Midterm Syntax Exam

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Midterm Examination

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I. Encircle that which resonates with your preference.
1. Based on the rules governing the functions of nouns, if a word is capitalized, it’s most likely a?
a. Noun Modifier b. Proper Noun c. Appositive Noun d. Common Noun
2. Which of the following is not considered an example of a Collective noun that is used in a sentence?
a. A galaxy of thoughts b. The orchestra harmonized c. A troupe of performers d. None are wrong.
traversed her contemplative flawlessly under the dazzled the audience with
mind. conductor's guidance. their breathtaking routine.
3. If collective nouns are used to represent a singular versions of groups, but since we're referring to
"groups," should it be classified as plural nouns, even though the term itself is singular?
a. True, because plural b. I disagree, as collective c. Collectives can function d. Collective nouns are not
terms are used to describe nouns are considered as as both plural and singular presented as a singular
or modify the number of singular nouns because they because it acts as count group but it’s also not
stated nouns, and this is refer to the collection of nouns whereby we can considered a plural noun.
obvious in the collectives. people or things they identify identify specific units if Collective nouns are
as one. necessary. modifiers.
4. What’s the difference between action verbs and state verbs?
a. Action verbs refer to b. State verbs and action c. State verbs and action d. Action verbs describe
things that require undivided verbs actually have no verbs are words that, when actions that can be seen or
attention, while stative verbs difference, as they both spoken, involve longer imagined. While stative
are words released through share the same description, statements and additional verbs express states or
the mouth, producing referring to actions mouth movement, ultimately conditions, and aren't used
statements, hence the term performed with the help of resulting in bodily to convey ongoing actions.
"state." the self or body. movements.
5. Which of the following is not a state verb?
a. Have b. Love c. Tremble d. Resemble
6. What was the first well known property of the English language which was emphasized by Saussure
in 1916?
a. There is no motivated b. Language makes infinite c. native speakers can d. None of the above
relationship between sounds use of a finite set of rules or generate an infinite number
and meanings principles of infinitely long sentences
7. It is the assumption that we use just a finite set of resources in producing grammatical sentences,
and that we do not just rely on the meaning of words involved. (e.g.: *John bad math = John is bad at
a. Arbitrariness of b. Combinatory Rules c. Human Language d. Data Collection and
Language Observation
8. What is language competence?
a. An individual’s capacity to b. An individual's underlying c. Actual use of language in d. All statements are wrong
be able to talk to others with knowledge and ability in a real-world communication,
confidence, or is able to language, encompassing taking into account factors
speak with others with grammar, vocabulary, and such as fluency,
relative ease regardless of understanding of language appropriateness, and
adeptness. rules. effectiveness.
9. What is Generative Grammar Theory?
a. A theory that can generate b. A theory about the c. A theory that helps identify d. All statements are wrong.
an infinite set of well-formed uniqueness of every the finiteness of language
English sentences from a language explains how states that humans can only
finite set of rules or humans utilize language in absorb so much language at
principles everyday conversations. any given time.
10. What was the ruling regarding prescriptive grammar?
a. A key rule of prescriptive b. Prescriptive rules are like c. Prescriptive rules d. All statements are wrong
grammar is to ignore guidelines that disfavor like encourage the complete
subject-verb agreement. or even criticize certain ways abandonment of
of using language. standardized language
norms for more creative
11. What was the ruling of application regarding the article 'a'?
a. It must only be utilized if it b. It must only be utilized if it c. It is used in both generic d. It is used in both generic
is preceded by a generic is preceded by a specific unit and specific contexts as long and specific contexts as long
word, such as "restaurant." such as “cat”. as it is preceded by a word as it is preceded by a word
with vowel initials. that begins with consonant
12. What was the ruling regarding the quantifier “much”?
a. "Much" is used with non- b. “Much” is used with count c. The application of "much" d. The question itself is
count nouns, which refer to nouns, which refer to things is applicable to both count wrong, as "much" is not a
Midterm Examination

things that cannot be easily that can be counted or can and non-count nouns as it is quantifier; it is an intensifier
counted as individual units. be identified as specific used in wide varieties, whose function modifies
These nouns include units. These nouns may making it a very flexible nouns or verbs in sentences.
concepts, substances, or include groups, single quantifier.
things that are treated as a entities, or things that can be
whole. individually specified.
13. Which of the following are examples of nouns that are singular and plural at the same time.
a. Juice, Advice, b. Book, Wolf, Camera, c. Chair, Person, d. Pizza, Plane, Library,
Laughter, Luggage Mansion Elephant, Neighbor Hat
14. Which of the following is an example of sentence ambiguity?
a. The chicken is ready to b. The chef cooked the c. He painted the room with d. They served the guests
eat chicken with rosemary. the windows closed. with dishes on the table.
15. What was the ruling regarding transitive verbs?
a. The ruling states that b. The ruling states that c. The ruling states that d. All statements are wrong.
transitive verbs must be transitive verb must not be transitive verbs refer to
accompanied by a direct accompanied with a direct physical actions that are
object in a sentence. object in a sentence. performed with bodies or
16. What is the indirect object of this sentence? “She bought a book to learn Japanese”
a. Book b. Bought c. Japanese d. None of the above as the
question in itself is wrong.
17. “She bought a book to learn Japanese” Is classified as what kind of infinitives?
a. Adjectival Infinitives b. Adverbial Infinitives d. Nominal Infinitives d. Verbial Infinitives
18. Ask for, cut across, lock up, and put up are examples of?
a. Linking verbs b. Modal verbs c. Phrasal verbs d. Transitive verbs
19. Which of the following is an example of Intransitive verb?
a. The children slept b. She really hates c. Leonardo ate a d. All are wrong.
while the adults worked. broccoli. delicious pepperoni
20. Based on our lectures, how many types of verbs are there?
a. Ten b. Eleven c. Twelve d. Nine

II. Inscribe 'T' should verity align, and 'F' should falsehood dwell.

__________1. A noun used as an appositive immediately follows another noun in order

to further define or identify it.
__________2. “Mary is a teacher” is a correct example of nouns as object complement.
__________3. “John handed Carlo the keys to the car.” In this sentence, Carlo serves
as the direct object.
__________4. “Tennessee’s toys are missing.” Is an example of appositive noun.
__________5. “She seems happy” is an example of a state verb sentence.
__________6. “Disneyland” is an example of a proper noun.
__________7. There are eleven types of verbs
__________8. Phrasal verbs are combinations of a verb with prepositions and/or
__________9. In the sentence 'She gave her friend a thoughtful gift,' the 'gift' is
considered the indirect object.
__________10. According to the rule, the quantifiers 'much' and/or 'few' are only
applied if the preceding noun is non-count.
__________11. In the sentence 'I found her quite talented,' the word 'talented' acts as
an object complement for 'I.'
__________12. In the sentence ‘We elected her the team captain.’ The word ‘team
captain’ acts as an object complement for “We”.
__________13. If 'water' is considered a non-count noun, attempting to incorporate it
into a sentence by adding the quantifier 'many' would then make it a countable noun?
__________14. ‘She really hates broccoli.’ Is an example of a transitive verb.
__________15. The modal verb 'might' is considered a concept that expresses
necessity and/or certainty.

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