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Corrigendum/Explanation SFG 2024 Level 2 Test 17

There is 1 update in today’s paper (Q.49)

• In Q.49, Option (d) is the correct answer.

Also, some explanations have been provided for the students who have raised doubts.

Q.49) Option (d) is the correct answer.

For Future Reference:

Q.49) The following bar chart gives the cumulative percentage of five different types of bikes produced by Vespa
during the two given years. Total bikes produced in 2006 is 4,50,000 and total bikes produced in 2007 is 5,20,000.

If 85% of the type E bikes produced during 2006 and 2007 are being sold by the company and 75% of type D bikes
produced in 2006 and 2007 are being sold by the company. Then by how much percentage the sale of type E bike is
more or less than sale of type D bike?
a) 6%
b) 4%
c) 5%
d) 8%

Ans) d
Exp) Option d is the correct answer.
Since cumulative percentage is given,
For year 2006,
% of Type E bike produced = (100-80)%
Type E bike production during 2006 = 450,000x (100-80)% = 90,000
% of Type E bike produced during 2007 = (100-90) = 10%
Type E bike production during 2007 = 520,000x10% = 52,000
Sum of Type E bike produced during 2006 and 2007 = 52,000+90,000= 142,000
% of Type E bike sold= 0.85x142000=120,700——-(1)
% of Type D bike production during 2006 = (80-70)% = 10%
Type D bike production during 2006 = 450,000x10% = 45,000
%of Type D bike production during 2007= (90-70) = 20%
Type D bike production during 2007 = 520,000x20% = 104,000
Sum of type D bike produced during 2006 and 2007 = 45,000+104,000= 149,000
% of Type D bike sold= 0.75x149000=111,750—————(2)
From equation 1, 2
Sum of Type E bike sold during 2006 and 2007 is more than Sum of type D bike produced during 2006 and 2007 by
(120,700-111,750= 8950)
And by (8950/11750)x100% = around 8%

Q.35) There was a doubt raised regarding statement 2 of the question that “TALENs is a naturally occurring restriction
enzymes found in bacteria and archaea.”

Explanation) TALEs (Transcription Activator-Like Effectors) are natural proteins made and used by harmful plant
bacteria to control plant genes during infection. On the other hand, TALENs (Transcription Activator-Like Effectors
Nucleases) is a gene editing technology which is engineered/developed by using the naturally found TALEs (TALEs
is naturally found, TALENs is new technology.)

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