Integration Worksheet

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Integration Questionnaire

Integration Name:
This worksheet will need to be completed for each integration being considered. Once the
information is completed on this first sheet, the following sheets are available to add connection and
other information for the interfaces supported by the third party product.

Third Party Product Information

Product Name: ______________________________________ Version: ______________
Is the product integration interface available via the public Internet? Yes / No
Integration Interfaces Supported by the third party product (Check/Highlight all the apply):

 SOAP Web Service Provider  Attachment Handling (Inbound)
 SOAP Web Service Consumer  Attachment Handling (Outbound)
 CSV, XML, EXCEL file export  Outbound Email
 JDBC Access  Command line interface
 REST Provider  Other:
 REST Consumer

Integration Communication Direction

 Bidirectional – Data stays in sync between ServiceNow instance and the third party
application. Changes can take place on either product and changes will be brought into the
other application automatically
 Unidirectional (Outbound from ServiceNow) – ServiceNow instance is the authoritative
source of data in the integration. Data is only sent from ServiceNow instance (or queried by
third party) and used to update the third party source. ServiceNow instance is not updated
by third party data.
 Unidirectional (Inbound to ServiceNow) – The third party product is the authoritative source
of data in the integration. Data is received by ServiceNow instance and transformed to the
correct tables within the product. Data changes in ServiceNow instance do not get
communicated back to the third party application.

List any events that should trigger integrated data flow:
SOAP Web Service Provider (ServiceNow  Customer System)
When third party products offer a SOAP endpoint that ServiceNow can connect to for issuing SOAP requests, the following
information is needed before we can establish the connection and start the requests:

WSDL Location: _____________________________________________________________________________

SOAP Endpoint URL: _____________________________________________________________________________
Credentials for the web service:
Username: _____________________________________________________________________________
Password: _____________________________________________________________________________

☐ N/A ☐ Basic Authentication ☐ Requires Mutual Authentication (Outbound only)

☐ Requires WS-Security ☐ Connect via MID Server
☐ Other / More information:

Link to Documentation:

SOAP functions we will potentially use:

Confidential Information 1/12

SOAP Web Service Consumer (Customer System  ServiceNow)

The third party service is capable of making SOAP calls to a SOAP web service based on an event, or workflow triggered in its

☐ Supports Basic Authentication

☐ Can accept a ServiceNow WSDL and send data according to its specifications

Expected Request Volume (per day/hour/minute):


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Flat File Export (Data to be Imported Into ServiceNow)

The third party service will be able to export records to a location where ServiceNow can access them.
File Format:
 CSV (comma separated)
 Excel Worksheet (XLS only)
 Other

If Other, please specify: ______________________________________________

File Location:
 URL (http/https)
 Manual import into ServiceNow

Target File Name/Path/URL (if applicable): ______________________________________________

Port (if applicable): ______________
Authentication (if applicable):
Username: _______________________
Password: ______________________

File export frequency: __________________________________________________________________

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JDBC Access (To Customer System)

The third party product operates on a database that allows JDBC connections directly into the database.
 Database is accessible via internet
 Database is in private network (Requires MID Server)

Type of Database: _________________________________ (e.g. MySQL, etc.)

Database Name: __________________________
Database Port: _______________________
Username: ___________________________
Password: ___________________________
Server Address: ___________________________
For every table we will need to query:
Table Name: _____________________________
Applicable fields on the table (can add them to Data Field Mapping Spreadsheet):

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REST Web Service Provider (ServiceNow  Customer System)
When third party products offer a REST endpoint that ServiceNow instance can connect to for issuing REST requests, the
following information is needed before we can establish the connection and start the requests:

REST Endpoint URL: _____________________________________________________________________________

Credentials for the web service:
Username: _____________________________________________________________________________
Password: _____________________________________________________________________________

☐ N/A ☐ Basic Authentication ☐ OAuth 2.0 (code flow) ☐ OAuth 2.0 (password flow)
☐ Must Connect via MID Server
☐ Other:

Link to Documentation:

REST functions we will potentially use:

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REST Web Service Consumer

The third party service is capable of making REST calls to a REST web service based on an event, or workflow triggered in its

☐ Supports Basic Authentication

☐ Supports OAuth 2.0 (code flow)
☐ Supports OAuth 2.0 (password flow)

☐ Can send POST/PUT requests in the JSON format

Expected Request Volume (per day/hour/minute):

Other Capabilities:

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Outbound Email

The system can send email notifications given required events or triggers in the third party system.

Email notifications can be configured to send email to the ServiceNow instance: Y / N

What is the sender’s email address: _____________________________
Subject and Message body format (copy and paste applicable examples below, or add attachments):

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Attachment Handling (Inbound)

The system must send or retrieve attachments to/from ServiceNow instance

Describe Requirements:

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Attachment Handling (Outbound)

ServiceNow instance must retrieve attachments from an external system or must push ServiceNow attachments to an external

Describe Requirements:

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Command Line Interface

The third party service requires interaction through shell or command line statements. These statements are not interactive
and can return a response to the console.

Can the Command Line Interface be placed on a MID Server? Y / N

Link to Documentation: _______________________________________________________________________________
Credentials (if any): Username: ____________________________ Password: _____________________________

In the space below, paste any sample commands and responses that may be typical for the integration:

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