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Adaptation of Locomotor and Non-Locomotor Skills

to Training Exercises

► Giving of Warm-up Exercises:

The purpose of the warm-up is to prepare players for the training to follow.
During the warm-up, body temperature is raised, which is one of the main factors in
facilitating performance. The elevation of body temperature warms up and stretches
muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other tissues, which prevents or reduces ligament
sprains and tendon and muscle strains.

1. Knee hug and calf raise

● Standing straight with your feet hip-width apart,
slowly raise your right leg to your abdomen area.
● Tuck in your legs using both arms and raise your
calf pointing forward.
● Hold it for 16 seconds and change direction.
● Return to the starting position and repeat on the left side.

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2. Lunge and twist

● Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.
● Take a step forward with your right leg, bend your knees
and rotate your torso.
● Return to the starting position and repeat on the left side.
● Alternate side until set is complete.

Disclaimer: I am not the owner of the


3. Inchworm
Disclaimer: I am not the owner of the picture

● Stand straight with your feet-width apart.
● Bend down from your hips trying to touch the floor with your palms.
● Maintain the straightness of your legs, move your hands forward as much as you
● While doing so, try not to sag your hips.
● While taking small steps with your feet, move towards your hands.
● Come back to the standing position and repeat the above steps.

4. Side Squats

● Stand straight with your feet-width apart.
● Step your right leg to the side, slowly drive your
back down just like sitting in an imaginary chair,
keeping your torso up.
● Keep your heels and toes touching the ground.
● Go back to the center and alternate on the other
side until set is complete.

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5. Frankenstein Walk


● Have your arms straight out in front of you

● Brace your abs to keep upright
● Raise one leg as high as you can to touch
the opposite hand
● Walk forward and repeat these motions

A. Rolling Series

Dead Bug Series

Instructions (if video is not available)

● Lie on your back, bring your arms straight along with
your knees and hips in a 90 degrees angle.
● Lower your left arm along with your right leg without
touching the ground.
● Return to the starting position
● Continue on the other leg and arms until the set is done.

Disclaimer: I am not the

owner of the picture

VARIATION: (It is made if there’s difficulty in performing the exercise.

Variation 1
Lying on your back in a starting position, bring your left arms reaching above the head.
Both knees and legs stay in a 90 degrees angle.
Repeat on the other arms.
Variation 2
Lying on your back in a starting position, bring your right leg down, not touching the
Alternate side of the leg while arm stays on the starting position


Bracing the core

● Drawing in. Pull in your navel towards your spine while keeping your back straight
*Imagine Pausing the flow of urine midstream by gently lifting and squeezing your
floor muscles up towards your belly button.
● Zipping up an imaginary line from your pubic bone to belly button and follow the zip
as you tense the muscles.
● Bracing commonly referred to as a “bearing down” or tightening of the muscles.
about to be punched in the stomach. You would automatically contract or brace
yourself for
the impact.
B. Plank Series
Elbow Plank

● Begin by lying on your stomach, place your elbows
below your shoulders, the hands and palms on the
ground and unto your toes. Creating a straight
● Using your palm, lift your body to the ground and hold it.
It is important to note, in doing plank, it is very
important to maintain a proper position by
maintaining a good posture and straight line.
Disclaimer: I am not the

owner of the picture

Variation: (If there’s difficulty in doing the exercise)

● Doing the same process/method. Lift your body to the ground, place your knees on
ground and lift your toes.

● Begin by lying on your stomach, place your elbows below your shoulders, the hands
palms on the ground and unto your toes. Creating a straight line.
● Using your palm, lift your body to the ground and hold it.
It is important to note, in doing plank, it is very important to maintain a proper position
maintaining a good posture and straight line.

Variation: (If there’s difficulty in doing the exercise)

● Doing the same process/method. Lift your body to the ground, place your knees on
ground and lift your toes.

C. Squat Series
● Standing straight with your leg hip-width apart
● Drive your hips back, bending your knees and ankles.
● Sit into a squat position while keeping your heels and
toes on the ground. Keep your chest and should up.
● Make sure knees are bent to a 90-degree angle.
● Press into your heels and straighten your legs to
return to

Video: Disclaimer: I am not the owner of the


D. Bird Dog Series

Disclaimer: I am not the owner of the picture

● Starting position: Get into your hands and knees. Line yourself up, your arms are
under your
shoulder and your legs are under your hips.
● Slowly raise your right hand as if you’re reaching something and extend your left
● Movement usually comes with an alternate hand and leg movement.
● Hold it for 3 seconds and proceed to the other side of the arms and legs.


Crawl & Creep

Snow bear Crawl

- Starting in a crawl position with your arms under
your shoulder and your bend legs under your hips.
- Lift your legs using your toes, now legs are not
touching the ground.
- Movement of the hands and legs are opposite.
When right hand moves forward then the left leg
automatically moves forward.
Note: Here are other crawl & creep exercises that
you can do.

Disclaimer: I am not the owner of the picture


Jumping and Landing Techniques

● Standing with your hip-width apart.
● Bend your knees and swing your arms back and push in your toes moving

● Land using the ball of your toes
● Bend your knees when landing to be able to absorb the shock.


Jumping Exercises

Jumping Jacks
- Standing with your feet together and hands at your side.
- Beging by raising your hands up abover your head while jumping up jst enough
to spread your feet.
- Reverse movement back to starting position.

Long Jump

- Standing with your hip-width apart

- Bend your knees and swing your arms back.
- Push on your toes and bring your body forward.
- Land using the ball of your toes and while bending your knees.


Linear Movements (hop, skip, leap, run/jog)

● When doing hop, skip, leap, and run/jog, you must follow a straight line in front of

Links below are one of the many ways to enjoy these movements.

Lateral Movements


- Stand straight with your feet together and hands on your side.

- Step your R foot to the side then step your left foot at the rear right foot.

- Next, step your R foot again to the side then step your left foot across the R foot.

- Stop by stepping your R foot to the side and bring your left foot close to the right


- Starting with your feet hip-width apart.

- Step your right foot to the side, raise bring your left leg across the right leg.

- Immediately step the Right foot to the side and quickly bring your left foot at the


- Repeat the instruction above until you’re done with your set.



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