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CHAPTERS Work, Energy and Power Introduction ‘Work Done by a Force "Nature of Work Done Positive Work (0° < @< 90°) Negative Work (90° < 8 180°) Zero Work Work Depends on the Frame of Reference ‘Work Done by a Variable Force Graphical Interpretation of Work Done ‘Work Done by Different Forces Work Done by Gravity ‘Work Done by a Pair of Interacting Forces Work Done by Statie Friction Work Done by Kinetic Friction Work Done By Spring Force Work Done by a Pseudo (Inertial) Force Concept Application Exercise 8.1 Kinetic Energy ‘Work-Energy Theorem Concept Application Exercise 8.2 Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces Conservative Force Non-Conservative Force Potential Energy Gravitational Potential Energy Elastic Potential Energy Stored in a Spring Change in Potential Energy Three-Dimensional Formula for Potential Energy Potential Energy Curve Energy Diagram for a Typical Attractive Two-Atom System Nature of Force Stability Concept Application Exercise 8.3 ‘Mechanical Energy and Its Conservation 8.1-8.58 al 81 82 82 82 82 82 83 84 88 85 85 86 88 8.10 sl su 812 812 sus 8.19 819 819 8.20 821 322 822 8.23 8.23 824 8.25 825 827 8.28 Concept Application Exercise 8.4 ‘Mechanical Power Power ofa Water Drawing Pump Concept Application Exercise 8.5 Exercises Single Correct Answer Type Multiple Correct Answers Type Linked Comprehension Type Matrix Match Type Numerical Value Type Archives Answers Key 831 833 835 $36 837 837 a4 848 S51 853 8.56 S58 INTRODUCTION Almost all the tems we have used thus far—velocity, acceleration, force, and so on—convey a similar meaning in physies as they do in everyday life. Now, however, we encounter a term whose ‘meaning in physics is distinetly different from its everyday ‘meaning: work. In science and technology, the conservation of energy (energy balance) plays a significant role, While designing a machine (motor, generator, automobiles etc), the design engineer and R&D scientists must account for all sorts of energy transformations happening within the system. The loss of mechanical energy is accountable for the efficiency of the system. At ast, we define power which explains us why itis easier todo any work taking more time rather than doing the total work rapidly (in lesser time). Power supplied (input power), power consumed (output-power), and power loss (radiation, etc.) are the key points (factors) to be accounted for the world of science and technology. WORK DONE BY A FORCE Leta constant force F be applied on the body such that it makes an angle 6 with the horizontal and body is displaced through a distance s. By resolving fore F into two components 1. F eos nthe direction of displacement of the bods: 2. Fin Gin the perpendicular direction of displacement ofthe body. The work done on a system, IV, byan agent exerting constant force onthe syst isthe product ofthe magnitude FoF the fore, the magnitude sof the displacement ofthe point of application of the forse, and cos 6, where isthe angle between the force and displacement vectors: Fsing) £ th ck i- Since the body is being displaced in the direction of F cos 6, therefore work done by the force in displacing the body through a distance ss given by W=(Feos Os = Fsc0s 0 When a constant force # acts ona particle while the particle roves through a displacement ¥ (For a rigid body, 5 is the displacement of point of application of foree on body wit. the frame, in which we have to find the work), the force is said to do ‘work IV onthe particle given by F. 5, the sealar (dot) product of # and ¥ can be evaluated as: W= FS = FscosO @ W= Fs cos 0= Fis cos ®)=fi, = Magnitude of the force x Component of the displacement in the direction ofthe force W= (Feosdis= Fs = Component of force in the direction of displacement, Magnitude of the displacement Notice also thatthe displacement in Eq, (i) is that of she point of application of the force. IF the force is applied to a particle or ‘rigid objeet that can be modeled as a particle, this displacement is same as that ofthe particle. Fora deformable system, however, these displacements are not the same. For example, imagine ‘pressing in on the sides of a balloon with both hands ‘The center ofthe balloon may move through zero displacement ‘The poinis of application of te forces from your hands onthe sides. ‘of the balloon, however, do indeed move through a displacement as the balloon is compressed. We will see other examples of deformable systems, such as springs and samples of gas contained ina vessel. Thus, the work done by a force is equal to the scalar (or dot product) of the force and the displacement of the point of pplication of force. (Note: anumberoffores fF, Fi. Fe actingon body and ‘they shift from position vector Fi to position vector 7, then Wa Et By + Bt ox Bydiy~A)= (EPA) In terms of rectangular components, the force and displacement ple j+Rhand = xb yp+ck SPF (i tRitRD-Gi y+) =Fp+ y+ Fe ‘© We can calculate the work done by a force on an object, but that fore is nor necessarily the cause of the objects displacement. For example, if you lift an object (negative), work is done on the object by the gravitational force, although gravity isnot the cause ofthe object moving upward. 8.2. Mechanics 1 ‘+ Work is defined for an interval or displacement. There is no term such as instantaneous work similar to instantaneous velocity ‘+ Fora particular displacement, the work done by a foree is independent ofthe type of motion, ie., whether it ‘moves with constant velocity, constant acceleration oF retardation, ete ‘+ For a particular displacement work is independent of time, Work will be same for same displacement ‘whether the time taken i small or large. ‘© When several forees act, the work done by a force fora particular displacement is independent of other forces. NATURE OF WORK DONE Positive Work (0° < 0< 90°) Positive work means that force (or its component is parallel to displacement, The positive work signifies tha the extemal force favors the motion of the body. Direction of matin ‘When a person lifts a body | When a spring is stretched, work from the ground, the work | done by the external (stretching) done by the (upward) lifting | force is positive. force is positive oF re" ie at Negarive Work (90° < 0< 180°) [Negative work means that force (or its component) is opposite to displacement, i., the negative work signifies that the external force opposes the motion of the body. F Dison ‘When a person liftsa body | When a body is made to slide from the ground, the work over a rough surface, the work done by the (downward) done by the frictional foree is force of gravity is negative, negative, TF to by Zero WoRK Under three conditions, work done becomes zero: If the force is perpendicular to the displacement (F 1 3) Example: 1, When a coolie travels on a horizontal platform witha load ‘on hs head, the work done against gravity by the cool is zero, 2. When a body moves in a circle, the work done by the centripetal force is always zero, If there is no displacement (s = 0) Example: 1, When a person tries to displace a wall or heavy stone by applying a force and it does not move, then the work done 2. A weight lifter does work in lifting the weight off the ‘ground but does not work in holding it up. If there is no force acting on the body (F = 0) Example: Motion of an isolated body in five space. Work DEPENDS ON THE FRAME OF REFERENCE With change of the frame of reference (inertial), force does not change while displacement may change. So the work done by a force will be different in different frames, Letus now observe how a force F acting ona block C performs works IF, and i, relative to two different observers A and B fixed with two reference frames (1) and (2) respeetively, as shown in figure ‘During certain time interval, let the displacement of the block relative tothe observers 4 and B be Ai, and Aj, respectively. Thon the corresponding work dane can be given ss Wi =PAjcy and W =F. cg The above expression tells us that same force (F) may perform diferent works (W, and JY.) relative to different observers (reference frames) 4 and & Hence, the work done by a force depends on the reference frames, With respect to different reference ffames, work done may be differen, ‘A constant force # = (31 +2} +28) N acts on a particle displacing it from a position 7 =(~i +j—2k)m to a new position, = (i — 7 + 3é)m, Find the work done by the force. SD ‘The displacement vector, 3 F20+Di+c 1)j + +2) = 21-2) 45k From = F.3, we have W =(31 +2) +28): (21-2) +5k)=6-4410= 121 Work, Energy and Power 8.3 5 =31 +)24 innewtons displace a particle from (1,—1,2)10 (C1.=1, 3)and then to @, 2,0) displacement being measured jin metres). Find the total work done by the forces, TEMD Net (esultny force, P= A+, +8 =(65-] and net displacement, # = (2 Di-+(241)j +(0~2)6 43)-2h m AN Therefore, work done, W=P.5= (65 -j-0-0-43}-20)Nm =(6-3+2)% 109F~5% 1095 ‘A block of mass 10 kg is slowly slid up on a smooth incline ‘of inclination 37° by a person. Caleulate the work done by the person in moving the block through a distance of 2.0 m, ifthe diving force is applied {@) parallel to the incline (b) in the horizontal direction (a) When foree is applied parallel to incline: As block moves slowly, e ot os 3 « ED F=mg sin 37° =3x10x10=60.N Work done, W = F.d = Fi. cos 0° W=60*2= 1203 (b) When force is applied horizontally, As block moves slowly, F cos 0= mg sin @ F=mgtan 9 = 100% Trecos8 ‘Work done by F W,= Fd cos sx2x4= 1201 5 WORK DONE BY A VARIABLE FORCE Force isa vector quantity. When either its magnitude of direction or both magnitude and dreetion change, we say that the force is varying. For work done by a variable force, the work done for an infinitesimal displacement dis given by dW = Fds ‘The total work done in going from A to B as shown in figure is Way =fPdi= | Pascoso Interns of etangularcomponens, Ba ails dy ack ‘Work done by a variable fore between points 4 and B, wefea Way = [ied Rj + Esasd aj ashy fracs frase fe de S42) dinplaces « buy frm F =37+8) ee et en yet [BED Given force F= oxi +29) Initial postion 7 =37 +8) and final postion 7 si-aj =pe]e[e]! <05-21+ use -01 A force F = a + bx acts on a particle in x-direction, where a and b are constants, Find the work done by this force during the displacement from x, to. TEHD et the particle at any instant be ata position x. Let, inder the action of force, F = a + bx, it deseribes a small displacement ds. Work done during the displacement dx will be oe dW = Fads = (a+ bode Total work done can be obtained by “summing up” the work done in individual elemental displacements (i., by integrating). 8.4 Mechanics 1 Ten, = far = forte) de Here «varies fom, 1) bea ge Sale, —n)+ 509-1) = AF 20+ oa +%)] The displacement of a particle of mass 1 kg on a horizontal smooth surface isa function of time given by x=", Find ‘out the work dane by the external agent forthe first one second. ISBD Given that instant «is =e -4. - The velocity of the particle at any ‘The acceleration of the particle at any instant ¢is ax ‘Therefore, work done bythe fore imposed is a ma( ia : ($ y and a, we obtain we fran fra Putting the values of m= kg, 2 i a Bdt= We J axo?endr= ‘chain of length Z and mass Ms held pp ‘on a frictionless table with (1/n)" of its i length hanging over the edge (Figure). fr Calculate the work done in pulling the chain slowly on the table against gravity HERD et 4 = 01 = mass per unit length of the chain and {isthe length of the chain hanging over the edge. So the mass of the chain of length y will be Ay and the force aetng on it due to ravty wil be my. ‘The work done in pulling the dy Iength ofthe chain on the table. dW = F-dy) [dy is negative as y is decreasing] As the chain is pulled slowly, F= Weight of the hanging chain = Ayg ie, dW =(Aygh-dy) So the work dane in pulling the hanging portion on the table, ° y Agi _ Mgt Agydy=-ag)%| = 484 = Mee dy ~ [ ’ [. ae [as A= MIL] y ‘Alternative method Ifa point mass m is pulled trough « heist then work done, I= nh Similarly, fora chan, we can consider is enter of ass tte mide pint of thehanging par, ata height of Qn) from the tower end as shown in igure and mass ofthe hanging part of chain = Mn So the work done to ase the center of mas ofthe chain onthe Mel Mel Te On 2n* table is given by 17 [as W= gh GRAPHICAL INTERPRETATION OF WORK DONE Generally, the work done by a variable force F(x) from an initial position x, to final position x, is interpreted as the area under the foree-displacement curve, (b) Negative work {@) Positive work C sider a variable force F = (3x + 5) N acting on a body and itis displaced ffom x = 2 m to x = 4 m, caleulate the work done by this force. TSH fF we plot the foree in the function of displacement, the work done can be given by the shaded area shown in figure. Thus, work done by tis force is = Area of shaded trapezium —Leaxauein=2 I we find the same using integration, we have =28) v= [oresm-(22+s] Fromithe figure, find the work doneat the end of displacements: (a) 20 em, (b) 40 em, and (c) 80 em. FON) Work, Energy and Power 8.5 (a) Work done at the end of displacement 20 em, = Area of triangle OAM 1 (20x10) x10 (b) Work done at the end of displacement 40 em, Area of OABN 1a of OAM + Area of rectangle ABMN =1420% 107 « 10=34 (©) Work done at the end of displacement 80 em, = Area of trapezium OACR ~ Area of triangle ROD (60-+30)10" «10-5 x 20x10") x10 Sd [Net area from $0 cm to 60 em will be zero, WORK DONE BY DIFFERENT FORCES Work Done BY GRAVITY ‘A body of mass m lifted to height / from the ground level by different path as shown in figure. Work done through different paths, W, = F.s=mgxh= mgh y= Fae mein «mein mgh Way = meh, +0+ mgh, +0+mgh +0-+ meh, mg hy + hy +h, +h) = mgh It is clear that W, =H, = Wy = Wy, = meh. Further if the body is brought back to its initial position a, similar amount of work (energy) is released from the system. It means W,,= mgh and H¥,, =-mgh. Hence, the net work done against gravity over a round trip is zero. Woog= Way + Way = mgh + meh) = 0 ‘The work done by the force of gravity on a particle depends ‘only on the initial and final vertical coordinates (because gravity is a vertical force). It does not depend on the path taken or on the speed of the particle. The work done by gravity is zero for any path that returns to its initial point A body is thrown vertical downwards A body is thrown vertically upwards Gravity does positive work | Gravity does negative work during downward motion. | during upward motion. vpwards downer 2 Upward motion: Negative | Downward motion: Positive work done by gravity. work by gravity. Work DONE BY A PAIR OF INTERACTING FORCES [Now we will diseuss the work done by interaeting forces such as gravity, electrostatic force, spring force, friction, tension, etc. Let two particles (1) and (2) interact with cach other by a pair of | action-reation forces F and —F., as shown in figure. Assuming the elementary displacements dx, and dk, of the particles, the corresponding work done are ‘Work done on particle (1): dW, = Fs, ‘Work done on particle (2): dV, = Fi, ‘The sum of these elementary work done is =Flds, de, 7 where dr, is the elementary displacement of (2) relative to (1) ‘along the line of their separation ‘© When the particles do not move relative to each other. ds,,= 0, Hence, di¥= 0. That means, the sum of the work done by these forces is zero. ‘= If two bodies move under constraint forces (tension of inextensible strings, reaction forces offered by hard, rigid surfaces), the relative displacement between the points of application of the constraint forces along the line of | interaction is zero. Then, as a whole, the sum of work done 8.6 Mechanics 1 by all constraint forces along the line of interaction is zero, ‘Then, as a whole, the sum of work done by all constraint forees is zero. When the particles move relative to each other, dx, # 0. For example, two charged particles move due to mutual attractivelrepulsive force. Hence, the interacting forces perform a non-zero work as a whole. “A lock of mass 5 kg is being raised vertically upwards by the help of a string attached to it It rises with an acceleration of 2 ms*. Find the work done by the tension in the string if the block rises by 2.5 m, Also find the work done by the gravity ‘and the net work done, [BBD Lt es fist caleulate the tension, From figure 1 mg= Sa; = 510 +2)= 60N r {As Tand displacement are in same direction (upwards), work done by the tension Tis W. W= T= 60(2.5)= 1505 Work done by gravity mgs =-5(10) (28) [Net work done on the block Work done by 7+ Work done by mg = 150+ (-125)=255 ‘A man (1) of mass m stands on an elevator ‘moving with upward acceleration a. A man (2) is standing on the elevator. Elevator ai il tal yelocly grat andl? = nt ‘Consider time interval from beginning. i (a) What is the work done by normal Ib contact force and gravity on the man (1)as observe by man (2) standing on the elevator and man (3) standing on ground? (b) Whatisthe nt work done by normal contac force between ‘man (1) and elevator? (a) Observation of man (1) from man (2) py Forces on man are mg Land NT and pseudo force mal f Since the displacement of the man(1) relative to man (2) is zero, the forces do + not perform work relative tothe man (2). Observation of man (1) from man (3) Forces on man (1) as seen from are man @)are mg J and Nt However, the displacement of man (1) relative to man (3) (ground) is not zero. Hence, the forces will perform non-zero work relative to around (man 3). 1253 a . ‘Work done by normal reaction: my @ Force equation: N—mg=ma=> N=m(g+a) (i Displacement of man (1) as seen from man (3), i Using as (i) ¢ Wy =m(g+ayie+tat’) and (ii), we have Similarly, work done by gravity on man (1) as seen from man (2) We, = ms = (mgys}e0s180" me(oerta’) (b) Here network done means total work done normal reaction on man (1) (7) and elevator (L). As the relative displacement ‘between the points of application of the normal reaction between person (1) and elevator is zero, then, as a whole, the sum of work done by normal reaction is zero, Work DONE BY STATIC FRICTION ‘We have learnt about two types of frictional forces, ic. static friction and kinetic friction Let us discuss the work done by. static fiction. en If you push a box by applying a force say, let us assume that the box does not move (relative to fixed surface on which it is placed) as shown in figure, Then the static friction f, does not perform any work as the displacement of the box (dispiacement of point of application of friction foree) is zer0 W,=0) The figure given below shows a 100-kg erate on the flatbed of a truck that is moving with an acceleration of a= +1.0 mis? along the positive x axis. The erate does not slip with respect to the truck as the truck undergoes a displacement whose ‘magnitude is s = $0 m, What is the total work done on the crate by all ofthe forces acting on it? a a= Lom? TBA Te free-body diagram in the fi shows the forces that at on the crate: (1) the weight (me of the erate acting vertically downwards, (2) the normal force (N) exerted by the flatbed acting vertically upwards, and (3) the static frictional force (f) which is ‘exerted by the flatbed in the forward direction and keeps the erate from slipping backward “The weight (mg) and the normal force (N) are perpendicular to the displacement, so they do no work. Only the static frictional force (f) does work, sinee it acts in the x-direction, ‘To determine the frictional foree, we note that the erate does not slip and, therefore, must have the same acceleration of a = +1.0 mis? as does the truck. The force creating this acceleration i the state fictional force, and, knowing the mass of the crate and its acceleration, we can use Newton's second law to oblain its magnitude. Then, knowing the fretional force and the displacement, we can determine the total work done onthe crate. From Newton's second law, we find thatthe magnitude fof te static frictional fore, f, = ma = (100kg)I.0m/s?)=100N “The total work done bythe static frictional fore, P= (cos Os = (100N)(e0s0" (50m) = 5.0x10°J A force of 10 N is acting on a block of 20 kg on a horizontal surface with coefficient of frition y= 0.2. Caleulate the work done by the force. ED /,,.=uN=40N Driving force, F, =f As the surface is assumed to be fixed (s = 0), the work done by the kinetic friction f°, on the surface is zero. In this way, the total work done by kinetic friction on both the surfaces is negative Object is sliding over a moving surface: Now consider that the surface is moving and we analyze the work done by kinetic friction. Let us discuss this through the following situation: A block of mass m is projected with a velocity v, on a plank ‘of mass .M such that the block slides through a distance x relative to the plank. If the coefficient of kinetic between block and plank is 4, assuming smooth horizontal surface, let us calculate the total work done by the kinetic friction between the contacting surfaces. Frictional forces on m and Mare f«— and j—>, respectively. Let the block and plank move through distances x, and x,. respectively. Work done by fiietion force on m, fe cos 80° =~ ‘The work done by friction fis 7 opposes ¥, ‘Work done by friction foree on M, (7), =f W because 7 and, are unidirectional Then the total work done by the two fictional forces is W= Wg + Wy = Fe, + Fe, W=(W)+ Wy =F +B x) We have = -ymgtx,~,) “i Since he block moves through a distance x relative tothe plank, Hence, we can write xomex Ali) Using Eqs. (i) and Gi), we have I= me From the above discussion, we conelude that when two surfaces slide relative to each other, kinetic friction does a positive work on one surface and more negative work on the other surface. Hence, the total work done by the kinetic friction ‘on the contracting surfaces is negative. If there is no relative sliding, the friction changes from kinetic to static. Hence, the overall work done by static friction is zero. That means static friction performs a positive work on one surface and equal negative work on the other surface, summing up we find zero asa whole. However, the total work done by friction does not depend upon the choice of reference frame. ‘A 10-kg block is placed on a rough horizontal floor. The block is being pulled by a constant force 100N acting at angle 37°over displacement of 5 m. Ifthe coefficient ofkinetc friction between the block and the floor is 0.4, find the work done by s=5m (a) work done by the gravity _ (b) the normal reaction (©) the applied force (d) the force of kinetic friction ISGP Let us draw the F.B.D. of the block (@) Work done by gravity; Wy, =mg-s-60s90° = 0) (b) Work done by normal reaction Hence Wy = N-s-c0s90° = 0) (©) Work done by applied force Weyy = Fs: 00837? =100%5% $= 400] (d) Work done by kinetic friction, Wa, = fe-S-cost80" = (WN)-s-(-1) img F sin? = 10310-1003 04x 40x5 = —801 {A block of mass 2.0 kg is pushed down an inclined plane of inclination 37° with a force of F = 20 N acting parallel to the incline. 1s found that he block moves down the incline with an acceleration of 10 ms‘. If the block started from rest, find the work done (a) by the applied force in the first second (b) by the weight of the block in the first second (€) by the frictional force acting on the block in the first second [BAD Displacement of block in 1s Sto? =m 2 S ‘The work dane bythe appli ores in he Fs secon, Wy =P-3= Fsc0s0 =20%5 =100) The work done by the weight of the block in the fist second = Component of weigh in the direction of displacement Displacement 3 img sin 0) d'=(210x3.}e5= 603 ee ( 3) 8.20 Mechanics I Now we need to calculate friction force aeting on block. For this, wwe need to write Equation of motion of block, mg sin 8+ F — 2xl0x2+20-f 2xl03f=12N ‘The work done by the frictional force acting on the block in the first second, cos 180 fxd=-605 Ween Work DONE BY SPRING FORCE ‘Whenever a spring is stretched or compressed, the spring force always tends to restore it tothe relaxed position. ‘A spring sireiched from its| A spring is compressed from ‘equilibrium position, its equilibrium position. “os jf F and sare apart, | F,4nds are antparae cand sare parallel. | Foy a are pale a = a ote Ifsxbe the displacement ofthe fee end ofthe spring from is ‘equilibrium position, then the magnitude of the spring foree is. Fa-ke “The negative sign indicates thatthe force i restoring ‘The work done by the spring force Fora displacement from 1,101, is given by w,=[Ra: where sand, are the intial and final deformations of the spring. Hence, when a spring is deformed from x= x, tox =, © Ifx,>x, I, is negative. © Ifx=a, = 1h ). For calculating the work done by pseudo force as seen from observer (3) (,), we need to caleulate displacement ofthe block wart, observer (3) (i.e. 5.) pea 2 G +5)-a =(0, 44-0) 3 sy eden ta -a)? Hence, W, =~(mas)s\3 inf t0-0 Using the above equations, we have or y= 2 (ayy +4, a5) ‘A smooth block of mass m moves up from bottom to top of a wedge which is moving with an acceleration a, Find the work done by the pseudo force measured by the person sting atthe | edge ofthe wedge. 7 HEBD The observer moving with wedge will observe a pseudo force ma, in the direction opposite to dy Ds ta isa constant force, therefore, may 1-608 180° = magl eee eee) 1. A body constrained to move along the z-axis of a coordinate system i subjected toa constant force given by Fa-i42}436 Nowhere i,j are unit vectors along the, y and s-axes of the system, respectively. What is the work done by this force in moving the body through a distance of 4 m along the z-axis? 2i+3])m (4i +6j)m undera force F = (3x2 +2yj) N. Find the work done by the force. A force P= @xNyi +(4N)j, with x in meter, acts on a particle, changing only the kinetic enengy of the particle How much work is done on the particle as it moves from coordinates @ m, 3 m, $m) to 3 m, Om, 6 m)? Does the speed of the particle increase, decrease, or remain the 4. An object is displaced from a point 4 (0,0, 0) to B (Im, | m, 1m) under a foree F*= (yi +9) N. Find the work done by this force inthis process. 2. Anobjectis displaced from position vector 3 5. An object is displaced from point 4 (2 m, 3 m, 4 m) to-a point & (I'm, 2 m, 3 m) under a constant force 01.43) +4i). Find the work done by this force in this process A body moves from point 4 to B under the action of a free, varying in magnitude as shown in figure. Obtain the work done. Force is expressed in newion and displacement in meter 6 8.22 Mechanics 1 7. A.10-kg block moves ina straight line under the action of 1 foree that varies with position as shown in figure. How ‘much work does the force do as the block moves from origin tox= 8m? '8. A cyclist comes to a skidding stop in 10 m. During this process, the force on the eyele duc to the road is 200 N and is directly opposite tothe motion. (a) How much work does the road do on the eycle? (b) How much work does the eycle do on the road? 9. Abody is thrown on a rough surface such thatthe frition force acting on it is linearly varying with the distance travelled by itas f= ax + b, Find the work done by the friction onthe box if before coming to rest the box travels a distance s. 10. One end of a fixed spring is pulled by an average force of 10N through a distance of 5 em, find the work done by the spring. ‘The work done by an extemal. agent in pulling a spring from a deformation of 10 cmto 15m is. When pulled, the spring from a deformation of 15 em to20/em, the work done is W., Find /W,. A block of mass m is kept on @ rough plank which moves with « LBL horizontal acceleration a. Ifthe plank was at rest at = 0, and the block does not slide relative to the plank, find the work done by fiction on the (a) block, (b) plane, (c) system, (block+ plank) during time 13, In the previous question, if a>, find the work done by friction on the block during time t. 14, block of mass m is pulled slowly f by a minimum constant ores (7) of. con a horizontal surface through a distance x, The coefficient ofkinetiefrition is 1. Find the ‘work done by the force (F). i 2, a Ld 287 3-455 41 8-95 6.2251 7.251 &(a)-20001 (2210 9. bas? bs woos ud 2 5 1a oles 12.) Sma?) Ama? (90 Bde rie 278 ie KINETIC ENERGY ‘The eneray possessed by a body by virtue ofits motion is called kinetic energy. A particle of mass m moving in a reference frame (1) with velocity ¥, is said to have kinetic energy given by Kohat 2 Let another reference frame (2) moves with velocity ¥,. The velocity ofthe particle as seen from reference frame (2) is Kinetic energy ofthe particle as seen from reference frame (2), IP Note that Ky =4m(|¥,—¥, )? is not necessarily same as [Feb Dyn, cond, where Bis the angle between #, and 1 mi") Instead, WORK-ENERGY THEOREM ‘One force on one particle: For the sake of simplicity, let us assume a single force F acting on a particle P of mass m. Ifthe particle moves in any arbitrary path the work done by the foree inan elementary displacement d¥ of the particle is Substituting F = md, we have dW = mids ‘Then the total work done is W ofve an =nfis u fata This gives =n? — mt : 2072 KE, tee 1 where Ln? = KE, and Ln ere Sm? = KE, and > Then, we have W=KE,~ KE, = AKE When only a single force acts on a particle, work done by the force is equal 10 the change in the kinetic energy of the article ‘Many forces on one particle: If more than one forces act on @ particle, we know thatthe sum of work done by all forces is equal to the work done by the resultant force acting on the particle. Since the resultant force F,., (say) decides the acceleration & of the particle, the total work done ean be given as: Hat = EM Fog Wy, where i. Te, Was = [Padé Substituting A, = mij and dd¥ = vdv, we have Mas =mf vd which gives the same expression. Maas =z 2 LD" The sum of work done by ll forces acing on extRipartcl of a system of paces sequal tothe son of change inthe KE of each particle of the system. This is what we eall work-energy theorem which signifies the “work” as “energy transfer” KE aK Ne Fora system of particles (or system of rigid bodies), Lhe + LW = AK ‘whore S1V., is the work done by the external forces on the system. and SW, isthe work done by the intemal forces on the system. "Newtons hie aw ofmaton gives you that Fy = 0. But the work ono by the intra ce may ormay nat be elo zr, Now itis moe sel o wnt the wark-snery theorem noir meas Wout * Wns + Wrae + Wega AKE. ‘= Positive work increases the kinetic energy and negative work decreases the kinctic energy ‘* Work can be converted into kinetic energy and kinetic energy can be converted into work Wok, Energy and Power 8.13 ‘The only force acting on a 2.0-kg body as it moves along the canis varies as shown in figure. The velocity of the body at x=0is40ms", aan) lam) (a) What isthe kinetic energy ofthe body atx = 3.0m? (b) At what value of x will the body have a kinetic energy of | sor (©) Whats the maximum kinetic energy attained by the body between x=0and.x= 5.0m? TED Kinotc energy ofthe body at v= 0 is Kx bs20x¢aoy =1603 ‘Work done by the force on the body is given by the area bounded by the curve and x-axis in figure. From x= 0 10x = 1.0 m, the force decreases linearly from F, = 4N to0, but tis directed along positive x-axis, Work done by the foree is positive, For 1.0m x 2 In the previous illustration, consider the situation when the string is completely compressed. Then it begins to relax and vill come to its original length. (a) What is the work done by the spring during the period? (b) Is the work done by the spring positive or negative? TEED Work done by the spring force 4aj 37) ts Ha!) bt _— 2 & 2 A particle slides along a track with elevated ends and a flat central part as shown in figure. The flat part has a length 13 m. The curved portions of the track are frictionless. For the flat part, the coefficient of kinetic friction is 4, = 0.2. The particle is released at point 4 which is at height h = 1.5 m above the flat part ofthe track. Where does the particle finally come to rest? ISAD he particle will nally come to rest on the flat part Hence, displacement of the particle along vertical sh IW, be the work done on the particle by the gravity then = mgh 4 where m isthe mass ofthe particle If distance travelled by the particle on the flat part is x, the work done on the pale by the friction is W,=-umer rc) Since initially, particle was at rest and finally it comes t rest again, Hence, change in its KE is zero. From work-energy theorem, + W= AKE > mgh=pmgx =0 = etl oxetsm #02 Since x> the particle will reach C and then will ise up til the remaining KE at Cis converted into potential enengy It wil then agtn descend to C and will have the same kinetic energy as ithad when ascending but now will move from C to B. At B, Same thing willbe repeated (because 7.5 > 2), and finaly, the particle will stop at E such that, BC+ CB BE=75 BE=75-6=15m ‘Two blocks are connected by a string, as shown in figure. ‘They are released from rest. Show that after they have moved a distance L, their common speed is given by vs 2m, = Him aT, +m), in which isthe coefficient Of kinetic friction between the upper block and the surface, Assume thatthe pulley is massless and frietionless [SD First we will solve the problem by the force method and then by the work- energy method. This wll give you an opportunity to compare these two methods and sharpen you sil in selecting the method to be use for solving a problem, Force methods Let the acceleration ofm, be horizontally towards Fight. The acceleration of m, will bea vertically downward (pulley constraint), Application of SC F= ma to mand m, (se the tree boxy diagrams form, andl m in igure) shows i ; = fl sm) Solving these equations for a, we get m, +m Using s= ut + (1/2)at, we find that the blocks take time, [2G +m) (my =m) to cover the distance £; and from v= ua, they will have the speod mm; +m, Work-energy method: The essence of the process in terms of energy considerations is that m, loses potential energy of amount ‘mgL while coming down by 1, and the loss of potential energy cof m, appears partly in m, and m, in the form of kinetic energy and is partly used up as work done against friction. mmat= Lemma 1 : = (m,— pm gh = 1 (on, + mvt (1, wma = 5 (oy, +m, Work, Energy and Power 8.15 A plank of mass M and length =} +, Lis placed at rest on a smooth 1 horizontal surface. A small block ‘of mass is projected with a velocity v, from the left end of it as shown in the figure, The coefficient of friction between the block and the plank is 4, and its value is such that the block becomes stationary with respect tothe plank before it reaches the other end. (a) Find the time and common velocity when relative sliding between the block and the plank stops. (b) Find the work done by the fiction foree onthe block during the period it slides on the plank. Is the work positive or negative? (©) Calculate the work done on the plank during the same Period. Is the work positive or negative? (@) Also, determine the net work done by frition. Isit positive ‘or negative? (a) Initially, the block wil slide on plank. The friction will be ‘of kinetic nature. The friction will decrease the speed of the block and starts motion of the plank. ‘The free body diagrams ofthe block and the plank are shown in figure. For block: a, Instantaneous velocity, yet Mem (b) If we take the block as system, friction is the only force which do work ‘The work done by friction on the block is equal to its change in kinetic energy, ie., and the final common velocity is ¥ = L W=K,-K, ia mV? mig 8.26 Mechanics I 2 L mM (Mt +28 2 (M+my “The wark dane by fietion onthe block is negative (©) Ifwetake plank as system only friction is only force which do work on plank. “The work done by friction on the plank is given by MV? —0 W,=K,-K,= LimM 3 Ly | if 2 nem) ~2onemy ‘The work done by fietion onthe plank is positive (4) ‘The net work done by fietion is m3 IMem? “The net work done by fretion is negative A block of mass m is slowly lowered from a point where it ust touches a vertical fixed spring of stiffness f, till it remains stationary fle the applied force is withdrawn. Find the work done by the extemal agent (a) in compressing the spring by a distance -xand (b) bringing the block to its stable equilibrium position. Wai sWy (a) As the block is moving down, the spring pushes it up with a foree F, = kx, The work done by the spring is ‘The work done by gravity is, = mex ‘Theblock des nt change its Kis nergy a itislowered slowly, AK= 0 Assuring W,, a8 work done by te applied exter fore by apling work nergy theorem, we have Work done by total forces i equal to change in kineti energy ofthe syste Way AK Wet W.,+ WK Substituting W,, we ae have Wey Lhe? +mge=0 fase + (b)_ When the block remains at rest under the action of gravity and spring force, as the continuously increasing spring force kx will nullify the gravity force mg, we have ke= mg. ‘This gives x = mg/k which corresponds to stable equilibrium position. Now substituting x = mg in the expression, _ re Hag et gs, wo hang, = Fs? ma og = A block of mass m is welded with a light spring of stiffness , The spring is initially relaxed. When the wedge fitted ‘moves with an acceleration a, as shown in figure, the block slides through a maximum distance / relative to the wedge. Ifthe coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the ‘wedlge is 1, find the maximum deformation fof the spring by using work_energy theorem, IBAD tn this case, we are given the block slides through 2 distance f relative to the wedge. We can apply work-energy thoorem from the fame of reference of wedge. mesos macn ‘While the block is displaced from point 1 to point 2, work done by all the forces are given as following: wake, malin Wy ==SE W,=(UN)-1 Nome cos 0+ main 0 W,=-jmgl cos 8 juma sin 8 and W.4,% (ma cos 63 mal cos 6 WE theorem: W gog@ Wat Wot Wt Wry Summing up all works, the total done is, natosd LAP += ‘Since the block was at rest at 1 and will remain at rest relative to the wedge, we can write AK = 0 (relative to the wedge). Using ‘work-energy theorem relative to the wedge, we have I= AK=0. Substituting "= 0, we have -nalind!4 yng 2g e900 mein 008) 2nd) ino +000 A small ball is placed at the top of a smooth hemispherical wedge of radius AR. Ifthe wedge is accelerated with an acceleration, find the velocity ofthe ball relative to wedge as the function of TEHD Here we analyze the motion of ball with respect to wedge. As we are analyzing the motion of the ball from accelerating wedge, we impose a pseudo force ma > onthe bal. ‘The work done by the pseudo force is abe W.,= max ‘The work done by gravity is W, = mgy ‘The work done by normal reaction force is zero as there is 90 relative sliding between the ball and the wedge in the direction ‘of normal reaction. ‘Then, the total work done is = max * mgy @ KE: The change in kinetic energy of the ball relative to wedge is din’ ai) 2 K where v is the velocity ofthe ball relative to wedge. W-E theorem relative to wedge: W= AK From Es (i, (i), and (i), we have imax-+mgy =m? oea2 Substituting x= & sin @and RQ. ~c0s 8), we have (0s) + aRsind} righ ‘A pendulum of mass m and length 1 is suspended from the ceiling of a trolley which has @ constant acceleration a in the um deflection @ of the pendulum from the vertical. Wok, Energy and Power _ 8.17 [BHD The five-body diagram ofthe pendulum with respect to trolley is shown in figure. Tint Free-body diagram of the pendulum bob with respect to trolley. ‘The forees acting on the bob are: © the wravity, mg ‘+ the pseudo foree, ma © the tension, 7 ‘The work done by gravity is W, = ‘mgl (1 0s 6) ‘The work done by pseudo force, W’, = mal sind ‘The work done by tension I, tthe position of maximum deflection, the velocity ofthe bob is zero, AK =0, Applying work-energy theorem, we get WW, + W,= AK ese] ome A constant force F pushes the block m tll the wedge IM stats, sliding. If the stiffness of the light spring connecting M and ‘mis K, coefficient of friction between block and wedge is 4, and between the wedge and ground is m,. then find the value of the force F, eee [SD Let, isthe compression required so that wedge M just stars moving. gn ny —o( Fone oreme FD. of wedge 8.0. of ack 8.18 Mechanics I From F.B.D of wedge: jiymg + kyy = fls(M+m)g Now for block applying work energy theorem: Mat “Besant Westen *Wepg = = Ke = Ky Fro —Mmer Lhd =0 p= Peg = weg - may 88 salem 2 Bee eee eee ‘A S-kg ball when falls through a height of 20 m acquires ‘a speed of 10 mis. Find the work done by air resistance. 2k 2, A4.0-kg particle is subject to.anet force that varies with position as shown in figure. The particle starts from rest at.x= 0. What is its speed at (a)x= 5.0 m, (b) x = 1.0m, and (¢) x= 15.0 m? Fe) To 16 3. A block of mass m is placed at the bottom of a massless smooth wedge which if placed on a horizontal surface. When we push the wedge with a constant foree, the block ‘moves up the wedge. Find the work done by the external agent when the block has a speed vand is teaches the top of the wedge. Fea h | A particle is projected in gravity with a speed »,, Using, W-E theorem, find the speed of the particle asthe function of vertical distance y, 8. A block is released from rest from a height = 5m. ‘Afier travelling through the smooth curved surface it ‘moves on the rough horizontal surface through a length 1=8 mand climbs onto the other smooth curved surface through a height WI = 0.5, find hi ne | (=i at 6. A block of mass m is connected with a rigid wall by light spring of stiffness k, Initially the spring is relaxed, [sree f=] If the block is pushed with a velocity y,, it oscillates back and forth and stops. Assuming yt as the coefficient of kinetic friction between block and ground, find the ‘work done by friction tll the block stops 7. Two blocks of masses m, and m, inter connected by a spring of stiffness & are placed on a horizontal surface. Ifa constant horizontal force F acts on the block m, it slides through a distance x whereas m, remains stationary. If the coefficient of frietion between all contacting surfaces is 11, find the speed of the block ‘mas the function x. Soe 8, A ball of mass m is thrown in air with speed v, from a height J, and it is at a height h, (>h,) when its speed ‘becomes »;. Find the work done on the ball by the air resistance, 9. A spring block system is placed on a rough horizontal surface having coefficient of friction 4. The spring is ‘iven initial elongation 3pumg/k (where m = mass of block and & = spring constant) and the block is released from rest, For the subsequent motion, find (a) Initial acceleration of block (b) Maximum compression in spring (©) Maximum speed of the block 10, A block of mass m is dropped onto a spring of constant k from a height k. The second end of the spring is attached 10 a second block of mass M as shown in the figure, Find ‘the minimum value of h so thatthe block M bounces off the ground, Ifthe block of mass m sticks to the spring immediately after it comes into contact with it a ts 11, (a) A 2-kg block situated on a smooth fixed incline is ‘connected to a spring of negligible mass, with spring constant k= 100 N mv, via a frictionless pulley. ‘The block is released from rest when the spring is. unstretched. How far does the block move down the incline before coming (momentarily) to rest? What is its acceleration at its lowest point?

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