Biochemical Education - July 1991 - Tayyab - Size Exclusion Chromatography and Size Exclusion HPLC of Proteins

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SUB mapillust removed by repeated decantation. A glass column of uniform

C O L O R 7: x$ = C H R $ ( 1 3 4 )
L O C A T E 23, 22: P R I N T "pH": L O C A T E 2, I: P R I N T '~-Lo~'; M e $ diameter previously washed with chromic acid, detergent and
L O C A T E 2, 41: P R I N T " F R E E E N E R G Y M A P F O R A T P H Y D R O L Y S I S "
L O C A T E 3, 46: P R I N T " ( p H v s "; Me$; ")"
water is mounted in a vertical and vibration-free position. The
L O C A T E 5, 43: P R I N T " - 8 . 2 k c a l < n; : C O L O R 0: P R I N T x$: C O L O R 7 outlet of the column is connected to tubing with a screw stop-
L O C A T E 6, 43: P R I N T " - 8 . 2 - 8.4 "; : C O L O R I: P R I N T x$: C O L O R 7
L O C A T E 7, 43: P R I N T " - 8 . 4 - 8.6 "; : C O L O R 4: P R I N T x$: C O L O R 7 cock for regulation of the flow rate. The diameter of the column
L O C A T E 8, 43: P R I N T " - 8 . 6 - 8.8 "; : C O L O R 5: P R I N T X$: C O L O R 7
L O C A T E 9, 43: P R I N T " - 8 . 8 - 9.0 "; : C O L O R 2: P R I N T x$: C O L O R 7
may be determined at several places along the height of the
L O C A T E 10, 43: P R I N T " - 9 . 0 - 10 "; : C O L O R 3: P R I N T x$: C O L O R 7 column by collecting a known amount of water in to preweighed
L O C A T E 11, 43: P R I N T "-10 - 11 "; : C O L O R 6: P R I N T x$: C O L O R 7
L O C A T E 12, 43: P R I N T "-11 > "; : C O L O R 7: P R I N T x$: C O L O R 7 weighing bottles whose volume can be taken as the volume of a
F O R i = 46 T O 322 S T E P 46
L I N E (51, i ) - ( 5 6 , i): L I N E (300, i ) - ( 3 0 5 , i)
cylinder. A small amount of glass wool previously boiled in
L O C A T E i / 16 + .5, 5: P R I N T U S I N G "@"; i / 46 water is placed at the bottom of the column and its surface is
F O R i = 0 T O 244 S T E P 48 covered with few glass beads. After filling one-third volume of
L I N E (i + 56, 0 ) - ( i + 56, 4): L I N E (i + 56, 3 3 2 ) - ( i + 56, 336)
L O C A T E 22, 8.5 + i / 8: P R I N T U S I N G "#"; i / 48 + 4
the column with the operating buffer, degassed gel slurry is
NEXT poured slowly into the column with the help of a glass rod. The
column should be packed in a single step to avoid discrimination
among the beads during settling and an extension should be used
if necessary. The gel is left to settle under gravity overnight.
Size E x c l u s i o n C h r o m a t o g r a p h y and Size Exclusion When the gel has formed a smooth upper surface, the outlet is
H P L C o f Proteins opened with a flow rate of 5 mi/h. As the gel settles down, the
flow rate is increased gradually. The gel bed should be stabilised
S A A D T A Y Y A B , S E E M A Q A M A R and MOZAFFARUL by passing three bed volumes of eluent.
Experimental determination of chromatography parameters
Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit The three parameters Ve, Vo and Vi are used to describe the
Aligarh Muslim University behaviour of a molecule on a gel filtration column and these
Aligarh 202002, UP must be determined experimentally.
India The elution volume (Ve) is the volume of eluent collected
from the start of loading the sample to the point of its maximal
elution. The behaviour of a solute is described by its Kd
Introduction (distribution coefficient) value which is the fraction of inner
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) is also known as gel volume (Vi) accessible to a solute molecule:
filtration, gel permeation or molecular sieve chromatography. A
number of articles on gel filtration of proteins have appeared 1-4 K d = (V e - Vo)/Vi
but none of them dealt with all aspects of SEC. In this paper we
describe the methodology and applications of SEC including size Value of K d will be zero for solutes totally excluded from the
exclusion HPLC ( S E - H P L C ) with the aim of familiarizing column and 1.0 for solutes to which the solvent both within the
people how to use this powerful technique without the need for pores and in the void volume is equally accessible. A Kd >1.0
sophisticated instrumentation. indicates adsorption or ionic interactions between solute and the
SEC may be used to fractionate and characterize proteins gel material. It is difficult to determine the exact value of V~
according to size. The sieving medium is a porous gel. Molecules since some inner volume is occupied by the gel matrix (Vm) and
much smaller than the pore diameter will have more probability bound water to it. Therefore it is usual to take the available
of penetrating the gel and will pass through the column more value of Ka, ie Kav:
slowly. The actual speed of movement of each component in a
mixture is dependent on the ease with which molecules can pass ~:~ = (vo - V o ) / ( v , - Vo)
into the gels and be retarded. Molecules with diameter much
larger than the pore size will have less probability to penetrate The void volume (Vo) is the volume of interstitial liquid.
the gel particles and will be excluded from the gel and will pass Molecules with diameter larger than pore size are completely
through the column unimpeded. Intermediate size molecules can excluded from the gel and their elution volume is equal to void
pass into some of the gel particles but compared to very small volume of the column. Blue dextran (a dextran with a blue dye
molecules, a greater proportion of the intermediate size mol- chemically linked to it, Mr 2 x 106) is completely excluded from
ecules will be outside the gel at any time. The most widely used Sephadex, polyacrylamide gels and some agarose gels and may
types of the gels are cross-linked dextrans (Sephadex), cross- be estimated by extinction measurements at 625 nm and is
linked agarose (Sepharose), cross-linked polyacrylamide (Bio- widely used for the determination of the void volume. Caution is
gel), cross-linked allyldextran (Sephacryl) and controlled pore necessary when blue dextran is mixed with proteins, however,
glass beads. These are graded according to pore size making it since it forms complexes with some proteins. With spherical
possible to vary the range of molecular weight which can be beads, Vo is 30-35% of the total volume (Vt) depending on how
fractionated. The upper limit of the fractionation range is the tightly the column is packed. Thus the useful range for resolving
exclusion limit which means that the molecules with molecular proteins lies within about 80% of the remaining volume (Vt -
weight greater than this will have less probability of penetrating Vo) ie, about 55% of Vt. Blue dextran is also used for checking
the gel and will be completely excluded. the column packing. A symmetrical peak of elution indicates
SEC may be carried out on a large scale but since large homogeneity of packing.
columns are rather time-consuming to run and the gel media The inner volume (Vi) of the column can be determined by
required to fill them expensive, the method finds most appli- subtracting the void volume from the elution volume of small
cation in the later stages of protein purification. molecules such as glucose or tyrosine having K d -- 1.0.
The total volume (Vt) of the column is the sum of void volume
Packing the column and inner volume. However, the total volume accessible to
Dry gels are allowed to swell in water or buffer under conditions liquid is slightly less than the total volume due to a finite volume
specified by the manufacturer. If gel is preswollen, then it is occupied by the gel matrix plus tightly bound water. Vt is equal
directly processed for the removal of fines which is important to the volume of a cylinder whose height and radius are same as
because the presence of fines can block the column. Fines are the dimensions of the column.


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Sample size 2.0

This should not exceed 3% of the total volume and a smaller
volume than this will give slightly better results down to about
1% of Vt. The starting protein concentration should ideally be in
the range 10-20 mg/ml. A n increase in sample size will make the
resolution poor. However, for desalting application of SEC 1
where the matrix has been chosen such that the desired protein ~1.5
elutes in the void volume while the elution volume of the salt
approaches the total volume of the column, it is possible to use
sample size as large as 20% of Vt.

Sample application 1.0

The operating buffer above the column bed is drained off and
the clamp on the outlet tubing is closed. Then sample is applied 418 s.o s.4
gently to the column with a Pasteur pipette, allowing it to run LogM~
down the side of the column while moving the pipette around the
column. The stop-cock is then opened slowly and the sample Figure 1 Plot of V e / V o v e r s u s log Mr for various marker proteins
allowed to pass down the upper surface of the gel. When all the obtained on Sephadex G-150 column (52 x 1.7 cm) equilibrated
protein sample has passed into the gel, buffer is applied in the with 0.06 M sodium phosphate buffer, p H 7.0. About 1.2 ml of
same way and elution is performed with a constant flow rate. the sample containing 10 mg of each of these marker proteins was
The column dimensions are important for resolution. Squat applied. Elution was performed at a flow rate of 20 ml/h and
columns have fast flow rates and less turbulence leading to less fractions of 3 ml were collected. The column was monitored for
spreading, but resolution is poor because the length covered will protein using the method of Lowry et al. 6 The different marker
be smaller. In addition, it is difficult to achieve homogeneous proteins were: (1) a-chymotrypsinogen, (2) ovalbumin, (3) BSA
sample application and buffer flow. On the other hand, a long monomer, (4) BSA dimer and (5) ~,-globulin
thin column (20-40 times longer than its diameter) will give
better results since the sample occupies a greater column depth. 60
Fractions of appropriate size are collected and the column is
monitored for protein using different methods (eg spectrophoto-
metric, a dye binding method 5 or the method of Lowry et al. 6)
Carbohydrate may be monitored using the method of Dubois et
al. 7 Enzymatic activity may also be monitored. 40
Eluting buffers should be of high enough ionic strength (eg
>20 mM) to counteract the few charges which may be present
on the gel. Apart from that, the only criterion for the buffer is
that the proteins are stable in it.

Applications of SEC 2O
Determination of Mr SEC does not require pure, homogeneous
protein. All that is needed is a method for detecting the protein
4" 014 0.6
' o'.8 1'.o
as it comes off the column. For the determination of the Mr of
any protein, a column is calibrated by passing proteins of known
M r through the column. The elution volume of each protein is Figure 2 Treatment of gel filtration data (as shown in Fig 1)
determined. These values of elution volume (Vc) are divided by according to Porath 9
void volume (Vo) to obtain (Ve/Vo), comparable on using
different columns, for a particular protein. From the data Determination of hydrodynamic parameters For the determi-
obtained, a graph may be drawn between Ve/Vo and log Mr nation of the Stokes radius, a column is calibrated with marker
(Figure 1). The protein of unknown molecular weight is then proteins of known Stokes radii. The elution volumes of marker
passed through the column and its Ve/Vo used to estimate its Mr proteins are normalised into Kd and Kay values and these data
from the calibration curve. 8 are analysed according to Laurent and Killander 1° and Ackers 11
SEC data can also be treated according to Porath. 9 Values for using the following equations:
the elution volumes of marker proteins are normalised in terms
of Kd values. A graph of Kd 1/3 and Mr v3 may be obtained using (-log Kay) 1/2 : A a + B
the values of marker proteins (Figure 2). Then the Kd value of and
t h e unknown protein is determined and hence its M r may be a = ao + bo erfc -1 Kd
One source of error in this procedure is that it takes no where a is the Stokes radius of the protein with distribution
account of molecular shape. In fact a protein molecule which is coefficient Kd. A, B, ao and bo are calibration constants and
somewhat elongated will pass down the column faster than a erfc -1 Kd is the inverse error function complement of Kd. ~2 Both
spherical one of same molecular weight. Also it has been known the above treatments yield straight lines (Figs 3 and 4). By
for some time that glycoproteins, particularly those rich in substituting the values of ( - l o g Kay) v2 and erfc -1 Ks of the
carbohydrate, show anomalous behaviour on SEC and this will unknown protein, its Stokes radius can be determined.
also be the case with proteins which are not globular. Nor is the Values of the diffusion coefficient, D, and frictional ratio fifo
technique applicable to proteins which have affinity towards of a protein may be calculated from the value for Stokes radius
carbohydrate. Nevertheless, the Mr derived by this technique by using the following relationship 8
with globular proteins seems to be accurate to about +10%. It is
also possible to measure molecular weights under denaturing D = k T/(61r-qa)
conditions provided appropriate standard curves are con-
structed. fifo = a/(392 Mr/4"rrN) I/3


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its major drawback is that it is time consuming. Separation times
are long resulting in poor resolution. This is because of eddy dif-
fusion, mass transfer problems and extra column effects. Speed-
ing up the solvent flow by applying high pressure results further
decrease in column efficiency and resolution. Application of high
=> pressure causes the compaction of the bed due to the soft nature
3 4
co 0.8 of the gel and results in lower flow rates. High pressure or
O high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) involving the
I principle of size exclusion chromatography also known as size
exclusion HPLC or S E - H P L C is an alternative approach for
getting good resolution of macromolecules within a short time.
Though primarily used for analytical purposes, the technique has
now become a powerful purification technique. The funda-
mental principle remains the same for both SEC and SE-HPLC.
The advantages offered by HPLC are good resolution and speed
Stokes radius (nm) of analysis, reusability of column without repacking and regener-
ation, high reproducibility due to the close control of parameters
Figure 3 Treatment of gel filtration data (Fig 1) according to effecting the efficiency of the separation, easy automation of
Laurent and Killanderw instrument operation and data analysis and its adaptability for

large-scale preparative procedures. These advantages of HPLC
are the result of two major advances: (i) the development of new
column packing material which is packed in narrow columns and
which increases column efficiency 10-100-fold, and (ii) the
A improvement of elution rates achieved by applying high pressure
E (up to 300 atm). In general, S E - H P L C employs an immobile
c 4
phase bonded onto a porous silica which allows high flow rates to
be used. Semirigid gels can be used for fractionation of
molecules up to a molecular weight of 10 000 000 under aqueous
conditions. Rigid silica beads have several advantages over
o.9 semirigid gels including ease of packing and compatibility with
(n 2 water and organic solvents. The new packings are typically
spherical beads consisting of a solid non-porous core (40 I~m in
diameter) with a thin, porous outer shell of absorbent (silica gel,
1 I alumina resin). Recently microparticulates (porous particles
0.4 1.0
with diameters in the range 20-40 I~m and 5-10 Ixm) have been
e r f c -~ Kd widely used because they offer greater resolution and faster
separation with lower pressures. A variety of bonded phases
Figure 4 Treatment of gel filtration data (Fig 1) according to the have been used to mask the cationic surface of silica and prevent
method of Ackers 11 nonpermeation effects. These include glycerylpropyl diol and N-
acetylaminopropyl silane. Although a number of nonsilica based
where k is the Boltzmann constant (1.386 x 10 -16 ergs/degree), support materials have been used, most work has involved the
T is the absolute temperature, -q is the coefficient of viscosity of use of silica based material. Silica has the disadvantage of being
the medium (0.01 poise for water and dilute aqueous solutions at unstable at pH values above 8.0. This can be overcome either by
20°C), a is the Stokes radius of the protein, Mr is the molecular using a polymer coating or by surface stabilisation with
weight of the protein, 92 is the partial specific volume and N is zirconium which results in the development of rigid, cross-linked
Avogadro's number. polymeric supports such as monobeads (Pharmacia) or TSK-PW
(Toyo-Soda Company). Some of the column materials and their
SE-HPLC properties are listed in Table 1.
Although size exclusion chromatography has several advantages, For a successful HPLC separation, selection of both column

Table 1 S E - H P L C column materials available for protein purification*

Particle size Pore size Fractionation range

Column (~m) (nm) (Ka) pH stability

Superose - 12 10 25 1-300 1-14

Superose - 6 13 40 5-5000 1-14
TSK 2000 SW 10 13 1-50 2.5-7.5
TSK 3000 SW 10 24 5-400 2.5-7.5
TSK 4000 SW 13 45 40-1000 2.5-7.5
Zorbax GF-250 4 15 10-250 3-8.5
Zorbax GF-450 6 30 25-800 3-8.5
Polyol=Si 300 5,10 30 10-500 2-8.5
Polyol=Si 500 10 50 40-900 2-8.5
SynChropak GPC 100 5 10 5-200 2-8
SynChropak GPC 300 5 30 10-670 2-8
SynChropak GPC 500 7 50 10->670 2-8
*Taken from ref 13


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packing as well as solvent system is required. The mobile phase procedure involves fluorescence using fluorescein mercuric
should consist of a very high purity solvent which should not acetate 3 and a reduction with sodium borohydride. 4
react with sample or column packing and there should not be any The fluorescence procedure was chosen to complement the
interference with the detector. It has long been known that the very strong instrumental bias which students get in their applied
polarity of a solvent dictates its ability to displace adsorbed chemistry practical course. Students are told about the great
solutes from the column ie eluting power, E, which increases sensitivity of fluorescence, the requirements of separate excit-
with an increase in polarity. Sometimes the use of a single ation and emission wavelengths and the phenomenon of
solvent does not give better resolution of solutes. This difficulty quenching which are involved in fluorescent assays. The
known as general elution problem is due to the wide range of Ka experiment is run in the final year of the course because of the
values of different components present in a multicomponent potential toxicity of fluorescein mercuric acetate 3 and the care
system. In such cases, solvent binary mixtures provide an extra required with the powerful reducing agent sodium borohydride.5
advantage in resolving complex mixtures. Alternatively, the As described, the work may be performed in less than four hours
composition of the mobile phase can be varied starting with a by a pair of students.
weakly eluting solvent (low E) and gradually increasing the
concentration of strongly eluting solvent (high E) in order to Materials and Methods
have gradient elution. The solvent are chosen for such type of Solutions All protein solutions are made up in distilled water at
gradient on empirical basis. In S E - H P L C where elution is a concentration of 1 mg/ml. Fluorescein mercuric acetate is
carried out by using physiological buffers, the speed of S E - maintained at 10 -4 M in 0.01 M NaOH but before use is diluted
HPLC can result in the quantitative purification of enzymes with to 10 -5 M with 1 M NaOH. Ellman's reagent, 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-
full activity. However, for labile enzymes, S E - H P L C can be nitrobenzoic acid), is made at 10 mM in 0.05 M phosphate
performed in the cold and at the highest possible flow rate. For buffer pH 8, and a 1 M solution of KH2PO 4 containing 0.2 M
those proteins which show aggregation, detergents generally HC1 is also prepared and kept as a stock solution.
0.1% SDS can be included in the mobile phase.
Fluorescence Assay A solution of crystalline RNase is used as a
References standard and the solution containing 1 mg/ml is diluted 1 + 30.7
Wallach, J M (1989) In 'Practical Biochemistry for Colleges' (edited by with distilled water to contain 10 nmol of disulphide groups per
Wood, E J) pp 63-64, Pergamon Press, Oxford ml (2.5 nmol or 31.5 ~g of protein). Standard 1 ml solutions are
eDixon, H B F (1985) Biochem Educ 13, 181-183 then prepared from this dilution to contain 1-10 nmol of
3Versee, V (1985) Biochem Educ 13, 33-34 disulphide groups.
Other protein solutions are diluted to contain approximately
4Malhotra, O P and Kumar, A (1989) Biochem Educ 17, 148-150 5 nmol of disulphide per ml. The dilutions used are: 1 + 57 for
5Bradford, M M (1976) Anal Chern 72, 248-254 lysozyme (M r 13 930), 1 + 49 for trypsin (Mr 23 800), and 1 + 54
6Lowry, O H, Rosebrough, N J, Farr, A L and Randall, R J (1951) J for bovine serum albumin (Mr 65 900). One ml volumes of the
Biol Chem 193, 265-275 final dilution are used.
7Dubois, M, Gilles, K A, Hamilton, J K, Rebers, P A and Smith, F One ml of 10-SM fluorescein mercuric acetate solution is
(1956) Anal Chem 28, 350-356 added to each tube, followed by 8 ml of 1 M NaOH. Tubes are
8Andrews, P (1970) Methods Biochem Anal 18, 1-53 vortexed and left for 1 h prior to determination of fluorescence
9porath, J (1963) J Pure Appl Chem 6,233-234 intensity in each tube.
Fluorescein mercuric acetate shows intense fluorescence.
mLaurent, T C and Killander, J (1964) J Chromatog 14, 317-330 Thiol groups react with this reagent under both alkaline
1~Ackers, G K (1967) J Biol Chem 242, 3237-3238 conditions and at neutral pH whereas disulphides only react at
t2In 'Tables of the error function and its derivative', NBS Applied alkaline pH. A correction is required when thiol groups are
Mathematics Series 41, United States Government Printing Office, present in the protein. The reaction is presumed to involve a
Washington, DC, 1954 relatively slow alkaline scission of disulphide bonds and a very
X3Welling, G W and Welling-Wester, S (1989) In 'HPLC of Macro- rapid formation of a complex between the thiol groups formed
molecules - - A Practical Approach', pp 77-89, IRL Press/OUP, and fluorescein mercuric acetate to quench the colour. There are
Oxford probably irreversible side reactions as well.

Disulphide Groups in Proteins

Chemistry Department
Swinburne Institute o f Technology
John Street
(CH~COO)Hg~ v


Students are required to determine the wavelengths of

Hawthorn 3122, Melbourne maximum emission and excitation, which are about 525 and
Australia 480 nm respectively, and draw the appropriate curves. Although
procedures vary with the instrument the principle is general for
Introduction all instruments. The emission wavelength is determined using a
Disulphide groups in proteins may have a role in metabolic fixed excitation wavelength (usually 300 nm) and variation in
activity and control ~ or in the interaction of hormones with their sensitivity or attenuation of the instrument. The excitation
receptors. 2 However, teaching at the undergraduate level tends wavelength is determined by scanning from the wavelength of
to concentrate primarily on their stabilising role on the tertiary maximum emission.
structure of proteins and peptides. In either case it is necessary Results are obtained from the standard curve of RNase and
to have adequate analytical methods to determine the number of the number of moles of disulphide per mol of protein are
disulphide groups in proteins. The final year biochemical determined by working back through the dilutions.
practical unit in this Institute contains an experiment which
compares two methods of analysis of disulphide groups. The Reducing assay Lysozyme is diluted to a concentration of 0.5


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