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Balayon-Mariano Law Office Information Management System

A Capstone Project Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of the
Information and Communications Technology Program
STI College General Santos City

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Georgette P. Algarme
Jewel Mae P. Bueno
Kayla Mae V. Lumactod
Kent Vicoy

March 2024

TITLE OF RESEARCH: Balayon-Mariano Law Office Management Information


NAME OF PROPONENTS: Georgette P. Algarme

Jewel Mae P. Bueno
Kayla Mae V. Lumactod
Kent Vicoy

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the degree Bachelor of Science in Information System
has been examined and is recommended for Oral Defense.


Chola Marie B. Iglesias

Capstone Project Adviser


Ivy Grace C. Laurente

Capstone Project Coordinator


Kristel Joy Tulagan

Program Head

MARCH 1, 2024

STI College <School Name>


This capstone project proposal titled: Balayon-Mariano Law Office Information

Management System prepared and submitted by Georgette P. Algarme, Jewel Mae P.
Bueno, Kayla Mae V. Lumactod and Kent Vicoy in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, has been examined and
is recommended for acceptance and approval.

Ma’am Chola Marie B. Iglesias

Capstone Project Adviser

Accepted and approved by the Capstone Project Review Panel

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

<Panelist's Given Name MI. Family Name> <Panelist's Given Name MI. Family Name>
Panel Member Panel Member

<Panelist's Given Name MI. Family Name>

Lead Panelist


Ivy Grace Laurente Kristel Joy Tulagan

Capstone Project Coordinator Program Head

MARCH 1, 2024

STI College <School Name>


Title Page i
Endorsement form for Proposal Defense ii
Approval Sheet iii
Table of Contents iv
Introduction 1
Project Context
Purpose and Description
Scope and Limitations

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Project Context

In the bustling realm of legal practice, where every case is unique and every client story
matters, navigating the maze of paperwork and appointments can be overwhelming. It is in
recognizing these daily hurdles that we extend our hand in proposing a solution that does
not just manage tasks, but fosters meaningful connections. We present our innovative
solution the Law Office Management System.

Law Office Management Information System is not just about simplified paperwork it is
about enhancing the legal professionals interact with their clients. By centralizing crucial
data and simplifying the processes, Law Office Management System frees up valuable time
for attorneys to focus on what truly matters providing compassionate and effective legal

At is core, Law office Management System prioritizes the human dimension of legal
practices. It is about making appointment scheduling effortless, ensuring easy access to
important documents, and fostering meaningful connections between clients and legal
practitioners. In a world where efficiency often overshadows empathy, Law Office
Management System stands as a beacon of balance a tool not only optimizes but also
enriches client experiences.

Purpose and Description


The researchers proposed the development of the Law Office Management Information
System to address the aforementioned difficulties. The proposed system will automate the
legal firm’s everyday operations and transactions, such as recording, storing, and managing
client records, attorney records, service records, payment records, and other firm-related

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activities. The solution will allow law firms to record and store crucial documents
electronically for safekeeping and retrieval. Clients will be able to request appointments at
law offices more easily; they will be able to register in the system and schedule
appointments ahead of their visit. Clients will have simple access to an attorney and legal
services through the system.


Our team is spearheading the development of the Law Office Management Information
System to revolutionize how legal firms operate. Law Office Management Information
System automates tasks like record-keeping and appointment scheduling, making it easier
for attorneys and clients to connect. By providing secure electronic storage for documents
and prioritizing user-friendly interfaces, Law Office Management Information System
ensures efficiency and confidentiality.


The researchers generally aim to design, develop, and implement an automated system to
manage daily operations and transactions in a Law firm office.
Specifically, the researchers aim to:
• To design a system that will eliminate paperwork and physical storage in Law firm
• To automate transactions between lawyers and their clients.
• To allow electronic booking of appointments in law firm offices.
• To automate the recording of clients’ information and the service they inquired
about from the law firm.
• To electronically store records of transactions for safe-keeping and easy retrieval.
• To subject the output of the project to an evaluation in terms of user acceptability,
effectiveness, quality, productivity, portability, and reliability.

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Scope and Limitations


The project aims to create a system that makes handling documents at law
firms easier by going digital, so there's no need for stacks of paperwork or
physical storage. It will help lawyers and clients by automating transactions,
making it smoother to handle legal services, payments, and other tasks. Clients
can easily book appointments with lawyers online, making it more convenient
for everyone involved. Recording client information will be done
automatically, making it more accurate and saving time for everyone at the
firm. All records, including transactions and client data, will be stored
electronically, making them easy to find and keeping them safe.


The system's effectiveness may be constrained by the availability and reliability of

internet connectivity, potentially limiting its accessibility in areas with poor internet
infrastructure. The automated system may require initial training and adaptation for
users, which could pose challenges for staff members unfamiliar with digital
platforms. Legal and regulatory constraints may impact the implementation of
certain features, requiring compliance with laws governing data privacy, security,
and confidentiality. The system's scalability may be limited by factors such as
hardware capabilities and software constraints, potentially affecting its ability to
accommodate increased usage or expansion to larger law firms. While the system
aims to enhance efficiency and productivity, it may not completely eliminate
the need for manual intervention in certain processes, particularly in
complex legal matters requiring human judgment and expertise.

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This chapter includes various literary works related to the topic of study and
is used as one of the foundations for the research. It includes Related literature and
Studies that the proponent uses to determine how the studies work and construct
the research statement.

Related Literature

Lawyers’ Work Management at Law Firms

According to (KAWYA, T. 2020). Every single procedure has been mechanized as

a result of the technological revolution by moving from manual to digital methods.
The digitization of business procedures in a law chamber is the focus of this study.
The majority of disorganized workloads and file cabinets are the primary problem
that motivates the proposal of an automated system for attorneys. The system will
be designed with features including the ability to maintain distinct client folders
based on the case category of each customer. Additionally, chatbots, saved
templates, e-versions of reference books, and time reminders and alarms will all be
integrated into the system. All of the aforementioned features must be kept up to
date in cloud storage to allow for constant access via the application. However,
merely arranging the files and responsibilities will not maximize productivity and

One Approach to design and implementation of Law Office Information System

According to (Rojovic, G., Arsenovic, M., Sladojevic, S., Stefanovic, D., Anderla,
A., & Culibrk, D. 2016). Information systems are becoming a necessity in every
line of work. Technology is progressing with enormous speed and small businesses,
as well as big companies, have to keep up with the change so that they can offer
services and products that are better and have more quality. In a line of work such
as the law practice, where every day work cannot be imagined without tons of

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paperwork, information systems can achieve their main goal which is helping the
users’ business by supporting its processes, operations, management and reducing
the amount of paper data. In this paper we describe the process of the design and
implementation of one such system. A certain level of business monitoring can be
achieved by manual records such as paperwork, but such records are not fast and
precise enough. They are prone to errors because human factor is involved too
much. Paperwork is often subjective and performing certain actions often requires
involvement of several people, and if the time factor is added to it all, it becomes
clear that expenses rise significantly.

Investigating the Impact of the Implementation of a Legal Practice Management

System on Employee Productivity at a Small Law Firm

According to (Pilun-owad, Dr. O. 2013). Many intervention techniques were used.

To match the sociostructurally with the technical structure during the
implementation phase of the system to reduce any opposition to the modifications.
Following implementation The productivity of employees has significantly
improved, according to the results, specifically a shorter search and management
times for documentation, improved accuracy, and transparency in scheduling and
monitoring everyone's calendars, as well as reducing the chance of losing records.
Employees now have more authority to respond to clients more quickly. queries
with the least amount of waiting time using a consolidated, online information
system. The impacts of implementing a software package are the main topic of this
study the Legal Practice Management System in order to facilitate the running and
administration of a the impact of legal practice on worker productivity. The main
entity is a Thai legal practice. employing thirty-two individuals, which has
encountered numerous commercial obstacles from both factors both external and
internal. This business procedure made possible by information technology was
chosen as the primary organizational development strategy to deal with some of the
current organizational difficulties. The Legal Practice Management System was
implemented over the course of eight months. The 6As Implementation Framework
was created by the researcher and combines the Socio-Technology Theory and the

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Appreciative Inquiry principle (STS). It served as the Framework for this project's

Web-Based Lawyer Information System Design at Nurhadisigit Law Office

According to (Azis, M. S. 2021). Most everyone recognizes of the existence of

information systems these days. Various components of the community. In the
areas of public administration, education, and private sector; even UMKN has
begun to use data systems in the course of their operations. The evolution of
Information system technology is still influencing this subject somewhat. The
component of becoming a lawyer is one of them. Within the 4.0 revolution era,
attorneys need to use internet-based data framework. This is done to facilitate
clients' quick access to information and precisely.

Related Studies

Law Office Management Information System

The Law Office Management Information System is designed to streamline law

firm office’s daily operations and transactions. The said project will automate
recording, storing, and management of client’s records, attorney’s records, services
records, payment records, and other activities in the firm. The records and other
documents of the firm will be stored in a database and is accessible by authorized
personnel for easy retrieval.

Before the emergence of technology, law firms manually managed their operation.
From recording clients and services information to processing clients’ requests for
legal service to payment and other transactions of the firm. The clerical staff and
the lawyer’s sort on using printed records and physical storage which is very
inefficient. Important documents may be misplaced and attorneys may face
difficulties in retrieving the documents. The manual method is inefficient, time-
consuming, and requires too much effort. There is an evident need to upgrade the

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current system used in managing daily operations and transactions of the law firm
office. (November 28, 2021).

Expert System Development for Law Firm Using Information and Communication
Technology in Indonesia

According to (Budi Endarto 2023). The rise of information technology has

completely transformed how industries operate, and the legal field is no exception.
This shift means that law firms have to get more creative and forward-thinking
when it comes to integrating technology into their processes. It's no longer enough
for a law firm to rely solely on its reputation and the quality of its services; they
also need to embrace technology to stay competitive. This study aims to shed light
on why it is crucial for law firms to develop expert systems, essentially
sophisticated software, to streamline and improve legal processes. The research
methodology used a combination of legal theory and practical concepts to explore
this need. The hope is that this study will paint a picture of how modern law firms
are structured in this digital age. The findings of the study stress the importance of
law firms adapting to and utilizing technology to meet the growing demand for
efficiency and comply with evolving regulations. This means not only
implementing systems for managing legal knowledge but also integrating expert
systems that can perform tasks like diagnosis, planning, and generating legal
arguments. In simpler terms, law firms need to embrace technology just like any
other industry to keep up with the times and provide better services to their clients.

Digitalization of the Legal and the Future of Legal Law Firms

According to (Caserta, S. 2020). The article explores the organizational

transformation that big law firms need undertake to be competitive in the
increasingly digital legal market. The article offers a unique and radical strategy for
changing major law companies in light of digitalization, while also giving a brief

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historical overview of the development of large law firms and the difficulties
brought about by the emergence of digital capitalism and the gig economy. Among
other topics covered in the paper are the importance of multidisciplinary practices
and the relationship between lawyers and non-lawyers within firms, the partnership
as an organizational tool for large law firms in an increasingly digital and agile legal
field, and the centrality of outsourcing strategies to legal tech companies and other
actors in order to deliver legal services more effectively.

Research and Application of Business Law Information Management System Based

on Big Data

According to (Yaxiang Fan 2022). China’s manufacturing industry has set off a
wave of digital transformation innovation, and the commercial law information
management system, as one of the important tools to enhance the intelligent
management ability of enterprises, will also face a new round of reform and
upgrade. Building an “intelligent commercial law information management system
platform” is the primary transformation path for traditional manufacturing
enterprises to realize intelligent upgrading of commercial law information
management system. The “intelligent commercial law information management
system platform” is a management information sharing service platform that
enables enterprises to achieve the goal of collaborative management by integrating
their own business models and product technology needs with the help of emerging
digital technologies, which can help enterprises realize the organic integration of
business processes, risk management, value creation, and other management needs
and change the original. The platform can help enterprises realize the organic
integration of business processes, risk management, value creation, and other
management needs and change the focus of the traditional financial shared service
center, so that the enterprise business law information management system can be
shifted to the enterprise strategy-oriented, focusing on risk control, decision
support, and other high-level management. Therefore, it is particularly important to

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evaluate and optimize the “intelligent business law information management
system platform” of manufacturing enterprises in the process of digital
transformation. In this context, this paper conducts research and application of
commercial law information management system based on big data, conducts an
in-depth study on the current status of commercial law information management
system in China, and provides an outlook on commercial law information
management in China by establishing a relevant model system.

The Laws of Information Systems

According to (Chandra Amaravadi 2004). Routine scientific activity consists of

observing a phenomenon of interest, theorizing about it and carrying out tests. Laws
are definite and interesting relationships among variables that are bye-products of
this activity. They are the basis for knowledge in a discipline and serve to give it its
identity. Laws are common in scientific disciplines such as Mathematics and
Chemistry. Applied fields such as engineering are characterized more by the
application of knowledge while humanistic disciplines such as management tend to
be characterized by paradigms or complex relationships between amorphous
variables. Information systems is an amalgamated discipline that shares some
characteristics in common with sociology, engineering as well as with scientific
disciplines. To the extent that it is a science, we have a number of laws and theories,
to the extent that is engineering and sociology, we have a number of paradigms and
principles. In this paper, a number of laws, paradigms and principles concerning
information systems and its development are discussed. The subject of these range
from transaction volumes to the nature of good systems. They invite further
elaboration, testing, analysis and refutation.


The " Balayon-Mariano Law Office Information Management System" project

aims to modernize law firm operations by automating manual tasks. It will create a
central system to manage client, lawyer, service, and payment records. Using a

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database, this system will improve accessibility and efficiency, allowing authorized
staff to quickly find documents. Previously, law firms used slow and manual
methods to run their operations. They kept physical records that could easily be
lost, making it hard to find documents. This inefficient process wasted time and

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Overview of Current Technologies to be Used in the System

The technical background for the "Balayon-Mariano Law Office Information

Management System" encompasses a range of current technologies aimed at
enhancing information management, collaboration, and productivity within
the legal firm. Key components of the technical background include:

Database Management Systems (DBMS): DBMS products such as MySQL,

PostgreSQL, or Microsoft SQL server will be used to provision the necessary
high security environment for the cases database, clients and legal documents.

Web Development Technologies: For the user interface and backend

functionalities, it will pick the latest web development frameworks e.g. Django,
Ruby on Rails, or ASP.NET.

Document Management Systems (DMS): The system will integrate document

management platforms for example, SharePoint, Alfresco, or OpenText into
the system to organize, ensure version control, and securely store documents
in a client specific manner.

Cloud Computing Services: The project will utilize the cloud computing
technologies like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google
Cloud Platform for the facile business model, data security, and accessibility
of the information system.

User Authentication and Access Control: Authentication process will be based

on technologies such as OAuth, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), or LDAP and will
ensure the safe user entry to the system with special level access to certain

Communication and Collaboration Tools: The communication system will be

based on technologies like WebRTC and WebSocket so as to support both uni-

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directional and bi-directional communication. It will optimize the integration
with other main email and messaging platforms since use of APIs will be

Data Security and Encryption: The following project will adapt ecryption
protocols (SSL/TLS) to data transmission security and employ data-at-rest
encryption algorithms (AES) in order to keep up with the legal framework and
implement higher level of security for the confidential data.

Calendar of Activities

The schedule of activities for programming of the "Balayon-Mariano Law Office

Information Management System" is a series of goals that have corresponding tasks
and time table to be completed.The activities include:

Requirements Gathering and Analysis: At this stage, attaining stakeholders into

meetings for requirements gathering, creation of user stories register and process
analysis will take about 2 weeks.

System Design and Architecture: Working on all these, especially the main one
which is creating the general architecture of the system, database schema and user
interface wireframes based on the main requirements - Duration: 3 weeks.

Prototype Development: Creating and putting together the less complicated model
of the information management system at first, with the functions - Set deadline 4

Alpha Testing and Feedback: Involve don't forget humanizing the internal users for
traceability of bugs, systems' refinement and providing the feedback. - Duration 14
days (Alpha Testing and Feedback Session with Co-workers)

Beta Testing and Iterative Development: At the initial stage, limiting the pilot
version of the project to a small subset of the customers for testing out and
continuous development based on the procedural information from the end-users is

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a crucial resource – people will be helpful to the system improvement – Duration:
1 min.

Integration and Deployment: Consisting of inventory balance and subsystems

components, implementing system integrations tests, and deployment the last
version - information management system - is around 4 weeks.

User Training and Documentation: Users help slats by writing operation and
maintenance manuals for them, conducting workshops for users and performing
other ongoing duties for this support - Duration: Two weeks.

Quality Assurance and Final Review: There are versioning applications for quality
assurance checking (if any problems exist) stability, repetition, and review of the
system by the team+ - Duration: 1 weeks.

System Launch and Post-Implementation Support: i-Start stage that deals with
installation, follow-up on performance monitoring and creation of support roles
after implementation - continuity.

Evaluation and Continuous Improvement: To make appraisal a frequent thing,

where users input is captured and this positive input is then used to implement the
needed changes that will make the system more useful and friendly to the user – all
these happening on an ongoing basis.

This activity calendar for the project for "Balayon-Mariano law office information
management system" describes a schedule and expected deliverables defining
project manager approach and logistics, facilitating the process.

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Gantt Chart of Activities

Formation of the Group
Formation of Title Proposals
Presentation of partial-candidate and
candidate titles and selection of
official title
Selection of Capstone Project
Finalizing the Proposal
Data Gathering or Product Backlog
Planning – (Diagrams making)
Documentation Writing
System Development
Review to the Product Owner
Testing to the School

Completed Activities On going

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Resources that are being used by the proponents/developers of the system:


• Laptop Computer – a portable personal computer with a minimum of

Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5 processor, a minimum of 8GB of RAM,
at least 500GB of storage, a display monitor with at least 1080p
resolution, and runs on Windows 10 or higher.



• Figma – is a cloud-based design tool for creating wireframes.

Web Testing Tool

• XAMPP – is a free and open-source web server solution designed for

developers to create and test web applications on their local machines.
It is primarily used in conjunction with PHP and MySQL.


• Visual Studio Code – is a lightweight and a free code editor made by

Microsoft. It supports various programming language, but it is
predominantly utilized for website development.

• Visual Studio – is an integrated development environment (IDE) made

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by Microsoft. It is a comprehensive platform for creating complex
software applications at scale.


• Microsoft Word – is a word processing tool used for creating, editing,

formatting, and printing several types of documents.

Microsoft PowerPoint – is a presentation tool used for creating, editing,

and delivering visual and multimedia presentations.

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Requirements Analysis

The Law Office Management Information System (LOMIS) requirement analysis involves
a comprehensive examination of the needs, objectives, and constraints to ensure the system
effectively meets the requirements of lawyers, paralegals, administrative staff, and other
stakeholders. To ensure that the requirements of the system appropriately represent the
different demands of the user community, surveys and interviews with lawyers, paralegals,
and administrative staff are done to understand their wants, preferences, and pain points.
The establishment of appropriate requirements is guided by a comprehensive analysis of
the current or existing system to determine its capabilities and limitations. The system's
main users will be administrative personnel, paralegals, and attorneys. Case management,
time tracking and billing, document management, calendaring and scheduling,
communication, and reporting are among the business operations carried out by the Law
Office Management Information System.

Functional Requirements:

➢ Case Management:
• Ability to maintain case profiles with details such as case information, deadlines,
documents, and contacts.
• Capability to handle case inquiries, updates, and requests efficiently.
• Functionality to manage case progress, deadlines, and milestones seamlessly.
➢ Time Tracking and Billing:
• Ability to track billable hours, expenses, and client accounts accurately.
• Functionality to generate invoices, statements, and billing reports.
• Capability to integrate with accounting systems for financial management.
➢ Document Management:

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• Capability to organize and securely store legal documents, including pleadings,
contracts, and research materials.
• Functionality to track document versions, revisions, and access permissions.
• Ability to search, retrieve, and share documents efficiently.
➢ Calendar and Scheduling:
• Capability to manage appointments, court dates, meetings, and deadlines.
• Functionality to schedule tasks, set reminders, and allocate resources.
• Integration with email and collaboration tools for seamless communication.
Non -Functional Requirements:
➢ Security:
• The system should ensure data privacy and confidentiality in compliance
with legal regulations.
• Access controls and encryption mechanisms should be in place to protect
sensitive information.
• Audit trails should be maintained to track user activities and detect
unauthorized access.
➢ Performance:
• The system should respond promptly to user interactions and process
transactions efficiently.
• Response times for critical functions such as case updates and document
retrieval should be minimal.
• Scalability:
• The system should be able to accommodate an increasing number of cases,
users, and data volumes over time.
• It should scale seamlessly to handle growth without compromising
performance or reliability.
➢ Usability:
• The user interface should be intuitive, user-friendly, and accessible across
different devices and platforms.

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• Lawyers, paralegals, and administrative staff should be able to navigate the
system easily and perform tasks efficiently.
• Training and support resources should be provided to help users effectively
utilize the system.
➢ Reliability:
• The system should be reliable and available whenever needed, with minimal
downtime or disruptions.
• Backup and recovery mechanisms should be in place to protect against data
loss and ensure business continuity.
• Redundancy and failover mechanisms should be implemented to minimize
the impact of hardware or software failures.

Requirement Documentation

The Law Office Management Information System, It is here to make life easier by taking
care of the nitty-gritty tasks, freeing up time for lawyers, paralegals, and administrative
staff to focus on what really matters serving their clients. The Law Office Management
Information System as the engine that drives the office forward, helping to modernize and
streamline operations. It's like giving the office a digital makeover, bringing in automation
to tackle tasks more efficiently and improving overall performance. The group members
define the system's objectives and scope, outlining the primary goals such as optimizing
operations, enhancing efficiency, and improving overall performance within the Office.
Furthermore, it describes the important aspects, tools, and boundaries that shape the
development and integration of The Law Office Management Information System. This
covers both the practical functions and the broader aspects like ease of use and security,
ensuring that The Law Office Management Information System serves the client just the
way they need it to. By following these guidelines, The Law Office Management
Information System becomes like a trusted ally, helping to boost the efficiency and
effectiveness of managing the law office. Think of this documentation as a roadmap,
guiding the way to develop and introduce The Law Office Management Information
System in a way that caters to the needs of everyone in the office. It's like having a clear
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path laid out ahead, ensuring that The Law Office Management Information System truly
becomes a valuable asset for everyone involved in running the law office smoothly and

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Amaravadi, C. (2004). (PDF) The laws of information systems. The Laws of Information

Azis, M. S. (2021, January 1). Web-based lawyer Information System Design at

Nurhadisigit Law Office. Repository Nusamandiri.

Caserta, S. (2020, June 21). Digitalization of the legal field and the future of large law
firms. MDPI.

Endarto, B. (2024). Expert System Development for Law Firm Using Information and

Communication Technology in Indonesia.


Huang, L. (2022, September 8). Research and application of Business Law Information
Management System based on Big Data. Journal of Sensors.
QA9TD5TBDgyJJeBi4fu (2023, November 8). Law Office Management Information System in

bootstrap and PHP Script - free source code 2024.

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INFOTEH, J. (2016). RS. One approach to design and implementation of law office
information system.

KAWYA, T. (2020). (PDF) the management of law firms using business process
management, ...

Pilun-owad, Dr. O. (2013, January 1). Investigating the impact of the implementation of a
legal practice management system on employee productivity at a small law firm.

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