BA 013 Business Organization and Management Final Examination

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Graduate School


BA 013 Business Organization and Management
Final Examination

Discuss the following:

1. In what ways might age discrimination affect young people in the

workplace? What do you think will be impact be of anti-age
discrimination legislation on;
a) a small business employing less than 20 staff and
b) a large, private sector business in the transport sector. Explain
The most significant way ageism impacts younger workers is during the
job search process, when companies hire based on specific degrees of experience. To
combat ageism across all generations, we must promote awareness and acknowledge
its detrimental impact, including on younger people. To support the right of all
workers, regardless of age, to be treated equally in terms of compensation, benefits,
promotion, training, and other employment opportunities, the Department Order No.
170, or the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act 10911, disapproves
of arbitrary age restrictions in employment. Under the law, whether a small or large
company is involved, it is unlawful for an employer to print or publish, or cause to be
printed or published, any notice or advertisement relating to employment suggesting
preferences, limitations, specifications, and age discrimination in any form of media,
including the internet. According to the court's discretion, any violation of RA 10911
is punishable by a fine of not less than P50,000 but not more than P500,000, or by a
term of imprisonment of not less than three months but not more than two years, or
by both.

2. Explain briefly, why is it important for a business to ensure that it complies

with employment legislation and protects the well-being of its employees
through this legislation? Should people under the age of 18 have special
restrictions placed on their hours of work? Justify your response.
The importance of employment law compliance is multifaceted . The objective
of these rules is critical in understanding how employment law affects a
business. These laws are put in place to ensure that employees are provided
with an appropriate, safe, and non-discriminatory workplace. Keeping these
in place improves workplaces and employees' lives. In accordance with
Republic Act No. 9231, minors under the age of 15 are not permitted to work
in any public or private establishments unless they do so directly under the
supervision of their parents or legal guardians or when their participation in
public entertainment or information is necessary. No child under the age of
eighteen (18) who is fifteen (15) years old may work for more than eight (8)
hours per day, and in no case more than forty (40) hours per week.
Additionally, no child under the age of eighteen (18) may work between ten
(10) in the evening and six (6) in the morning the following day.

3. Why is it important to business to compete on the range of benefits they

offer their staff? What aspects of Hertzberg’s two-factor theory can you
identify in Kingfisher package?
When you meet your employees' requirements with competitive employee
benefits, they will offer the performance you require to advance your business goals.
Herzberg's two-factor hypothesis states that, to put it simply, people will act out
when they feel that something is missing (i.e., discontent) or when they feel good
about themselves (i.e., acknowledgment). Motivational factors are important
employment characteristics that encourage employees to stay and thrive in their
positions. If these requirements are not met, the project team may be unsatisfied
with their work. They may seek more demanding roles that will allow them to
advance professionally, develop new skills, and take on additional responsibility.

4. Explain the possible impact of ethical issues on recruitment in business.

Explain how this might affect the competitiveness of the business.
Unethical practices within the recruitment industry are unfortunately rife and
can result in job-seekers being disappointed, demotivated and even exploited.
Corporations adopt business ethics to enhance employee integrity and gain the trust
of key stakeholders such as investors and consumers. Companies are dedicating
greater resources on corporate ethics in order to avoid unfavorable consequences.
With increased scrutiny of corporate procedures, it is more crucial than ever for
businesses to do their jobs correctly. Ethics programs are an excellent instrument
for fostering moral behavior. Organizations also want personnel who are committed
to making ethical decisions.

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