Impulse and Collision Chapter

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Mra CHAPTER 2 Impulse and Collision 2.1-2.44 Introduction 21 Impulse 24 Instantaneous Impulse 21 Impulsive Force 22 Concept Application Exercise 2.1 27 Collision or Impact 27 ‘Types of Collision 28 Coefficient of Restitution (e) 29 Concept Application Exercise 2.2 22 General Equation for Direct Impact 213 Concept Application Exercise 2.3 215 Collision in Two Dimensions (Oblique Impact) 215 Impact Parameter 217 Oblique Collision of Two Discs 218 Collision of Wedge and Particle 2.19 Concept Application Exercise 2.4 2.20 Variable Mass System 221 Rocket Propulsion 2.23 Concept Application Exercise 2.5 223 Exercises 225 Single Correct Answer Type 225 Multiple Correct Answers Type 2.30 Linked Comprehension Type 233 Matrix Match Type 237 Numerical Value Type 239 Archives 241 Answers Key 243 INTRODUCTION In daily life, collision is the most common phenomenon. In collision process two objects may or may not touch physically. ‘They interact for a short time for exchanging their momentum ‘and energy. The force that two colliding bodies exert on one another acts only for a short time, giving a brief but strong push. ‘This type of force is called an impulsive force. In other words, impulsive force is a huge force acting for a very small time on a body. In this chapter we will earn about impulsive forces and collision. IMPULSE There are many situations in which the force acting on an object isnot constant but varies with time, For example, when batsman hits the ball, the period of contact is very less but force is huge, Fig. (a) shows a cricket ball being bit by bat, and Fig. (b) illustrates approximately how the foree applied to the bal by the bat changes during the time of contact. The magnitude ofthe force is zero atthe instant Gust before the bat touches the ball), During contac, the force rises toa maximum and then returns to zero at the time f (hen the ball aves the bat). The time interval Ar = ¢,~ 1, during which the bat and ball are in contact is quite shor, being only a few thousandths ofa second, although the maximum force ean be very large, often exceeding thousands of newtons. Sa Bal OQ" § +4 BPS sxe ppd ty baton al o © The ballexperiencesa force F (0) that varies during the collision ‘and changes the linear momentum P of the ball. That change is related to the force by Newton's second law writen in the form F =dpidt. By rearranging this second:-law expression, we soe that, in time interval d, the change in the bal’s momentum i B= F(a @ If we integrate both sides of Eq, (i) from a time 1, just before the collision toa time f, just after the collision: fe [Fat ii) ‘The left side ofthis equation gives us the change in momentum: 3 = Mj. The right side, which has a measure of both the ‘magnitude and the duration of the collision force, is called the impulse j' ofthe collision: F=f Rat «i ‘Thus, the change in an object's momentum is equal to the impulse on the object, which is also area under force-time graph, Equation (ii) can also be written in the vector form, iit! Rat ox mi, m+ 5 tiv) Equation (iv) is called Impulse-Momentum equation, INSTANTANEOUS IMPULSE ‘There are many occasions when a force acts for such a short time that the effect is instantaneous, e.g. a bat striking a bal. In such cases, although the magnitude of the force and the time for which it acts may each be unknown, the value of their product (., impulse) can be known by ‘measuring "the initial and final ‘momenta, Thus, we can write je [Pa By Regarding the impulse, itis important to note that impulse applied to an object in a given time interval can also be calculated from the area under the force-time (Ft) graph in the same time interval Important Points: + Magnitude of imputse is equal to area under the F— graph, J=[kdi= Fat + Itis nota property of any particle, but it is a measure ofthe degree to which an external force changes the momentum of the particle. ‘The hero of a stun film fires 50g bullets from a machine gun, cach ata speed of 1.0 knvs, If he fre 20 bullets in 4s, what average force does he exert agains the machine gun during this period? [SAID The linear momentum of each bullet p= my = 0.050%1000 = 50 kgs is imparted to gun, Thus, the rate of change of linear momentum ofthe gun is 2.2 Mechanics It In order fo hold the gun, the hero must exert a force of 250 N against the gun A box of mass m = 10 kg resting on a frictionless horizontal ground is acted upon by a horizontal force F, which varies as shown, Find speed of the particle when the force ceases to act. Farce 2s Fine [SBD The area under force-time graph ives the impulse Hence impulse acting on the box F=f} Far= Area nder the graph = $%100%2=100N-s Using impulse-Momentum equation sei, m4" Rt oF m=, +3 10% y= 100+ 100 ‘A ball of mass 200 g is moving horizontally with a speed of 10 mis. Its struck by a bat, asa result it starts moving with a speed of 25 m/s at an angle of 37° above the horizontal in the same vertical plane as shown in the figure. oe © toms 0 m/s (2) Find the average force exerted by the bat if duration of impact is 0.50 s. (b) Find the average force exerted by the bat if duration of impact is 0.05 s. (©) Find the average force exerted by the bat if duration of impact is 0,005 s. (d) What do you conclude for impulse of weight of the ball as. duration of contact decreases? HEED tritiaty the balls moving horizontally with 10 mvs after collision with bat, it stats moving with a speed of 25 nv at an angle of 37° above the horizontal 25in37 "25 mis let cos 3° Intl inaly ot 1Omis Initial near momentum ofthe ball, 200% 10° kg) 10 mis f)=~ 28 Ns Final linear momentum of the ball, ss = (200% 10g) x 2508377 + 25sin37* 7) mis (4439s ‘Now applying principe of impulse and momentum Peas = Pasa +I = (as ~ Pana) “(44 +3))-(-2i)= (65 3)N8 ‘The average force exerted by the baton ball, Aten “ a (a) Substituting A = 0.50 s, in Eq. (i) we get 22D enis6in aos (©) Substring Ar=0.05 sin Ea (we gst ZO) 1205-4 60)N a7 095 (©) Substituting Ar = 0.005 s, in Eq, (i) we get SSD _ 12007 + 00) Mi 01005 (@) Ibis clear from the above results that as the duration of ‘contact between the ball and the bat decreases, effect of the ‘weight of the ball also decreases as compared with that of the force of the bat and for sufficiently short time interval, it can be neglected, IMPULSIVE FORCE A force of relatively higher magnitude and acting for relatively shorter time is called impulsive foree. An impulsive force ean change the momentum of a body in a finite magnitude in a very short time interval. Impulsive foree isa relative term, There is no clear boundary between an impulsive and a non-impulsive force. ‘Note: Usually colliding forces are impulsive in nature. ‘Since the application time is very small, hence, very little ‘motion of the particle takes place. ‘Important Points: + Gravitational force and spring force are always non- impulsive. ‘+ Normal, tension and friction are case dependent. + An impulsive foree can only be balanced by another impulsive force 1. Impulsive normal: In case of collision, normal forces at the surface of collision are always impulsive. Inpatsive nga ection masts ; @ In Figs. (a) and (b), NV, is impulsive; N, is non-impulsive, In Figs. (c) and (4), both the normals are impulsive. Impulse and Colision 2.3 1® -Q simian Sphere'listesingon pound spore is moving or adele with spore T pa rma rextion © o In Figs (e) and (), the normal reaction between the spheres (N)) is impulsive. This impulsive reaction is inclined ‘with horizontal. Its vertical component of this impulsive reaction is in vertical up direction on the sphere ‘1, while the vertical component of this impulsive reaction will be in vertical downward direction of sphere *2". Hence the normal reaction between sphere ‘2" and ground will be impulsive, patie Sphoe Vandaphee Paremovng (sfosmt scion ovals and cde i i) © 0 Impulsive frietion: Ifthe normal between the two objects is impulsive, then the friction between the two will also be impulsive, stmt >. ; ae The wedge sat rest. and friction ienom-impusve ‘moving parle cots oe wtih wedge f co) » ‘The impulsive normal reaction (Nj) is in horizontal direction. Hence the normal reaction between ground and wedge (Wis non-impulsive. It means here friction should ‘be non-impulsive. Seaffen aie eS & Reeth We SS pen aon © © In this case the vertical component of impulsive normal reaction (N,) will be responsible for impulsive normal reaction between ground and wedge (N,). Hence friction force between wedge and ground will be impulsive in nature, 3. Impulsive tension: When a string jerks, equal and opposite tension acts suddenly at each end. Consequently, equal and opposite impulses act on the bodies attached with the string in the direction of the string. There are two cases 10 ~36, Tis pon-impulsive The impulsive ‘normal reaction ‘between the spheres hhas component in vertical downward direction on sphere “1°. Hence tension in the string should be impulsive in nature. is non-impulive The impulsive | The impulsive normal reaction | normal reaction between the spheres | between the is inhorizontal | spheres will ditection, Itwill | have component not have any in vertical up component in direction on vertical downward | sphere “1” direction, hence the | The string slack. Hence is non-inpusive ‘A right angled wedge of mass M and base angle 0 resting over a smooth wr Ob horizontal surface. A small ball of ‘mass. m, moving horizontally. with velocity’ vp collide with wedge on sloping surface, If after collision the ball starts moving in vertical, upward direction, then calculate: ()_ impulse of normal reaction applied by wedge onthe ball (Gi) impulse of normal reaction applied by ground on wedge (i) velocity ofthe ball just after colision. (iv) velocity ofthe wedge jus after collision. (9) Ifthe coefficient of fition between ground and wedge is 1H. Then calelat fictional impulse. (H)Inthis case both the normal reactions (between the ball and ‘wedge and between wedge and ground) will be impulsive in nature, We know impulse j =f Fr Hence the direction of impulse will be same as the direction of impalsive force, here in this ease itis normal reaction. Making impulsive diagram of the situation (impulsive diagram will be same as FBD in laws of motion) 2.4 Mechanics It 3 mpulse by ground on wee ‘Now applying impulse momentum equation for ball, Insdirection, (ya), = Faas =m, +J,sind=0 oO Final linear momentum of the ballin x-direction will be 2210 a the ball tarts moving in upward direction Hence from (9), J, = 7% = my, cose OJ. Gin omee 8 (i) As wedge is not moving in vertical direction, then from impulse diagram of wedge Jy= J, 008 8= my, cot 8 (ii) The ball just ater collision starts moving up. Now we ean apply impulse momentum equation in y-direction Banas +I), = Baas)s 04 J, 008, 6088 _ mg cord or ve Sv=veotd (iv) Just after collision the wedge starts moving towards left. Now we can apply impulse-momentum equation for ‘wedge in horizontal direction, Brisa. +A). = Brads 04 (-J, sin = —MV oc y= Hsing ow (6) As the normal reaction betwoon ground and wedge is impulsive it means the fiction force between the wedge and ground will also be impulsive, Hence the impulse of friction force will be Sos = Atl = ts c08 A) oor frictional impulse Jjaig, = mv, cot SD (Velocity of the particle just before impact with the plane, u=\2gh ‘The linear momentum of the particle just afer impact, in the direction normal to impulse will not change. Hence velocity of the particle parallel to inclined plane just before collision an just after collision should be same. sin => v= tan 0 or v= f2ghtand (ii) The particle just after collision started moving in horizontal direction, Hence the component of the velocity ofthe ball in vertical drestion after impaet should be zero. Using impulse momenturn equation to the particle in vertical direction. Pans), += Bas) = m+ J cos 8= Dghseco (iii) Loss of kinetic energy due to impact (AK) = Kins = Kos = bom? — 2 = Lam Bh? — Lm Bagh tan? ym 2ghi{l—tan* tan? 4 OF (AK), = gh SD (Here tension in the string willbe impulsive in nature. Let us make the impulse diagram of the situation, Applying impulse momentum equation forthe particle ‘mvy—J,=0 oF y= nv Sh Impulse and Colision 2.5 {As the string is inextensibe, the bob cannot move in vertical direction. Hence, Jug, =F 608 8 Of Saying = £088. (il) The horizontal component of impulse (J, sin 6) will be responsible for motion of the bob in horizontal direction, hence Jsin 8 = MV or = pemasine M After collision the bob starts moving in the circular path. A block of mass m and pan of equal mass are connected by a string going over a smooth light pulley. Iiialy, the system i at rest, then a Purcleofmessmfallsonthepmnandsicks ‘wit. Tl Ir the particle strikes the pan with a speed, find the speed wih which the system moves jus ery the colsion [SAID When the panicle strike the pan the normal reaction between the pan and the partele is impulsive in nature. Henee tension inthe string should also be impulsive, Let the speed of oe eaeey Gir L. ts Inputs on the block tel y bi ! Impulseon Impulse on thepmile the pan Writing impulse momentum equation Bama TF For the particle: m+ J, Forthe pan: 0+J~J, or 4nd Forthe block: 04, =m¥ or t= mv (ii) mV i Ai) From Eqs. (i, (i) and (ii), “Two identical blocks 4 and B, connected by a massless string, are placed ona ftctionless horizontal plane. A ballet having the same mass, moving with sped u, strikes block B from behind as shown. Ifthe bullet ges embedded into block B, then find bet (2) the velocity of 4, B, Calter collision, (b) impulse on 4 due to tension inthe string, (6) impulse on C due to normal force of eolision; (@) impulse on B due to normal force of collision. (a) The normal reaction between bullet and block B is impulsive nature. Also the tension in string connecting the blocks *4” and *B* is also impulsive. Let the speed of the system after collision be F. Let us make impulse diagram of the bullet and blocks. fam = AH fo. Sm L. Inga on, Ip thengl on ae a [Now writing impulse momentum equation Ai) For bullet: I~ Jaga =P ii) For block ‘B’: 0+ Syst ~ Jaan = V or Srsont ~ Fan =F (iii) From (i), (ii) and (ii), y = 3 Alternative: If we take both blocks and bullet as system, then both the tensile impulse and normal impulse will be internal to the system. Hence no external impulse acting on the system, then linear momentum of the system should be conserved. Pras = Poas > mut mxO+mx0=(m-+m-+ mF (b) From impulse equation of the block “4° (Ea. (i) Impulse on A due to tension in the string rat (©) From impulse equation of the bullet “C* (Eq. (i)} 7 owards tet) mt Spans = OF Say = (towards left) as (@) The impulse on the block *B" due to normal force of collision will be equal to the impulse on bullet i.e., am (towards right). ‘Two particles 4 and B of equal mass m are attached ~ 4 by a string of length 2/ and initially placed over a smooth horizontal table in the position shown in figure, Particle B is projected across the table with speed 1 perpendicular to 4B as shown in the figure. | (2, Find the velocities of each particle afte the string ‘becomes taut and the magnitude ofthe impulse tension. [SED 1" Approach: When the particle “Bis projected on the fable with velocity u, it moves with constant velocity tll the string open tits full eng, At this ime te string becomes taut. ‘The tension developed in the string at this state is impulsive in nature 2.6. Mechanics It in the string at this moment will be impulsive in nature. Let us ‘make impulse diagram of this situation. Ina coniguation When tring becomes tat re In. MBB": sin =: 0-30" Inv conigution When tring becomes taut Rin ‘As both the particles are connected by a sting, the velocities of the particles along the string should be equal say (,). Now applying impulse momentum equation for the particles ible and it is fixed at end 4. Hence the For particle A: J= mn 0) component ofthe velocity of the particle along the Tength of the string should be zero. Using impulse momentum ‘equation along the length ofthe string smucos O-J = 0 For particle B: mu cos @ —J= muy From Eqs. (i)and (i), y, = M2288 ory (b) The linear momentum of the particle normal to impulse ee eee direction will not change. Hence the velocity ofthe particle impulse generated in the string will be internal to system. Itmeans " po catertal impulse onthe syaiem, Hence the linear morentuay ‘will remain unchanged perpendicular to the length of the ‘will be conserved in any direction parallel to horizontal table. Let string, "us conserve the linear moment in the direction of length of string. veusin 0=: Pat ‘we ‘Afier this the ball starts moving i 0+ mucos@=(m+m)v, 2 ‘ircular path of radius ueosd_ woos? _ Vu oe ar The linear momentum of the ball B will not change in the direction normal to impulse, Hence the velocity of ball B wil remains unchanged perpendicular to length ofthe string. or y= sin @=usin30° =“ 2 IBAID When the block 8 is released, it moves under gravity Afisr moving distance /, it pull the string in. downseard direction, At this time tension developed in string is impulsive in nature. This impulse pulls the block ‘in upward direction and both the blocks starts moving with common Velocity. yy a2 om | [BAD ‘he panicle connected at slides on the table with speed 4 4 ‘wtll the string opens to its fll length (2/, The tension developed coe eee Impulse and Colisson 2.7 ‘The velocity of block B just before the string becomes taut u=\2gh a) Now using impulse momentum equation Bs + J = Bent For block A: 0-+J=2my or J=mv ai) For block B: mu +J my (ii) From Eqs. (i, (i) and (ii); A ball of mass 1 kg is attached to an inextensible ‘The ball is released from the position shown in figure. Find] the impulse imparted by the string to the ball immediately after the string becomes taut |. 2. A sphere of mass m slides with velocity v ona frictionless surface towards a smooth inelined wall as shown in figure, Ifthe collision with the wall is perfectly elastic, find: {) the impulse imparted by the wall on the sphere, (the impulse imparted by the floor on the sphere. a) 3. Two particles of masses m, and m, are connected by light and inextensible string which passes over a fixed pulley. Initially, the particle m, moves with a velocity y, when the string isnot taut. Neglecting fiction in all contacting surfaces ind the velocities ofthe particles mand m, just aftr the string is taut Paley fi 4. A 3.00 kg steel ball strikes the wall with a speed of] 10.0 mis at an angle of 60° with the surface. Itbounces off the same specd and angle. Ifthe ball is in contact with the wall for 0.200 s, what is the average force exerted by the wall onthe ball? 5, Amachine gun can fre bullets of $0 grams ata speed of | 2000 ms; the man holding the gun can exert an average force of 200 N against the gun. Calculate the maximum number of bullets which he ean fire per minute. 6. A plate of mass Mf is held at rest by firing bullets from below. Each bullet has a mass m, velocity w (up) just before hitting a ‘and stops after hitting the plate for ‘a moment and falls. Determine the ‘numberof bullets striking the plate per unit ime; 7. A particle of mass 1 kg is attached to a string of length. ‘Sim, The string is attached toa fixed point O. Itis released. from the position as shown in figure. Calculate em, (a) the impulse developed in the string when it becomes taut (b) the velocity ofthe particle just after the string becomes, taut; () the impulse developed inthis string PQ at this instant. answers L.2ViOugms 2. (@) 2mvcosecd (b) 2m cot o% 4.260N 5.120 COLLISION OR IMPACT ‘The term collision represents an event during which two particles ccome close to cach other and interact by means of forces. The interaction forces are assumed to be much greater than any external forces present, so we can use the impulse approximation. ‘The basic idea of a ‘collision’ is that the motion of the colliding particles (or of at least one of them) changes rather abruptly and that we can make a relatively clean separation of times that are “before the collision” and that are ‘after the collision’ During collision, two particles may or may not touch physically, they interact for a short time exchanging their momenta and energy, e-g., when an alpha particle (He) ‘collides’ with the rucleus of gold (Au!™), the force acting between them being repulsive-the particles may not touch, even then it may be called SO) ‘The collision is, in fact, a redistribution of total momentum of the particles. Thus, law of conservation of linear momentum is indispensable in dealing with the phenomenon of collision ‘between particles. ae 18 Mechanics It TYPES OF COLLISION ‘On the Basis of Enerey Consider two bodies 4 and B are moving along a straight fine ‘with velocities 1, and u, respectively. The velocity of body “4° (u) is greater than the velocity ofthe body *B°(u,) for two bodies to collide. ‘After some time the two bodies will comes in contact As the velocity of the body ‘4 "is greater than that of body “B", there will bbe deformation in the bodies. This deformation continuous till they acquire same velocity te : i Deformation Reformation Iepuive : ‘eee Deformation * Restaton peed peed When two bodies collide, the impulsive forces may vary in time in complicated way. Regardless of the complexity of the time behavior of the impulsive force, however, this force is internal to the system of two particles. Therefore, the two particles form ‘an isolated system and the momentum of the system must be ‘conserved in any collision, In contrast, the total kinetic energy of the system of particles ‘may or may not be conserved, depending on the type of collision. Ifthe bodies possess clastic property they will ry to regain their shape that is the elastic potential energy stored in deformation period will got converted into kinetic energy. If bodies are perfectly elastic than total potential energy will converted into kinetic energy. This type of the collision is known as perfectly clastic colision, ‘Thus in a perfectly clastic collision, the particles regain their shape and size completely after collision. That is, no fraction ‘of mechanical energy remains stored as deformation potential ‘energy in the bodies. It means, kinetic energy of a system after collision is equal to kinetic energy of a system before collision. ‘Thus, in addition to the linear momentum, kinetic energy also ‘remains conserved before and after collision If the bodies do not possess elastic properties, the two bodies ‘will continue 10 move together and the process of collision tends here at maximum deformation, this is known as perfectly inelastic colision, Actually, collision between all real objects is neither perfectly clastic nor perfectly inelastic, its inelastic in nature. Thus, in an inelastic collision, the particles do not regain their shape and size completely after collision. Some fraction of mechanical energy is retained by the colliding particles in the form of deformation potential energy. Thus, the kinetic energy of the particles no longer remains conserved. However, in the absence of external impulsive forces, law of conservation of linear momentum still holds good, (On the Basis of Impact Let two bodies collide at a common point, The line passing through the common normal to the surfaces in contact during the impact is called ‘line of impact’, The impulsive force during collision acts along this line on both the bodies. Now let us categorize the collision into various types depending on the position ofthe centre of mass of the bodies relative tothe line of impact as following, Central Impact (Collision) When the line joining the CM of the bodies lies on the line of | impact, we eal the impact “central impact” Line of impact ané ‘imma roa Oblique Impact (Collision) ‘When the Tine of motion of the bodies does not coincide withthe line of impact, we call it “oblique impact’ Line of raion of —) ‘al Lie of ton (ae Dine of mpct Line of motion of bl! XQ co) Head-on Impact (Collision) ‘When the both lines of motion and lines of impact ofthe colliding ‘bodies coincide, the impact is called direction-central impact or head-on collision. For instance, collision of two identical balls ‘moving in same Tine ean have head-on collision. Lin of ipact and cineronin Impulse and Colision 2.9 ‘A bullet of mass m, is fired into large block of wood of ‘mass m, suspended from some light wires. The bullet embeds in the lock, and the entre system swings through a height ‘h, How can we determine the speed of the projectile from a seasurement off? = I [BGID ‘he bulet and the block form an soate system in terms of linear momentum if we can conserve the neat morenturt immediately before and immediately afer the collision, Because the bullet imbeds inthe block, we can categorize the collision between them as perfectly inelastic mu (am, +m,) After collision the impulsive forces disappear, now we can conserve the mechanical enengy ofthe system (bullet + block). ak=aU) imac m, x0= (m,+m,v => Flom tmp = (mm) “i ane From Eqs. (and (i, w( COEFFICIENT OF RESTITUTION (€) Iris the measurement of degree of elasticity of a colision, The coefficient of restitution is defined asthe ratio ofthe impulses of recovery and deformation of either body. Inpulse of reformation _ JF dt Impulse of deformation” [Fai ‘Two smooth balls 4 and B approach each other such that their centers are moving along the line CD in the absence of external impulsive force. Let the velocities of 4 and B just before collision bbe u, and u,y respectively, and the velocities of 4 and B just afer collision be v, and v,, respectively. Deformation Reformation Since, linear momentum i conserved forthe system. => may mas = (5 +m, )0= my, Hm mm, Impulse of deformation: -Jy= change in momentum of any one body during deformation (01) for my ny(-v-+ in) form, ay @ Impulse of reformation: ‘J = change in momentum of any one body during reformation = my(ey~ ») for m, )) form, Impulse of reformation (J Impulseof deformation(J,,) ~ v1, [substituting v from Eq. ()] (nize) Gamay, + m0.) —uglom, +m) ‘Velocity of sepatation along line of impact Velocity of approach along line of impact This is also known as Newton's experimental law. ‘The coefficient of restitution is constant for two particular objects 1. Fore=1 = Impulse of reformation ~ Impulse of deformation = Velocity of separation = Velocity of approach = Kinetic energy is conserved = Elastic collision Fore=0 = Impulse of reformation => Velocity of separation = 0 = Kinetic energy is not conserved => Perfectly inelastic collision 3. For0 BON Oe erg 2 Xe oF 0), +O), =F O} Now we can apply restitution equation which is applicable only along common normal WA 12s -Oe BBs Bo Baass Hence (4), ~(0.),= 208 «iy On solving Eqs. (i) and (ii) we get (0), = 25m and (ry), = 43 mis Hence final speed ofthe dis are = (5) +4 <2 ms and ¥5 = YO); +O) = flava) +2 = 2/13 ms Impact PARAMETER Now consider the situation shown in figure, in which the second ‘mass m isa rest. The object m, with an initial velocity u, strikes WO, ‘my, These objects could be billiard balls, subatomic particles, ‘whatever you like, and the two need not have the same mass. Afier the collision, we observe that the object 1, which was initially in motion along the x-direction, diverge at an angle 8, and the one which was at rest, wil start from the reference line at an angle 0,. Because a particle at rest, starts moving in that direction where the foree acts on it If initially m, was moving parallel to m,, the direction of motion m, after collision will beat aan angle less than @, Here the distance between the two lines of motion of the particles before collision (if parallel) is called as “impact parameter, In this ease impact parameter is “c'. For collision to ‘cur, it must be less than the sum of the radii of the two balls In this situation, we ean again conserve momentum in x and y directions as ‘mat, =m, 608 +m.» 605 2 ) yn sin my sind, «i {fcollision is elastic we ean use energy conservation here as 1 : Ling i 7m (i) 1m, =m, and m, isa rest then Eqs. (), (i) and (i) become 1 = 6088 +1, 0058 i) = yy sin 0, sind W waved i) Squaring and adding Eqs. (i) and (v) uf = vjGsin? @ +008" )+ Kein? B +e0s° @) + 2ny, e084 +4) ot wf avi ty) +2, 6098 +4) i) 1 G+8=90" then cos +8, and Eq, (vi) becomes, 1! =f +93 which is same as Eg (i), ‘hich i tue in case of perfectly elastic collision Hence the particles wll move perpendicular to each other after collision. tis important to note that if two bodies of masses m, and ‘ms have an elastic collision and m, = m, with m, at rest then 8, + 0, = 90 0 2.48. Mechanics I OBLIQUE COLLISION OF Two Discs ‘Two dises of masses m, and mand radius Rand R, are moving ‘with velocities u, and 1 respectively. Both dises collides, let us analyse velocities of dises just after collision. * eon tangent Coon arma Let the velocity of dise and dise 2 just afer collision in the direction ‘of normal and tangent are (V5, and (1, Y) fespectively. Tien the ‘velocity of dises willbe unchanged in the direction of tangent i,=msin@ and v5, =H, sind @ ‘Conservation of linear momentum is applicable in any direction as there is no external impulse onthe system, We have already calculated the velocity in tangent direction We need to calculate velocity in normal direction Hence conserving linar momentum in normal direction. m1 €08 0+ m1, 608 O= M070 i) Now using Newton's law of restitution, we get (24%) = ets 608 01,605 0) i) From Eqs. (ii) and (i), we ean calculate the value of, and, ‘Two equal spheres of mass m are in contact on a smooth horizontal table. A third identical sphere impinges ‘symmetrically on them and is reduced to rest. Prove that ‘e= 2/3 and find the loss in KE. [BBD 17 we take all three spheres 4, B and C as system, the impulse between the spheres will be intemal to the system: Hence no external impulse acting onthe system, it means we can conserve the linear momentum of the system in any direction ines Senna &). Sou rom impulse diagram it is clear thatthe spheres B and C will ‘move along common normal direction and motion of sphere A will be confined along x-axis only The sphere A may move forward, move backward or may ‘come to rest. According to question it comes to rest. Let w be the velocity of sphere 4 before impact. As the spheres ate identical, the triangle O,0,0, formed by joining theie centres is equilateral. The spheres B and C will move in directions 0,0, and 0,0, after impact making an angle of 30° with the original line of motion of sphere A. Let» be the speed of the spheres B and C after impact. From impulse diagram of sphere 4 aou)+ T= Gu) smur2J c08 = mx0 au “ cos 3 [Now imputse momentum equation in sphere & gives J=mv= "= mv B = (i) 3B Here we can also apply conservation of linear momentum in -xdirection, Bua): = Brass ‘mu+0+0=0+mvcos +m cos 2050 V5 [Now applying restitution equation which is applicable along ‘common normal A particle (a mud pallet, say) of mass m strikes a smooth Stationary wedge of mass with a velocity v, at an angle 0 ‘with horizontal, Ifthe collision is perfetly inelastic, find the: oS (2) velocity ofthe wedge jus after the collision, (b) change in KE of the system (M+ m) during coll Inpulse an Clision 2.19 (a) Let the system (M + m) moves as a single mass with a velocity v. Conserving the momentum of the system in horizontal, we have ‘my, c080= (M+ m)v & This gives v mes? (b) ‘The change in KE of the system is Mtmy Lm imyc0s 8 Mem where y= This gives, +m) myst) oe 2 Mem : (-atee COLLISION OF WEDGE AND PARTICLE If we take particle and the wedge asa system, the normal impulse between the particle and wedge will be internal to the system. In this system there will be impulse due to normal reaction Of the ground on the wedge in vertical direction. It means we ‘can conserve the linear momentum of the system in horizontal direction, me (AL msin® 9 mw 2M +m) 14, = component of intial velocity of the particle in horizontal direction, vy. = component of velocity of the particle just ater collision in horizontal direction. Along common tangent the velocity ofthe particle will remain unchanged. Weecan apply coefficient of restitution equation along common ‘normal direction Let us leam the application of this concept through some illustrations. ‘A all of mass ‘m’ moving horizontally which velocity “u” hits 4 wedge of mass “M. The wedge is situated on a smooth horizontal source. If after striking oF ‘with wedge the bal stars moving in ? ‘vertical direction and the wedge starts ‘moving in horizontal plane. Calculate: (a) the velocity of wedge F. (b) the velocity (4) with which the ball moves in vertical direction. (©) the impulse imparted by the ball to the wedge (@) the coefficient of restitution (a) As no external force is acting on the system in horizontal direction the linear momentum should be constant and ‘conserved in horizontal direction Let velocity of wedge after collision be F. Then mu= Mv =v =" i 7 Ai) (b) As there is no impulse on the ballin the direction parallel to sloping side hence the velocity of ball along the slope (tangent direction) should remain unchanged, no ei) which gives » =u eot 6 (©) We can find the values of v and by impulse approach, ‘when ball hits the wedge the impulse is generated between ball and wedge in the direction perpendicular to sloping surface, (normal direction) sin Tso ss F conn normal For ball: mu —Jsin@=0 sin = mu «iii) Jeos d= my (iv) From Eqs. (i) and (ii), v= we0t @ From Eq. (ii), J which gives y= (@) The coefficient of restitution is given as vr ex Vin (-ve0s@) _ msin® 0+ Mos’ @_m usin 8-0 Msin® 8 une 2.20. Mechanics I ‘A wedge of mass M is kept at rest on smooth surface, a particle ‘of mass m hits the wedge normally. Find the velocity of wedge ‘and particle just aftr collision, Take coefficient of restitution [BBD Method 1 (using conservation of linear momentum): If ‘we take wedge and particle as a system, no external impulse acts in horizontal direction, the linear momentum should be constant ‘conserved in horizontal direction. As the particle is moving in normal direction, it has no component of velocity in sloping surface direction (tangent direction), PS enc a clnon are wil have no velo componen in common tgent det’ The weloiy of te parle il confine along common normal direction only. Let velocity of the particle and wedge after collision be v, and I respectively ‘Conserving linear momentum in horizontal direction my, sin O= MV +m, sin @ Now, using Newton’s law of collision. (3-9), = el, -m), Wsind-v,) = ev, -0) (ii) Solving Eqs. (i) and (i), we get yaltomsing M+ msin® O sin dev, = it = Med Memsin’ @ and Method 2 (using impulse method): The impulse acting on the ball and wedge can be represented as Jsind= MY i) my -J = my, Ail) ‘and Newton's law of restitution WsinO~v,)= ely 0) «i Solving Eqs. (i), (i) and (ii), we get _ (bem sin Me msin' 8 Pen een rae aes 1. In which of the following system(s) linear momentum ‘cannot be conserved during collision along horizontal line {parallel to base)? “ * @ ) smooth sooth om x © @ A dise moving on a frictionless horizontal table collide] clastically with another identical dise as shown, The! directions of motion of the two dises make angle @ and 6) ‘with the initial [ine of motion as shown, Then: (a) 6=30° (©) = 30° 3. Two equal discs are in contact on a table. A third dise of ‘same mass but of double radius strikes them symmetrically ‘and remains at rest after impact. Find the coefficient of| 4. A wedge (free to move) of mass “M” has one face making ‘an angle . with horizontal and is resting on a smooth rigid floor. A particle of mass ‘hits the inclined face of the wedge with @ horizontal velocity v, It is observed that the particle rebounds in vertical direction afer impact. Neglect fijetion between particle and the wedge and take Yy = 10 m/s, tan a = 2, g = 10 ms? Determine the deficient of restitution forthe impact. 5. Two smooth spheres made of identical material having ‘masses ‘mand 2m" undergoes an oblique impact as} shown in figure. The initial velocities of the masses are] also shown, The impact force is along the line joining their centres. The coefficient of restitution is 5/9. Calculate the ‘velocities of the masses after the impact. 6. A hemisphere ‘S’ and a particle *P” are of same mass ‘im’. P is dropped from a height ‘A’. A hemisphere *S? is kept on a smooth horizontal surface. The particle ‘P* collides elastically with hemisphere at the point shown in the figure, If @ = 45° and after collision the velocity Inpulse and Clision 2.24 10, of the particle becomes horizontal. Find the velocities of| hemisphere ‘S* and particle ‘P" after collision. Pe Dise A of mass m collides with stationary dise B of mass 2m as shown in figure. Find the value of coefficient of restitution for which the two dises move in perpendicular direction after collision. ‘A.mass m, with initial speed vin the postive x-diretion collides with a mass m= 2m, whichis initially at rest at the origin, as shown n igure. After the collision, moves off with speed »; =“ inthe negative y-direction, and m, moves off with speed v, at angle 0 oar efor colison| After alison (a) Find the velocity (magnitude and direction) of the centre of mass before the collision, as well as its velocity after the eolision, (b) Find y i terms of v, Asmooth all ‘travels towards another dential ball ‘8 With a velocity u Bal Bi at rest and the impact parameter is equal to J3 R where R is radius ofeach ball. Due to impact the direction of motion of ball A changes by 30°. Find the velocities ofthe balls “” and “B after collision tis given that collision is elastie Cem o, Amullpetcnot bork mins Rares a See ee eee pe es Cala berveat pre dpe Sree Saat pace mea VARIABLE MASS SYSTEM Consider at any time a system of mass m travelling. with velocity v as shown, After a small time dt, let its mass becomes m+ dm and velocity v+ dv. Here a small mass dim travelling with velocity w adds into this system of mass m. F.,, i the force on m due fo an external agent, For the system of (n> dn) ‘ine ine Fa Jhange in momentum, (on dinyv-+ dv) my — dma = mdv-+ vm + daly dimw but did is very small, so itis negligible SS Fogdt = dv (uv) = Fg + gdm = md where vj, =u vis the relative velocity of the elementary mass cdma w-s4. the initial mass of system. dm) dv Fat ame ‘The above equation is also valid in vector form Fy = Net external force acting on the mass ‘m" ‘A square plate of mass Mand area 4, moving with constant velocity» agninst_dust panicles moving with velocity win opposite direction as shown in figure. The density of the dust particles in the ‘medium is p (in kgm’), Find the force F required to koxp the plate fetih paahenck ‘moving with constant velocity. 2.22 Mechanics I [SBD Velocity of pate rtative to dst particles 3, = v~(-u) = (v +1) (In rightward direction) deen In time ‘a’ plate comes into contact with dust particles stored in volume, AV = Ads = A(v-tu)at ‘The mass of dust striking to plate in time dr is ‘din= pdV = pA(v+u)dt > Be pavrw) i) Let us consider “plate + mass of dust” as system, and apply impulse momentum equation overtime dt ‘e h sh Jasbir ting tesa afr ting te awdsihthe pte msde as Impulse = Fat = (M + dm)v~[Mv~ du] r= M+ d= 6+ dn dn p=) From Eq. (i), we have F-= pA(v+u)? TSB trital velocity ofthe at cat is zero. Let vbe its velocity attime ¢and m be its massa that instant, Then Attime t=0. Avtime vey Here w is the velocity of mass being added in the horizontal irection whieh is zero. dm Rate of adding the mass, 4" aoe nds dn Apply Ftv, 2 = 2 we poly Fy, Fhe Mi, we get Foot sy “ 1 de pd 0 Fyn 0m, +f 1 F— pnyy, =n Zune 109 = 7 + 206 = 0 )-0( 4) Fw ™ motu «iy ua Fw _|__ mt m | mbar [SAD In this problem, the sand spills trough a hole a the bottom ofthe ear. Hence, the relative velocity ofthe sand v, wil be zero, because it will acquire the same velocity as that ofthe ‘cart at the moment of separation, of) F F = ve [in (my —s0)h oF En 3 lin em s00, re From Bq, (i) aceleation ofthe car, a= WF op gat 1 ae Tis caer ei aCeeaiiret matt teers | density jis lowered with a speed v as shown in the figure. Find the reaction force offered by the ‘ground after the chain falls through a distance y. [BBD he each fling ink collides with the fallen links with a relative velocity, Hy = yj Inaly Filly BD offen pat where » = velocity ofthe falling chain, we have the Formula for the variable mass system “ni” given as: Fe, + Fuga = Fu, where, Fora =F where Fy an " = itive, as mass mis increasin ae oH (Posi 2) This gives Force equation on the heap: N—m’g + Fagg =O where mé= jy and Fy or NeW" +@) ROCKET PROPULSION Let my be the mass of the rocket at time ¢= 0, m its mass at any time (‘and y its velocity at that moment, Initially, let us suppose that the velocity of the rocket isu. Exhaust veloc =, Further, let “did be the mass ofthe gas ejected per unit time and v, the exhaust velocity of the gases with respect to rocket. Usually, dvdr and v, are kept constant throughout the journey Of the rocket, Now, Iet us write @ few equations which can be "used in the problems of rocket propulsion, ‘Attime r= % (-4 Weight ofthe rocket, 1”= mg (downwards) ‘Thrust force on the rockety Fyne — Inpulse ad Clision 2.23 [Net foree on the rocket, or dys" Cdm)~ gat ot forenej Mora Thus, v= 2 ~ 26m wo(™) ‘A rocket, with an initial mass of 1000 kg, is launched vertically ‘upwards from rest under gravity. The rocket burns fuel at the rate of 10 kg per second, The burt matter is ejected vertically downwards with a speed of 2000 mis relative to the rocket. Find the velocity ofthe rocket after 1 min of start. [BED The velocity equation is given by ras wf =) Here w=0, 1= 60, g=10 m/s", v, = 2000 mis, ‘m, = 1000kg and m = 1000-1060 = 400kg, Putting these values, we get ve 100+ 200019 ( 10%) 400 = 20001 2.5~ 600= 1232.6 mis. 1, Sand is falling on a flat car being pulled with constant speed. The rate of mass falling on the cart is constant. Then the horizontal ‘component of foree exerted by the falling sand on the cart (a) increases (b) decreases (©) remains constant (@) increases and then decreases 2. A gun fires 40 shots in one second with a muzzle velocity ‘of 300 mis, If mass of each shot is 40 g, find the average] impact force on the gun. 2.26 Mechanics I 3. A mass m, is connected by a weightless cable passing over a ictionless pulley to a container of water, whose mass is img at = 0. IF the container jects water in downward direction at a constant rate { ky’s. With a velocity v4 relative to the container, determine the acceleration of m, asa function of tim. 4. A uniform chain of mass m and length / hangs on a thread and touches the surface ‘of a table by its lower end. Find the foree ‘exerted by the table and the chain when half ofits length has fallen on the table, The fallen part doesnot form heap. 5. Asmooth container filled with water moves with a velocity Xp, Hf water leaks atthe base with a constant rate kw’, find the velocity and acceleration of the container as the funetion of time. Assume M = initial mass ofthe system (container + water. | 66. A rocket has initial velocity v, and! mass my It travels in free space, find the velocity of the rocket as the function of ts existing mass M. Assume that that rocket expels the fuel with a velocity u,, with respect to itsell =>. 7. A cart is pulled with a constant force F with a constant velocity v on a smooth horizontal ground. A Hooper loads the cart with sands ata time of w kg/s. Find the: =." (External force F i) The power delivered by the external force. (iil) The rate of change of kinetic energy. 8, A block of mass M is kept on a smooth horizontal surface. A jet of water emerging from a nozzle of cross-section, it strikes the block horizontally with a speed 1. Assuming P| as the density of water. e ) Find the maximum power applied on the block CCaleulate the thrust imparted by water jet on the block at this time, (i) Obtain an expression for the speed of the block as the function of time, “ : 3 Le 2.48N 3, M=MtbE HD 4 3 ny ) im, +m, — bt pie S.y=yanda=0 6, ¥p~%y In 7.@uv iu? i 4 pae (i) Sage Giiy XH D aden dew (8) ar Apt Inpulse an Clision 2.25 Exercises el |. Aball impinges directly on another ball at rest, The frst ball, is brought to rest by the impact. I half of the kinetic energy is lost by the impact, the value of coefficient of restitution is 1 1 oF Oty o+ oe 2. Apartcle of mass 2 kg moving witha velocity of 3 mis is acted upon bya force which changes is direction of motion by an angle of 90° without changing is speed. What i the magnitude of impulse experienced by the particle? ()6Ns @)2Ns ()N2Ns (4) 62Ns 3. Abody of mass 3 kg moving with a velocity of4 mis towards Jef collides head on with a body of mass 4 ke moving in opposite direction with a velocity of 3 mis. Aer ealision the two bodies stick together and move with a common velocity which is (1) 2280 (2) 12 m’s towards tet @) rms towards sight —_ 4) 12 ms toward ot 4. A ball of mass m moving with velocity vy collides with a wall as shown in figure, After impact it rebounds with a velocity ¥y/2- ‘The component of impulse acting ‘om the ball along the wall is Meh Q-- i oi (8) none of these A particle of mass m moving with a velocity v makes an clastic one dimensional collision with a stationary particle ‘of mass m establishing a contact with it for extremely stall time T. Their force of contact increases from zer0 10 Fy linearly in time 7/4, remains constant fora further time 7/2 and decreases linealy from F, to zero in further time 74 as shown in figure, The magnitude possessed by Fis F oF oe eam ine si oye wae 6. A ball of mass m moving with speed w undergoes a head-on clastic collision with a ball of mass nm initially at rest. The faction ofthe incident energy transferred tothe second ball Op Omir 2n An qe at Gy oaty 7. In the above question, the ratio of the kinetic energies ofthe first ball to the second ball after collision is =? =n? oe oie oo 8. A gun which fires small balls of mass 20 gis firing 20 balls per second on the smooth horizontal table surface ABCD. If the collision is perfectly elastic and balls are striking atthe centre of table with @ speed of S mvs at an angle of 60° with the vertical just before collision, then force exerted by one of the legs on ground is (assume total weight of the table is 0.2 kg) (wosn @in (3) 0.25N (4) 0.75N 9. system of to blocks A and B ae comected by an ince ales Singh shown in gue The pelle Se meron ig mr arg bullet of mass n° moving ith velocity “iras shown ie block "Bandas cobeddol ino i The impulse impart by — Q) ee (ply (su tzu Dae o2ge gu 10. A hockey player receives a comer shot at a speed of 15 mis at angle 30° with y-axis and then shoots the ball along x-axis with the speed 30 is. Ifthe mass ofthe ball is 150 g and it remains in contact with the hockey stick for 0.01 s, the force exerted on the ball along x-axis is +y (1) 28 2) 187.5N (3) 562.5 (4) 375N 2.26. Mechanics I 11, A.U-shaped wire has a semicircular bending between 4 and Bas shown in figure. A bead of mass m moving with uniform speed v through a wire enters the T z semicircular bend at 4 and leaves at B with velocity v/2 after time 7. The average force exerted by the bead on the part AB of the wire is wo owe @) 3m (4) none of these 12, A force exerts an impulse /on a particle changing its speed from initial velocity wt final velocity 2u. The applied force and the inital velocity are oppositely oriented along the same line. The work done by the fore is (3 hu 25h Qu @ 2h 13. A particle of mass m is made to move with uniform speed ‘qalong the perimeter of a regular hexagon, inscribed in a circle of radius R, The magnitude of impulse applied at each comer of the hexagon is (1) 2g sin 2) my sin & () mysia (4) 2mm sin E 14. Inthe figure shown, the bevy bal of mss 2m ess of the horizon surfce andthe lighter ball of mass mis dropped rom a height 2 At the instant the sting gels tut the upward the veo ofthe heey ball il be 0 2 ei @ Aoi 1 1 a a) 4 © Hal @ al 15, In te figure shown, the cart of mass 6m is intially at rest. particle of mass m is attached to the end of the light rod Which can rotate freely about A. Ifthe gy, 4 rod is released from rest in a horizontal Te position shown, determine the velocity jg of the particle with respect to the cart when the rod is vertical iW «@ jt 38 7 @ 2 a F fz GB) Joe @ Je ae 38 16, Two identical pacts coli in air inelastically. One twoves borizanally and the other moves vertically with equal speed just before collision, The fiatonal loss in Kinetic energy ofthe sytem of pats is eal o Ww 12 Gn (4) none ofthese 17. A pattle at ett is couteained to move on a smooth forizontal surface. Another identical particle hts the 18, 19, 20. a. 2. 23, stationary particle with a velocity wat an angle @= 60° with horizontal. Ithe particles move together, the velocity ofthe combination just after the impact is equal to ay @) v2 @) VBw/4 vid A particle loses 25% of its energy during collision with another identical particle at rest. the coefficient of restitution will be (a) 025 2) V2 @ g wos A body of mass 3 kg collides elastically with another body at rest and then continues to move in the original direction with one half of its original speed. What is the mass of the target body’? (1k Q) 1skg @)2ke. (4) Ske ‘Two particles of equal masses moving with same speed collide perfectly inelastically. After the collision the combined ‘mass moves with half ofthe speed of the individual masses. “The angle between the initial momenta of individual particle is () oo 2) 90" @) 120° was A ping-pong ball of mass m is floating in air by ajet of water ‘emerging out of a nozzle, Ifthe water strikes the ping-pong bull with a speed v and just after collision water falls dead, the rate of flow of water in the nozzle is equal to mV cy 2m, ae v & o (4) none of these A ball collides with a fixed inclined plane of inclination @ after falling through a distance h. If it moves horizontally just after the impact, the coefficient of restitution is (tan 2) tan? @ B) core (Boot? 6 “Three carts move on a frictionless track with masses and velocities as shown, The carts collide and stick together afier successive collisions. Find the total magnitude of the impulse experienced by 4. mask mathe make ms! y=2ms! eve (Ns @)3Ns Q)2Ns (4) 4Ns |. Block A is hanging from a vertical spring and is at rest Block B strikes the block A with velocity v and sticks to it Then the value of v for which the spring just attains natural length is a {ems k [ime k oe 4 @ roneortiee te Inpulse and Clision 2.27 25, Appendulum consists of a wooden bob of mass mand length 1A bullet of mass mis fired towards the pendulum with a speed v,. The bullet emerges out of the bob with a speed of ¥/3 and the bob just completes motion along, a vertical circle, then y is oy eh () 28 fet 26, Inthe arrangements shown nthe igure masses of each ball is kgandmassot walleye 4k. Inthe igure shel oma 1 kg moving horizntly with vloiy v= 6 ms" collides with the ball and get Stcktofthnitmaximum deletion of the thread (length 1.5 m) with vertical is | '*® (53° qr —- @) 30° (4) 60° 27. A 3000 kg space probe is moving in a gravity free space at a constant velocity of 300 m’s. To change the direction of space probe, rockets have been fired in a direction perpendicular to the direction of initial motion of the space probe, the rocket firing exerts a thrust of 4000 N for 225 s. “The space probe will turn by an angle of (neglect the mass of the rockets fired) (30° 2) 60° @) 45° (4) 37 28, A highly elastic ball moving at a speed of 3's approaches a wall moving towards it sal with a speed of 3 mis. After the collision, the speed of the ball will be oa" ()3 ms 2) 6ms 3) 9 ms (4) zer0 29, Two identical billiard balls undergo an oblique elastic collision. Initially, one of the balls is stationary. If the initially stationary ball after collision moves in a direction which makes an angle of 37° with direction of initial motion of the moving ball, then the angle through which intially ‘moving ball will be deleted is war 2) 60° @) 5% (4) = 53° 30, A ball of mass m collides horizontally with a stationary wedge on a rough horizontal surface, in the two orientations as shown. Neglect friction between the ball and the wedge. ‘The students comment on the system of ball and wedge in these situations Rough @ » wo ‘Saurav: Momentum ofthe system in x-direction will change by significant amount in both the cases. 32. 33. 34. 35. Rahul: There are no impulsive external forces in x-direction in both cases, hence the total momentum of the system in x-direction ean be treated as conserved in both cases, (1) Saurav is incorrect and Rahul is correct (2) Saurav is correct and Rahul is incorrect @) Both are correct (4) Both are incorrect 4.20 g bullet pierces through a plate of mass M, = 1 kg and then comes to rest inside a second plate of mass ‘My ~ 2.98 kg as shown in figure. It is found that the two plates, initially at rest, now move with equal velocities. Find the percentage loss in the initial velocity of the bullet when itis between M, and M;, Neglect any loss of material of the plates due to the action of bullet (1) 50% 2) 25% G) 100% (4) 75% body with a momentum p collides with another identical siationary body Yone dimensionally. During the collision, Y| gives an impulse J to body X. Then coefficient of restitution prt ost A smooth sphere is moving on a horizontal surface with velocity vector 2/ +2) immediately befor it hits a vertical wal. The wal is parallel to j vector and the coefficient of restitution between the sphere and the wall is ¢= 1/2. The velocity vector of the sphere aftr it hits the wal is (icy @- 143 ij @2i-j ball is dropped froma height of 45 m fom the ground. The coefficient of restitution between the ball andthe ground is, 2/3- What i the distance travelled by the ballin th second ots motion? Assume negligible time is spent in rebounding Letg= 10m (sm 20m @) 15m (4) 10m A ball falls vertically onto a floor with momentum p, and then bounces repeatedly. I the coefficient of restitution ise, then the total momentum imparted by the ball onthe floor till he ball comes to rest is pare at @ pli+d) wo(tts 3 Aball released from a height fy above a horizontal surface rebounds to a height f, after one bounce, The graph that relates hy o/h is shown in figure, Ifthe ball (of the mass m) was dropped from an initial height and made three bounces, the kinetic energy of the ball immediately after the third impact with the surface was 2.28 Mechanics I (1) 0.8) mgh 2) 0.87 mgh (3) 0.8 me(h/3) (@ [1-8))}mgh 37, Two identical balls, of equal masses 4 and B, are lying on a smooth surface as shown in figure. Ball 4 hits ball B (which is at rest) with a velocity y = 16 m/s. What should be the ‘minimum value of coefficient of restitution between A and B so that B just reaches the highest point of inclined plane? oF Oy @s at 38, Aparileatrestis constrained to move ona smooth horizontal sueface. Another identical particle hits the frational particle with a velocity vat an angle @= 60° with horizontal Ifthe pariles move together, the velocity ofthe combination just ater impact is equal 0 wr oy X3v ¥ oy Oy 39, Aballofmassm s released fromrest relative to clevatorat a height fh, above the Noor of tect Atermakingcaisinvthihe | floor of the elevator it rebounces wo height | | 1 dy The coefficient of restiuton fr collision ise For this situation, mark the correct ‘statement(s). (1) Ifelevatoris moving down with constant velocity then {G) Ifclevatoris moving down with constant velocity vy then impulse imparted by floor of the elevator to the ball is smc (Bah + Pah; + 2,) inthe upward dicetion (4) IF clevator is moving with constant acceleration of git in upward direction, then itis not possible to determine 4elation between hand from the piven information. 40, A block of mass m starts fiom rest and slides down a fctionless semi-circular track from a height has shown, ‘When it reaches the lowest point of the track, it collides with a stationary piece of putty also having mass m. If the block and the puty stick together and continue o slide, the system could reach is ay ms Bh (4) independent of 41. A particle of mass m comes down on ‘a smooth inclined plane from point B at a height of h from rest. The ‘magnitude of change in momentum of the particle between position 4 (ust before ariving on horizontal surface) 2. 45. and C (assuming the angle of inclination of the plane as @ with respeet to the horizontal) is ao (2) 2m V2gh) sin @ (3) 2m Yah sin (9) (4) 2m ay Three balls 4, B and C of masses 2 ke, 4 ke and 8 kg, respectively move along eae ragtime Same direction, with velocities 4m, mvs and. 3/4 ms. If “A collides with Band subsequently soles with C, find the vloiyoftall and baller =e mee colin, taking the coeficien ot =@. © © rettton as unity C.. rym 94 OyaRy=0 Oy ay, }- Five balls are placed one after the other along a straight line as shown inthe figure. Initially, al the balls are at rest. Then the second ball has been projected with speed v, towards the third ball, Mark the correct statements, (Assume all collisions tobe head-on and elastic.) O—O>O—O—~ Powe tha ite hg eka) (1) Total number of eolisions inthe process is S (Q) Velocity of separation between the first and fifh ball after the lat possible collision is x, (@) Finally, three balls remain stationary (4) Allof the above 1. Aball of mass m i attached to a cord of length L, pivoted at point O, as shown in figure. The ball is teleased from rest at point 4, swings down and makes an inelastic collision with 1 block of mass 2m kept on a rough horizontal floor. The coefficient of restitution of collision is e= 2/3 and coefficient of friction between block and surface is u. After collision, the ball comes momentarily 0m rest at C when cord makes an § 0 angle of @with the vertical and block movesa distance of 31/2 on rough horizontal floor before stopping. The values of sand Bare, respectively, cose ($9) $aoor"(H) 2B) ave" 8) grew Inpulse an Colision 2.28 46. 41, 48. 49, 50, SI wee (2) wil never be atuined oer ‘tera totally inelastic collision, two objctsofthe ste mass and same initia speeds are fond to move together at half thei initial speed. The angle between the initial velocities athe objects is ee (a) 120° 2) 60° ) 150° (4) 45° ‘Three blocks are initially placed as shown inthe figure, Block Abas mass m and initial velocity »to the right Block B with ‘mass m and block C with mass 4m are both initially at rest. Neglect frition, All collisions are elastic. The final velocity of blocks 4 is ee ee hits the two balls ‘and itself comes to rest. + ‘Then, cach of the two bigger balls will move after collision with a speed equal to () 45 2) 25 8) wn (4) one Inthe above question, suppose thatthe smaller ball doesnot stop after collision, but continues to move downwards with 1a speed = vy/2, after the collision. Then, the speed of each bigger ball after collision is 0) ayy © 25 © wi (4) one Three blocks are placed on smooth horizontal surface and lie on same horizontal straight line. Block 1 and block 3 hhave mass m each and block 2 has mass M (M> m). Block 2 and block 3 are initially stationary, while block 1 is initially ‘moving towards block 2 with speed vas shown, Assume that all collisions are head on and perfectly clastic. What value of Mim ensures that block 1 and block 3 have the same final speed? oa (1) Sev (2) 5-v2 (3) 24N5 (4) 34N5 particle of mass m is moving along the s-anis with speed +» when it collides with a particle of mass 2m initially at rest. ier the collision, the first particle has come to rest and the second particle has split into two equal-mass pieces that 32. 53. 54, 55. are shown in the figure, Which of the following statements correctly describes the speeds ofthe two places? (0>0) we efor olson Aer calision (1) Bach piece moves with speed » {@) Each piece moves with speed v2 G) One ofthe pieces moves with speed 1/2, the other moves, with speed greater than w/2 (4) Each pieoe moves with speed greater than w/2 A aall is projected in a direction inclined tothe vertical and bounces on a smooth horizontal plane. The range of one rebound is R Ifthe coefficient of restitution ise, then range ofthe next rebound is (R= eR @r-8 AA glass ball collides with a smooth horizontal surface (xz plane) with a velocity V = ai - 6j . Ifthe coefficient of restitution of collision be e, the velocity of the ball just after the eolision will be (0) S24 atantetn" (5) whe vera 2) SEEFEF santo (5) woe vei Ee @R-eR (4) R tangle tant {£) to the vertical oom (5) (1) m, > my 2) m, - blocks. If the velocity of the blocks do not change due to the collision, then find out the ~ velocity of the ball after the 2nd caine Tssume fen be absent «sy QW 3) 9» (4) none of these 59, A ball 4 is falling vertically downwards with velocity v,.It strikes elastically with a wedge moving horizontally with velocity v, as shown in figure. What must be the ratio v/v, ‘0 that the ball bounces back in vertically upwards direction relative to wedge? OS az 1 3) (a 2 ws Mila Comect nore lll 1. Inan elastic colson between two patiles (1 the tol tne energy ofthe system isalvys conserved {2)the kinetic energy ofthe system before collision is equal tothe Kine energy of the system ar cllision (9) he linear momentum ofthe system is conserved (4) the mechanical energy ofthe sytem before colision is equal tothe mechanical energy ofthe system afer colision 2. Ablockof assis hanging fom a massless Spring of pring constant It isin equ Under the influence of gravitational fore ‘Another particle of same mass ‘n' moving [Dw upwards with velocity u hits the block and Sticks oi Forthe subsequent motion, choose dh the incorrect statements (1) Velocity of the combined mass must be maximum at natural length of the spring {@) Velocity of the combined mass must be maximum atthe new equilibrium position {G) Velocity ofthe combined mass must be maximum atthe instant particle hits the block. (4) Velocity of the combined mass must be maximum at a point lying between old equilibrium position and natural length 3. Abody moving towards a body of finite mass tres collides with it, Its possible that (1) both bodies come to rest (2) both bodies move after collision {G) the moving body stops and the body at rest starts moving (4) the stationary body remains stationary and the moving body rebounds 4. A ball strikes a smooth horizontal floor obliquely and rebounds inelastically (1) The kinetic energy of the ball just after hitting the floors equal tothe potential energy ofthe ball at its maximum height after rebound, {@) Total energy of the bal isnot conserved. G) The angle of rebound with the vertical is greater than the angle of incidence, (4) None of the above. 5. Aparticled suffersan oblique elastic collision witha particle B that is at rest intially. If their masses are the same, then after the colision () their KE may be equal 2) continues to move in the original direstion while B remains at rest {G) they will move in mutually perpendicular directions (4) A comes to rest and B starts moving in the direction of the original motion of 4 6. Abaall strikes a wall with a velocity at an angle O withthe ‘normal to the wall surface and rebounds from it atan angle Buith the surface. Then (1) (0+ B) < 90", ifthe wall is smooth (2) ifthe walls rough, coefficient of restitution =tan cos @ G) ifthe walls rough, coefficient of restitution (4) the average speed of the first bead is (4) The coefficient of restitution is 2.41 ? Inpulse and Clision 2.38 24, Two balls A & B of mass m, and m, are kept on a horizontal smooth surface. is given & velocity towards B so that they perform head on collision, (1) Ifim, = m, and collision is elastic 4 stops and B moves with the velocity of after collision 2) Impalses on 4 and B during collision are same in ‘magnitude whether its elasti or inelastic collision 3) Impalses on 4 and B during collision are equal in ‘magnitude only ifm, =m, (4) If m, >> my, though impulses are same in magnitude velocity of 4 is stil in the same direction 25, Two small spheres A" and"“B" mass 1 kg and 2 kg ate moving with speeds 21 m/s and 4 mis respectively in opposite direction collide head on. After collision A moves with speed | mvs in its initial direction, Which isare correet? () Velocity of B after collision is 6 m/s opposite to its direction before collision (2) The coefficient of restitution e= 0.2 (3) Loss of kinetie energy due to collision is 200 J (4) Impulse of force between two balls is 400 Ns 26. A small bob of mass m = 200 g is suspended from a point 4 by an inextensible string of length L. The bob is drawn to a side and held at same level as A but at a B ‘Then: (assume string applies only that much jerk which is required so that velocity along string becomes zero) distance “3 2 from 4 as shown, Now the bob is released. — fw ; él t lg, (1) speed of ball just after experiencing jerk is (2) impulse applied by string 10 (3) ball will experience jerk after reaching to point B (4) speed of bal just before experiencing jerk is Vel 27. Abody of mass? kg moving with velocity 3 ms oles ha body of tes | ying wien velit of 4 fin Opps destin, ithe collisions head on and completely insti hed (0) the momentum of syste is 2g ns throughout (2) the momentum of system is 10 kg m/s throughout {the fos of KE of tem is (492) incolision (4) bothpariclesmovetogeter wth velocity 23) safer colon 28. Two masses 4 and B of 3 kg and 2 ke ae connected by a long inextensible string which peste vera meals ud tones pulley Taal th eight ofboth the nase em te ground ssameundoqualo Ite. When the mmases ave tlewed, mass 4 his the ground GO) and gets stuck to the ground. Consider the fm length of the string as large, so that the pulley does not obstruct the motion of masses 4 and B. [z= 10 rms") (1) The impulse 4 exerts on ground is 2 Ns (2) B reaches a maximum height of 2.2 m from the ground (G) B reaches maximum height from the ground 1.2 after being released (4) The impulse 4 exerts on ground is 6 Ns 29, Two identical blocks P and Q have mass m each. They are attached to two identical springs (of spring constant k) initially unstretched. Both the blocks are initially in contact as shown, Now the left spring (attached with block P) is compressed by 4/2 and the right spring (attached with block Q) is compressed by A. Both the blocks are then released simultaneously. Then choose the correct option(s). oo ‘Sooth horizontal oor WaaagsAarvns rt Pat geben 2) The speed of block Q just before P and Q are about to ik collide forthe first time is 4 (8) Te bles stl coli or heft tie, , fe fie oles (4) IF the colision i perfectly inelastic then maximum elongation ia ight springs 4 a 30. A panicle of mass m, elastically collides with another Stationary parle of mass m Then i o = = J and the cotision is head on, then the pattes fy apart in the opposite disstion with unequal speed 2 = 4 and the ellison is head on, then the particles fy apart in the opposite direstion with esl sped. (6) 7-2 and he cotisin is head on, then the particles Ay apart inthe opposite retin with unequal speed (4) M23 andthe colsion i head on, then the paris Aly apart in the opposite direction with equal speed. For Problems 1-3 ‘Two identical balls, each of mass m, are tied witha string and kept (ona frictionless surface. Initially, the string is slack. They are given velocities 2u and win the same direction, Collision between the balls is perfectly elastic 2.36 Mechanics I 1, After the first collision, what isthe total loss in kinetic energy of the balls? (1) 2me 2) mu G) 3m? (4) zer0 22, What isthe final loss in kinetic energy of the balls? ) mia 2) me 8) 34 (4) None of these 3. Whats the impulse generated inthe string during the second collision? 1) mul 2) mus (8) 2mw’3 (4) None of these For Problems 4-7 A ballistic pendulum is a device that was used to measure the speeds of bullets before the development of electronic timing devices. The device consists of a large block of wood of mass M, hanging from two long cords. A bullet of mass misfired into the block, the bullet comes quickly into rest and the block + bullet rises to a vertical distance h before the pendulum comes momentarily to rest as the ends of the are. In the process, the linear momentum is conserved. In such a collision, some kinetic energy is dissipated as heat; somechanical ‘energy is not conserved. When there is a loss in mechanical ‘energy, the collision is said to be inelastic. Further when two bodies coalesce, the collision is said to be perfectly inelastic. e i + 4. After collision what is the combined velocity of the bullet + block system? (yu OQ 57ha™ Oat Gu 5. What isthe initial speed ofthe bullet in terms of height? () Beh ©) yg Pah | 2m iP em eh 6. The collision of block-bullet system is () perfectly elastic (2) partially inelastic {G) partially elastic (A) perfectly inelastic 7. The energy dissipated as heat in the collision is (M+ m) gh 0) i ah () Fe ~mgh 2) 4 md 8) 5 (0+ my 2 (41+ m) gh 4) cannot be estimated For Problems 8-12 2, Thvee spheres, each of mass a m, can slide freely on a OF frictionless, horizontal surface Spheres and Bare attached to {an inextensble, inelastic cord of length °F and ae at resin ‘ the position shown where sphere B is struck by sphere C which is moving to the right with a velocity vj. Knowing that the cord is taut where sphere B is struck by sphere C and assuming ‘head ‘on’ inelastic impact between B and C, we cannot conserve kinetic ‘energy ofthe entie system, 8. The velocity of B immediately after collision is along unit we oy Bird 9. Velocity of immediately afer collision i Mi hry ay (4) none of these 10, If velocity of C immediately after collision becomes v/2 in the initial direction of motion, the impulse due to string on (4) none of these long unit vector sphere 4 is ae Qa ey (4) none of these 11, The magnitude of velocity of 4 immediately ater collision Br % oe Oz % vo oz aye 12, The loss in kinetic energy ofthe system during collision i 1m 1503 ore @ ar Lm O35" (4) none ofthese For Problems 13-15 In figure, a palley is shown which is frictionless and a ring of mass m can slide on the string without any friction, ‘One end ofthe string is attached to point B and to the other end, a block “P" of ‘mass m is attached. The whole system lies in vertical plane. 13. Ifthe system is released from rest, itis found thatthe system remains at rest. What is the value of @? (1) 30° @) 45° G) 60° 78° 14, Now another block °C” of same mass m is attached to the block “P” and system is released from rest Ifa, and a are the magnitudes of intial accelerations of ring and blocks, respectively, then (a,+a-¢ @).q,=24, (4) 24, =a, 1, Iblock “C mentioned above was released fom some height and collided with *P* with some velocity u, then find the velocity ofthe ring just after the collision. The collision is perfectly inelastic. (a @)w2 Gua Gus Q)a,+2a-¢

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