VuThiHoaiThuong Topic3 4901701134

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Full name: Vũ Thị Hoài Thương

Student’s number: 49.01.701.134 Class: 49.01.SPANH.C

Topic 3:
People are increasingly getting married later in life.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?
Do the pros outweigh the cons?
In this day and age, there is a growing trend of people getting married
later in life. While there is much debate about its effects, I believe that
it brings many different consequences to our lives that must be
properly acknowledged of its good and bad sides. On the one hand,
getting married late gives individuals the chance to work on their
quality of life and get to know themselves better. This not only gives
people enough time to focus on either cultivating knowledge and
experience, or simply enjoying their youth, but also helps them
achieve many lofty goals in both study and career. Additionally, it
generates more opportunities and relationships, which aids in
upgrading one’s social status. For example, workers can take on a
higher job position and receive a higher salary, enabling them to
enjoy a better life. It is also important to help people stabilize their
finances before getting married without having to worry about any
unanticipated expenses. On the other hand, delaying marriage poses
challenges and risks for women when it comes to conceiving and
bearing a child. According to scientists, the older females get, the less
sensitive their uterus becomes to oxytocin. Therefore, the older a
mother is, the more likely complications during childbirth are to
occur. Not to mention, babies are at high risk of having Down
syndrome and other health problems. From my point of view, the
advantages of getting married later in life outpaces its disadvantages.

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