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Guidance and Activation of Murine Macrophages

by Nanometric Scale Topography
*Laboratory of Cell Biology and †Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow,
Glasgow, G128QQ, Scotland, United Kingdom

of human neutrophil leukocytes [3]. Multiple grooved

We studied the guidance and activation of macro- substrata have been used by several authors as a model
phages from the P388D1 cell line and rat peritoneum of oriented topographical features of the extracellular
by topographic features on a nanometric scale. Cells matrix [5–8] but the size of grooves was much greater
were plated on plain fused silica substrata or substrata than the size of matrix proteins. In this paper we use
with microfabricated grooves and steps, 30–282 nm multiple grooved substrata with a groove depth as
deep. The contact of cells with the patterned surface small as 30 nm, which corresponds to the diameter of
activated cell spreading and adhesion and increased a single collagen fiber. It has recently been shown that
the number of protrusions of the cell membrane. These substrata with grooves of a greater size stimulate the
changes were accompanied by an increase in the movement of a variety of cells [9–11] and increase the
amount of F-actin in cells. The accumulation of F-actin amount of fibronectin secreted and assembled into the
and vinculin in cells was observed along the edges of
extracellular matrix by human gingival fibroblasts
single steps or grooves. Formation of focal contacts
[25]. Murine macrophages have been shown to respond
along discontinuities in the substratum was accompa-
to patterned surfaces by extensive spreading accompa-
nied by the phosphorylation of tyrosine colocalized
with F-actin and vinculin. A similar pattern of staining nied by the increase in the persistence and speed of
was seen in cells stained for vitronectin receptor, aV cell movement [10]. In this paper we report the reaction
integrin, but not for integrins a5b1 or a3b1. Cells cul- of murine macrophages from the P388D1 cell line and
tured on nanogrooves showed a higher phagocytotic rat peritoneum to a substratum which has features on
activity than cells cultured on plain substrata. We a nanometric scale. The contact of cells with patterned
show that macrophages can react to ultrafine features substrata induces several changes in cell morphology
of topography of a size comparable to that of a single and activity and is accompanied by changes in the dis-
collagen fiber and become activated by the contact tribution and content of cytoskeletal components. Us-
with topographic features. q 1996 Academic Press, Inc. ing these observations, possible mechanisms for the
reaction of cells to ultrafine topographic features are
It has been shown in a number of studies that cells
can be guided by oriented fibrils of an extracellular Cells
material [1–3]. Since the cell environment in vivo pro- The P388D1 macrophage cell line was a kind gift of Professor P.
vides a variety of mechanical, chemical, and topograph- Bongrand, Marseille. Cells were grown in RPMI 1640 medium
ical stimuli, the mechanism of cell guidance is difficult (Gibco, Life Technologies, Inc. Grand Island, NY) supplemented with
to assess. Chemotaxis was believed to be the leading 10% fetal calf serum (Sigma Chemical Co), 20 mM Hepes buffer
(N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N*-2-ethanesulfonic acid, pH 7.4), 100
force of directional cell movement for the cells of the
units/ml penicillin, and 10 mg/ml streptomycin at 377C. Cells were
immunological system [4]. It has been shown, however, grown in 25-ml TC Falcon flasks and passaged biweekly. Cells were
that topography can enhance the chemotactic response plated at the density 1 1 105 cells/ml onto grooved or plain substrata
and incubated at 377C. After 15 min of incubation cells were fixed
in 4% formaldehyde and stained with Coomassie blue. The cell area,
To whom reprint requests should be addressed at Laboratory of elongation, and orientation were then calculated with the use of
Cell Biology, Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Glasgow image analysis programs.
University, G128QQ Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Fax: 0141-330-4501; E- Rat macrophages were obtained by the peritoneal lavage of 6-week-
mail: gbaa10@udcf.gla.ac.uk. old Sprague–Dawley rats. Cells were suspended in phosphate-buf-

0014-4827/96 $18.00 426

Copyright q 1996 by Academic Press, Inc.
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

/ 6i0a$$3079 02-13-96 23:28:40 ecas AP: Exp Cell


fered saline (PBS), centrifuged, resuspended in culture medium, and Fluorescent Staining of Vinculin, ICAM-1, Integrins a5b1, aVb1,
plated onto plain and grooved substrata. a3b1, and Phosphotyrosine

Cells were washed in PBS (prewarmed to 377C), fixed in 4% formal-

Substratum Patterning dehyde, and then permeabilized in 0.5% Triton X-100 for 15 min.
After draining, each coverslip was incubated with 200 ml of the follow-
For experiments we used fused silica substrata with micropat-
ing antibodies: mouse monoclonal anti-human vinculin antibody
terned arrays of parallel grooves and ridges of equal width and a
(Sigma) 1:100; mouse monoclonal anti-rat ICAM-1 (Serotech Ltd.,
square wave profile. Fused silica samples (Multilab, Newcastle, UK)
Kidlingtom, Oxford, England), 1:200; mouse monoclonal anti-phos-
were cut into 25-mm2, 1-mm-thick samples. The silica was cleaned
photyrosine (PY20) (ICN Pharmaceuticals, Thame, England) for 2 h
by soaking in a solution of 3:1 sulphuric acid:hydrogen peroxide for
at room temperature.
5–10 min at 607C followed by rinse in R.O. water and then blown dry
To stain for integrins, the cells were fixed in 0.25% glutaraldehyde
with filtered air. The silica was coated with AZ 1400-31 photoresist
for 15 min and then washed three times in PBS and incubated with
(Shipley, Coventry, UK) by spinning-on at 4000 rpm for 30 s followed
a 20 mM solution of sodium borohydride in PBS for 1 h. Fixed cells
by a soft bake at 907C for 30 min. This gave a resist thickness of 1.8
were permeabilized in 0.1% Triton X-100 in PBS for 30 min. Cells
mm. The resist was then patterned by exposing to UV light for 10 s
were incubated with 200 ml of the following antibodies: mouse mono-
through a chrome mask patterned with the required grating pattern,
clonal anti-a5b1 integrin (Gibco), rabbit polyclonal anti-a3 integrin
using a mask aligner (HTG, San Jose, CA). The exposed resist was
(Chemicon, Harrow, England) 1:100, or rabbit polyclonal anti-aV
removed by immersing the sample in a solution of 1:1 Shipley devel-
integrin (Chemicon) at a dilution 1:100. Then cells were washed three
oper: R.O. water for 65–75 s followed by a rinse in R.O. water and
times in PBS and incubated with 200 ml of the secondary antibodies:
blown dry. The samples were dry etched in a Reactive Ion Etching
sheep Texas red-linked anti-mouse antibody (Amersham Life Sci.)
Unit (RIE80, Plasma Technology, Bristol, UK) at a rate of approxi-
or donkey Texas red-linked anti-rabbit antibody (Amersham Life
mately 30 nm/min. One hundred watts of rf power at a frequency of
Sci.) 1:100 for 2 h and washed three times in PBS. None of the
13.6 MHz powered a 15-cm-diameter table; CHF3 was used at a
controls with fixed cells incubated either with the first or with the
flow rate of 20 sccm and a pressure of 15 mT. The self-bias was
second antibody alone showed positive staining.
approximately 0480 V. After etching, the residual resist was re-
moved in warm acetone, and all samples were etched for an addi-
tional minute without protection to ensure uniform surface chem- Interference-Reflection Microscopy and Confocal Laser
istry. Scanning Microscopy
We used both plain fused silica substrata and coated fused silica
P388D1 macrophages cultured on nanogrooved substrata for 15
substrata. In general the substrata were used directly after cleaning
min were examined under the interference-reflection microscope at
without addition of a protein layer. However, in some cases substrata
377C using a 100X objective.
were incubated with 200 ml of 10 mg/ml fibronectin or 1 mg/ml conca-
Cells stained for fluorescence were examined under the Odyssey
navalin A for 1 h at room temperature. Substrata covered with ConA
Real Time Laser Scanning Microscope Model No. VSM-LSM (Noran
were left to air dry and then all coated surfaces were washed five
Instruments, Inc., Milton Keynes, UK) equipped with an argon-ion
times in PBS.
laser, working with the MetaMorph Imaging System (Universal Im-
The depth of grooves was measured with 5% accuracy with DEK-
aging Corporation). Cells stained for actin were examined under 529
TAK Surface Profiler (Viico Sloan Technology Division, Santa Bar-
nm excitation wavelength with a 15-mm slit 60X objective.
bara, CA).

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

Image Analysis System: Measurement of Cell Area, Orientation,
and Adhesion Cells on quartz coverslips were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1
M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, for 1 h. After fixation, cells were rinsed
Images from a Leitz Ortholux microscope using a Leitz Phaco 10X in 0.1 M phosphate buffer with 2% sucrose and incubated with 1%
objective were digitized to 512 1 256 pixels and 64 gray shades with w/v osmium tetroxide at 377C for 1 h at room temperature, washed
a Hamamatsu Vidicon C1000 camera (Hamamatsu c/o. Nikon UK, in distilled water, and then incubated in 0.5% aqueous uranyl acetate
London) and analyzed with an Archimedes digitizer (Watford Elec- for 1 h in the dark. Samples were then rinsed in distilled water and
tronics, Watford, UK). The image analysis program, written by Chris dehydrated by incubation in 30, 50, and 70% and absolute alcohol
Edwards (Chemistry Department, Glasgow University) in Acorn Risc for 10 min in each concentration. Cells were transferred to propylene
machine assembler language for an Acorn Archimedes 310 microcom- oxide and changed three times for 5 min and finally left in a 1:1
puter, was used to calculate the number of cells/field and measure mix of propylene oxide:Araldite for 30 min. Cells were embedded in
the area of the cells and their orientation. These parameters were Araldite at 607C for 48 h to polymerize. Polymerized resin and cov-
calculated as described by Dunn and Brown [12]. erslip with gratings were dipped in liquid nitrogen to separate the
coverslip from the cells and resin. The Araldite block was embedded
Fluorescent Staining and the Measurement of F-actin Content cell side down again on fresh resin and polymerized for another 48
in Cells h. The block was sectioned on a Reichert ultramicrotome and sections
were stained with 2% methanolic uranyl acetate for 5 min and in
Fifteen minutes after plating, cells on plain and patterned struc- Reynolds lead citrate for 5 min. A range of thicknesses of sections
tures were rinsed in PBS, fixed in 1% glutaraldehyde for 15 min, (60–150 nm) were viewed on a Zeiss 902 transmission electron micro-
and then permeabilized in 0.5% Triton X-100 for 15 min. After drain- scope using zero energy loss filtering.
ing, each structure was incubated in 1 mg ml01 TRITC-phalloidin
solution in PBS for 45 min and then washed twice in PBS and exam- Phagocytosis Assay
ined under the Leitz fluorescent microscope. The brightness of fluo-
rescence (integrated brightness) of each individual cell, proportional To determine the phagocytotic activity of cells we used the method
to F-actin content, was measured with the MetaMorph Imaging Sys- of Van Furth [13]. FITC-labeled polystyrene beads (Polysciences Flu-
tem (Universal Imaging Corporation, West Chester, PA). The fluo- oresbrite Microspheres), 0.94 mm in diameter, were suspended in
rescence of 50 cells was measured on each kind of substratum. culture medium at a density of 4.5 1 107 beads/ml. Cells were incu-

/ 6i0a$$3079 02-13-96 23:28:40 ecas AP: Exp Cell


FIG. 1. P388D1 macrophage spread on (a) plain fused silica substratum. (bar, 5 mm); (b) well-spread macrophage with numerous
microvilli on microgrooved substratum, groove depth 71 nm. (bar, 5 mm); (c) P388D1 macrophages spread on plain (rhs) and grooved (lhs)
substratum, 15 min after cell plating (bar, 20 mm). (a) and (b) represent scanning electron micrographs, (c) is a phase-contrast image.

bated with fluorescent bead suspension for 5 h at 377C. Then slides Fifteen minutes after plating most cells remained
were rinsed thoroughly with PBS to remove the excess of beads, and
attached but rounded and not very well spread. As re-
cells were fixed with methanol for 10 min and allowed to air dry.
Slides were then flooded with xylene, air dried, mounted in 50% vealed by the electron scanning micrographs, most of
glycerol, and examined under a fluorescent microscope. The number the cells had fairly smooth surface with only few mi-
of beads/cell was counted in 200 cells on each kind of substratum. crospikes (Fig. 1a). The average cell spread area was
430 mm2, SD 160.
Statistical Analysis
Cells plated on patterned substrata had a substan-
For each variation of substrate and treatment, 100 cells were ana- tially different morphology from cells on plain sub-
lyzed. Means, standard deviations, and variances were calculated
for the cell spreading area, elongation, orientation, and the parame- strata (Figs. 1b and 1c). Fifteen minutes after plating
ters of cell movement. Student’s t test was used to compare groups cells were already attached and well spread. Cells ex-
of results. tended numerous microspikes, usually perpendicular
to the groove direction (Fig. 1b). The spread area of
RESULTS cells on 282-nm-deep grooves was two times greater
than the spread area of cells on a plain surface. The
Changes in Cell Spreading, Morphology, and reaction of cells to nanogrooves continued for as long
Orientation as the cells were cultured. Table 1 shows data on
P388D1 macrophages cultured on plain fused silica spread areas and orientation of P388D1 macrophages
substrata attached and spread in 20–30 min (Fig. 1). and normal rat peritoneal macrophages on grooves 30–

/ 6i0a$$3079 02-13-96 23:28:40 ecas AP: Exp Cell


The Spread Area and Orientation of P388D1 Macrophages and Normal Rat Peritoneal Macrophages on Plain Fused Silica
Substrata and Gratings with Groove Depths of 30, 44, and 282 nm and Widths of 2 and 10 mm

Groove depth/ Mean area SD Orientation Orientation

width (mm) (mm2) (mm2) (mean angle) (variance)

P388D1 Plain 430 160 34 677

30/10 610 166 16 399
44/2 655* 151 10 212
44/10 663* 130 12 228
282/2 788** 193 6 61
282/10 741** 173 9 128
Peritoneal Plain 240 83 39 621
(260) (100)
30/10 256 138 30 589
ConA (261) (129) (31) (601)
44/2 393 206 23 517
ConA (405) (230) (20) (308)
44/10 293 116 26 544
ConA (310) (137) (21) (348)
282/2 520* 181 19 212
ConA (532)* 204 (15) (156)
282/10 473* 206 21 354
ConA (510)* 196 (16) 238

Note. Rat peritoneal macrophages are given two values for cell area and orientation. The values in brackets are for macrophages which
were plated on substrata covered with ConA. Student’s t test was applied to compare the spread area of cells on plain substratum with the
area and orientation of cells spread on gratings.
* P õ 0.05; **P õ 0.01.

282 nm deep. Even substrata with very shallow phages. The effect of grooves on cell orientation is
grooves, 30 nm deep, were able to induce rapid changes shown in Table 1. Cell orientation increased with the
in cell spreading and orientation. P388D1 macrophages decreasing pitch and increasing depth of the gratings.
were firmly attached to the substratum and elongated Since most of the nonactivated peritoneal macrophages
along groove/ridge boundaries. were very loosely attached to the gratings, we covered
The degree of orientation of cells increased with in- the structure with concanavalin A. The treatment im-
creasing depth and with decreasing width of the proved cell adhesion and orientation on gratings (Ta-
grooves. This was shown by the decreasing variance ble 1).
and mean value of the orientation angle in cells grown
on patterned substrata (Table 1). The increase in cell F-actin Distribution and Content
spread area in cells on patterned surfaces compared to
cells on smooth substrata was significant for all kinds F-actin in cells on plain substrata was concentrated
of gratings. However, although we observed a small close to the cell margin and in a few areas where cells
increase in cell spread area with increasing grove depth extended pseudopodia (Fig. 2a). Cells were rounded
and decreasing pitch, the effects of groove width and and not very well spread. Cells cultured on patterned
depth on cell spread area were not statistically signifi- substrata showed a bright staining of F-actin concen-
cant. trated along groove/ridge boundaries. The staining was
The increase in cell spreading and orientation was concentrated in places of cell attachment (Figs. 2b and
also observed in cells which encountered single steps 2c). TEM micrographs of transverse sections of P388D1
(Fig. 4a). cells spread on grooves show an accumulation of elec-
Normal peritoneal macrophages were also guided by tron-dense material localized in the cortical layer of
nanogrooves, although they were less sensitive to topo- cytoplasm and related in its position to the groove/ridge
graphical guidance than P388D1 cells. A significant boundary (Figs. 5c and 5d).
increase in spread area was observed only in cells The measurement of the F-actin content in P388D1
plated on grooves deeper than 71 nm; shallower cells cultured for 15 min showed that cells on patterned
grooves did not have a significant effect on the orienta- substrata contained two times more F-actin than cells
tion and spread area of normal peritoneal macro- on plain substrata (Fig. 3). The F-actin content did

/ 6i0a$$3079 02-13-96 23:28:40 ecas AP: Exp Cell


FIG. 2. F-actin distribution in P388D1 cells (a) on plain fused silica substrata; (b) P388D1 macrophage on gratings, 44-nm-deep grooves,
4-mm pitch; (c) normal peritoneal macrophage on gratings 71 nm deep; (d) confocal single plane section of macrophage on grooves 124 nm
deep, actin staining. Bars, 5 mm.

not depend on groove width but showed dependence on flection images of cells attached to the gratings showed
groove depth. that actin and vinculin were found in places of close
Normal peritoneal macrophages showed the same apposition of the cell membrane to the substratum,
pattern of F-actin aggregation as P388D1 cells (Figs. which corresponded to groove/ridge boundaries (Fig.
2c and 2d). We did not observe any regular arrange- 4d). This was mainly observed underneath the cell nu-
ment of F-actin in cells on grooves 30 and 40 nm deep cleus and at the leading edge of the cell.
which correlated with the poor effect of these gratings Phosphotyrosine staining in P388D1 macrophages
on cell orientation. Peritoneal macrophages cultured cultured on nanogrooves colocalized with actin and vin-
on patterned substrata with a groove depth of 124 nm culin (Fig. 4f). Cells cultured on plain substrata showed
and a width of 2 mm contained 18% SD 9% more F- dot-like, punctuate staining of phosphotyrosine, which
actin than cells cultured on plain substrata. did not correspond to the distribution of F-actin (Fig.
Vinculin, Membrane Receptors, and Phosphotyrosine 4e). Normal peritoneal macrophages which were
Staining guided by the structure showed a similar pattern of
The staining of vinculin in P388D1 macrophages co- staining.
localized with actin (Figs. 4b and 4c). Interference-re- In preliminary studies we stained some of the cell

/ 6i0a$$3079 02-13-96 23:28:40 ecas AP: Exp Cell


morphology, gene expression, and the rate of cell prolif-

eration. It has been suggested by Gingell [14] that to-
pography itself can influence a spatial organization of
cytoskeleton-linked membrane receptors and, in turn,
affect several cell functions. Recently, we have found
that many kinds of cells are capable of sensing nanome-
tric topography and react to it by an increased adhe-
siveness and rearrangement of cell cytoskeleton (Curtis
et al., submitted for publication).
In this paper we observed substantial changes in the
morphology and behavior of macrophages during the
first 15 min of their attachment to patterned surfaces.
Cells acquired morphology typical of an activated mac-
rophage: they extended numerous microspikes and be-
came strongly attached to the substratum. Similar for-
mation of surface ruffles and microspikes was reported
for several types of cells in response to EGF, PDGF,
and also HGF/SF [15]. EGF, PDGF, and HGF/SF all
initiate a signal transduction cascade via the activation
FIG. 3. F-actin content (integrated brightness) in P388D1 macro- of the receptor tyrosine phosphorylation [16]. We ob-
phages cultured on plain and patterned substrata. Groove depth 44–
282 nm. *P õ 0.05. served an increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation in
macrophages spread on patterned substratum in places
colocalized with actin and vinculin. Tyrosine phosphor-
membrane receptors which might be responsible for ylation was accompanied by an increase in the amount
binding cells to the substratum and subsequently bind- of F-actin in cells spread along nanogrooves. Changes
ing actin and vinculin. We have not seen any regular in actin dynamics depend upon changes in actin-bind-
patterns of fibronectin receptor, a5b1 integrin, ICAM- ing proteins (ABPs) associated with the microfilaments
1, or a3b1 integrin in cells spread on gratings made in of the leading edge [17]. Some of the ABPs, like ezrin
plain fused silica or covered with ConA or fibronectin. [17], spectrin [18], or annexin II [19], are phosphory-
Vitronectin receptor, aVb1 integrin, was the only one lated on tyrosine in response to growth factors. These
which showed a similar localization along groove/ridge proteins might also be potential mediators in cell reac-
edges as actin and vinculin (Fig. 5). tion to topography.
The way macrophages recognize ultrafine features
Cell Adhesion of topography remains unknown. We observed that in
macrophages spread on grooved substrata, F-actin, and
Gratings significantly increased the adhesion of vinculin were localized along groove/ridge boundaries.
P388D1 cells, compared with planar surfaces. The ef- The interference-reflection image of the macrophage on
fect was dependent on groove depth but not on width nanogrooved surface showed that places of close adhe-
(Fig. 6). More cells adhered to gratings with small sion are also localized along the groove edges. Electron
pitch. In normal peritoneal macrophages the effect of micrographs showed an extensive, electron-dense areas
gratings on cell adhesion was not significant. localized close to the cell membrane at the groove/ridge
boundary. Since patterned fused silica substrata repre-
sent a chemically uniform surface, it is unlikely that
P388D1 macrophages grown on patterned surfaces any components of the culture medium were selectively
phagocytosed more fluorescent microbeads than cells adsorbed to the groove edges. This suggests that the
grown on plain surfaces (Fig. 7). Contact of cells with mechanical interaction of the groove edges with cell
topography increased the number of active cells (cells membrane leads to selective adhesion which in turn
which showed phagocytosis) and increased the number determines cell morphology and orientation. Since the
of phagocytosed beads/cell (Fig. 8). The effect depended features of topography we used were as small as 30
on groove depth but not on width. nm, it is unlikely that the topography of the substra-
tum exerted a mechanical restriction on the locomotory
DISCUSSION apparatus of the cell, which was proposed by Dunn and
Heath [20] as a mechanism of fibroblast guidance on
Adhesive interactions between cells and the extracel- patterned substrata.
lular environment play key roles in determining cell We report that the contact of macrophages with na-

/ 6i0a$$3079 02-13-96 23:28:40 ecas AP: Exp Cell


/ 6i0a$$3079 02-13-96 23:28:40 ecas AP: Exp Cell


FIG. 5. Distribution of vitronectin receptors, aV integrins, in P388D1 macrophages cultured on (a) plain substratum and (b) patterned
substratum, groove width 2 mm. Bar, 5 mm. (c, d) Electron micrographs of a P388D1 macrophages spread over a step 140 nm high. Transverse
sections. (c) A 150-nm-thick section and (d) a 60-nm-thick section; g, groove; r, ridge; the arrow points to the electron-dense areas at the
groove/ridge boundary. Bars, 100 nm.

nogrooves increases their phagocytotic activity. In mac- fibronectin or laminin increases their phagocytotic ac-
rophages, activation of C3 receptors occurs via inte- tivity. We report an accumulation of aV integrins, colo-
grin–ligand interactions [14]. It was shown by Wright calized with vinculin and F-actin along groove/ridge
et al. [21] and Bohnsack et al. [22] that the adhesion of boundaries in cells spread on patterned substrata. This
macrophages to surfaces coated with covalently bound suggests that the activation of macrophages by topog-

FIG. 4. Vinculin and tyrosine kinase distribution in cells grown on patterned substrata. (a) Alignment of P388D1 cells along a single
step, height 44 nm. Bar, 20 mm. (b) Vinculin in macrophage reacting with a single step 44 nm high. Bar, 5 mm. (c) Vinculin staining in
P388D1 macrophage on gratings 71 nm deep. Bar, 5 mm. (d) Interference-reflection image of a macrophage on gratings, 71 nm deep. Darker
places correspond to the cell membrane being closer to the substratum. The image was obtained with the use of 100X objective, recorded
by the low light level camera and photographed from the computer monitor. Bar, 5 mm. (e) Distribution of proteins with phosphotyrosine
residues in a macrophage on plain substratum and (f) in a macrophage on gratings 71 nm deep. Cells were fixed and stained 15 min after
plating. Bars, 5 mm.

/ 6i0a$$3079 02-13-96 23:28:40 ecas AP: Exp Cell


FIG. 8. Percentage of P388D1 cells which phagocytosed certain

FIG. 6. Cell adhesion to plain and grooved substrata. The num- number of beads (0, 1, and more than 2) in cell populations grown
ber of cells/field was counted for each individual type of gratings 15 on plain surface and cell populations grown on grooves 2 mm wide,
min after cell plating. *P õ 0.05. 71 nm, and 282 nm deep.

raphy may be a consequence of clustering of specific

membrane receptors. Clustering of b1 integrins has In conclusion, we found that murine macrophages
been shown to induce tyrosine phosphorylation in sev- show very high sensitivity to surface topography and
eral kinds of cells [23, 24]. This finding is consistent are guided and activated by features as small as 30–
with our observations of an increased tyrosine phos- 70 nm. Since this size corresponds to the size of a single
phorylation in macrophages spread on nanogrooves. collagen fiber, macrophages are likely to show a similar
type of reaction to the topography of the extracellular
matrix in vivo. Contact of cells with topographical fea-
tures induces rapid changes in cell shape, increases the
content of F-actin in cells, and increases their phagocy-
totic activity and adhesiveness. The reaction is likely
to be induced by a selective clustering of integrins on
topographical features followed by the phosphorylation
of tyrosine. The reaction of cells to substratum surface
topography shows several similarities with the re-
sponse of cells to growth factors.

The authors’ work was supported by a SERC grant and by a grant

from the Wellcome Trust for a laser scanning microscope. Dr. Beata
Wojciak-Stothard is a Research Assistant on leave from the Depart-
ment of Cell Biology, Institute of Molecular Biology, Jagiellonian
University, Cracow. The authors thank Dr. L. Tetley and Ms. M.
Mullin (Glasgow University) for their very kind help and expertise
with the transmission electron microscope as well as Ms. M. Robert-
son and Mr. J. McGadey (Glasgow University) for their kind assis-
tance and help with the use of the scanning electron microscope.

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Received August 7, 1995

Revised version received November 27, 1995

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