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When I think back on my previous assessments, I recall that every assessment is in

line with our teacher's learning objectives.

Performance is greatly affected by assessments that do not correspond with the

material taught by the teacher. It confuses me as a student as to how to respond to
questions and meet learning objectives. As a result, this observation helps me as a
future teacher by directing what I should do in my class. I now know that each
assessment task needs to be in line with the learning objectives. To guarantee high-
quality learning, always review the learning objectives and outcomes before using
the instructional materials.

I'm still learning how to properly construct traditional assessment tools, so I'm not
that good at it yet.
Making exams that require problem solving is something I struggle with. It is
crucial because, in order for the students to comprehend the problem and provide
the appropriate response, the problem must be constructed extremely well.

No, based on my experience as a student, it is not new because, even though we

are unable to recognize it as an authentic assessment, the task requires students to
use their newly acquired knowledge and skills.

The first step in authentic assessment is to provide students with precise

performance criteria that are easy to understand. Unlike choosing from a list of
options, as in other question formats, it requires students to come up with their
own answers. numerous choice questions that require them to use a range of
higher-order cognitive abilities (HOTS). This kind of evaluation encourages a
learner-centered classroom where the instructor's main objective is to help students
take ownership of their education and learn how to evaluate themselves. The
educator designs exercises and evaluates the results, providing the information
required to monitor students' progress and assess the teachers' methods of
instruction. However, in authentic assessment rubrics, they are crucial because
they provide information to both the teacher and the students. On the other hand,
they play an important rule in authentic assessment rubrics because they let the
teacher and the students know what is being evaluated. In addition to improving
scoring consistency, rubrics also support validity by making clear the performance
standards that teachers will use to assess their students
The process of learning assessment is facilitated by portfolio education because it
enables you to monitor your students' growth and development through a variety
of portfolio formats. In particular, the metacognitive processes that take place
during the process of creating and finishing the portfolio, the effort put into
portfolio assessment is commensurate with the improvement in learning and
development of learners' metacognitive processes.
If I had to rank my higher order thinking skills, I would give myself 4 since I am
aware that I can improve my HOTS, but I am willing to think outside the box and
respond logically to the questions.
As a future educator, I will help my students develop their HOTS by providing them with fair
exam or quiz questions. I'll always distribute the questions appropriately by applying Bloom's
Taxonomy's cognitive skills. In order to help my students improve their problem-solving
abilities, I will also let them share their knowledge and make connections to actual situations
during our discussions. I should assist them in developing critical thinking skills and their ability
to apply the knowledge and skills in a real-world scenario.
Yes, I experienced the same thing when taking exams in high school. I noticed that some of the
questions had nothing to do with the material the teacher had covered. In order to pass the exam,
I simply answered the questions based on my stock knowledge without checking to see if my
response was accurate. In this instance, it's possible that the instructor used a TOS as a guide
when creating the test questions
TOS is the basis in ensuring that the test or the evaluation is valid and reliable. If the students can
perceive that their efforts are not useless, they are more willing to allotted time to review on what
they have learn. Even if you create a easy questions, if they are not included in the in the
discussion and lessons during the time period of learning, the students will be annoyed and
disappointed at the end.
In the modern educational setting, grades are significant, but the learning objective is more
crucial. What matters most is the knowledge acquired and the skills that were enhanced by the
experience. Your future self is not determined by your lower grades; rather, it will be bright if
you apply what you have learned and acquire new abilities. In order to benefit from what they
have learned in the future, students must be able to reflect on, analyze, and apply themselves in
real-life scenarios. The main emphasis of outcome-based education is on results
In order to avoid misunderstandings, the teacher should walk parents through the grading system
and demonstrate the factors they took into account when determining their child's grades.

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