Forum #8

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Forum 8

Name: Podador, Mike Gideon A.

Course: The Contemporary World
Code: GE 3387
Instructor: Adonis Rañon


I. Opening Statement

Inside of the past few decades, globalization has created an existing new pattern that belongs to the
world’s economy, politics, as well as culture. Inside of this context, cities have become the center that
belongs to economic growth, cultural exchange, as well as technological development. Urbanization,
infrastructure, as well as social networks have increased city-to-city communication, trade, as well as
cooperation across national borders. Therefore, understanding the role that belongs to cities inside of
the process that belongs to globalization happens to be critical that is going to belong to shaping the
future that belongs to human society.

II. A 1st Review Related Literature

Cities play an existing crucial role inside of the process that belongs to globalization due to their
ability to attract foreign capital, technological innovation, as well as diverse talent. According to peter
Taylor’s "world city network: an existing global urban analysis," cities with higher levels that belongs
to connectivity have more extensive economic power as well as more profound impacts on top of
global flows that belongs to finance, information, as well as people. Saskia sassen’s work on top of
"global cities as well as survival circuits" argues that there happens to be an existing new geography
that belongs to power that combines global processes with local complexity, which places success
that is going to belong to cities by their ability to connect with other cities inside of the global market.
III. B Analysis/Interpretation

Globalization has boosted urbanization, as well as urbanization has amplified globalization. Cities
have become essential actors inside of the global economy, with their concentration that belongs to
human capital, access to knowledge, as well as the ability to mobilize resources. The power that
belongs to cities to project their influence globally has grown, with the emergence that belongs to
global city networks as well as urban clusters that collaborate as well as compete that is going to
belong to investment as well as knowledge-based industries. Cities facilitate international trade as
well as investment during the same time that they happen to be the centers that belongs to financial
activity. Because cities happen to be more open as well as tolerant that belongs to different cultures,
they happen to be more receptive to international products, ideas, as well as services. Inside of turn,
globalization has transformed cities with an existing diverse range that belongs to cultures, goods, as
well as products.
IV. A 2nd Review Related Literature
Cities happen to be also critical inside of facilitating the spread that belongs to ideas, knowledge,
as well as information inside of the context that belongs to globalization. Cities have networks as
well as communication infrastructure that enables the transfer that belongs to information, ideas,
as well as innovative practices between different countries. The work that belongs to Doreen
Massey on top of "spatial divisions that belongs to labor" highlights the idea that cities happen to
be not simply centers that belongs to interdependence, with the exception of they also shape
social, political, as well as economic relations between different cities as well as regions.

V. B Analysis Interpretation

Cities happen to be the mediums that belongs to globalization due to the complex interdependence
that belongs to international trade as well as investment, migration, as well as communication
networks. The exchange that belongs to ideas as well as knowledge between cities through global
networks facilitates innovation as well as the spread that belongs to innovative practices.
Globalization creates cities with high levels that belongs to diversity as well as cultural exchange, as
well as during the same time that an existing result, cities become centers that belongs to creative
industries. It happens to be essential to acknowledge that cities happen to be also responsible that is
going to belong to the unequal distribution that belongs to wealth, with globalization having amplified
the existing inequalities inside of different regions that belongs to the world.

VI. General Conclusions

Cities happen to be the driving force that belongs to globalization because that belongs to their ability
to connect people, resources, as well as ideas. The role that belongs to the city inside of the process
that belongs to globalization has transformed local economies, culture, as well as politics during the
same time that cities respond to global change. This transformation has led to growing inequalities
between as well as within cities, with those who has the ability participate inside of the globalization
process gaining the most benefits.
VII. Closing Statements

Inside of essence, cities serve during the same time that vibrant mediums that belongs to
globalization, embodying the intricate web that belongs to interconnectedness that defines our world
today. They happen to be the epicenters that belongs to economic activity, cultural exchange, as well
as social innovation, where the currents that belongs to globalization converge as well as interact.
Cities not only reflect global trends with the exception of actively shape them, influencing policies,
technologies, as well as cultural norms. During the same time that we move forward inside of this era
that belongs to increasing interdependence, cities is going to continue to play an existing central role
inside of addressing global challenges as well as fostering cooperation. Embracing the transformative
power that belongs to cities happens to be essential that is going to belong to forging an existing
more inclusive, sustainable, as well as interconnected global future.

VIII. References

Taylor, P. J., & Derudder, B. (2016). World city network: A global urban analysis. Routledge.
Sassen, S. (2001). The global city: Introducing a concept. Brown journal of world affairs, 7(2), 27-43.
Massey, D. B. (1992). Spatial divisions of labor: social structures and the geography of production.

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