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SSP 006: Student Success Program

Gratitude and Guidance

Student Activity Sheet
Mary Jane De Castro
Name: ________________________________________ 2BSN-B18
Section: _______________________

Lesson Title: Gratitude and Guidance Materials: SAS, pictures, glue,

Learning Targets: scissor
At the end of the module, I should be able to:
1. recognize the importance of showing gratitude;
and References: None
2. identify the ways on how to show my gratitude for

A. CONNECT (5 mins)

Hello, everyone!

Activity 1: Remember one thing that someone done in your life that you're most grateful for and
what did do you to show your gratitude to that person? Share briefly, in 2-3 sentences only.
My Auntie has a very big help in my life since my mother died, she's the one who stand
as our mother she helped us in our study and everydays financial. I'm so thankful to
have her in my life. I will show my gratitude to her as to repect her and helped her as I
much as I can do.
B. COACH (Do and Think) (45 mins)

Showing gratitude is an important part of being human. It allows us to recognize the good in
others and appreciate the blessings in our own lives. By making gratitude a habit, we can cultivate
more positivity in ourselves and those around us.

DO: Activity 2: Gratitude Collage

Instruction: Take or gather pictures of all the things that you’re grateful for, may it be people,
gatherings, gifts, etc. and cut them all out. After, paste them in the box below and make a collage
out of these pictures. Make it as creative as you can.

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SSP 006: Student Success Program
Gratitude and Guidance
Student Activity Sheet

Gratitude Collage

THINK: Activity 3

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SSP 006: Student Success Program
Gratitude and Guidance
Student Activity Sheet

Instructions: Answer the questions below in the space provided. You can write in sentences or
bullet points.

1) Select one picture from the collage and explain why you’re grateful for it by sharing the
story behind it.

My own family is the greatest gift from above, they are the reason why
I'm fighting for all my challenges and trials in life and they are my
inspiration for all that I did. My future is them and my dream is for them.

2) What would you like to say to these things or people in your collage?

I want to thank God first because he gave me this all people in my

heart that very supporting in me, and my guidance and my provider. I
just want to say to them that I'm so thankful that they are my family
and friends, who's willing to help me and support me all the time.
Thank you for the love, I loveyouu allll.

B. COACH (10 mins)

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

SSP 006: Student Success Program
Gratitude and Guidance
Student Activity Sheet

REFLECT: Activity 4: Showing of Gratitude

Instruction: Think of ways on how you can show or express to the people that you’re grateful for
without needing to buy or purchase “things.” Focus on broad ideas of giving and specific examples
(i.e. I can give my time- example: I can take the time to play with my younger sibling). You can
write in sentences or bullet points. If you choose to draw/doodle your answer, feel free to do so.

* I can make time for them

* I can make an effort for them
* I can show the love by cuddling and hugging them.
* I can protect him as much I can do
* I can play with them and make fun
* I will care them
* I will always love them
* I will help them
* I will do everything for them

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

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