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1. Classify nutrients into six categories and state the main function of each.

 Carbohydrates
 Proteins
 Fats
 Vitamins
 Minerals
 Water
2. Explain the differences between Macronutrients and Micronutrients
3. What is the most energy dense macronutrient? How many kilocalories does it provide per
4. What is the main function of carbohydrates? How many calories are in one gram of
5. What illnesses can be linked to a high sugar diet?
6. What food are good sources of insoluble fiber? Give some examples.
7. The two fruits in the table below contain carbohydrate and, therefore. Have a Glycemic
Index (GI) rating.
Orange Watermelon

Low GI=42 High GI=72

Sugar content = 8g/100g Sugar content = 6.4g/100g
Why do the fruits in the above table have different GI ratings?
8. What are the negative effects of excessive carbohydrate consumption? How many calories
should carbohydrates provide in our diet?
9. What means the term nutrient density?
10. Define the term "Empty calorie foods". What are the negatives effects of "Empty calorie
11. What is protein needed for? List the two main classes of protein and two good food
sources of each type.
12. Explain why individuals who choose a vegan lifestyle need to ensure that they eat a wide
variety of protein foods.
13. State 3 foods with the highest protein quality? Justify your answer.
14. What is the quality category of proteins derived from grains, nuts, and legumes? Explain.
15. Give scientific reasons for this statement: “An excessive intake of protein is not beneficial
to health.”
16. State one food relatively high in saturated fat and one food high in unsaturated fat. What
types of fat should we cut down?
17. What are omega 3 and omega 6? What are the benefits to omega 3? What foods are
good sources of omega 3?
18. In a diet that contains 50g fat and a total of 1500kcal, estimate the proportion of energy
from fat? Does this proportion is in range of a balance diet?
19. After a dietary assessment is completed, it revealed that a client consumes 50% of daily
calories from fat. What are the risks does this amount of fat places for the client?
20. How many grams of protein does an individual who weighs 75kg body weight would be
needed? Estimate the kilocalories provided from this amount of proteins?

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