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yms Meaning and Example

Address (n.) The particulars of the place where someone lives or an organization is situated.

Example: “Please send your application to this address.”

Address (v.) To speak to or communicate with someone.

Example: “She will address the crowd at noon.”

Band (n.) A group of musicians who play music together.

Example: “The band is playing at the concert tonight.”

Band (n.) A ring or loop that holds things together.

Example: “He used a rubber band to keep the pencils together.”

Bat (n.) A piece of equipment used in cricket and baseball to hit the ball.

Example: “He swung the bat and hit a home run.”

Bat (n.) A ying mammal that is active at night.

Example: “A bat ew out of the cave at dusk.”

Match (n.) A contest or game to determine a winner.

Example: “The soccer match ended in a draw.”

Match (n.) A short

rough stick coated with a combustible substance that ignites when struck against a

Example: “She lit the candle with a match.”

Mean (v.) To intend to convey or refer to a particular thing.

Example: “What do you mean when you say ‘home’?” 9212737617

Mean (adj.) Unkind or spiteful.

Example: “That was a mean thing to say to someone.”

Right (adj.) Correct or true.

Example: “You got the answer right.”

Right (n.) A moral or legal entitlement.

Example: “Everyone has the right to freedom of speech.”

Ring (n.) A small circular band, typically of precious metal, worn on a nger as an ornament or a

Example: “She showed off her engagement ring.”

Ring (v.) To make a resonant sound or series of sounds.

Example: “The church bells ring every hour.”

Rock (n.) A solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth and other similar

Example: “The geologist studied the rock sample.”

Rock (v.) To move gently to and fro or from side to side.

Example: “She rocked the baby to sleep.”

Rose (n.) A ower with a sweet scent and thorny stem, often associated with love and romance.

Example: “He gave her a dozen red roses on Valentine’s Day.”

Rose (v.) Past tense of ‘rise,’ meaning to move from a lower position to a higher one.

Example: “She rose from her chair to greet the guests.”

Spring (n.) The season after winter and before summer, when vegetation begins to appear.

Example: “The owers bloom in spring.” 9212737617

Spring (v.) To move or jump suddenly or rapidly upward or forward.

Example: “The cat sprang onto the windowsill.”

Stalk (n.) The main stem of a plant.

Example: “The stalk of the plant was strong and tall.”

Stalk (v.) To follow

obsessive or or observe someone persistently, especially in secret and in a way that is

Example: “He was arrested for stalking his ex-girlfriend.”

Well (n.) A deep hole or shaft sunk into the earth to obtain water, oil, gas, or brine.

Example: “The villagers rely on the well for clean drinking water.”

Well (adv.) In good health; in a satisfactory or good manner.

Example: “She performed well on the exam.”

Clip (n.) A device typically used for holding objects together.

Example: “Please attach your documents with a paper clip.“

Clip (v.) To cut or trim with scissors or shears.

Example: “She clipped the coupon from the newspaper.”

Date (n.) The day of the month or year as speci ed by a number.

Example: “Please save the date for our wedding: June 24th.”

Date (n.) A social or romantic appointment or engagement.

Example: “They went on a date to the movies.”

Drop (n.) A small amount of liquid, drawn into a roughly spherical mass by surface tension.

Example: “A drop of water fell from the faucet.” 9212737617

Drop (v.) To let fall or to be fallen.

Example: “He dropped the glass, and it shattered on the oor.”

Fly (v.) To move through the air using wings.

Example: “Birds can y high in the sky.”

Fly (n.) A small winged insect.

Example: “A y kept buzzing around the room.”

Letter (n.) A written, typed, or printed communication, sent in an envelope by post or messenger.

Example: “She received a letter from her friend abroad.”

Letter (n.) A character

alphabetic representing one or more of the sounds used in speech; any of the

Example: “The letter ‘B’ is the second in the alphabet.”

Palm (n.) The inner surface of the hand between the wrist and ngers.

Example: “She held the coin in the palm of her hand.”

Palm (n.) A type of tree with a straight trunk and large leaves at the top.

Example: “Palm trees swayed in the tropical breeze.”

Park (n.) A large public green area in a town, used for recreation.

Example: “We had a picnic in the park.”

Park (v.) To position a vehicle in a location for a period of time.

Example: “She parked the car in the designated spot.”

Point (n.) A particular spot, place, or position in an area or on a map.

Example: “The treasure is marked at this point on the map.” 9212737617

Point (v.) To direct someone’s attention toward something by extending one’s nger or an object.

Example: “He pointed to the sign that read ‘No Entry’.”

Ruler (n.) A person exercising government or dominion.

Example: “The ruler of the land decreed a new law.”

Ruler (n.) An instrument used to measure distances or to draw straight lines.

Example: “She used a ruler to draw the lines on her diagram.”

Saw (v.) Past tense of ‘see.’

Example: “He saw a deer while hiking in the woods.”

Saw (n.) A tool with a toothed blade used for cutting hard materials like wood or metal. E

xample: “She cut the board with a hand saw.”

Scale (n.) A device used for weighing.

Example: “Please step on the scale to check your weight.”

Scale (n.) A series of musical notes ordered by frequency or pitch.

Example: “He practiced his scales on the piano.”

Ship (n.) A large vessel that carries people or goods by sea.

Example: “The cargo ship delivered goods across the ocean.”

Ship (v.) To transport goods or people by sea or other means.

Example: “The company will ship your order within 24 hours.”

Sink (n.) A basin hands,

for washing xed to dishes,
a wall oretc.oor and having a drainpipe and usually a water supply, used

Example: “He washed the dishes in the kitchen sink.“ 9212737617

Sink (v.) To go down below the surface of water or another liquid.

Example: “The ship struck an iceberg and began to sink.”

Tie (n.) A piece of string, cord, or the like used for fastening or securing something.

Example: “He wore a silk tie to the interview.”

Tie (v.) To fasten or secure with a cord or string.

Example: “She tied the package with a ribbon.”

Trip (n.) A journey or excursion, especially for pleasure.

Example: “They went on a trip to the mountains.”

Trip (v.) To stumble or fall, usually by catching one’s foot on something.

Example: “He tripped over the rug and fell.”

Wave (n.) A long body of water curling into an arched form and breaking on the shore.

Example: “The surfer rode a large wave to the beach.”

Wave (v.) To move one’s hand to and fro in greeting or as a signal.

Example: “She waved goodbye as the train departed.”

Cool (adj.) Of or at a fairly low temperature.

Example: “The cool breeze was refreshing on the hot day.”

Cool (v.) To become less hot.

Example: “We let the cake cool for an hour before eating it.”

Duck (n.) A waterbird with a broad blunt bill, short legs, webbed feet, and a waddling gait.

Example: “We saw ducks swimming in the pond.” 9212737617

Duck (v.) To lower the head or body quickly to avoid a blow or so as not to be seen.

Example: “She had to duck to enter the low doorway.”

Fall (n.) The season after summer and before winter, also known as autumn.

Example: “The leaves change color in the fall.”

Fall (v.) To move downward, typically rapidly and freely without control, from a higher to a lower

Example: “He slipped on the ice and fell.”

File (n.)easy
for A folder or box for holding loose papers that are typically arranged in a particular order

Example: “She kept all her receipts in a le for tax purposes.”

File (v.) To smooth, reduce, or remove with a le.

Example: “The metal edges were led down to prevent injury.”

Foot (n.) The lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands or walks.

Example: “He broke his foot playing soccer.”

Foot (n.) A unit of linear measure equal to 12 inches (30.48 cm).

Example: “The ladder is 10 feet long.”

Left (adj.)
when On, toward,or
the person orthing
relating to thenorth.
is facing side of a human body or of a thing that is to the west

Example: “Her left hand has a scar.”

Left (v.) Past tense and past participle of leave.

Example: “He left the keys on the table.”

Nail (n.)
or toAserve
small as
metal spike with a broadened at head, driven into wood to join things together
a hook.

Example: “He hammered the nail into the wall to hang the picture.” 9212737617

Nail (n.) The
and otherhorny covering on the upper surface of the tip of the ngers and toes in humans

Example: “She painted her nails a bright red color.”

Watch (n.) A small timepiece worn typically on a strap on one’s wrist.

Example: “She checked her watch to see if she was late.”

Watch (v.) To look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time.

Example: “Watch the baby while I step out for a moment.”

Can (n.) A cylindrical metal container.

Example: “She opened a can of soup for dinner.”

Can (v.) To be able to.

Example: “I can swim across the lake.”

Fort (n) A forti ed building or military stronghold.

Example: “The soldiers retreated to the safety of the fort.”

Fought (v) Past tense of ght; to have taken part in a physical struggle or battle.

Example: “They fought bravely in the battle.”

Foul (adj) Offensive to the senses, especially through having a disgusting smell or taste
or being dirty.

Example: “The foul odor from the garbage was overwhelming.” 9212737617

Fowl (n) Birds, such as chickens or ducks, raised for their meat or eggs.

Example: “The farm had several types of fowl roaming the elds.”

Groan (v) To make a deep inarticulate sound in response to pain or despair.

Example: “The patients would often groan in discomfort.”

Grown (adj) Having fully developed; adult.

Example: “The grown trees provided ample shade in the park.”

Holy (adj) Dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred.

Example: “The holy site attracts thousands of pilgrims each year.”

Wholly (adv) Entirely; fully.

Example: “She was wholly committed to the project.”

Hour (n) A period of time equal to a twenty-fourth part of a day and night and divided into
60 minutes.

Example: “The meeting lasted an hour.”

Our (pron.) Belonging to or associated with the speaker and one or more other people.

Example: “Our team won the championship.”

I (pron.) Used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself.

Example: “I am planning to go to the store.” 9212737617

Eye (n) The organ of sight in humans and animals.

Example: “Her eye color is a very deep blue.”

Know (v) To be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information.

Example: “I know the answer to the question.”

No (adv.) Used to give a negative response or reply.

Example: “I asked if he was home, but the answer was no.“

Links (n) A golf course, especially one located on coastal sand dunes.

Example: “He spent the day playing golf at the links.”

Lynx (n) A wild cat with yellowish-brown fur, a short tail, and tufts of black hair on the tips
of its ears.

Example: “The lynx is known for its keen sight.”

Mail (n) Letters and packages conveyed by the postal system.

Example: “She checked her mailbox for the mail.”

Male (adj.) Of or denoting the sex that produces small, typically motile gametes,
especially spermatozoa, with which a female may be fertilized.

Example: “The male birds display bright feathers to attract females.” 9212737617

Meet (v) To come into the presence or company of someone by chance or arrangement.

Example: “I will meet you at the coffee shop at noon.”

Meat (n) The esh of an animal, typically a mammal or bird, as food.

Example: “The butcher offered several cuts of meat.”

Peace (n) Freedom from disturbance; tranquility.

Example: “The treaty brought peace to the region.”

Piece (n) A portion of an object or of material, produced by cutting, tearing, or breaking the

Example: “She ate a piece of cake.”

Right (adj.) Morally good, justi ed, or acceptable.

Example: “You have the right to remain silent.”

Write (v) To mark (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a
pen, pencil, or similar implement.

Example: “Please write your name at the top of the paper.”

Scene (n) The place where an incident in real life or ction occurs or occurred.

Example: “The police cordoned off the crime scene.” 9212737617

Seen (v) Past participle of see; to have perceived with the eyes.

Example: “I have seen that movie three times.”

Than (conj.) Used to introduce the second element in a comparison.

Example: “She is taller than her brother.”

Then (adv.) At that time; at the time in question.

Example: “He was then the youngest member of the team.”

(adv.) After that; next; afterward.

Example: “We had tea, and then we sat in the garden for a while.”

Weak (adj.) Lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; lacking physical
strength and energy.

Example: “After the illness, she felt very weak.”

Week (n) A period of seven days.

Example: “We’re going on vacation for a week in July.” 9212737617

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