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Hi Job Seeker,

As a former Recruiter for Fortune 500 companies and Silicon Valley /

NYC tech startups, I'm going to share a couple examples of how to give
a great answer to "tell me about yourself."

We'll look at two different types of answers...

The first type of answer (Traditional Method) shares your career

history and a bit about your past and then explains why you want their

The second type of answer (Modern Method) skips your career

history and focuses on the present moment. It's essentially a sales
pitch for why the company should hire you right now!

You can use whichever format you feel most comfortable with. Both
are proven to work. Let's get started...

Sample Answer #1 (Traditional Method - Sharing Your Career

"I graduated last year with a degree in Marketing. I immediately went to

work for the firm I interned for, and within six months was promoted from
Junior Marketing Associate to Marketing Associate. While I've learned a lot,
I'm not passionate about sports, which is what most of our marketing
campaigns focus on. So I love the work I do, but I'd really love to be doing
it in an industry I'm more passionate about, like technology. That's why I

applied to this position. I'm a big fan of your products and have been
aware of your company for a number of years. I was excited to come
discuss the role and find out more about what which of your products this
role will be working with."

Sample Answer #2 (Traditional Method - Sharing Your Career


"I started my management career ten years ago, when I got promoted
from Principal Designer to Design Manager at my current company. I
continued to receive promotions and have been working as a Director for
the past four years. However, in order to advance my career further, I think

it's important to expose myself to a variety of work environments and not

just one type of environment. Since I've been in a large corporate
environment for my entire career, I'm interested in taking a Senior Director
or VP Position in a smaller, growth-stage company. When I saw your job
description for this VP role, it sounded like a great fit and I was eager to
find out more."

Sample Answer #3 (Modern Method - Skipping Your Career Story)

“I’m currently working at Microsoft where I specialize in Quality Control for

our tablet and smartphone products. The reason I applied for this job is I
saw an opportunity to manage a Quality Control team that's doing very

similar work to what I'm familiar with. I think I would be able to help you
reduce product defects and therefore increase profit margins for these
product lines. One of my key accomplishments in my current role was
reducing the number of defective products we shipped by 28%, and I’m

confident I can do the same for you."

Sample Answer #4 (Modern Method - Skipping Your Career Story)

"In my most recent job at Capital One, I analyzed credit risk in our
Applications department. I saw on your job description that you're looking
for someone who can perform credit and risk analysis in a fast-paced work
environment, and that's what I do best. At Capital One, I was in the top 5%
for the number of applications processed while maintaining our quality
standards. I'm confident I can use this experience to help you handle more
applications and improve the quality of applicants you accept."

On the next page, I'm going to share the template you can use if you'd
like to answer with this Modern Method...

Here's a template you can use for the Modern Method:

“I’m currently working at XYZ Company and I specialize in doing ___. The
reason I applied for this job is I saw ___ on the job description and I think I
would be able to help you ___ and ___. One of my key accomplishments in
my current role was helping my employer do ___, and I’m confident I can
help your team get similar results here.”

Or if you're unemployed:

“In my most recent position at XYZ Company, I specialized in doing ___. The
reason I applied for this job is I saw ___ on the job description and I think I
would be able to help you ___ and ___. One of my key accomplishments in
my last role for XYZ Company was helping them ___, and I’m confident I can
help your team get similar results here.”

NOTE: If you have interviews coming up and don't want to leave

anything to chance, I recently created an Interview Answer Guide with
130+ questions and answers, plus my exact step-by-step method for
getting job offers. And because you downloaded this report, I'm
offering a temporary 50% discount HERE.

Thank you for reading this report, and good luck!

Best regards,
Biron Clark


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