Week 07 Task Assignment Someone That I Admire

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“Año de la unidad, la paz y el desarrollo”


Kiara Abigail Chanduvi Castillo Jhon Alexis Aldana Amaya

Vanessa Humbertina Silupu Ortega

Inglés IV

29 de setiembre del 2023

The person I admire, Mario Vargas Llosa, was born in Arequipa on March 28, 1936, and later
moved to Lima. He studied law and literature at the National University of San Marcos. Another
significant milestone in his career is his admission to the Leoncio Prado military academy, where
he found inspiration to write his famous novel "The City and the Dogs."

In addition, he is the first Spanish-speaking author to have received the most prestigious award
in literature in the last 20 years. The most notable of these awards is the Nobel Prize for
Literature in 2010, which he received for his "exploration of power structures and the creation
of resolute images of resistance, rebellion, and the individual's defeat." This honor was
bestowed upon him by the Swedish Academy.

Finally, the character I admire is one of the most iconic and significant figures in Peru, being
nationally and internationally recognized. They have received important awards and continue
to have the vitality to represent us and elevate Peru's reputation.

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