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“How Much Life is Lost in Waiting” by San Juan, Princess Lian S.

"How much of human life is lost in waiting"

said Ralph Waldo Emerson.
One of my favorite quotes of all time. It tells us that by waiting, we never really
accomplish anything, if we wait for someone or something to come pick us up and spoon
feed us everything, what do we have to call ours?
That so much of the world will be left undiscovered because we waited for the "right

"How much of human life is lost in waiting"

Who here fears heights?...
Scared of the ocean?...
Scared of people?...

We've all got our personal fears and the fear of the world, right? And we're afraid to tell
people our fears. Sometimes we're even afraid to think about it.
Whether we admit it or not, most of us push our fears to the bottom of ourselves, locked up
in a box so we never have to face it again. So, we never have to feel scared again. And We
know that these fears, set limitations, set lines we tell ourselves we can't cross, set
boundaries we lock ourselves in because being outside of our bubble is terrifying.
One thing we all have in common is that we're afraid to open up and expose ourselves. It's
scary, isn't it? - The idea of someone knowing our heart and having no idea what they'll
do to it. But let me ask you this. Would we be happy if no one knew ourselves truly? If we
stay in a locked-up box, never to open to anyone.
Won’t we wonder what it feels like to fly?
What does it feel like to be a mermaid or to see what's under the water?
What do coral reefs look like?
What it feels to be alive, to mingle along with loved ones or even strangers.

But I guess... In the end, we all sabotage ourselves, don't we?

In the end, we're the super villains in our story.
In the end we're the main reason why we're sad or down.
We are a paradox.
We want to be happy, but we think of things that make us sad. We're lazy but we're
ambitious. We don't like ourselves, but we love who we are. We say we don't care, but we
If we don't try to figure ourselves out, there is no way anyone else can.
We're all a mystery. And we're a mystery we'll spend our whole lives trying to figure out.
We just often forget that everyone is afraid of something and that no one is fearless. We
often mistake our fears to be our limit, but it’s an opportunity, it helps us see the aspects
we need to work on, it helps us see space for growth. We just need to be brave; we just
need to be brave for just a second.
And after that one scary second, we'll see that despite all our fears, all the challenges,
hardships, and setbacks, we can do it, and we will do it.
Because we all want to live deliberately. To live with passion, love, and purpose.

So, let's not fall back into our old patterns just because they're familiar. So, when you're
there – face that one scary moment and just jump, because if you don't do it now, who
knows when you will. After all our comfort zones are our worst enemy.

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