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Title : Structure Design Rev.

: A
Calculation Sheet
Location : Kulon Progo - Yogyakarta
Project : NEW YOGYAKARTA INT' AIRPORT Prepared by : Checked by :

Data Jembatan :
Bentang jembatan L = 40.00 m = 131.2 ft
Lebar Tumpuan LT = 0.40 m = 1.3 ft
Panjang Girder L = 40.80 m = 133.9 ft
Axle Load Q = 112.50 kN = 25 kips

Data Material :
mutu beton balok girder K = 600 kg/cm2 = 8.53 ksi
mutu beton pelat dek, precast slab, diafragmaK = 350 kg/cm = 4.98 ksi
mutu beton pilar dan abutment K = 450 kg/cm = 6.40 ksi
mutu beton parapet, trotoar K = 250 kg/cm = 3.56 ksi
baja ulir U40 = 400 Mpa = 58.0 ksi
baja polos U24 = 240 Mpa = 34.8 ksi
modulus elastisitas rebar Es = 200000 Mpa = 29,008 ksi

Data Profil Beton Prategang :

jumlah Hbeam n = 4
depth of beam h = 210.0 cm = 82.7 in
width of bottom flange bf = 70.0 cm = 27.6 in
width of top flange bf = 80.0 cm = 31.5 in
thickness of web tw = 20.0 cm = 7.9 in
thickness of bottom flange tf = 37.5 cm = 14.8 in
thickness of top flange tf = 26.0 cm = 10.2 d

centre section girder

cross section area A = 7,493 cm2 = 1,161 in2
inertia moment in major axis, I33 = 41,064,412 cm = 986,576 in4
I22 = 1,896,343 cm 4
inertia moment in minor axis, = 45,560 in4
ytop = 109.20 cm = 42.99 in
ybot = 100.8 cm = 39.69 in
Sb = 407,385 cm3 = 24,860 in3
St = 376,048 cm3 = 22,948 in3
end section girder
cross section area A = 13,173 cm2 = 2,042 in2
I33 = 51,046,067 cm 4
inertia moment in major axis, = 1,226,387 in4
I22 = 4,432,344 cm 4
inertia moment in minor axis, = 106,487 in4
ytop = 104.80 cm = 41.26 in
ybot = 105.2 cm = 41.42 in

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