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Most people are used to sending e-mails and SMS messages.

But others still prefer tradi- tional paper

letters or phone calls.

Technology develops by itself, as fast as light. During development it changes life of people. Some might
be important some might be small changes. One of the most controversial development in history is way
of communication, of course phone has changed the way we speak to each other and frequency of it but
I mean way of texting each other. Most people have catch up with time and use E-mails and SMS
messages but other prefer paper letters. I am among those people who thing that digital texts are far
more comfortable and easier to send.

There are reasons, why people prefer to use mobile phones and gadgets for communications. Firstly,
they are easier to use, in spite of using your hand to write you only need you fingers and tap the
keyboard, just to text. Second reason is that it can be send anywhere anytime, in matter of seconds it
can be reached to person, without any problems. For instance, I have friends in many other countries
and digitalized world help me keep in touch with them.

However, I can’t criticize people who still use paper letters. I have heard that, many people find it
romantic and nostalgic moreover there are still many reasons, to use paper messages. First is, privacy. In
the digital world, it does not matter how fast we can contact each other we can’t keep our information
safe. If paper messages are delivered secretly, they are the best way to communicate secretly. Second
reason is health, our screen times are increasing time to time and our health is getting more and more
problems, sitting on the same chair all die in front of computer will, damage your spine and eyes. (I have
experienced both on my own skin.)

To conclude, the benefits technology brings to communication, is very important but it should be
managed well and properly to not damage ourselves.

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