social
behaviour through different angles > Each of them
provides me with quiet a knowledge and helps to clear
the complex problems of social life which I have faced in
my life ,also it have helped me to understand the
working of society and that every aspect forming the
society have its own importance and keeps a power to
totally change the whole structure.
These theories provides an insight from which we can
understand the complex structures of society and the
role of agency and structure in it , it also helps us to
understand . It helps to to understand the human
behaviour their relationships and the social pattern
which shapes them. One of the important point of these
theories is that it highlights the interconnectedness of
the social phenomenon ,it highlights the interdepended
Ness of agency and structures and their power to
influence the structures if society through out the whole
human history. These theories had a significant effect on
me and I think on the whole society I understood that
this has various structures or values such as human
beliefs and behaviours which can regulate social

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2.1 pay attention to formatting

2.2 reference

2.3 reference

3.1 reference??

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