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San Juan, Princess Lian S. 03.13.


ABM 201: UCSP: 01 Activity 1 ARG

Political Analysis: The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)

First a brief introductory of The Department of Trade and Industry or for

short DTI. According to “they are responsible for the advancement,
promotion, governance, regulation, management and growth of industry and
trade.” This office is in-charge of Businesses importing and exporting product
and services or trading. Businesses must register with DTI and receive help and
incentives depending on the business.

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in the Philippines plays a

crucial role in promoting the country's economic growth and development.

Over the years, the DTI has implemented various initiatives aimed at improving
trade and industry practices, enhancing competitiveness, and fostering
entrepreneurship. Under the leadership of different leaders, the DTI has worked
to streamline business processes, reduce unnecessary delays, and attract
investments to the Philippineswhich significantly increased Philippines income
and image in the business world. The agency has also been instrumental in
promoting micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) by providing them
with access to financing, market linkages, and capacity-building programs.

In recent years, the DTI has focused on digital transformation and innovation to
keep pace with the rapidly evolving global market and standards. Initiatives
such as the Go Negosyo Act and the Ease of Doing Business have aimed to
create a more business-friendly environment and support the growth of local

While the DTI has made significant strides in promoting trade and
industry in the Philippines, of course, challenges and short comings remain.
Issues such as corruption, inflation, unemployment, poverty, and lack of
infrastructure continue to hinder the country's competitiveness on the
international stage, making it difficult to explore and build branding globally.

Moving forward, continued efforts to address existing challenges and

adapt to the changing economic landscape will be crucial for the DTI to further
enhance its effectiveness and impact on the country's trade industry. Overall,
the DTI has been instrumental in driving economic growth and supporting the
business community in the Philippines.

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