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Letter of Instructions 22/09 Bayanihan (Brgy.

Peacekeeping Operations

First Reference: Art. II sec. 4, 1987 Phil Constitution,

PNP Recognized the role of Brgy. Tanod, Bantay Bayan, Civilian volunteer organizations, Brgy. Auxiliary, Non-Government
Organizations and other peoples organizations that can be utilized as force Multipliers

Exercutive order no. 546 authorizes the pp to deputize the brgy. Tanos as fore multipliers trhu LPOC, Local peace and order council

Mission: shall conduct community poliing n ensure continuing active community

Objective : to set guidelines in the establishmets of effective community partnership geared towards the attainment ofpeace and

Brgy Peace keeping operation BPKO – is a comprehensive and catch all anti ctime strategy, to empower all stakholders to share

Brgy. Peace keeping action team (BPATs) – are the main operators of BPKO at the brgy. Level

Police community precinct PCP- the smalles pnp command field unit under a city /municipal police station

Local Government Unit(LGU) – includes the provincial city, municipal and baragggay governmental organization as included in the
loal government code (RA 7160)

Force Multipliers – are those organizations outsided the government whih perform public safety

Public safety services

1. According to the provided references, who is recognized as force multipliers by the PNP? c. Brgy. Tanod, Bantay
Bayan, Civilian volunteer organizations, Brgy. Auxiliary, Non-Government Organizations, and other
people's organizations (Correct)
2. What does "Executive Order No. 546" authorize the PNP to do? b. Deputize the brgy. Tanods as force
multipliers through LPOC (Local Peace and Order Council) (Correct)
3. What is the mission of the PNP as stated in the provided information? a. To conduct community policing and
ensure continuing active community engagement (Correct)
4. What is the objective of the established guidelines in effective community partnership? b. Geared towards the
attainment of peace and order (Correct)
5. What does "Brgy Peace keeping operation BPKO" aim to achieve? c. A comprehensive and catch-all anti-crime
strategy to empower all stakeholders to share responsibility (Correct)
6. Who are the main operators of BPKO at the barangay level? a. Brgy. Peacekeeping Action Team (BPATs)
7. What is the smallest PNP command field unit under a city/municipal police station? b. Police Community
Precinct (PCP) (Correct)
8. What is included in the term "Local Government Unit (LGU)" as per the provided information? a. Provincial city,
municipal, and barangay governmental organizations as included in the Local Government Code (RA 7160)
9. What are "Force Multipliers" according to the provided information? b. Organizations outside the government
that perform public safety and public safety services (Correct)

pg. 1

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