Assignment / Tugasan HPGD1203 Theories and Practices of Teaching and Learning January 2024 Semester

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1. Answer in Malay or English. /

Jawab dalam Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris.

2. Number of words: 2500 – 3000 words excluding references. /

Jumlah patah perkataan: 2500 – 3000 patah perkataan tidak termasuk rujukan.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file. /

Hantar tugasan SEKALI sahaja dalam SATU fail.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE. /

Tugasan ini dihantar secara ONLINE.

5. Submission date : 12 MARCH 2024. /

Tarikh penghantaran : 12 MAC 2024.

6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course. /
Tugasan ini menyumbang sebanyak 60% dari jumlah markah kursus.


Part I

Case Study Analysis

Integrating ICT for Enhanced Affective Learning Outcomes through Cooperative Learning
in a High School Science Class

Scenario: In response to a noticeable decline in student engagement and collaborative

problem-solving skills, Dr. Aminah, an experienced high school Science teacher, embraces
the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to elevate the learning
experience. Dr. Aminah introduces cooperative learning in her Science class, focusing on
natural disasters, and leverages ICT tools to facilitate a dynamic and interactive learning
environment. She forms small groups of four students each, ensuring a diverse mix of
abilities, and sets the objective for students to collaboratively address challenges, share
insights, and collectively present their problem-solving strategies to the class.

Implementation Strategies:

 Group Formation with ICT Integration: Dr. Aminah employs ICT tools to thoughtfully
select group members, considering not only academic strengths but also utilizing
data-driven insights from previous assessments to foster well-balanced and diverse
groups. Through collaborative online platforms, students can review profiles and
provide input on their preferred group members, contributing to a more
personalized and engaging group formation process. The integration of ICT
emphasizes the importance of collaboration while leveraging technology for efficient
group creation.

 Structured Activities with Virtual Peer Tutoring: To cater to varying skill levels, Dr.
Aminah integrates virtual peer tutoring sessions using online collaboration tools.
Students with advanced skills can conduct virtual support sessions, providing
emotional support and guidance through video conferencing and shared documents.
The use of ICT enhances the accessibility of peer tutoring, ensuring that students can
connect remotely, fostering emotional connections and collaborative learning
outcomes beyond the confines of the physical classroom.

 Gradual Transition with Interactive Digital Modules: Dr. Aminah introduces

cooperative learning progressively by incorporating interactive digital modules
related to natural disasters. Students engage with multimedia resources,
simulations, and virtual scenarios, starting with simpler tasks before advancing to
more complex problem-solving activities. The gradual transition is facilitated through
gamified elements and real-world simulations, creating an immersive and
confidence-building experience. The use of ICT not only supports skill development

but also enhances emotional and social development through interactive and
engaging content.

Based on the given scenario, answer the following questions with relevant literature

1. Evaluate the role of ICT in group formation, considering Dr. Aminah's approach of
leveraging technology for thoughtful selection. How does the integration of ICT
contribute to the personalization of group dynamics, fostering positive emotional
and social connections among students?

2. How might Dr. Aminah's incorporation of gamified learning experiences using ICT
contribute to students' emotional engagement, social development, and confidence-
building over time?

3. Explore potential ethical considerations associated with using ICT in group

formation. Propose innovative solutions to mitigate these challenges while
maintaining the positive affective learning outcomes.

4. Reflect on the overall impact of ICT integration in cooperative learning for fostering
emotional well-being, social development, and positive engagement. How might the
use of technology contribute to a unique and enriching affective learning experience
for students in Dr. Aminah's Science class?

Support the discussion with relevant literature review, from 2018 onwards. Refer to the
rubric for the breakdown of marks.

[Total: 50 marks]

Part II


Discuss the following topic(s) in the forum and respond to three other postings by your
peers. Submit proof of your participation in the online discussions:

1. Reflect on your own experiences with technology-assisted learning. How have virtual
interactions and peer tutoring sessions, facilitated through ICT, influenced your
emotional engagement and understanding of complex concepts? Share specific
instances where technology has positively contributed to your emotional well-being
and collaboration in a learning environment.

2. In your cooperative learning experience, how do you foresee technology use in

influencing the personalization of group dynamics?

[Total: 10 marks]


Bahagian I

SOALAN (50%)
Analisis Kajian Kes

Integrasi ICT untuk Peningkatan Hasil Pembelajaran Afektif melalui Pembelajaran

Berkoperasi dalam Kelas Sains Tingkatan Tinggi

Pengenalan: Sebagai tindak balas terhadap penurunan ketara dalam penglibatan pelajar
dan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah secara kolaboratif, Dr. Aminah, seorang guru Sains
berpengalaman di sekolah menengah, menggabungkan Teknologi Maklumat dan
Komunikasi (ICT) untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pembelajaran. Dr. Aminah
memperkenalkan pembelajaran berkoperasi dalam kelas Sains, memberi tumpuan
kepada bencana alam, dan memanfaatkan alat-alat ICT untuk memudahkan
persekitaran pembelajaran yang dinamik dan interaktif. Beliau membentuk kumpulan
kecil sebanyak empat pelajar setiap satu, memastikan kombinasi pelbagai kebolehan,
dan menetapkan objektif agar pelajar dapat menangani cabaran secara bersama-sama,
berkongsi pandangan, dan bersama-sama menyampaikan strategi penyelesaian masalah
kepada kelas.

Strategi Pelaksanaan:

 Pembentukan Kumpulan dengan Pengintegrasian ICT: Dr. Aminah

menggunakan alat-alat ICT untuk memilih ahli kumpulan secara berfikir,
mengambil kira bukan sahaja kekuatan akademik tetapi juga memanfaatkan
pandangan yang diperoleh melalui penilaian terdahulu untuk membentuk
kumpulan yang seimbang dan pelbagai. Melalui platform dalam talian yang
kolaboratif, pelajar dapat menyemak profil dan memberi input tentang ahli
kumpulan yang mereka pilih, menyumbang kepada proses pembentukan
kumpulan yang lebih peribadi dan menarik. Pengintegrasian ICT menekankan
kepentingan kerjasama sambil menggunakan teknologi untuk penciptaan
kumpulan yang efisien.

 Aktiviti Berstruktur dengan Tutor Rakan Sebaya Maya: Untuk memenuhi

pelbagai tahap kemahiran, Dr. Aminah mengintegrasikan sesi tutor rakan sebaya

maya menggunakan alat-alat kolaborasi dalam talian. Pelajar yang memiliki
kemahiran tinggi dapat menjalankan sesi sokongan maya, menyediakan
sokongan emosi dan panduan melalui video konferensi dan dokumen yang
dikongsi. Penggunaan ICT meningkatkan aksesibiliti kepada tutor rakan sebaya,
memastikan pelajar dapat berhubung secara maya, membina hubungan
emosional dan hasil pembelajaran berkolaboratif di luar sempadan bilik darjah

 Peralihan Beransur-ansur dengan Modul Digital Interaktif: Dr. Aminah

memperkenalkan pembelajaran berkoperasi secara beransur-ansur dengan
menggabungkan modul digital interaktif yang berkaitan dengan bencana alam.
Pelajar terlibat dengan sumber multimedia, simulasi, dan skenario maya,
bermula dengan tugas yang lebih mudah sebelum melangkah kepada aktiviti
penyelesaian masalah yang lebih kompleks. Peralihan beransur-ansur ini
disokong melalui elemen permainan dan simulasi dunia nyata, mencipta
pengalaman yang memikat dan membangunkan keyakinan. Penggunaan ICT
tidak hanya menyokong perkembangan kemahiran, tetapi juga meningkatkan
perkembangan emosi dan sosial melalui kandungan interaktif dan menarik.

Berdasarkan senario yang diberikan, jawab soalan-soalan berikut dengan sokongan

literatur yang relevan:

1. Nilai peranan ICT dalam pembentukan kumpulan, dengan mempertimbangkan

pendekatan Dr. Aminah yang menggunakan teknologi untuk pemilihan yang teliti.
Bagaimana integrasi ICT menyumbang kepada peribadi dinamika kumpulan,
membentuk hubungan emosi dan sosial yang positif di kalangan pelajar?

2. Bagaimana pengintegrasian pengalaman pembelajaran melalui permainan digital

oleh Dr. Aminah melalui ICT dapat menyumbang kepada penglibatan emosi,
perkembangan sosial, dan pembinaan keyakinan pelajar sepanjang masa?

3. Teroka pertimbangan etika yang mungkin timbul berkaitan dengan penggunaan ICT
dalam pembentukan kumpulan. Cadangkan penyelesaian inovatif untuk mengatasi
cabaran ini sambil mengekalkan hasil pembelajaran affective yang positif.

4. Bagaimana impak keseluruhan integrasi ICT dalam pembelajaran berkoperasi dapat

menyokong kesejahteraan emosi, perkembangan sosial, dan penglibatan positif?
Bagaimana penggunaan teknologi dapat menyumbang kepada pengalaman
pembelajaran affective yang unik dan memperkayakan bagi pelajar dalam kelas Sains
Dr. Aminah?

Sokong perbincangan anda dengan kajian literatur yang relevan, dari tahun 2018 ke
hadapan. Rujuk kepada rubrik untuk pecahan markah.

[Jumlah: 50 markah]

Bahagian II


Bincangkan topik berkenaan di dalam forum dan berikan respon terhadap tiga
perbincangan yang lain. Hantarkan bukti penglibatan anda dalam forum.

1. Renungkan pengalaman anda sendiri dengan pembelajaran berbantu teknologi.

Bagaimana interaksi maya dan sesi tutor rakan sebaya, yang dipermudahkan melalui
ICT, telah mempengaruhi penglibatan emosi anda dan pemahaman konsep-konsep
kompleks? Kongsi contoh khusus di mana teknologi telah memberi sumbangan
positif kepada kesejahteraan emosi dan kerjasama anda dalam persekitaran

2. Berdasarkan pengalaman anda dalam pembelajaran koperatif, apakah ramalan anda

tentang penggunaan teknologi dalam mempengaruhi personalisasi dinamika

[Jumlah: 10 markah]


1. Select the best FIVE (5) of your postings from your forum discussion set in the
2. Do screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your Part 1 and Part 2
assignment file.
3. The screenshots should be in an image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the
sample of Screen Grab below
4. The screenshots should contain the name, title of the discussion, day, date and time.



1. Pilih LIMA (5) postings terbaik dari perbincangan dalam talian yang telah di sediakan
oleh tutor anda.
2. Laksanakan screen shot posting dan isikan dalam tugasan anda sebagai file imej.

3. Imej screen shot mesti dalam format imej (sama ada JPG atau PNG). Rujuk pada
contoh screen shot di bawah.
4. Screen shot mesti mengandungi: Nama, Tajuk Perbincangan, Hari, Tarikh dan Masa.




Excellent/ Good/ Fair/ Poor/

*QN/ Criteria/ Weight/ Cemerlang Baik Sederhana Lemah Max
*NS Kriteria Pemberat Marks
4 3 2 1

1 3 Role of ICT in Group 2.5 Demonstrates a deep Provides a satisfactory Offers a fair explanation of Provides a poor or minimal 10
Formation understanding of the role of ICT in explanation of the role of ICT in the role of ICT in group explanation of the role of ICT
group formation, considering Dr. group formation. Describes 2 formation. Describes the in group formation. Lacks
Aminah's approach. Clearly ways on how the integration of integration of ICT with limited clarity on how ICT
explains 3 ways on how the ICT contributes somewhat to detail on personalization of contributes to personalizing
integration of ICT contributes personalizing group dynamics and group dynamics and fostering group dynamics and fostering
significantly to personalizing fostering positive emotional and positive connections. positive connections among
group dynamics, fostering social connections among students.
positive emotional and social students.
connections among students.

2 Gamified Learning 2.5 Presents a comprehensive Provides a satisfactory Offers a fair explanation of Provides a poor or minimal 10
Experiences understanding of how Dr. explanation of how gamified how gamified learning explanation of how gamified
Aminah's incorporation of learning experiences contribute experiences contribute to learning experiences
gamified learning experiences somewhat to students' emotional students' emotional contribute to students'
using ICT significantly contributes engagement, social development, engagement, social emotional engagement,
to students' emotional and confidence-building over development, and social development, and
engagement, social development, time. confidence-building with confidence-building over
and confidence-building over limited detail. time.

3 Ethical Considerations 2.5 Proposes 3 innovative solutions Proposes 2 innovative solutions Proposes solutions with Lacks clarity on proposed 10
in ICT Use with a clear understanding of with a clear understanding of limited detail on maintaining solutions to maintain positive
maintaining positive affective maintaining positive affective positive affective learning affective learning outcomes.
learning outcomes. learning outcomes. outcomes.

4 Reflection on Overall 2.5 Clearly explains 3 ways on how Explains 2 ways on how Describes the contribution of Lacks clarity on how 10
Impact technology contributes to a technology contributes to technology with limited detail technology contributes to
unique and enriching affective fostering emotional well-being, on fostering emotional well- fostering emotional well-
learning experience for students social development, and positive being, social development, being, social development,
in Dr. Aminah's Science class. engagement for students in Dr. and positive engagement. and positive engagement for
Aminah's Science class. students in Dr. Aminah's
Science class.

5 Effective Use of 2.5 At least 10 in-text citations and At least 10 in-text citations and Less than 5 in-text citations In-text citations and 10
References references closely follow the APA references closely follow the APA and references closely follow references closely follow the
system with no errors. system with minor errors. the APA system with minor APA system with too many
errors. errors.

Total Marks 2.5 50


Marks for the forum will be given based on the following rubric:

Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max

QN CLO Criteria Weightage 4 3 2 1 0 marks

Question 1 Quality of All five comments are Four comments are Two or three One post was submitted. Postings are done
Postings reasonable, reasonable, comments are OR All posts are done in past the assignment
Question 2 appropriate, relevant, appropriate, relevant, somewhat reasonable, one day. timeline.
Affective meaningful, and meaningful, and appropriate, OR None of the comments OR No postings given
Domain respectful. respectful. meaningful, and is excellent and relevant. as proof of
3 2.5 Postings reflect active Postings reflect respectful. OR Comments are short participation in 10
participation within participation within Postings show responses that are not discussion.
the assignment the assignment relatively short substantial or meaningful.
timeline. timeline. participation time. Minimum effort (e.g. “I
agree with Tina”).

Total Marks 2.5 10

*QN = Question Number

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