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Preliminary Examination 2022

A Secondary Four Normal Academic



Paper 2 Geography 3 August 2022
1 hour 40 minutes
0800 – 0940
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.


Write your name, class and index number on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper.
Do not use paper clips, highlighters, glue, or correction fluid/tape.

Attempt all questions and write all answers in the question booklet.

Section A
Answer one question.

Section B
You must answer Question 3.

Section C
Answer one question.

Candidates should support their answers with the use of relevant examples.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

Section A
Section B
Section C
This document consists of 22 printed pages and 2 blank pages.

Setter: Mr. Jason Chia [Turn over


Total Marks

Section A

Answer either Question 1 or Question 2 from this section.

1 A group of students were investigating theme park tourism at Universal Studios

Japan in Osaka, Japan. Fig. 1 shows part of the questionnaire used by students.

A part of the questionnaire

1. Are you a visitor to Japan? Yes / No

2. Which country are you from? …………………………………………………………

3. Which age group are you in?

Under 15 15 – 24 25 – 34 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 – 64 Over 65

4. Why have you chosen to visit Universal Studios Japan?



Fig. 1

(a) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using an open-ended

question like Question 4 in the questionnaire. [3]







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(b) The students identified two possible sites to carry out the questionnaire
surveys. Fig. 2 shows the locations of these sites in Universal Studios

Location of interview sites within Universal Studios Japan

Fig. 2

The students eventually decided to carry out the surveys at Location A.

Using Fig. 2, explain why this was a better choice than Location B. [2]





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(c) The students wanted to conduct a pedestrian count at Location A. Describe

how this pedestrian count could be carried out. [3]







(d) The students surveyed 100 tourists and recorded their age groups in Table 1.
They then plotted their results in a bar graph shown in Fig. 3.

Table 1

Under 15 15 – 24 25 – 34 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 – 64 Over 65

12 22 21 20 13 7 5

Bar graph showing age groups of tourists surveyed in Universal Studios Japan

Fig. 3

(i) Using the information in Table 1, complete the bar graph in Fig. 3. [2]

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(ii) The students concluded that “The younger the tourists, the more likely
they are to visit theme parks like Universal Studios Japan”. To what
extent do you agree with their conclusion? Give reasons for your
answer, using evidence from Fig. 3. [3]







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2 A group of students wanted to investigate the variations in temperature and

relative humidity at different parts of East Coast Park. They identified four
locations in East Coast Park to collect their data, and marked them on a map
shown in Fig. 4.

Map of locations in East Coast Park

Fig. 4

(a) Name the weather instrument that the students would use to record the data
for relative humidity. [1]


(b) Explain how the students should collect the data for relative humidity in order
to ensure that the readings are accurate. [3]







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(c) The results collected for temperature are shown in Table 2.

Table 2

Temperature (°C)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Average

A 30.2 29.7 31.3 32.5 28.6 30.5

B 29.8 28.9 30.5 31.6 27.7 29.7

C 28.4 28.1 29.6 30.0 27.0 28.6

D 28.6 28.5 30.1 31.0 27.7

(i) Complete Table 2 with the average temperature recorded for Location [1]

(ii) Apart from using tables, name and describe one method the students
could use to present the average temperatures shown in Table 2. [3]







(d) Using information from Fig. 4 and Table 2, state how far the hypothesis ‘The
less vegetation found in a location, the higher the temperature’ is supported
or rejected and give reasons for your answer. [3]







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(e) One student suggested collecting data three times each day. Explain why this
change would improve the reliability of the data collected. [2]





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Section B

Answer Question 3 from this section.

3 (a) Study Fig. 5, a graph which shows the international tourist arrivals to four
countries from 1995 to 2019.

International tourist arrivals to four countries from 1995 to 2019

Fig. 5

Using Fig. 5, compare the trends in international tourist arrivals to the four
countries from 1995 to 2019. [3]







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(b) Study Fig. 6, a map of tourist attractions in Iceland.

Map of tourist attractions in Iceland

Fig. 6

Using Fig. 6, describe the location of the tourist attractions in Iceland. [3]







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(c) ‘The economic benefits of tourism outweigh the negative impacts on the

To what extent do you agree with this statement? Support your answer with [6]


























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Section C

Answer either Question 4 or 5 from this section.

4 Study Fig. 7, which shows the formation of relief rainfall.

Formation of relief rainfall

Fig. 7

(a) On Fig. 7, using the appropriate letter, label the following:

● Windward side (A)
● Leeward side (B)
● Prevailing winds (C) [3]

(b) Explain how relief rainfall is formed. [4]









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(c) Study Fig. 8, which shows the location and temperatures of Vancouver and

Location and temperatures of Vancouver and Singapore

Fig. 8

Using Fig. 8, identify the annual temperature ranges of Vancouver and

Singapore, and describe the differences in temperature between the two [4]

Annual temperature range of Vancouver: ………………

Annual temperature range of Singapore: ………………

Differences in temperature: ………………………………………………………..




(d) Explain the effect of latitude on temperature in various places. [3]






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(e) Study Photographs A and B, which show the impacts of climate change in
Australia and the Philippines respectively.

Impact of climate change in Australia Impact of climate change in the


Photograph A Photograph B

With the help of Photographs A and B, describe the impacts of climate [5]











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(f) ‘Deforestation is the main cause of the enhanced greenhouse effect.’

To what extent do you agree with this statement? Give examples to support
your answer. [6]


























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5 Study Fig. 9, which shows an earthquake occurring at a plate boundary.

Earthquake occurring at a plate boundary

Fig. 9

(a) On Fig. 9, using the appropriate letter, label the following:

● Fault (A)
● Focus (B)
● Epicentre (C) [3]

(b) Identify the type of plate boundary in Fig. 9 and explain how earthquakes
occur at this type of plate boundary. [4]









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(c) Study Photographs C and D, which show two types of activities that take
place at or near volcanoes in Bali, Indonesia.

Farmers living near Mount Agung Tourists at Mount Batur

Photograph C Photograph D

With the help of Photographs C and D, describe the benefits of living in

volcanic areas, such as Bali, Indonesia. [4]









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(d) Study Fig. 10, which shows the average extent of cloud cover around the
world in 2021.

Average extent of cloud cover around the world in 2021

Fig. 10

Using Fig. 10, describe the difference in extent of cloud cover between Cairo
and Ho Chi Minh City and explain how this may affect the diurnal
temperature range at these places. [4]

Difference in extent of cloud cover: ……………………………………………….



How this may affect diurnal temperature range: ………………………………...







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(e) Explain the formation of the southwest monsoon winds. [4]









(f) ‘Population density is the most important factor in determining the extent of
damage in a location after an earthquake.’

How far do you agree with this statement? Give examples to support your
answer. [6]

















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Fig. 2 Source:
Fig. 4 Source: Extracted and adapted from
Fig. 5 Source:
Fig. 6 Source:
Fig. 7 Source:
Fig. 8 Sources:;;
Photograph A Source:
Photograph B Source:
Fig. 9 Source:
Photograph C Source:
Photograph D Source:
Fig. 10 Source:


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