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Reading the story “The Origin of Rice and Streams” I have learned a valuable
lesson that I can
apply to my daily life, like how we should treat others accordingly, we should treat them with the same
level of respect as we would to people we love and/or we know. In the story, it was shown that despite
the treatment that the two ladies received they were kind enough to share the blessings given to them,
this act of kindness tells us to forgive others and to become humble. Furthermore, I figured out the ways
to make a formalist criticism from the activity we were assigned, it became a sufficient exercise to learn
and study this particular criticism approach realizing the flow of things in making a critique. I’ve also
discovered the impact of settings on a story, and how the mood and atmosphere are being developed
along with the settings. Examining the story a bit more, I was able to discover the parts of the story and
how it affects various elements in a story. For example, It was dark and stormy that day. The clouds
enveloped the sky, Just as she stubbornly clung to her husband not taking the chance to be separated
from him. The sky poured heavily, like how her eyes were streaming with tears from her now deceased
husband. The sky did not stop pouring for 2 more days as if the world ended when his husband met his

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