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Question for teachers Questions for students

1. Does the culture of our school 1. Does the way that we do things in our
nurture the learning of everyone? school support the learning of
2. Do the learning tasks set for students 2. Do the learning tasks our teachers
provide the right level of challenge? give us really make me think?
3. Does everyone have opportunities to 3. Do we have opportunities to think
reflect on the nature, skills and and talk about how we learn?
processes of learning?
4. Are students provided with feedback 4. Do our teachers give us feedback that
that helps them improve their work? helps us to improve our work?
5. Do the physical and social spaces in 5. Does our school’s design – the
our school stimulate and celebrate buildings, rooms and other spaces –
learning? help us to learn?
6. Do we actively try to create an 6. Do we know in our school that it is OK
environment in which it is safe for to make mistakes or not succeed at
students to take risks, cope with something because we can learn from
failure and respond positively to this?
7. Do teachers in our school respond 7. Are our teachers able to try out new
positively to challenges even where it things and is it OK if they don’t all
means taking risks and dealing with work out?
8. Do we use tools and strategies in our 8. Do the teachers in our school use a lot
school which enhance thinking about of different activities to help us think
learning in classrooms? about the way we learn?
9. Do we use tools and strategies to
support professional learning in our

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