A Thousand Splendid Suns

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A Thousand Splendid Suns, a story written on May 22 2007 by Khaled Hosseini.

The story A
Thousand Splendid Suns was based on a war that occurred in Afghanistan, and it shows the progression
of life in Afghanistan from the Soviet Takeover in the 1980s post 9/11 Taliban control, it depicts the
struggles of the women without power and started with our character Mariam and Laila the wives of
Rasheed. Showing how powerless and hopeless women are when it comes to their rights to refuse and
oppose being forcefully married. Aside from that, we were introduced to the Harsh reality and
unfortunate circumstances of the two wives. Further, we can see how along with the struggles they had
to face they were met with the war increasing the variables, and giving more focus to the social issues.
Showing how their culture progressed from the war.

Mariam is an illegitimate child/harami, who lives in seclusion with her Nana. She longs for her father’s
recognition that she sees him once in a week. She marries widowed Rasheed, a shoe maker who insists
on wearing a burqa causing domestic servitude and abuse.
Laila is born to literate parents, grows up in a caring environment, and creates a strong bond with her
childhood friend Tariq. Laila’s life changes due to the Afghan civil war and she ends up getting pregnant
by Tariq. They become best of friends after Rasheed and Mariam save them from death. Laila delivers
Aziza and later gives birth to Zalmai, Rasheed’s son biologically. Aziza is taken to an orphanage which
breaks Laila’s heart.
Their happiness lasts only for a short time when Tariq comes back to Kabul leading to a violent
confrontation. Mariam kills Rasheed to secure Laila but she is hanged instead since this will save Laila,
Tariq, Aziza, and Zalmai from being punished.

A Thousand splendid suns relates to the hardships of two women, Mariam and Laila in Afghanistan’s
history. Divided into four parts, the book represents each character’s crucial time. Mariam starts as an
innocent/obedient daughter and develops into a strong woman. Laila turns out to be a caring and
unselfish person. Rasheed, an oppressive patriarch embodies Afghanistan’s domineering patriarchal
norms. The novel is set in Kabul, Afghanistan, which marks the social disruption and cultural background
of the nation. The narrative style employed is straightforward and descriptive, This novel also features
imagery and symbolism such as the pomegranate tree, burqa symbolize how Afghan women are
confined while their relationship can be defined through these items. Structurally, the book alternates
between interlocking narratives, flashbacks, and remembrances. In general love sacrifice survival spirit
are among the key themes discussed in this book.

In conclusion, the evolution of life there from the Soviet Takeover in the 1980s to Taliban rule after
9/11. Highlights the struggles faced by women who lack authority and opens with our main characters,
Mariam and Laila, Rasheed's wives. demonstrating the struggle and helplessness of women in regard to
their ability to refuse and resist being forced into marriage. Apart from that, the two women's terrible
conditions and harsh reality were presented to us. The symbolisms and theme of the story is made to
show the persistent of women despite the hardships we can see how they were empowered and with
relying with each other. Many social issues were shown being a great story for us to reflect. Futhermore,
it shows how the social status of people affects ther lives how those who knows hardship are humble,
and those with power trample on those weaker than them.

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