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Choose a, b, c, or d that is the best alternative.

1. He ______ to make breakfast before his wife ______ up.
A. has already started / wakes B. had already started / woke
C. will already start / is waking D. is already staring / has waken
2. The musician ______ the guitar for about an hour.
A. is playing B. has been playing C. will be playing D. was playing
3. When I ______ home yesterday morning, my son ______ and my wife to work.
A. have arrived / slept / went B. arrived / was sleeping / had gone
C. had arrived / had slept / has gone D. was arriving / would sleep / could go
4. It is Mary’s new house. It ______ a fortune!
A. shall cost B. needn’t cost C. will cost D. must cost
5. In the end Gary’s injury was not very serious. We ______ so much.
A. could worry B. will not have worried
C. should have worried D. needn’t have worried
6. ______ we go out for dinner tonight? - Yes, let’s.
A. Must B. Shall C. Should D. Need
7. Although Jack is only ten years old, he is well-known ______ his verse.
A. for B. in C. at D. on
8. I do not care ______ card games ______ general.
A. for / in B. of / at C. about / with D. with / for
9. The Pikes earn money ______ raising poultry.
A. by B. on C. with D. through
10. He promised ______ me some money but he failed ______ his words.
A. to lend / to keep B. lending / for keeping
C. of lending / keep D. to lend / keeping
11. I think she actually expects me ______ the washing up for her.
A. do B. to do C. done D. doing
12. My friends asked me ______ with them but I refused.
A. to go shopping B. for going to shop C. going to shop D. go shopping
13. George’s advisor spends ______ with him.
A. many times B. a lot of time C. times D. a few time
14. He does not know ______ people in the class.
A. many B. much C. a little D. some
15. Johnny does not have ______
A. many suit B. many suits C. a lot of suit D. much suit
16. You can ______ your coat if you feel hot.
A. go off B. take off C. wear out D. go with

17. The bomb ______ and three people were killed.
A. got in B. put away C. went off D. stayed up
18. Though I tried my best, I failed to ______ them.
A. keep up with B. run out of C. get together D. go away from
19. They could not find Peter because they knew ______ the name of the street number of his
A. neither / nor B. either / or C. not only / but also D. hardly / than
20. He could not help, ______ thought of his beloved wife.
A. and B. but C. so D. however
21. ______ had he left the room ______ an explosion was heard.
A. No longer / than B. Not only / but also
C. No sooner / and D. Hardly / when
22. ______ the message I gave you?
A. To who did you pass B. To whom did you pass
C. To who you passed D. To whom you passed
23. Peter has already come, ______?
A. doesn’t he B. hasn’t he C. does he D. has he
24. ______ do you meet each other? - Once or twice a month.
A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How much
25. A high percentage of the population ______ for Mr. Pike.
A. were voting B. have voted C. is voting D. vote
26. Either the director or the actors ______ at fault.
A. is B. are C. has been D. that is
27. Each of the students ______ responsible for doing his or her work in the library.
A. is B. are C. seem to be D. have been
28. Someone broke ______ when we were on holiday last week.
A. the window of the room B. the window room
C. the window’s room D. the window of the room’s
29. Your writing was not so convincing as ______
A. Peter B. of Peter’s C. Peter’s D. Peter was
30. Presidential elections are due to be held in ______
A. three days time B. three days’ time
C. time of three days D. three days’s time
31. The man ______ is the new manager.
A. wears a traditional suit B. wearing a traditional suit
C. that wearing a traditional suit D. worn a traditional suit
32. ______, we ate a lot of sashimi.
A. When in Japan B. When to be in Japan
C. When was in Japan D. Was in Japan
33. He seems to forget that there are a lot of things ______ before he can graduate.
A. to do B. doing C. that doing D. did
34. What was ______ music you were playing when we came in?
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
35. It is ______ best restaurant in ______ Lyon, but it is too expensive to eat there very often.
A. the / a B. a / an C. Ø / the D. the / Ø
36. I like ______ weather in Florida in ______ March.
A. Ø / Ø B. the / Ø C. a / the D. the / a
37. I think Jane deserved to be fired for her ______
A. totally behavior irresponsible B. behavior totally irresponsible
C. irresponsible totally behavior D. totally irresponsible behavior
38. ______ appeared to be coming from the science lab next door.
A. The unpleasant odor of burning plastic
B. The odor unpleasant of burning plastic
C. The unpleasant odor of plastic burning
D. The odor unpleasant of plastic burning
39. Some roses were planted ______
A. in the garden yesterday by Tommy B. yesterday in the garden by Tommy
C. by Tommy yesterday in the garden D. in the garden by Tommy yesterday
40. The books that are on the desk are ______
A. my B. mine C. me D. myself
41. I like ______ trousers ______ are very fashionable.
A. your / They B. yours / Their C. you / Theirs D. you / Them
42. John invited David and Gill and two of ______ friends.
A. they B. them C. their D. theirs
43. The beginning of the Symbolist movement in art ______ having begun in the late 1880’s.
A. is regarded as B. is regarded C. is regarding D. regarded as
44. The vague and misleading instructions ______ in two entirely opposite ways,
A. could easily been interpreted B. could be easily interpret
C. could easily be interpreted D. could easily interpreted
45. Successful applicants ______ attracting salary, bonus and benefits.
A. will pay B. will be paid C. will be paying D. are paying
46. ______ to explain the lesson ______ the classroom.
A. Hardly the teacher had started / when did the principal enter
B. Had hardly the teacher started / the principal entered
C. Hardly had the teacher started / when the principal entered
D. The teacher hardly had started / when entered the principal
47. ______ most of us got poor results.

A. So difficult was the test that B. Was difficult so the test that
C. So difficult the test was that D. So difficult was the test
48. ______ such a talented singer.
A. Have we enjoyed seldom B. Seldom we have enjoyed
C. Seldom have we enjoyed D. Have we seldom enjoyed
49. Mary said that she had been ill ______
A. yesterday B. last day C. the day before D. the next day
50. Anne asked ______ the shopping.
A. if she had to do B. that she had to do
C. if she must do D. whether she must do
51. Justin asked me ______
A. what I was doing B. what was I doing
C. what are you doing D. what you are doing
52. ______ knows no geographic borders, no age limits, and no ethnical boundaries.
A. Poor B. The poor C. Poverty D. Poorly
53. The contestant hit the target with great ______
A. accurate B. accurately C. accuracy D. accuration
54. He is very ______ in plants and animals.
A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interestingly
55. The teacher did not know ______
A. why he was absent B. why was he was absent
C. where he was absent D. where was he absent
56. Can you please tell me ______?
A. what time the next bus arrives B. what time arrives the next bus
C. when arrives the next bus D. when does the bus arrive
57. ______ is a mystery. I wish that I could ask him.
A. How did it B. What he did it C. How he did it D. When did it
58. I was too tired to continue my work.
A. Though I was tired, I would try to continue my work.
B. I was so tired that I could not continue my work.
C. My work was continued despite my tiredness.
D. I was tired enough to continue my work.
59. “I will do it for you, Mary”, Peter said.
A. Peter advised Mary to do it. B. Peter advised Mary not to do it.
C. Peter promised to do it for Mary. D. Peter wanted Mary to do it.
60. This course will take us six months to complete.
A. In six months’ time, this course will be completed.
B. We will take a course in six months.

C. To complete this course will last over six months.
D. Six months is not enough to complete this course.
61. The victims ______ injured in the disaster are recovering in hospital.
A. were B. which were C. who were D. whose were
62. A guide is a person ______ tourists around a place.
A. shows B. who shows C. whom shows D. which is showing
63. Love is a feeling ______
A. difficult to describe B. which is difficult to describe
C. whom is difficult to describe D. is difficult to describe
64. Ann was waiting for me ______
A. so I arrived B. when I arrived
C. after I had arrived D. since I arrived
65. Jake will have finished the report ______
A. for the boss needs it B. up to the time the boss will need it
C. before the boss will need it D. by the time the boss needs it
66. ______ we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
A. While B. After C. Till D. As long as
67. We can go ______
A. wherever you like B. what you like
C. you like wherever D. how you like
68. Today is ______ it was yesterday.
A. hotter than B. as hot than C. more hot than D. many hotter than
69. The results are not ______ we have ever expected.
A. as better as B. more better than C. better as D. as good as
70. Earning money has always been the thing that pleases him most ______ he becomes, ______ he is.
A. The more rich / the more happy B. The richest / the happiest
C. The richer / the happier D. Richer and richer / Happier and happier
71. The climber was seventy miles in the wrong direction and got ______
A. more panicked B. the more panicked
C. more than panicked D. more and more panicked
72. ______ I had learned harder when I was at university.
A. If B. Provided C. Unless D. If only
73. ______ he gets here soon, we will have to start the meeting without him.
A. Unless B. If only C. Even if D. If
74. ______ at home, I would enjoy my favorite show.
A. Suppose I am B. Unless were I C. Were I D. If were I
75. ______, they would not have sold their house.
A. If they had had financial difficulty

B. But for their financial difficulty
C. Unless their financial difficulty
D. Providing that they did not have financial difficulty
76. ______, she stopped to help the blind woman.
A. As in a hurry B. Even though she hurried
C. Despite of her hurry D. In spite hurrying
77. ______ she was afraid of going out alone at night, she decided she had to find out where he had
A. Despite the fact that B. Despite
C. In spite of D. In spite the fact that
78. They had a lovely holiday ______
A. though it rained everyday B. even though the rain
C. as though the rain D. in spite it rained everyday
79. You should behave toward others ______
A. as you would like to be treated B. as would you like to be treated
C. as being treated D. as though being treated
80. Jack smiled ______ - a private joke.
A. as though enjoying B. as he is enjoying
C. as if he would be enjoying D. as though he had been enjoying
81. It looks ______ the train would be late.
A. as B. though C. as though D. although
82. It was ______ interesting novel that I stayed up all night to finish it.
A. such an B. a such C. so an D. so
83. Mary has ______ her phone rings constantly.
A. so many friends that B. so much friends that
C. such many friends that D. many so friends that
84. Carol wrote her essay ______ carefully ______ she did not make any mistakes.
A. such / that B. very / enough
C. not only / but also D. so / that
85. Dr Chan adjusted the overhead projector ______ the students would be able to see the chart more
A. such that B. so as to C. in order to D. in order that
86. Sarah went to the computer lab ______ out her research report.
A. so that could print B. in order printing
C. as to print D. to print
87. The lecturer finished his lecture five minutes early ______ the students could come and ask him
A. so that B. such that C. such as D. in order as
88. They did not tell her the truth ______ they did not want to sadden her.

A. because B. because of C. due to D. thanks to
89. He could not understand ______ he did not learn French very well.
A. for B. since C. due to D. because of
90. Because ______, they decided to study astronomy.
A. of the fact that their interest in comets B. for their interest in comets
C. of their interest in comets D. their interest in comets

Error Identification
91. The number of people living in poverty have grown to 1.2 million people.
That is about one in every five people.
92. Every second, a hectare of the world rainforest is destroyed. That is equivalent to two
football fields.
93. Recycling helps reducing greenhouse gas emissions that affect global climate.
94. The Games’ organizers faced significant bed shortages because the record number of
more than 13,000 athletes and officials who attended the 2006 Games.
95. The big grow in the population is affecting the developmental activities and demand
for foodstuffs.
96. As the highest mountain on Earth, the Mount Everest represents the ultimate challenge
for mountain climbers.
97. Coal has provided the majority of our electricity and was a principal source of energy
since the Industrial Revolution.
98. The symptoms of diabetes in the early stages are too slight that people do not notice them.
99. Because human eyes are not very good for determining speeds of approaching objects,
radar can show a pilot how fast nearly planes are moving.
100. Not only knowledge and skills or attitudes need to be cultivated for students’ future
adjustment to society.

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