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School Vigan National High School West Grade Level 12

Grades 1 to 12 Teacher Jefferson R. Ancheta Learning Area English for Academic And Professional Purposes –
DAILY LESSON Applied Track Subject
LOG (DLL) Teaching Dates and Time Week 1 February 5-9,2024 Quarter 3rd
12 – Confucius | 10:00-11:00 AM
12 – Aristotle | 3:00 – 4:00 PM


I. Objectives
A. Content Standard The learner acquires knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for a better understanding of academic texts.
B. Performance Standard The learner produces a detailed abstract of information gathered from various academic texts read.
C. Learning Competencies/ CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-1 CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-1 CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-1 CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-2
Objectives The learner determines the structure The learner determines the The learner determines the structure of The learner differentiates language used in
of specific academic text. structure of specific academic specific academic text. academic texts from various disciplines.
The learners should be able to: The learners should be able to: The learners should be able to: The learners should be able to:
a. define academic text and a. differentiate the three a. identify the structure of a. identify the purpose, audience, and
academic writing; common kinds of academic text read. language of academic writing;
b. differentiate academic academic text structure;
writing and literary writing; and
and b. identify the structure of
c. demonstrate appreciation of academic text read.
the lesson through verbal
II. Content Definition and Structure of Academic Definition and Structure of Definition and Structure of Academic Understanding Academic Texts
Texts Academic Texts Texts
III. Learning Resources
A. References Jerwel, R. (2012). How To Read Jerwel, R. (2012). How To Read Saqueton, G. and Uychoco, M.T. (2016.) English
Texts. Retrieved June 15, 2016 from Texts. Retrieved June 15, 2016 for Academic and Professional Purposes. from Quezon City: Rex Printing Company.
~jewel001/CollegeWriting/ ~jewel001/CollegeWriting/
HowToRead.htm HowToRead.htm

UGC ICOSA. (2013). Understanding UGC ICOSA. (2013).

Academic Texts – Structure and Understanding Academic Texts
Purpose. Retrieved June 15, 2016 – Structure and Purpose.
from Retrieved June 15, 2016 from
cate/reading/Understanding elss/sites/default/files/exercise/
%20Academic%20Texts%20- cate/reading/Understanding
%20Structure%20and%20 %20Academic%20Texts%20-
Purpose%20v2/index.htm %20Structure%20and%20
B. Materials Copies of academic text and literary Metacards Copies of Academic Texts to be read
text Copies of academic texts to be
read by the students
IV. Procedures
A. Warm-up/Review Focused Listing Oral Q and A
Ask the students to recall ideas, Ask the following questions:
list as many concepts as they  What are the three kinds of academic
can recall from prior instruction. text structure?
How are they different from one another?
B. Introduction/ Motivation Ask the students to recall how they Let the students reflect on this statement:
wrote their theses during their Junior “Writing is such a bore.”
High School. Let them identify the
differences of writing it to that of Ask the students to share their ideas.
writing their own poems.
Tell the students that writing may be difficult
. because one needs to consider the purpose, the
audience, and the language.
C. Presentation of the Define academic text and academic Write on the board the three Present the table that they have to fill out for the
Lesson/Delivery writing. Present a table kinds of academic text structure. evaluation of the texts they are about to read.
differentiating academic writing to
that of literary writing. Let the Present outlines of three texts Explain the purposes of academic texts – inform,
students focus on the following that use different structures – argue, entertain, and persuade.
aspects: thesis, factual report, and
problem-solution. Discuss about the language of academic writing.
Usage of words
Style Ask the students to identify the
Purpose kind of structure used in each
Audience text.

After the discussion, present two Let them answer the following
kinds of texts and let them identify questions:
which one is academic text and a. Does the introduction
literary text based on the previous present: a) the main
discussion. argument; b)
problem/solution; or c)
main subject?
b. Does the body: a)
present details
supporting the
argument; b) explain
problems or presents
solutions; or c) explain
the main subject?
c. What is the function of
the conclusion?
D. Practice

E. Evaluation In group of three, let the students Ask the students to go to their Individually, the students will fill out a Let the students fill out the table presented
point out specific lines or parts from respective groups. table comparing and contrasting thesis, during the discussion using the texts they have
the two texts presented that support factual-report and problem-solution read.
or show the characteristics of Let them research three structures. They will also read an
academic writing and literary writing. academic texts related to their academic text. After which, they will
strand and ask them to answer a series of questions regarding
determine the text structure the text read. Then, they will identify the
used by each academic text by kind of text structure used in the text.
answering the same set of
questions presented in the
V. Remarks
No. of Learners within Mastery
Level (80%)
No. of Learners Needing
Other Remarks

Prepared by:
Checked by:
School Principal

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