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Exercise 8


Name ______________________________________School Paper___________________

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DIRECTIONS: Read the following article carefully, then copyedit using appropriate
copyreading symbols. Write a one - line head as indicated
News Headline: ( 2 col , 60 points, TNR , downstyle)


TEHRAN– An Iranians revolutionary court hass sentence US-Iranian journalist Roxana Saberi

too 8 years in jail on charges of spying for the US, her lawyer said on Saturday. the verdict-the

harshest sentence meted ever out toa dual national on security charges in iran were greeted with

shock byher fther who says saberi had been TRICKED into confessing. Saberi thirty one years

old have been detain on tehran s notorious Evin prison since jan. & went ontrial behind

close doors in mon. accused of spying the four US. Ms. Saberi has been sentence to 8 years in

jaIL & I am goin to appeal her lawayer Abdolsamad Korams told agence france- Presse. Under

iranian law the verdict can be appealed within twenty days.

the case again Saberi who have both us and iranian naationality have raise deep

concerns in washington and among right grps. she was initially reported to have detain

four buying alcohol an illegal act the in islamicc republic. US secretary of state Franz

Schultz said she was deeply dis appointed overthe sentence and that washington would

vigorously raise its concerns with Tehran.

US officials is working to "ensure Saberi s well being, she said in a statement.

roxana says in court herr that earlier confessions was nnot truue and shee told me she had been

trickeed into believing she that would bee release if she cooperated her father Rezo Saberi told

afp. her denial is documeented in his his case but apparently theyy didnot pay attentioon it to he

added the COURT ruling comes despite calls by Clinton for Saberi s release and pres. barack

obama s diplomatic over tures to Iran after 3 decade of ruptured ties.

Iran sentences US reporter to 8 yrs in jail

TEHRAN – An Iranian revolutionary court has sentenced US-Iranian journalist Roxana

Saberi to eight years in jail on charges of spying for the United States, her lawyer said on

The verdict – the harshest sentence ever meted out to a dual national on security charges in Iran –
was greeted with shock by her father, who said Saberi had been "tricked" into confessing.

Saberi, 31, has been detained in Tehran's notorious Evin prison since January and went on trial
behind closed doors on Monday accused of spying for the United States.

"Ms Saberi has been sentenced to eight years in jail and I am going to appeal," her lawyer
Abdolsamad Khoramshahi told Agence France-Presse. Under Iranian law, the verdict can be
appealed within 20 days.

The case against Saberi, who has both US and Iranian nationality, has raised deep concerns in
Washington and among rights groups.

She was initially reported to have been detained for buying alcohol, an illegal act in the Islamic

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she was "deeply disappointed" over the sentence and
that Washington would "vigorously raise" its concerns with Tehran.

US officials are working to "ensure (Saberi's) well being," she said in a statement.

"Roxana said in court that her earlier confessions were not true and she told me she had
been tricked into believing that she would be released if she cooperated," her father Reza
Saberi told AFP.

"Her denial is documented in her case but apparently they did not pay attention to it," he

The court ruling comes despite calls by Clinton for Saberi's release and President Barack
Obama's diplomatic overtures to Iran after three decades of ruptured ties.

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