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I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. Understand the importance of using mother tongue and multilingual

language in learning context.
B. Identify the challenges and potential solutions of implementing MTB-
C. Apply MTB-MLE in communicating and expressing ideas.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Implementing MTB-MLE: Success, Challenges and Potential

B. Materials: Television, Powerpoint and laptop
C. Reference: Language Program & Policies in Multilingual Societies, pp.

III. Procedure

A. Premilinary Activities

1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
4. Review

B. Motivation

Your class will be divided into two groups . Each group will be assigned to
read on research article related to the implementation of MTB-MLE in the
Philippines. Give your insights about it.
Group 1: Espada.,J,et al.(2017).Challenges in the implementation of the
mother tongue-based multilingual education program: A case study .
Research Journal of English Language and Literature, 5(4),510-527

Group 2: Metila,R., Pradilla, L, & Williams, A.(2016). The challenges of

implementing mother tongue education in linguistically diverse contexts:
The Case Study of the Philippines. Asia Pacific Education Research,25(5-6),

C. Lesson Proper

1. Activity

In a whole sheet of paper, create a 1-2 paragraphs and explain the

importance of using MTB-MLE in a classroom context. The class will be
given 10 minutes to answer the given question and present their output in
front of the class.

2. Analysis

The teacher will ask the following questions: (oral participation)

 What is your understanding about MTB-MLE?

 What are the problems and challenges encountered by MTB-MLE?
 Do you agree that MTB-MLE should be implemented?
 How important is the MTB-MLE in teaching and learning process?
 Why is Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Language Education
important for teachers and students?

3. Abstraction

Since we’ve learned already about the role of MTB-MLE in teaching and
learning process. Let us now focus in the Success, Challenges, and
Potential solutions that the MTB-MLE faces.
Successes of MTB-MLE:

 Improved learning outcomes: Studies have shown that the students who
are taught in their mother tongue are more likely to perform better
academically than those who are taught in a second of third language.
 Promotes cultural preservation: MTB-MLE recognizes and promotes the
cultural identity of students by using their mother tongue as a medium of
instruction. This help to preserve and promote cultural diversity.
 Enhances language development: Learning in one’s mother tongue helps
to develop language skills, which can then transffered to other languages.

Challenges of MTB-MLE:

 Lack of resources: Implementing MTB-MLE requires resources such as

textbooks, trained teachers, and teaching materials in local languages. In
many cases, these resources are not readily available.
 Resistance from teachers and parents: Teachers and parents may resist
the use of local languages as the medium of instruction due to cultural
biases or lack of confidence in the effectiveness of approach.
 Limited teacher training: Teachers may not have necessarytraining to
teach in local language, which can hinder the implementation of MTB-

Potential solutions to the challenges:

 Increase investment in resources: Governments and donors can invest

more in resources such as textbooks, teaching materials, and teaching
training to support the implementation of MTB-MLE.
 Increase awareness and sensitization: Communities need to be sensitized
about the importance of MTB-MLE, its benefits, and how it can be
effectively implemented.
 Collaboration with stakeholders: Collaboration with stakeholders such as
local communities, educators, and policymakers can help to address the
challenges and find solutions that work for all parties.

In conclusion, the implementation of MTB-MLE has had significant success

in improving learning outcomes, promoting cultural preservation, and
enhancing language development. However, there are still challenges to
overcome, such as a lack of resources, resistance from teachers and parents,
and limited teacher training. Governments, donors, and communities can
work together to overcome these challenges by increasing investment in
resources, increasing awareness and sensitization, and collaborating with

4. Application

The teacher will be divide the class into 2 groups, each group should
present a role play about the possible issues and challenges of
implementing MTB-MLE.


Creativity - 20%
Content - 40%
Originality - 20%
Delivery - 20%
Total - 100%

IV. Evaluation

Directions. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What does MTB-MLE stands for?

a. Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education

b. Mainstream Teaching in Bilingual Setting
c. Modern Teaching of Multicultural Languages
d. None of the above

2. What is the purpose of MTB-MLE?

a. To provide instruction in the mother tongue of the students.

b. To promote multilingualism and cultural diversity.
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

3. What are some benefits of MTB-MLE

a. Improved learning outcomes
b. Increased retention and completion rates
c. Preservation of language and culture
d. All of the above

4. What are some potential solutions to overcome the challenges of

MTB-MLE implementation?

a. Increase funding of MTB-MLE programs

b. Train more teachers in MTB-MLE methodologies
c. Develop and distribute more appropriate material.
d. All of the above

5. What is the importance of MTB-MLE in education?

a. It ensures that student receive instruction in a language they

b. It promotes linguistic and cultural diversity
c. It improves learning outcomes and increases retention and
completion rates.
d. All of the above

6. What House bill Act stated of suspending the implementation in the

use of mother tongue as the medium of instruction for kindergarten
to grade 3?

a. House bill No. 6155

b. House bill No. 6125
c. House bill No. 7125
d. House bill No. 5555

7. Who introduced in the House bill Act suspending the implementation

in the use of mother tongue as a medium of instruction for
kindergarten to grade 3?

a. Senator Bato Dela Rosa

b. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
c. Former President Rodrigo Duterte
d. Representative Roman Romulo
8-10 Essay

Give your thoughts and idea about the act suspending the
implementation of mother tongue as a medium of instruction for

D. Assignment

In a whole sheet of paper write atleast 300 words about what you
have learned in our lesson.

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