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Making Podcasts Work for Business

• social media algorithms: các thuật toán của mạng xã hội
• costlier live teleconferences: các cuộc hội nghị truyền hình trực
tiếp có chi phí cao hơn
• For on-demand consumption: để tiêu thụ theo yêu cầu
• TV personality: một nhân vật truyền hình được biết đến
• An archive of lessons: kho lưu trữ các bài học
• Product endorsement: giới thiệu / quáng bá sản phẩm
• Celebrity endorsement:
• Product placement:
• Media coverage: phủ sóng truyền thông
• Virtual community
• Public relations (PR):
• rank-and-file employee: …cấp dưới
• Viral marketing
• Offers and Freebies: các ưu đãi, quà tặng
Marketing – Advertising - Podcasts – Blogs -> their
relations in a business?
Marketing – Advertising
Podcasts - Blogs
• Advertising is a marketing technique.
• Podcasts and Blogs are two types of digital media that are popular in the
modern technology world.
• Podcasts are digital audio programs that listeners can download or stream
online from the internet. They often include interviews, discussions, or
specialized content on a variety of topics, and the hosts are typically
presenters or experts in the field.
• Blogs are websites or social media platforms where writers (bloggers) can
share posts, critiques, or other textual content on diverse subjects such as
news, personal reflections, new products or services, and more. Blog posts
are usually updated regularly and can be shared on social media or through
Marketing – Advertising - Podcasts – Blogs
• In a company, marketing, advertising, podcasts, and blogs are
interconnected components of the overall digital strategy.
• Marketing strategies often drive the creation of podcasts and blogs as
platforms to engage with the audience and promote products or services.
• Advertising may complement these efforts by amplifying the reach of
podcasts and blogs through paid promotions on various channels.
• Additionally, podcasts and blogs serve as valuable content marketing tools,
providing informative and engaging content to attract and retain
• Overall, these elements work together to enhance brand visibility,
customer engagement, and ultimately, business growth.
1–e 3–b 5–d
2–a 4–f 6-c
Product placement
1. What defines podcasts?

• A) Visual video programs distributed weekly.

• B) Audio programs similar to radio shows, available for on-demand
• C) Live radio broadcasts aired daily.
• D) Written articles published monthly on various digital platforms.
• Answer: B) Audio programs similar to radio shows, available for on-
demand playback.
2. What is the origin of the term "podcast"?

• A) Combination of "broadcasting" and "iPad."

• B) Derived from "portable audio device" and "broadcast."
• C) Fusion of "broadcasting" and "iPod" (Apple MP3 player).
• D) Conjunction of "broadcast" and "podium."
• Ans: C) Fusion of "broadcasting" and "iPod" (Apple MP3 player).
3. Which factor contributes to companies'
interest in podcasting?
• A) Increased reliance on social media algorithms.
• B) Narrowing down their media channels for targeted advertising.
• C) Expanding their reach beyond social media platforms.
• D) Decreased independence from social media algorithms.
• Ans: C) Expanding their reach beyond social media platforms.
4. How do firms utilize podcasts for internal
• A) To replace social media engagement with staff.
• B) To reduce the frequency of live teleconferences.
• C) To inform, engage, and train staff.
• D) To increase reliance on traditional training methods.
• Ans: C) To inform, engage, and train staff.
5. Which statement about the internal use of
podcasts is true?
• A) Podcasts primarily serve as a substitute for written policies.
• B) Podcasts are not suitable for on-demand consumption by staff.
• C) Podcasts often replace expensive live teleconferences.
• D) Podcasts are used to limit staff engagement and communication.
• Ans: C) Podcasts often replace expensive live teleconferences.
6. What is suggested to attract listeners to a
• A) The host should be a well-known businessperson or TV personality.
• B) The host's identity is irrelevant to the success of the podcast.
• C) The podcast should primarily focus on niche topics.
• D) The podcast should rely solely on social media algorithms for
• Ans: A) The host should be a well-known businessperson or TV
7. What are some benefits of Education
• A) They are only useful for auditory learners.
• B) They facilitate accessible learning for students, including those with
disabilities, anytime and anywhere.
• C) They are primarily focused on creating an archive of lessons.
• D) They are limited to specific times and locations for learning.
• Ans: B) They facilitate accessible learning for students, including those
with disabilities, anytime and anywhere.
8. Which statement is true regarding
Education Podcasts?
• A) They are exclusively designed for auditory learners.
• B) They are irrelevant for students with disabilities.
• C) They primarily aim to create live lessons rather than an archive.
• D) They provide accessible learning for students, especially those with
disabilities, anytime and anywhere.
• Ans: D) They provide accessible learning for students, especially those
with disabilities, anytime and anywhere.
• Podcasts with sizable audiences will attract (10)……………….. 2,000
most popular podcasts draw the (11) ………………..of the top five most
prolific podcasts advertisers among more than 9,000 brands buying
podcast ads. Sought-after podcasters also have sponsors and get paid
for product (12)……………………….

• 10: advertisers
• 11: likes
• 12: endorsements
13: What is a Blog?
• A) A website exclusively for selling products or services.
• B) A platform for sharing personal anecdotes and stories.
• C) A website or social media platform with well-crafted articles or
commentaries on various topics.
• D) A platform primarily for uploading photos and videos.
• Ans: C) A website or social media platform with well-crafted articles
or commentaries on various topics.
14: Why do businesses use blogs?
• A) To focus solely on internal communication with employees.
• B) To provide entertainment to customers and employees.
• C) To keep customers, employees, and the public informed.
• D) To sell products or services directly to customers.
• Ans: C) To keep customers, employees, and the public informed.
15: How do businesses utilize blogs?
• A) They use blogs exclusively for internal communication with
• B) They use blogs primarily for sharing personal stories and
• C) They use blogs to communicate internally with employees and
externally with the public.
• D) They use blogs solely for selling products or services.
• Ans: C) They use blogs to communicate internally with employees and
externally with the public.
• Businesses utilize blogs for a variety of purposes. They use them to create
virtual (16)........................... and foster engagement among their
audience. Additionally, blogs serve as powerful tools for (17)
…………relations, (18) ………………relations, and (19) …………. research. They
also facilitate internal (20)........................... within the company, aiding in
online community building and recruitment efforts. Internal blogs on
corporate (21) …………..platforms act as information hubs, encouraging
discussion, and cultivating a sense of community among employees.
• 16. communities
• 17. public
• 18. customer
• 19. market
• 20. communication
• 21. intranet
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Yes, the potential impact does affect the formality as companies

strive to maintain professionalism, credibility, and effective
communication in their interactions with stakeholders..
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