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Material and Economic Self Assessment

Name: Date:
General Instruction: Read the instructions first before answering. Failure to apply the given instructions is automatically
wrong. Good luck!

Self-interest minimization Social value Class estimation Central Cathexis

Possessions Material self Money Incestment Class essentialism
Business value Loss of body parts Physiologists Psychologists Self-interest maximization
Self Loss of limb/hand Significant Investment Self-sufficiency
Social self Process addiction Unintentional Beneficial Animation
Transition Calexis Pets Grief Happiness
Instruction: Provide what is being described in each statements. Write your answers clearly and legibly after
each statement. Choose your answers from the list below the general instruction. Strictly NO ERASURES.
Mag-decide ka kasi muna kung ano isasagot mo bago ka magsulat.
1) This loss is tantamount to losing one’s identity and one’s very own being.
2) This refers to the idea that differences between classes are based upon identity and genetics rather than
3) This refers to the idea that suggests that those having most money are more likely to take a “what’s in it
for me” attitude.
4) This is the compulsive behaviour motivated by a process that leads to a positive outcome.
5) When this thing is offered as motivation, people start thinking less of social aspect and more about
business value.
6) This refers to all physical elements that reflect who a person is.
7) Recognizing this value of a task makes a person see that the task is worth of the investment of time.

8) They have found that money can powerfully influence our thoughts and actions.
Instruction: Write in the blanks provided the missing words or phrases. Choose your answers from the list
below the general instruction. Strictly NO ERASURES.
a) If 1)__________ are valued as part of self, it follows that an 2)__________ loss of possessions
should be regarded as a loss of 3)__________. For example, when (no. 1) are lost due to theft
or casualty, a process of mourning and 4)__________ may follow the discovery of theft.
b) 5)__________ are commonly regarded as representatives of self (Foote, 1956). Like people,
pets are regarded as family members, therefore, it is 6)__________ to name our (no.5), feed
and care for them, and mourn for their death. Pets are also often useful as 7)__________
objects: surrogate parents for children and surrogate children for adults.
c) Body parts are among the most 8)__________ parts of extended self. 9)_________ involves
charging of an object with emotional energy by the individual. It is the emotional
10)__________ to certain body parts.
Instruction: Enumerate what is asked. Pwede na po ang erasures dito. But, it’s still better to keep your paper
neat and clean.
1) 5 common examples that describes the material self of a person

2) 2 definitions of “pets” based on what was discussed

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