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Instructional Planning

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)

Learning Area: Understanding culture,

Date: Quarter:
society and politics (UCSP) Grade Level: 11 Duration: 60 min.
2/7/2020 3
Learning Competency/ies: Identifies the social goals and the socially acceptable means
Code: UCSP11/12BMS-Ih-17
(Taken from the Curriculum of achieving these goals
Guide) Advocate inclusive citizenship
Key Concepts / Understandings to
Inclusive citizenship
be Developed
e Understanding Identifies the social goals and the socially acceptable means of achieving these goals
Skills Creating Advocate inclusive citizenship
Attitudes Practice self-confidence in expressing ideas towards the class
Values Practice oneness in working together
2. Content Becoming member of the society
3. Learning Resources Book, laptop, projector, Manila paper, marker

4.1 Introductory Activity (3 min.) Prayer and Checking of Attendance

The teacher will divide the class into five groups: each group will present (example – drama/role
play, singing, pageant, a tv commercial, talkshow, etc.) their own understanding of what does it
4.2 Activity (5 minutes).
mean to be a citizen. After presenting, one representative from each group will give their
conclusion about their activity.
Focused question:
1. What is the activity all about?
4.3 Analysis (10 minutes). 2. Based from the given activity, what are the things or privileges of a person being a
resident in a country?
3. What are the limitations of a person knowing that he/she is a citizen of the country?
Inclusive citizenship is a governing policy that promotes human dignity and human rights.
 It focuses on legal equality for each citizen directed at giving all citizens a strong
feeling that they are part of the overall society.
 Its policies include laws that provide non-segregated access to all citizens, regardless of
their race, gender, religious affiliation and socioeconomic status
 While a government cannot guarantee equality in all private organizations, inclusive
citizenship focuses on the legal rights of all individuals in cases where the government
determines their rights of inclusion.
 It establishes a governing foundation where it gives its citizens a sense of security so
that they will feel that their government hears and respects their ideas.
4.4 Abstraction (15 minutes).
 In return, people will be more inclined to voice out their grievances through proper
channels, such as petitioning a representative to investigate their situation
 Moreover, this right motivate the citizens to participate in government activities, raising
voter turnout, civic participation, serving in the military
Under inclusive citizenship, there are rights that government provides for its citizens. Examples
of these are the equal right to vote, equal right to serve in the military, same right to marry,
similar tax responsibilities, and equal right to represent others in the government.

Citizens also have access to public funds, public organizations and equal rights and acceptance
by national figures.
The teacher will divide the class into 4 groups:
4.5 Application (10 minutes). Each group will enumerate three situations where they actually experience to use their rights and
value their dignity being an inclusive citizen in the Philippines.
4.6 Assessment (10 minutes).
Assessment Possible
Method Activities
Extended writing.
Talking to 1. As a senior high student, what are your rights, duties and obligations as a citizen of the
Think – Pair –
Learners / Philippines?
Conferencing 2. In relation with the Novel Corona Virus which is one major health problem in the
country, as a citizen, what can you do to ease the mind of your fellow citizen?

4.7 Assignment ( minutes). Fill-in below any of the four purposes:

4.8 Concluding Activity (5

“The control center of your life is your attitude” Anonymous
1. Remarks

2. Reflections

A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation.

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the

D.No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

E. Which of my learning strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me

G.What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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