Pakistan On The Edge

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Pakistan makes Afghan refugees pay the price
for the country’s economic crisis
ADNAN AMIR Contributing writer
Taliban fighters stand guard as Afghan
refugees wait to register at a camp near
the Torkham border crossing in Torkham,
Afghanistan, on Nov. 4.

Nikkei Asia - Special excerpt from Dec. 4-10, 2023 Print edition. Nikkei Inc. No reproduction without permission.
Nikkei Inc. No reproduction without permission.

Trucks loaded with goods are

seen at the Torkham border
crossing as refugees head back
to Afghanistan on Oct. 30.
an economist at Balochistan University of immigrants. “It is clear that the policy is purely Pakistan’s
Information Technology, Engineering and politically motivated by racist and xenophobic inflation rate
Management Sciences (BUITEMS). preferences as opposed to any underlying
in October hit a
“It will face disruptions in imports, especially economic logic or motive.”
of essential goods, challenges in maintaining
59-year high of
economic and political order, potential impacts on
its international profile, and possible hindrances
was taken by police, Kaleem Ullah -- Nikkei has 36%
in its efforts to curb terrorism,” he said. changed his name for security reasons -- was kept Source: Government
Experts are reaching back decades for analogies in detention and then deported to Afghanistan statistics

to the crisis. In 1998, after Pakistan staged a via the Chaman border crossing, according
nuclear test, international sanctions resulted in the to neighbors. Having come to Pakistan in the
country’s foreign exchange reserves dropping to aftermath of the 2001 U.S. invasion of Afghanistan,
a point where they could cover only three weeks’ he has made Karachi his home for the past 20
worth of imports, a perilous level, and one that years, marrying a Pakistani woman and creating

economists say Pakistan’s current reserves fell a family. Neighbors interviewed by Nikkei in late
below this year. November said the remaining family members
Another point of reference is the 1971 economic have left their home but that they do not have any
crisis unleashed by a war with India and the further information on their whereabouts.

Pakistan is “ ISLAMABAD Kaleem Ullah, a 38-year-old

Afghan man, was walking home with groceries
for his family one night in October when he saw a
rights law.”
The deportations are the latest in a series of
desperate and, many experts say, counterproductive
breakup of East Pakistan, now Bangladesh,
though a strict comparison is difficult. “Pakistan
is facing the worst economic crisis of its 76-year-
Hizatullah, a pseudonym, is similarly

no longer an policeman standing outside his small house measures the government is taking to assign blame old history,” Ikram ul Haq, a lawyer and taxation Pakistan’s current account balance plunge puts pressure
in Karachi. and distract public attention from an agonizing specialist, told Nikkei. on forex reserves (As percentage of GDP)
economically “You are under arrest for not having the political and economic crisis that threatens the Inflation hit 36%, a 59-year high, in October,
viable state documentation to live in Pakistan legally,” the country with international default. according to government statistics. Prices of key

and is in deep policeman said. Kaleem’s children then saw their “Pakistan is no longer an economically viable goods, meanwhile, have risen much faster. That 4
father dragged into a police van, which was the state and is in deep economic trouble,” said Adeel of gasoline had shot to 330 rupees per liter by Emerging markets,
economic last time they saw him, the only breadwinner of his Malik, a development macroeconomist at St. September, a 54% increase from January and the
developing economies*
trouble family of seven people. Peter’s College of Oxford University. highest price on record, though it has since fallen

He and thousands of other Afghans are victims

Experts fear the country could become the in line with oil prices. Electricity rates rose by up to –2
of a sudden deportation order by Pakistan’s next domino to fall amid a crisis in sovereign 100% in August-September, sparking unrest across Pakistan
Adeel Malik government, announced with little explanation debt markets, after Sri Lanka defaulted on its the country.
A development –6
in October. It threatens to unleash yet another international debts last year. A default by Pakistan The government’s focus on immigrants might
macroeconomist at
human catastrophe on a region already beset by could unleash a much deeper crisis were access have little economic rationale but is a tried and –8
St. Peter’s College, 1980 ’85 ’90 ’95 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 ’20
Oxford University recent tragedy. Following the Taliban takeover of to international borrowing to be cut off. Already tested trope for governments seeking to distract
Afghanistan in 2021, an estimated 600,000 Afghan a number of countries that borrowed heavily public attention from economic crises. *No data from 1987 to 1996 Source: International Monetary Fund

refugees poured into Pakistan. Then, last year, to get through the COVID-19 pandemic are The country has been politically unstable since
massive climate change-induced flooding ruined facing difficulty repaying their foreign currency- April 2022, when former Prime Minister Imran
Pakistan’s inflation has hit historic highs
(Average consumer prices, percentage change from a year earlier)
much of Pakistan’s farmland and infrastructure. denominated debts, particularly in the wake of a Khan was removed from office. After being arrested
The government insists Pakistan’s economy surge in the value of the U.S. dollar. and imprisoned in August, he now faces trial on Forecast
is breaking under the strain of providing In Pakistan, the rupee has fallen 25% so far this multiple corruption and misconduct charges. 100
for so many Afghan refugees, though many year against the dollar, making interest payments Elections are expected to take place in February Pakistan
undocumented Afghans have been living in on $128 billion in foreign debt and external but in the meantime, the military has taken on an 80 Emerging markets,
developing economies
Pakistan for generations and have never set foot in liabilities owed by the government that much ever greater role. One person close to the decision-
60 Advanced economies
their supposed homeland. Nevertheless, 374,000 more expensive. The government must spend making said the policy focus on smuggling and World
Afghans living in Pakistan have so far left for 7.3 trillion rupees ($25.5 billion) servicing its migrants indicates that the army has become 40
Afghanistan following the order, according to the domestic and foreign debt this year, or 50.4% of predominant in economic policy.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. the government budget expenditures, according “There is absolutely no economic logic to this 20
A spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner to the Ministry of Finance. policy, if one may call it that,” said Shahram Azhar 0
for Human Rights in October called mass “Pakistan is approaching inevitable default a professor of economics at Bucknell University 1980 ‘90 2000 ‘10 ‘20 ‘25
deportation a “violation of international human sooner or later,” said Nadeem uz Zaman, in the U.S., speaking about the expulsion of Source: International Monetary Fund

Nikkei Asia - Special excerpt from Dec. 4-10, 2023 Print edition.
Nikkei Inc. No reproduction without permission.

Pakistani interim Prime Minister

Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar’s government
has ordered a crackdown on Afghan
refugees in the country in a last-ditch
attempt to save the economy.

A sharp rise in The government says it considers the Afghan Nikkei on condition of anonymity that expelling
electricity rates across refugees to be a huge economic burden on undocumented Afghans is in Pakistan’s security
Pakistan in September Pakistan. Since 1979, the government said in an and economic interests and this decision will
hit small-scale
tradespeople, such as
unpublished study shared with Nikkei, Afghan be implemented. “Western countries criticizing
fruit vendors, hard. refugees have caused Pakistan’s economy a loss Pakistan on this matter abandoned the majority of
of $413.4 billion. Global aid to help them has only their Afghan allies after the fall of Kabul and still
amounted to $4.55 billion, the study said. want Pakistan to continue bearing the brunt of
“Afghan refugees were a huge burden on millions of Afghans. No more,” the official said.
Pakistan’s economy and we could not afford

to take care of them anymore,” Abbas Khan, PERFECT STORM The refugee crisis appeared to
Pakistan’s chief commissioner for Afghan refugees, coincide with mounting public unrest, in particular

told Nikkei. “The deportation is an exercise to following a sudden rise in electricity prices, which
bring our house in order so that we have control doubled for some households in August. The
struggling. He was born in Pakistan to parents over who enters Pakistan and lives in Pakistan.” government had to increase energy prices and September brought cooler weather and lower bills
who had fled Afghanistan following the Soviet Khan also said the decision to deport Afghans end fuel subsidies partly due to an agreement it for running air conditioners, though there is still
invasion of 1979 and has lived in the country for all was not made in haste. “We have been asking them had struck with the International Monetary Fund anxiety about the future. “I am really terrified,”
There are of his 42 years. to leave for more than a year,” he said, “and now we in exchange for a $3 billion standby loan in July, Wahid said. “Next year when summer starts, what
When he heard that the Pakistani authorities have begun to actively implement this decision.” which will help Pakistan avoid default. will I do to pay my electricity bills?”
3.7 were rounding up Afghan refugees, Hizatullah
decided to travel to Afghanistan to avoid any
Whatever the merits of the argument, few
believe that the economic rationale alone is the
Dawood Shah, a fruit vendor in Islamabad,
received an electricity bill of 50,000 rupees for the
Against the backdrop of the crisis, many
economists are counseling the government to
million trouble, leaving behind a small business he had
built in Karachi.
driving force behind the expulsions.
“From an economic standpoint, the demographic
month. “My monthly income is 30,000, and I had
to borrow money to pay my electricity bill,” he
adopt reforms, most of which focus on broadening
the tax base, eliminating undue state influence on
Afghan refugees
While waiting for his turn to cross into in question -- Pakistani-born individuals of Afghan told Nikkei. He added that some of his fellow fruit the economy and getting rid of inefficiencies in the
in Pakistan
Source: United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees
Afghanistan from the Torkham border in
northwest Pakistan, Hizatullah told Nikkei by
descent -- consists of millions of hardworking
men and women who contribute to the GDP of
vendors had to quit Islamabad and move back to
their villages because they could not afford to pay
energy sector.
“Pakistan should widen the tax net and tax the

telephone: “I have never lived in Afghanistan the country in every province,” said Azhar, the their electricity bills. rich and address all the flaws in the energy sector,”
and I don’t know anything about that place and economist from Bucknell University. Rehana Wahid, a working woman in Islamabad, Malik, from Oxford University, told Nikkei.
refugees were
how to survive there.” Hizatullah has not been “Although there is no such category in had to vacate the apartment she shared with a Instead, the crackdown on Afghan refugees is a huge burden
contactable since that interview in October, and his Pakistan’s official labor force surveys, anecdotally roommate after the latter could not afford the only one of a series of measures that economists on Pakistan’s
fate remains unclear. speaking, it is evident that these workers are electricity bill and moved home. She lives in a say are of dubious economic utility: In September,
Kaleem and Hizatullah’s stories are similar to not competing with other Pakistani workers for working women’s hostel now. caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar
economy and
many others. According to UNHCR, there are 3.7 occupations or jobs,” he said, adding that while it Following the electricity price hikes, merchants also ordered strict crackdowns on black markets we could not
million Afghan refugees in Pakistan, 1.3 million of is fashionable to call refugees a burden, Pakistan across Pakistan shut shops and markets for several and the smuggling of oil, sugar and agricultural afford to take
whom are undocumented and will be targeted by does not offer many social benefits to its own days in early September. There were angry protests products from Iran and Afghanistan. The
the forced deportation exercise. They include the citizens, let alone migrants. “It is economically against the government after it was reported that government also launched a crackdown on U.S.
care of them
600,000 people who fled from Afghanistan after the irrational to argue that the Afghan-descended some people had died by suicide after not being dollar “hoarding.” anymore
Taliban takeover in 2021. demographic adds to the ‘burden.’” able to pay their bills. Miftah Ismail, a former finance minister of
The government says there is a secondary
motive to expel undocumented Afghans: security.
The public mood, however, brightened after Pakistan, told Nikkei that smuggling caused
Pakistan’s exchequer a loss of almost 400 billion

Abbas Khan
Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti, Pakistan’s caretaker interior rupees, and controlling it is a step in the right Pakistan’s chief
Pakistan’s tumbling rupee adds to cost of living minister, has told the media that this year 24 direction. “The smuggling of U.S. dollars distorts commissioner for
(Pakistan rupee per U.S. dollar exchange rate, monthly average) Afghan refugees
suicide attacks have been carried out by terrorists Pakistan’s currency market,” he said, “and hence it
in Pakistan, and in 14 of them the suicide bombers should be stopped by controlling the flow of goods
100 were Afghan. to and from Afghanistan and Iran.”
150 A security official privy to the matter told Nadeem ul Haque, vice chancellor of the
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics,
said that gains from controlling smuggling will be
250 As Pakistan’s economic crisis deepens, more short-lived and hurt the economies in poor border
people are relying on charities for food and
300 resources. These women are waiting to
areas at a critical time. “We need to understand

2003 ‘05 ‘07 ‘09 ‘11 ‘13 ‘15 ‘17 ‘19 ‘21 ‘23 receive rations from the Saylani Welfare Trust that people living in border areas near Iran
Y-axis inverted to show declining rupee Source: State Bank of Pakistan Core Statistics Department in Karachi, in April. completely rely on smuggling for their livelihood,”

Nikkei Asia - Special excerpt from Dec. 4-10, 2023 Print edition.
Nikkei Inc. No reproduction without permission.

The International Monetary Fund

approved a $3 billion standby loan
to Pakistan in July.

and productivity,” said Azhar of Bucknell Pakistan’s government borrowing is high among
University. “The crisis is much worse than what developing nations (General government gross debt, as percentage of GDP)
the economy has previously faced because of
the enormity, scale and speed with which new Forecast
investments have stagnated and the pace of 80
economic decay in the last six years.”
Younus of the Atlantic Council told Nikkei that 60 Pakistan
the heart of the issue is a refusal of Pakistan’s
policymakers to sustainably implement common- 40
sense economic policies. “A sustained obsession Emerging markets, developing economies
with an overvalued currency, an inability to 20
tax the privileged and a failure to invest in
human capital are core challenges that remain 0
2003 ‘06 ‘08 ‘10 ‘12 ‘14 ‘16 ‘18 ‘20 ‘22 ‘24 ‘26 ‘28
unresolved,” he said.
Source: International Monetary Fund

of Pakistan’s vulnerability is the country’s massive
foreign debt. According to the State Bank of Despite the economic pain caused by higher

The crisis is “ he said. “Unless no workable alternative is

provided to them, the smuggling will continue in
one form or the other.”
to physical assets is estimated at $14.9 billion,
with the total loss to economic activity estimated
at $15.2 billion. Total reconstruction needs are
Pakistan, the government’s gross debt as of the end
of September was 64.5 trillion rupees ($224 billion),
roughly three-quarters of the gross domestic
energy prices, the $3 billion standby loan with
the IMF was a rare piece of good news, with the
first $1.2 billion released in July. Such programs
much worse Another measure came in June when the estimated at $16.3 billion. product. The central bank puts the government’s are seen as a good housekeeping seal of approval
government of then-Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif The floods are estimated to have created around foreign owed debt and liabilities at 36.8 trillion on a government’s policies and as essential to
than what the formed the Special Investment Facilitation Council 9 million newly poor in a country of 240 million, maintaining access to capital markets.
rupees as of September.
economy has (SIFC), a body with civil and military leadership. said Hina Shaikh, country economist for Pakistan While debt as a percentage of GDP is not far The IMF said it had no connection to the recent
previously faced The idea was to fast-track foreign investment in at the International Growth Centre. above the average for developing economies, the refugee policy, however. “The IMF has not engaged
Pakistan and bypass bureaucratic red tape. Another accelerant to the crisis, meanwhile, debt service payments are crippling. Pakistan has with the government on policies for Afghan
because of the In September, Kakar said Pakistan was was the pandemic. Partly in an effort to keep its to pay back roughly $77.5 billion in foreign loans in refugees, which are outside the IMF-supported
enormity, scale expecting foreign investment of $50 billion under economy afloat, Pakistan borrowed an estimated the next three years, equivalent to nearly a quarter program” it said in a statement to Nikkei.
and speed with the SIFC, mostly from Gulf countries, in the next $10 billion, according to a 2022 report by the CAREC of its GDP. These repayments are mainly owed Esther Perez Ruiz, the IMF’s resident Pakistan’s total
which new five years, though experts say it is unclear whether Institute and Asian Development Bank Institute. to Chinese financial institutions, private creditors representative for Pakistan, told Nikkei that government
this will actually materialize. “The pandemic was, on the ground, kinder to and Saudi Arabia, according to an analysis by the the loan program envisages the government debt was
investments Uzair Younus, director of the Pakistan Initiative Pakistan than neighbors like India or Iran,” said United States Institute of Peace. implementing key reforms, notably a fully market-
have stagnated at the Atlantic Council, says political dysfunction
is at the root of the economic malaise. “So long as
Ali Hasanain, associate professor of economics
at Lahore University of Management Sciences.
“Yearly, billions of dollars become due, and the
only recourse seems to be the hope of securing
determined exchange rate, a primary budget
surplus, securing the viability of the power and gas
” the beneficiaries of the status quo are in charge of
pushing meaningful reforms,” he told Nikkei, “the
“[But Pakistan] overstimulated the economy
and gave large tax breaks and subsidies to large
additional loans,” said Nadeem of BUITEMS.
Pakistan’s Ministry of Finance did not respond
sectors, as well as inflation adjustment handouts
for the most needy, she told Nikkei.
Shahram Azhar as of Sept. 30
A professor of economics crisis will likely continue.” businesses and chosen sectors that would be seen as to questions sent by Nikkei. “[Pakistan] will either have to make substantial
Source: State Bank of
at Bucknell University inappropriate under normal circumstances. It is still concessions to crowd in bilateral support or
THE FIRST SIGNS OF CRISIS While the struggling to fully reverse some of these measures.” undergo an orderly restructuring of debt liabilities
government bears much of the blame for the However, most experts blame the crisis on if it seeks to avoid default,” Hasanain of the Lahore
present state, a number of events have exacerbated government dysfunction, a cause which many University of Management Sciences said.
the crisis: Last year, floods caused by climate argue predates the twin crises brought on by Malik, from Oxford University, believes
change killed around 1,800 people, destroyed climate change and the pandemic. Pakistan’s foreign borrowing is unproductive.
13,000 kilometers worth of roads, and damaged “The defining symptom of Pakistan’s economic “Pakistan borrows money to fund domestic
450 bridges and 2.3 million houses. Around 33 crisis is the perpetual lack of growth in investments consumption, which results in a ballooning of
million people were affected. debt liabilities and interest payments,” he said.
According to the Post-Disaster Needs “There will be costs to the economic reforms, and

Getty Images
Assessment of Pakistan Floods 2022, a document People struggle to move their vehicles through
powerful forces will lose. That’s why they do not
prepared jointly by a number of development floodwater in Hyderabad, Pakistan, on July 24, 2022, allow these reforms to take place. It’s about
agencies and multilateral banks, the total damage after devastating storms hit the country. their survival.”

Nikkei Asia - Special excerpt from Dec. 4-10, 2023 Print edition.
Nikkei Inc. No reproduction without permission.

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