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We've created a B2B marketing community for marketing managers & CMOs/Founders.

Access expert-led masterminds and grab tools





Content Repurposing
Content Repurposing
Content Repurposing
Content Repurposing
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
CRO & Positioning
External Links
External Links


Insights Gathering
Insights Gathering
Insights Gathering
Insights Gathering
Insights Gathering
Insights Gathering
Insights Gathering
Internal links
Internal links
Internal links
Internal links
Internal links
Internal links
Search Intent
Search Intent
Search Intent
Title tag
Title tag
Title tag
Ux & Technical
Ux & Technical
Ux & Technical
Ux & Technical
Ux & Technical
Ux & Technical
Ux & Technical
Ux & Technical
Ux & Technical
a B2B marketing community for marketing managers & CMOs/Founders. Access expert-led masterminds and grab tools & templates, SOPs! All for F
Quality: How can you make your post more valueable to the users compared to the competitors?
Quality: Write for users, not for SEO.
H1: Contain target keyword
Intro Paragraph: Be attention-grabbing, outlining the core benefits the users would get
Quality: Break up content into short paragraphs for ease of reading. Add subheadings if needed.

H1: Be descriptive and attention-grabbing

Subheaders: Include keyword or related keywords in H2s and H3s

Subheaders: Be unique and descriptive - Anticipating users' next questions

Quality: Give
Quality: Avoida jargons, make
quick recap thesure the at
article readability leve is(TLDR),
the beginning as low as possible in a stand-out format (different
Quality: In the conclusion section, outlinet the core next setps users should take
Review: Make sure there's an SME review process
Extract key points/quotes & unique angle from the blog post for ongoing content repurposing
Present the
Present the content
content in
in different
different narrative
formats (videos, slides, infographics,
angles (actionable, texts)analytical, contrarian, observation,
X. vs Y, present vs future)
Have a distribution plan in place (Twitter, Linkedin, Community)
Hero: Clear Main Message in Brief Glance (Under 5 Seconds)
Hero image communicates before-after state of the ideal customer

Content: Copy Focuses on Users and Their Benefits

Content: Clear Differentiation from Current Solutions
Content: Proactively Handling Common Objections
Content: Features and Benefits are Specific
Content: Consistent Style Across the Page
Others: Attractive Exit-Intent Offer

Hero: Prominent CTA Button Over the Fold that Contrasts with the Background
Hero: CTA Copy is Specific and Conveys a Benefit
Hero: Trust Elements are Present (badges, ratings, stats, etc)
Content: Bold Claims Supported with Relevant Proof
Form: Clear Post-Submission Expectations
Form: Multistep Forms for Ease of Completion
Others: Easy Access to Contact Channels
Link to relevant authoritative resources
Aim for at least 2-3 external links
Use in-product images

Use unique images, not stock images

All text added to all images, include your keyword on at least 1 if possible
Ensure image file names are relevant to the cont on the page, include your keyword where possible
Optimize size of images
Add multiple images to break up the content
Conduct interviews with your customers - Add more insights to your current pages over time.
Review sales materials for more ideas
Sync with your customer teams for more ideas
Review industry-specific newsletters
Gather info from webinars & podcasts
Leverage internal statistics to make your content more valueable and stand out
Gather insights from industry-specific forums
Link to other topically relevant blog pages
Link from other topically relevant blog pages
Link to relevant use case/software pages
The first link holds the most weight - Use it to link to conversion pages to boost performance
Add a link to a relevant lead magnet
Descriptive Anchor Text for Links
Include CTA (Learn more, etc)
Simple Sentence Structures
Active Voice Usage
Consistent Tense Application
Limit Jargon
Manageable Paragraph Length
Utilize Bullet Points and Lists
Employ Synonyms and Variations
Does your post match what Google prefers (Which kind of pages dominates the search result?)
How do the top competitors format their content? Match them.
Aim to format content to qualify for rich snippets or featured snippets in search results.
Does this content support the overall company's OKR?
What metrics/KPIs do we use to determine success?
What's the unique angle we're trying to highlight?
Keep it aligned with the post title
Contain target keyword (x1)
Highlight benefits/diferentiators to hook users (Make it click-worthy)
Keep URL as short as possible
Keep URL descriptive & Add target keyword
Keep URL clean (No stop words, no special characters)
Use subfolders (/blog/ ; /compare/ ; /software; etc)
Content should be hown by default to the user, without hiding it in tabs
Every indexed
Every page of the
pagesite should
should bebe responsive:
included in thePass
site Google's mobile(Avoiding
XML Sitemap validationto include non-indexable, error,
redirected, or canonicalized pages)
Important pages (Blog, Use cases, Case studies) shouble be indexable and canonicalised (feature an index,
follow meta robots tag and a self-referring canonical tag, including the indexable URL)
Add structured
Add a table of contents at the
data to the top(Most frequent ones are: FAQ Schema, Article Schema, Organization
Is theanpage
Add fast?
author Page
box should
to the pageload
withunder 3 seconds.
information about who's writing the content (more relevant for blogs) -
Link to social media handles - show expertise in the author bio section
Breadcrumbs at the top of each page so the user + search engine can follow the links back to the root
Do you end your video with a call to action?
User-Directed Playback for Videos
Priority Completed?
High 1
High 0
High 1
High 1
High 0

High 0

High 1

High 0

High 1
High 1
High 1
Medium 0
Medium FALSE
Medium FALSE
Medium FALSE
High 0
High 0
High 1
High 1
High 1
High 0
High 1
High 0
Low 0
Medium 0
Medium 0
Medium 0
Medium 0
Medium 1
Medium 0
Medium 1
Medium 1
Medium 0
Medium 0
High 0

High 1

Medium 0
Medium 0
Medium 0
Medium 1
High 1
High 0
Medium 1
Medium FALSE
Medium FALSE
Medium 0
High 0
High 1
High 0
High 0
Medium 0
Medium 0
Medium 0
High 1
High 0
High 0
High 0
Medium 1
Medium 1
Medium 1
High 1
High 0
High 0
High 0
High 1
High 0
High 1
High 0
Medium 0
High 0
High 1
High 0
High 0
Medium 1
Medium 0
Medium 1
Medium 0
Medium 1
High 0
Medium 0

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