Ingles 3

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1. I don't have any money - 2. You can't decide - 3. You have to
7. Respuesta:
1. It's very easy - 2. He talks too much - 3. Postpone a decision until
the next day
8. Respuesta:
1. We don't know who will win - 2. In trouble - 3. Watch
22. Respuesta:
1. 7 - 2. at the radio studio - 3. first time international travelers – 4.
You can do it online – 5. The assigned seat – 6. It depends on the
airport – 7. Check the luggage weight – 8. Inform the airline before
the flight – 9. To check the type of sockets used there – 10. Use the
#tipsforfirsttimetravelers on social networks.
28. Respuesta:
1. The snow melting - 2. It is dangerous when it is mixed with warm
temperatures and heavy rains - 3. Firstly, the ice in the river cracks
into pieces. Secondly, it creates a dam. At the end, the water
overflows – 4. The snow melting contributes to high water levels in
rivers and streams – 5. Deep snow, ice-covered rivers, and weak
7. Respuesta:
2. The platform is made of wood. It is a natural resource - 3. The
blue shoes are made of plastic. It is an artificial resource.
8. Respuesta:
4. The lake is made of water. It is a natural resource - 5. The
windshield is made of glass. It is an artificial resource - 6. The map
is made of paper. It is an artificial resource.

12. Respuesta:
1. If the cat puts its tail in the water, the fish will bite it- 2. If the
mouse takes the cheese, the mousetrap will be closed - 3. If I add too
much detergent in the washing machine, it will get damage – 4. If I
don't put off the steam from the pressure cooker, it will explode.
13. Respuesta:
1. Simple Present-Future (Will) - 2. Future (Will)- Simple Present.
14. Respuesta:
1. If Catalina is rich, she will marry Matías. - 2. The baby will cry if
you don't play with her.
15. Respuesta:
3. Homero will be healthier if he works out and eats less. - 4. If
Tatiana doesn't go to bed early, she will be tired tomorrow. – 5. If
foreign people come to Colombia, they will realise we are a cheerful

19. Respuesta:
1. Carlos Vives - 2. Andrea Echeverri
20. Respuesta:
1. A pat on the back - 2. High five
21. Respuesta:
1. Emotional changes that occur in adolescence - 2. Anger
31. Respuesta:
1. Colombian biomes have suffered many changes - 2. The dry
forest is an ecosystem in danger - 3. There are some basic conditions
which improve the well-being of humans – 4. The primary terrestrial
biomes in Colombia have undergone several changes.
37. Respuesta:
1. Asians - 2. . - 3. Muslims – 4. , - 5. Spain – 6. – 7. " – 8. . – 9.
shop keepers
9. Respuesta:
1. Hypothetical situations and its consequences - 2. If + simple past
, + would + infinitive - 3. would + infinitive + if + simple past
– 4. If I lived alone on a lonely island - I would be naked all the
13. Respuesta:
1. could go - 2. would you choose - 3. would you go – 4. Decided –
5. would be – 6. could be – 7. would travel – 8 didn't go – 9. would
spend – 10. were.
19. Respuesta:
1. FALSE - 2. TRUE - 3. FALSE – 4. FALSE – 5. TRUE – 6.
TRUE – 7. TRUE – 8. FALSE.
29. Respuesta:
1. The human body is stronger than we believe - 2. Because the
density of blood is greater and the heart must work harder - 3. 7 days
– 4. Hypothermia or heart stroke – 5. Headaches, memory problems,
cognition is impaired and hallucinations.
4. Respuesta:
1. Chemistry - 2. Geography - 3. Check – 4. Handicrafts – 5. Failed
– 6. PE (Physical Education).
7. Respuesta:
1. I believe - 2. and - 3. In addition – 4. I don't agree – 5. In my
13. Respuesta:
1. was - 2. have - 3. Either.
14. Respuesta:
1. do - 2. can - 3. will.
16. Respuesta:
1. In the library - 2. The computer doesn’t have connection - 3. To
the librarian – 4. Professor Arnold Weinstein – 5. Read it at home.

20. Respuesta:
1. In the classroom - 2. He had a problem at work - 3. The next day
– 4. He wants the assignment to be in his email that night – 5. He
thinks he is a good student.
25. Respuesta:
1. The writer is in favor of homeschooling - 2. The writer used to be
against wearing uniforms - 3. The writer feels boarding schools are a
good educational system – 4. The writer is interested in online
27. Respuesta:
1. Parent-led home-based education - 2. The norm about education -
3. Until late 1800s – 4. Because most children enrolled in public
schools – 5. Mainly white families – 6. Because it has shown good
test results.
11. Respuesta:
1. Present tense -Present tense - 2. Present tense -Future (will) - 3.
Past tense - Would (Base Form verb).
14. Respuesta:
32. Respuesta:
1. When - 2. . - 3. ( – 4. , – 5. and – 6. Different – 7. , – 8. ? – 9.

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